ContentsBoard of Directors 2Directors, Professional Advisers etc 4Financial Highlights 5Notice of Annual General Meeting 6Chairman’s Statement 7MD/CEO’s Statement 11Corporate Governance Report 16The Company 21Report of Directors 30Report of the Audit Committee 36Report of the Independent Auditors 37Statement of Financial Position 40Statement of Profit or Loss 41Statement of Change in Equity 42Statement of Cash Flows 43Notes to the Financial Statements 44Statement of Value Added 76Financial Summary 77Performance Indications 78Shareholders’ Information 79Share Capital History 80Proxy 81 2017 ANNUAL 1 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
12 1 Dr. A.B.C Orjiako – Chairman 3 Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa (OFR) 4 Sir Ike OnyechiDr. A. B. C. Orjiako became Chairman of the Board of Having led the MBO of Pfizer in 1997, Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa He was invited to the Board on the 20th December 2011. He isDirectors of Neimeth on the 1st of February, 2005, having is the founding MD/CEO of Neimeth Int'l Pharm Plc. He is a a registered Pharmacist and graduate of Pharmacy from thebecome a member of the Board in February, 2004. A medical graduate of Pharmacy from the University of IFE. He had his University of Nigeria and Fellow, West African College of Surgeons, he has Postgraduate training in Business and Organizational He is founder and Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Pharmacyvarious business interests including Energy, Petroleum Management at the Columbia University, N.Y., USA and the and Stores. He is a fellow of several Pharmaceutical societiesExploration, Marine Services, Construction and Real Estate. Lagos Business School, Lagos. and member of many associations.He is Chairman of SEPLAT, amongst several other high net Mazi Ohuabunwa is a fellow of several Professional He is equally a member of the board of many reputableworth companies and organizations where he is and has Organizations, amongst which are the Pharmaceutical companies and establishments.been Chairman and President. He is the recipient of several Society of Nigeria( FPSN), the Nigerian academy of Pharmacyprestigious awards, and is an accomplished agricultural and ( FNA.Pharm),the West African Postgraduate College of 5 Prof. Maurice M. Iwueducational philanthropist. Pharmacists(FPC.Pharm), the Nigerian Institute of Management(FNIM), the Nigerian Institute of Public He was invited on the Board on the 20th of December, 2011.2 Mr. Christopher U. Mmeje Relations( FNIPR), and the Institute of Management He trained at the University of Bradford where he obtained AG. MD/CEO Consultants( FIMC). his masters and PHD in Pharmacy. He was Professor of He is founder/Chairman, Sam Ohuabunwa Foundation for Pharmacognosy at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He isMr. Mmeje was appointed as Executive Director – Finance on Economic Empowerment (SOFEE), Managing Consultant of also founder and Chairman of Bioresources Development25th February, 2008 and currently Acting Managing Starteam Consult, Past President Nigeria-America Chamber and Conservation Programme (BDCP) an IndependentDirector/CEO effective September 2017. He is an of Commerce (NACO), Past President Nigerian Employers Biosciences Research and Development Organization; andaccomplished Accountant and Chartered Banker with over Consultative Association (NECA)and Past chairman of the International Centre for Ethnomedicine and drug30 years senior management experience in Banking, Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG). He is the Chairman development (InterCEDD). He has received many academicManufacturing and Hospitality. He was Managing of the African Centre for Business development, Strategy and and professional honours. He consults on several fronts, andDirector/CEO of Island Bank, Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Development as well as several other prestigious has served on the Board of several non-profit and charitablePrincipe. Prior to that he was deputy General Manager at organizations. foundations. His working career spans the realms ofHallmark Bank with Credit & Treasury portfolios at various His core competencies include Enterprise development, academics, research and public service. He had presentedtimes. Governance – Corporate and Institutional Leadership, several papers, published several research articles, and Healthcare Facilities Development, Pharmaceutical authored many books. Manufacturing and Marketing and Business re-engineering. He has authored several books and sits on the board of several notable companies and organizations.2 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
BoBaoradrdofofDDirireecctorrss34567 8 9 10 6 Mrs. Roseline A. Oputa 8 Engr. Godwin E. Omene 10 Prof. Elijah N. SokombaMrs.Oputa MPSN obtained her Bachelor of Pharmacy He was invited on the Board on the 25th February, 2008. He was invited to the Board on the 25th February 2008. ElijahDegree from the University of Nigeria Nsukka in 1990. She Godwin, a first class Graduate of Imperial College of Science is an accomplished Pharmacist, Professor of Pharmacology,joined the Company in 1992 as Pharmaceutical Sales and Technology London, was the pioneer Managing Director and former dean, faculty of Pharmaceutical sciences,Representative and has held various positions such as of NDDC and a retired Deputy Managing Director of Shell University of Jos, who has garnered considerable experienceManager Sales Training and Customer Satisfaction, National Petroleum Development Company. He has also been both in Research/Teaching, University administration, StateDemand Manager, Group Product Manager, Marketing Chairman and Director of several companies spanning the oil Health Service Management and NAFDAC where he was aManager, Associate Director/Head of Ethical Product Group industry, security printing, finance/banking and former Director.(EPG), Director of Administration and Corporate pharmaceutical businesses. He was appointed the GroupProgrammes. Managing Director of FJ Energy Limited by the EuropeanShe joined the Board of Directors as an Executive Director of Economic Development Council in April 2007. He is aNeimeth International Pharmaceutical on the 20th October, thorough bred professional with vast board experience.2017.Prior to her appointment, she served as operationalDirector of Sales/Marketing. 9 Mr. Thomas T. Osobu 7 Mr. Adekola A. Balogun He was invited on the board on the 20th December, 2011. He is a graduate of Boston University, School of Management,He was invited on the Board on the 24th of February, 2004. USA. He worked with Nestle New York and Nestle Nigeria.Kola brings his vast sales/marketing experience of He is the founder and CEO of Jott Industries Nig. Ltd. He is apharmaceuticals, spanning over 35 years to the board. He is a member of many professional and social associations, andregistered pharmacist and successful entrepreneur. sits on the Board of several organizations.Kola is Chairman Board of directors of four fast growingNigeria companies and a board member of several others.He is an alumnus of University of Ife, now Obafemi AwolowoUniversity, Ile-Ife and Chartered Institute of Marketing,Cookham, England.His business interests include trading, construction andproperty development. 2017 ANNUAL 3 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Directors, Professional Advisers etcDIRECTORS: Dr. A. B. C. Orjiako Chairman Mrs. E. Igboko Ekpunobi MD/CEO – Resigned 11/09/2017SECRETARY: Mr. C. U. Mmeje Ag. MD/CEOREGISTERED Mrs. R. A Oputa Executive – Appointed 20/10/17OFFICE: Mazi S. I. Ohuabunwa Non-Executive Mr. A. O. Balogun Non-ExecutiveAUDITORS: Engr. G. E. Omene Non-ExecutiveREGISTRARS: Prof. E. N. Sokomba Non-ExecutiveLEGAL ADVISER/ Prof M. M. Iwu Non-ExecutiveSOLICITOR: Sir. I. T. Onyechi Non-ExecutiveBANKERS: Mr. T. T. Osobu Non-Executive Mrs. F. I. Onyenekwe 16, Akanni Doherty Layout (Billings Way) Oregun Industrial Estate Oregun. Telephone: 08158422346, 08033128663 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PKF Professional Services PKF House, 205A Ikorodu Road Obanikoro, Lagos. 018042074, 017734940, 017748366 Meristem Registrars and Probate Services Limited 213, Herbert Macaulay Way, Adekunle – Yaba, Lagos. Telephone Nos: 01-8920491 – 2 E-mail: [email protected] Chris O. Omolabi, LL.B, BL(HONS) LL.M 10, Adetokunbo Ademola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 08033063829 Diamond Bank Plc Guaranty Trust Bank Plc 20174 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Financial HighlightsMAJOR STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ITEMS:Year Year %ended ended Change30-Sept-17 30-Sept-16N'000 N'000 (23) (525)1,534,003 2,001,815 (732)(404,920) 95,361(411,484) 65,093 -863,254 (22)805,368 784,776 1,222,418(24) 4 - - 47 78 188183 0.900.68 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 5 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
No ce of Annual General Mee ngNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the 59th Annual General Meeting of the members of NEIMETH INTERNATIONALPHARMACEUTICALS PLC. will be held at NECA House, Plot A2, Hakeem Balogun Street, Central Business District,Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos on Tuesday, 27th March, 2018 at 11.00 a.m. in the forenoon to transact the followingbusinesses:ORDINARY BUSINESS:1. Receive the Report of the Directors, Statement of Financial Position as at September 30th, 2017 together with the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended on that date and the Reports of the Auditors and Audit Committee thereon.2. Ratification of the appointment/Re-election of Directors3. Approve the remuneration of Directors4. Authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors for the ensuing financial year5. Elect members of the Audit CommitteeNOTES:1. PROXY: A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of himself/herself. A proxy needs not be a member. A form of proxy is enclosed and if it is to be valid for the purpose of the meeting, it must be completed and deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at 16, Akanni Doherty Layout (Billings Way), Oregun Industrial Estate, Oregun or The Registrar, Meristem Registrars and Probate Services Limited, 213 Herbert Macaulay Way, Adekunle, Yaba, Lagos not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting.2. CLOSURE OF REGISTER AND TRANSFER BOOKS The Register of members and Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on Wednesday, 21th March, 2018 and re-open on Monday, 26th March, 2018 for the purpose of updating the records.3. AUDIT In accordance with Section 359(5) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990, all re-nominations in writing of Members for election to the Audit Committee should reach the Company Secretary at least 21 days before the time for holding the Annual General Meeting.4. RIGHTS OF SECURITIES' HOLDERS TO ASK QUESTIONS Securities' holders have a right to ask questions not only at the meeting but also in writing prior to the meeting and the date prior to the meeting by which such questions must be submitted to the Issuer. Dated this 19th February, 2018 F. I. ONYENEKWE (MRS.) Company Secretary FRC/2014/ICAN/00000010082 Registered Office 16, Akanni Doherty Layout (Billings Way), Oregun Industrial Estate. Oregun 2017 6 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Chairmans’ StatementD istinguished Shareholders, Members of the Board,our esteemed customers and staff, invited guests, gentlemen of thepress, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure towelcome you to the 59th Annual General Meeting of ourcompany, Neimeth, to consider the report and resultfor the period ended September 2017.OPERATING ENVIRONMENT- “Nations cannot find the fruits“THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: of economic progress in theThe world economy in 2017 sprouted a few oasis of midst of a world full ofeconomic recovery; yet insufficient to provide the animositymomentum necessary for general upliftment. In thefore front of the trend is the Chinese economy with services) are growing worldwide that sustained growth inGDP growth of 6.9%. Although this was better than oil price can be assured. It is doubtful whether thisofficial estimate of 6.5%, it nonetheless did not have condition currently exists in the world economy.the locomotive strength to pull its dependenteconomies along the track of growth. At the western We must continue to underline the fact that at the heartend, the United States of America's economy grew its of the unresolved economic turbulence of the lastGDP by 2.5%; a better showing than the 1.6% growth of decade is the animus that continued to manifest itself2016, it was nonetheless short of the 3% projected by either in religious flavor, racial hatred or politicalthe US government. In any case, given the insular populism. Nations cannot find the fruits of economicdisposition of the Trump Administration in USA, its progress in the midst of a world full of animosity. In theeconomic growth was destined to have minimal impact Middle East age old conflict and new ones continuedon other economies. The euro zone economy still mired unabated. The World's Conflict Resolution Mechanismsin its Brexit negotiations and realignments, is the least remained docile. In Asia, North Korea has lighted a newcandidate to act as the Hercules of world economic flame threatening to consume parts of humanity withrecovery. instruments that had little to do with economic production and prosperity. India and China nearly shot atOil price continued its two year recovery with attendant each other at the foot of the Himalayas over access acrosssunshine impact on the budget of commodity nations inconsequential piece of the earth. The common failuresuch as Nigeria. Not-withstanding, the long term is that of the world leadership in not devoting sufficientsustainability of this price recovery was in doubt through2017. The best use of the improved revenue even for ournation as beneficiary country remained contentious.Commencing with price of about $54 per barrel early inthe year, oil price snaked slowly through the year at apace almost $1 a month to reach approximately $66 abarrel by end of 2017. This price, when compared withthe lowest of approximately $26 it reached in January2016, represents remarkable recovery. It is howeverwhen base economic activities (production of goods and NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 7 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Chairmans’ Statementfocus and energy on creating world peace as a basis for THE COMPANY:shared economic wellness and prosperity Neimeth in 2017 bumped on misfortune at its production plant in Oregun. In the night of 7th March, 2017 the rawNATIONAL OUTLOOK materials warehouse of the company was burnt.Buoyed by improved crude oil price Nigeria's economy at Although the gallant intervention of the Lagos Statethe end of quarter 2, 2017 exited recession in which it Government Fire Service saved the entire plant fromslumped in 2016. Annual GDP growth rate etched up to being razed, the raw materials in the warehouse was1.4% while inflation rate moderated to below 16%. The completely burnt by the time the fire was contained.multiple access channels for foreign exchange designedby the Central Bank of Nigeria contributed to easing While grappling with the aftermath of this tragic event,external trade especially in importing critical production our erstwhile Managing Director – Ebere Igbokoinputs. Industries could not but be grateful for these Ekpunobi (Ph.D) suffered severe sporting accident on 18thimprovements. The USD/Naira exchange parity has May, 2017 and had to be hospitalized abroad forgenerally stabilized at N325/USD, N340/50 to a dollar extended period and ultimately resigned as aand N365/USD depending on the access window one consequence. The Board took a number of measures tochooses to go through. Some windows provide trickles ensure that the company overcame what wouldagainst request while others may be more assured at otherwise had crippled its operations. Working withhigher cost. management, we mobilized resources to bring in urgently needed production input to sustain operationsThe deficits in strategic development areas of and obviate the cannibalization of our products' markettransportation and energy remains enduring debilitating share by competition. This quick action by the Boardcondition that hinders production of primary goods and enabled the company to reach a sales level that was ableservices in the country. These frustrating conditions to absorb all its annual operating cost. The loss that iscontinue to create unfavorable condition for local goods reported in the current financial reports arose essentiallyand services in competing with their imported from the fire incident. In continuation of thecounterparts. In a world homogenized by internet restructuring of management, the Board appointed theaccess and drone delivery systems, our national company's Finance Director Mr. Chris. U. Mmeje as theeconomic planners must pay attention to the challenges Acting Managing Director. Mr. Chris Mmeje a formerof creating comprehensive infrastructural renewal banker with over 25years prior cognate experience inprogram that will situate our domestic production on the senior management had been with the company and onsame par with their counterparts from elsewhere. the Board since 2008. In addition, Pharm. (Mrs) Roseline A. Oputa was elevated from the position of operationalMirroring the international condition, the outcome of director to Executive Director and a member of the Boardour national effort for sustainable economic growth will with responsibility for sales and marketing. Mrs. Oputaremain sub optimal in the face of resurgent and diffused joined the company in 1992 as a Sales Rep. and rosesecurity challenges of herdsmen/farmers' conflict, through the ranks to her penultimate position of Directorkidnaping and the continuing Boko Haram insurgencies. of Sales and Marketing. The Board also took the strategicIn an ensuing election year economic actors are likely to decision of moving all its personnel from its former headbe on edge without political determination that consider office at No. 1, Henry Carr, Ikeja to its manufacturingthe above indices of anomie as impediments to national plant at No. 16 Billings way (Akanni Doherty) Oregun.economic welfare and prosperity. The primary reason for this action is to drastically reduce 20178 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Chairmans’ Statement“In a world homogenized by internet access and drone delivery systems, our national economic“ planners must pay attention to the challenges of creating comprehensive infrastructural renewal program that will situate our domestic production on the same par with their counterparts from elsewhere.the overhead cost of running the company, provide more CONCLUSION:hands-on supervision and control of the manufacturing On behalf of the Board of Directors of Neimeth Int'land selling process. Pharms Plc, may I take this opportunity to express our gratitude to various agencies of government whoseNotwithstanding the temporary set back, your board still intervention saved our plant from complete ruin as aremained committed to the plant's physical restructuring result of the incident of March 7, 2017. These include theto meet the requirements of cGMP – current Good Lagos State Fire Service, Lagos State EmergencyManufacturing Practice as well as intensifying research Management Agency, the Nigerian Police Force and theeffort as outlined in its strategic vision. Work on the Lagos State Safety Commission. We make this formalpresentation to the regulatory agency – NAFDAC of the commendation because as a nation we are often liberalclinical trials for our product – Ciklavit which was stalled in pointing out our short comings but can be reticent inby the two unfortunate incidents mentioned above has gratitude. The fire incident that befell our factory on 7thresumed in earnest and is progressing satisfactorily. In March, 2017 would have written the requiem of thisthe same vein reporting of the clinical studies on our company but for the intervention of these agencies.antihypertensive – Miniplus is also progressing 2018 is penultimate year to major election in Nigeria. It isconcurrently with that of Ciklavit. with the hope that we as a nation would be able to manage our differences and peace will be our trophy thatREBUILDING: the Board re-assures our shareholders of the future ofAs I earlier intimated you of the fire incident that this company. The major challenges that faced it areconsumed the company's raw materials warehouse, already fizzling out and the pillars of its prosperity aremanagement has commenced reconstruction of the firmly being rooted.damaged warehouse as part of its general upgrade of ourfacilities. Our work in restoring that segment of our I wish to thank my colleagues on the Board for theirfacility when combined with a number of other internal tenacity and willingness to make sacrifices even at veryrestructuring currently taking place within the plant will difficult moments. To our staff, management and greatyield a more modern plant that will surpass our nation's shareholders that pulled us through the difficult year ofregulatory requirements. 2017, I am full of gratitude. Finally, we thank the Almighty God for his mercies which saw our plant still standing.RESULT:Our 2017 operations produced top line revenue of N1.5b Thank You.which was less than N2b of the previous year by 23% - adecline attributable directly to the fire incident that DR. A. B. C. ORJIAKO (OFR)robbed the company of almost three months sales Chairman, Board of Directors.activities. With raw materials and assets of N513m lostto the fire, the company recorded a loss before tax ofN405m. In such a year of tragedy, I regret the inability ofthe company to pay dividend. The Board is however re-assured of a better future arising from the actions it hadtaken. NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 9 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
MD/CEO’S Statement Distinguished Shareholders, Members of the Board of Directors, our esteemed customers and staff, invited guests, gentlemen of the press, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this year’s Annual General Meeting. HEALTHCARE SECTOR: In 2017 aggregate expenditure on pharmaceuticals was forecast at N194b according to BMI research: a Fitch Group company. This was barely 0.18% of the nations GDP. Given the importance of health, this minimal expenditure/pharmaceutical GDP ratio indicate opportunities for growth. This assertion is validated by “Neimeth is tenacious in this sometimes frustrating effort (Research) due to our firm belief that the future belongs“the fact that the N194b represents about 4.5% growth over to the outcome of today'sthe previous year. The pharmaceutical sector itself lacks research.depths being dominated by front end activities in terms ofdistribution and retailing. Manufacturing which should be the foundation end is bedeviled by all the known setbacksof infrastructural deficiencies, not excluding finance. Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc is a leadingparticipant in this difficult manufacturing segment and holds the gold plaque in anti-hypertensive and Antelminthicsand specialty germicides.OPERATIONS:Our financial year that began in October 2016, was ushered in by macro economic instability that came directly from NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 11 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
MD/CEO’S Statementrestricted access to official foreign exchange. Substantial part of our production in-put originates externally. Henceany constrictions in foreign exchange accessibility make manufacturing difficult. Fig 1 shows over 58% increase inforeign exchange rate between October 2016 and April 2017 (just 7 months). This situation while creating wedge toproduction also drove away sales as the adjusted higher prices of products went beyond the reach of buyers. THE BURNT RAW MATERIAL WAREHOUSENeimeth was riding this rough sea, maintaining its production plan when on 7th March, 2017 it was struck by firetragedy at our Oregun manufacturing plant. The chairman stated this in his report. Between April and July 2017 weraised over USD1.4m (approximately N700m) to fly in various raw materials required to keep the factory running. Thisaction that was facilitated and supported by the Board had double consequences: a) It enabled the company to minimize the period of loss of sales of its leading brands that face severe competition. We were only hamstrung in sales, for the months of April, May and June 2017 and were able to resume full selling activity from July 2017. 201712 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
MD/CEO’S Statement b) Contrasted with the positive in (a) above was the negative consequences of higher cost of production as a result of both the prohibitive exchange rate that ruled between March and May 2017 (up to N500 per dollar) and the higher cost of flying in the raw materials. The support of our major selling partner Worldwide Commercial Ventures Limited(WWCVL) is hereby acknowledged and management appreciates their gesture of goodwill during that difficult time.RESULT:With the introduction of multiple foreign exchange access or windows by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the third partyrisk of sourcing for foreign exchange through non-bank entities was extinguished while predictability in composite costof production improved. It became possible to woo back customers to buying. It was under this circumstance that thecompany achieved top line revenue of N1.5b for the year, out of which sales through WWCVL was N913m (60%) fromnine franchised products. Neimeth made direct sales of N621m (41%). Our sales thus declined by 23% from N2battained in 2015/2016 financial year. The decline can be traced to the loss of sales during the three months subsequentto the fire incident. Operational loss of N82m plus N323m net loss from the fire incident resulted in the overall N405mloss before tax. It was a horrible year from which management is determined (with the Board's support) to rise as thephoenix.Research & Development:In addition to maintaining our strong consultancy network in the pursuit of our Research and Development vision, thecompany in 2017 engaged a full fledged research manager to coordinate all its in-house and external research effort.In addition to the two products specifically highlighted by the chairman in his report, we have a full pipeline of productsunder development as well as re-formulations under the leadership of the research manager. Neimeth is tenacious inthis sometimes frustrating effort due to our firm belief that the future belongs to the outcome of today's research.Manpower Development:We are changing course; hence our emphasis on manpower development is an expression of where we want to takethe company to. The Board has espoused this vision and management if fully driving it. Specialized training for everyNEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 13PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
“MD/CEO’S Statement“With the introduction of multiple foreign exchange access or windows by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the third party risk of sourcing for foreign exchange through non-bank entities was extinguished while predictability in composite cost of production improved. It became possible to woo back customers to buying. sales person was conducted in the year under review. Other areas of specialty training were in engineering and core manufacturing. This process rooted in the past 2017 is to continue into the foreseeable future. RETIREES: Those who worked for us and retired with honour remains our ambassador for life. This attitude reflects in our conscious effort to provide them regular payout from their gratuity. In 2017, we paid a total of N13,278,527.00 which now leaves the outstanding balance in the financial report. Mr. Christopher U. Mmeje Ag. MD/CEO 2017 14 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Management Team12 31 Christopher U. Mmeje 4 52 Roseline A. Oputa3 Isaac O. Igbanoi4 Adekunle A. Adebowale5 Ijezie .M. Emedosi6 Florence I. Onyenekwe 6 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 15 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Corporate Governance ReportNeimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc. is committed to conducting its business in line with best practices and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in Nigeria. It is this commitment to high ethical conduct that has necessitated the practice of regularly reviewing our processes in order to align them withthe Code of Corporate Governance in Nigeria.THE BOARD AND ITS COMMITTEESThe role of the Board is to provide leadership and strategic guidance for Neimeth, in addition to overseeingmanagement's implementation of the company's strategic initiatives. The Board is accountable to security holders forthe performance of Neimeth's business. In performing its role, the Board requires from Management the appropriateinformation concerning the business, including relevant information on risk exposures, internal controls and externaldevelopments. The Board at all times aspires to excellence in governance standards, and this requires the Board towork as a team . The board executes its mandate through regular meetings and committees. The Board has a minimumof 4 Board meetings every year.BOARD COMPOSITIONThe Company's Articles of Association provides that the Company's Board shall consist of not more than thirteendirectors. During the start of the year, the Board comprised of 11 Directors, 9 of which were non-Executive and 2Executive Directors including the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (MD/CEO). However, in the course of theyear, the MD/CEO resigned on health grounds, and was replaced by Mr. Christopher Udaluku, Mmeje as ActingMD/CEO. Another director Sir G. N. Ohuabunwa also resigned due to his increasing commitments which could nolonger avail him sufficient time to effectively attend to the matters of the Company.The Board is headed by a non-Executive Director who provides leadership. The Non-Executive Directors areindependent of Management and exercise their judgment as directors without any constraint.All directors are selected on the basis of certain core competencies, as well as knowledge, experience, integrity,diversity, leadership, reputation and ability to understand the company's business.THE ROLE OF THE BOARDSpecific matters reserved for the Board or its committees include: · Composition of the Board and its Committees · Approval of top executive appointments and top management succession plans · Top management terms of employment · The appropriation and distribution of profits · Approval of Strategic plans · Monitoring of information on major risks and exposures and final decisions regarding those exposures · Acquisitions, disposals, mergers and joint ventures · Major organizational or corporate changes · Periodic and regular review of actual business performance relative to established objectives. · Oversight of company operations · Remuneration of executive directors · Induction and training of new directors16 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Corporate Governance ReportSEPARATION OF THE POSITION OF CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTORThe positions of the Chairman of the Company and the Managing Director/CEO are occupied by separate persons. TheMD/CEO is responsible for the day to day running of the Company.DISCLOSURE OF AGEEngineer Godwin Eyarubere Omene, in compliance with S.252(1) of CAMA C.20, LFN 2004, hereby discloses to theCompany that he is over 70 years of age.BOARD CHANGESSince the last Annual General Meeting, Sir G. N. Ohuabunwa and Dr. Ebere Igboko Ekpunobi (Former MD/CEO) resignedfrom the board. To fill the vacancy created, Mrs Roseline Akunjeri Oputa was appointed to the Board as an ExecutiveDirector.RECORD OF DIRECTOR'S ATTENDANCEIn accordance with Section 258(2) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap C20 LFN 2004, the record of Directors'attendance at board meetings during the year is available for inspection at the Annual General Meeting. The meetingsof the Board were presided over by the Chairman. Written notices of Board meetings and minutes of meetings wereappropriately recorded and circulated. Number of Meetings AttendedS/No Membership Status Feb. 20th 27th 27th 18th 20th 7th Chairman 7th March April, July, Sept. Oct. Dec.1 Dr. A.B.C. Orjiako 2017 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü2 Ebere Igboko- MD/CEO ü ü ü Ekpunobi (Phd)3 Mazi S. I. Member ü ü x üüü ü Ohuabunwa Member ü ü ü üx ü ü4 Prof. M. M. Iwu Member ü ü ü üüü ü Member ü ü ü üüü x5 Mr. A. O. Balogun Member ü ü ü üüü ü Member ü ü ü üüü ü6 Engr. G. E. Omene Member ü ü ü üüü ü Member ü ü ü x üü x7 Mr. C. U. Mmeje Member ü8 Prof. E. N Sokomba9 Mr. T. T. Osobu10 Sir I. T. Onyechi11 Mrs. R. A. Oputa 2017 ANNUAL 17 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Corporate Governance ReportCOMMITTEES OF THE BOARDThe Board has three committees which advise it on specific issues such as strategy and business development.The Board ensures that the company's objectives are implemented through its committees constituted as shownbelow: Finance/Budget/ Internal Audit Committee S/No. Membership Status Number of Meetings Attended Chairman 1 Engr. G. E. Omene Member July 19th 2017 18th Oct. 2017 2 Prof. E. N Sokomba Member 3 Mr. A. O. Balogun Member üü 4 Mr. C. U. Mmeje üx xü üü Establishment / Remuneration Committee S/No. Membership Status Number of Meetings Attended Chairman Jan. 18th 2017 June 14th 2017 Oct. 6th 2017 1 Mr. A. O. Balogun Member 2 Eng. G. E Omene Member üüü 3 Mr. Thomas T. Osobu Member 4 Mr. Chris. Mmeje üx ü x üü üüüInnovation/Research Committee Number of Meetings AttendedS/No. Membership Status March 20th June 8th June 22nd July 26th Oct. 23rd Dec. 6th 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ü ü ü1 Prof. M. M. Iwu Chairman üüü ü ü ü2 Mazi S.I Ohuabunwa Member üüü ü ü ü3 Mr. T. T. Osobu Member üüü ü ü x4 Sir I. T Onyechi Member ü üüü ü ü5 Mr. A. O Balogun Member üüüInvestments and capital expenditure including borrowing limits and authorization are agreed with the Board.AUDIT COMMITTEEThe Committee comprises six members, three representing shareholders and three representing the board. Inaccordance with section 359(4) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act CAP C20 LFN 2004, the following membersand Directors were elected and nominated pursuant to Section 359(5) of the said Act and will serve on the Committeeup to the conclusion of year 2017 Annual General Meeting.18 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Corporate Governance ReportMembers of the committee with meetings attended Number of meetings attendedS/No Membership Status March April July 18th Sept. Oct. Dec. 5th 14th 11th 2017 26th 19th 20171 Dr. M. O Ojinka Chairman/S.Rep 2017 2017 2017 2017 ü2 Alh. A. O Ajagun S/holders .Rep ü ü3 Jinadu Mustapha I. S/holders .Rep ü ü ü ü ü5 Engr. G. E. Omene Director ü x6 Sir T. I. Onyechi Director ü üü x7. Thomas T. Osobu Director ü ü ü üüüü ü üüüü üüüü üüüüThe meetings of the Committee were held and the functions of the committee are provided in section 359(6) of theCompanies and Allied Matters Act Cap C20 LFN 2004.CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT BY CFO AND AUDIT COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN.By virtue of the new rules issued by the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) to give effect to the existingprovisions of the FRC Act 2011: Persons holding the position of the CEO and CFO of an entity are required to certify the annual reports, financial statements, accounts, financial reports, returns and other documents of financial nature, indicating their FRC numbers. The CFO providing certification shall be a professional member of an accounting body established by an Act of National Assembly in Nigeria. Any person attesting as Chairman of the Audit Committee on other documents of a financial nature shall be a professional member of an accounting body established by an Act of the National Assembly of Nigeria.The Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria granted a waiver to the Company's Finance Director and Audit CommitteeChairman to sign the Audited Financial Statement for the year ended 30th September, 2017 without indicating theappropriate registration number.CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RATING SYSTEM CERTIFICATIONIn a bid to sustain our commitment to ethical business standards and good corporate governance, the Companyparticipated in the Corporate Governance Rating System (CGRS) certification exercise, an initiative of the NigerianStock Exchange, in conjunction with the Convention on Business Integrity (CBI). Neimeth is one of the 35 companiesthat were issued the CGRS certificate by the NSE on 22/2/18 along with 5 of its directors including the chairman. HenceNeimeth emerged successful and has been able to distinguish itself as an entity with high corporate governancestandards.UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDTotal unclaimed dividend fund in the company stood at approximately N14,675,009.72 as at 30th September, 2017.Shareholders are strongly advised to contact the Company Registrar or the Company Secretary to retrieve theirunclaimed dividends. 2017 ANNUAL 19 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Corporate Governance ReportRELATIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERSThe Company remained committed to the sustenance of very good relationship with its shareholders and continued tomaintain good level of communication through various programmes including the Annual General Meeting andshareholders' forum organized to interact with them.NEIMETH'S SECURITIES TRADING POLICY · In accordance with Rule 14.1 of the Amendments to the Nigerian Stock Exchange Listing Rules, every Issuer shall establish a Securities Trading Policy which shall apply to all employees and directors of the company and shall be circulated to all employees that may at any time possess any inside or material information about the Issuer. · It is pursuant to the above mentioned NSE Rule that Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc.'s Securities Trading Policy is formulated. · This Policy is designed to ensure compliance with NSE's Rule that no director, person discharging managerial responsibility or adviser of the Company and persons closely connected shall trade in the Issuer's securities during sensitive, restricted or closed periods. · Having made specific enquiry of all our directors, they have complied with the stipulated standards regarding securities transactions by directors, as enshrined in the policy. · This policy is available on the company's website ('S COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT POLICY · In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission Rules (SEC Rules) Relating to the Companies Management Framework of the Nigerian Capital Market (the Framework) of 16th February, 2015 and the Nigerian Stock Exchange Directive (NSE Directive) (NSE/LARD/LRD/CIR6/15/04/22), every listed company is required to establish a clearly defined Complaints Management Policy to handle and resolve complaints within the scope of the Framework. · It is pursuant to the above-mentioned SEC Rule and NSE Directive that Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc. has formulated a Complaint's Management Policy. · This Policy is designed to effectively and efficiently handle and resolve complaints in a fair, impartial, timely and objective manner. · All Complaints should be addressed as follows: The Company Secretary Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc. 16, Akanni Doherty Layout (Billings Way), Oregun Industrial Estate. Oregun P. M. B. 21111 Ikeja, Lagos State Telephone: +234 815 842 2346, 08033128663 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Policy is available on the Company's website ( NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
The CompanyNeimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc (“Neimeth” or the “Company”) formerly known as Pfizer Products Plc was established in 1957. It is a resultant Company after the successful Management-Buy- Out of the 60% equity holding of Pfizer Inc New York, USA in Pfizer Products Plc. This Management-Buy- Out took place in May 1997 when Pfizer Inc in pursuit of its global repositioning strategy, divested its equity in Pfizer Products Plc in favour of the existing management. Prior to the name change, Pfizer had operated in Nigeria for 40 years, manufacturing, marketing, and distributing Pfizer brands of pharmaceutical and veterinary products in tablets, capsules, ointment/cream, powder, injectables, and oral liquid forms. During the 40 year period (1957-1997), the company established the first pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Nigeria at Aba, which was destroyed during the Nigerian civil war. It then set up and opened the most modern pharmaceutical plant in the West African sub-region in 1976 at Oregun, Lagos. These represent great milestones for a company that started as a trading venture in 1957 at a location in Ebute-Metta, Lagos. Neimeth has the vision to be the leading healthcare company and a leader in corporate Nigeria, through the achievement of excellence in delivering competitive and high quality products and services.MARKETS, PRODUCTS & DISTRIBUTION I. Markets & Products To ensure achievement of set operational objectives and desired business growth, Neimeth current business structure is unified, adopting the traditional sales & marketing management styles. Embedded in this structure are Pharmaceutical and Veterinary business arms structured into territorial markets for ease of management and control. The Nigerian market and ECOWAS markets are thus similarly structured into districts and regions where Neimeth's products are distributed.NIGERIAN MARKET Our Nigerian market is made up of the (a) Pharmaceuticals business, (b) Veterinary Business and (c) Disease Prevention/Control Business a. Pharmaceuticals business: Under Neimeth's pharmaceutical business, it is broadly made up of (i). Ethical Products: comprising of Neimeth branded ethical products including our flagship home grown product CIKLAVIT for the management of sickle cell disease. In addition products such as Normoretic, flexodene, Tiocosid, etc and new branded generics are part of the portfolio. Also we have (ii.) Consumer Products: comprising over fifteen [15] major product groups divided into several presentations. High volume products like NCP, Pyrantrin, Obron – 6, Homtamin G and Pancemol are included as part of consumer products portfolio. Also (iii) Disease Control Products: Neimeth will shortly commence local production of quality assured Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (“LLINs”) (e.g. School nets, Travel nets, Military mosquito nets, and conical and rectangular nets, etc.) that meet the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and other local regulatoryNEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 21PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
The Company bodies' specifications and quality within Nigeria. This is as a result of Neimeth joint-venture arrangement with Landcent (China) Industrial and Development Company Limited (“Landcent”) as Technical Partner. b. Veterinary Business: Neimeth in 1997 re-entered the lucrative Nigerian Animal Health business, which has very robust volume and profit potentials. We introduced our own brand of poultry and large animal range of anthelmintics, as well as production enhancing medicaments. We also entered into strategic alliances in key disease areas that show great business potentials. We now expect to regain a controlling market share in few years.ECOWAS MARKETNeimeth is firmly on ground in the Anglophone West African Countries of Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia and theGambia. Our presence in the ECOWAS market is currently limited to pharmaceutical business with key products likeCiklavit, Homtamin G, NCP been registered there and are in rising demand. 201722 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
The CompanyII. Distribution We have depots located in Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Onitsha, and Aba. These depots serve as our contact offices in these areas. Currently we have about 100 sales men that cover all the 36 states of Nigeria. We also have key distributors and wholesalers who represent our interests in areas where our depots are absent. (Contact us for the distributor's name and address closest to you.RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTNeimeth has committed a substantial amount of money to Research and Development (R&D) in the recent past. Thisflows from Neimeth's mission statement that we will “add value to indigenous research”. Our effort in this area isdouble faceted: Internal and External. Our Internal R&D activities include formulation of new products, re-formulation of existing products to enhance efficacy, create new therapeutic uses, increase sales potentials and profitability as well as usage extensions. Achievements in this area include the re-formulation of Minizide, our flagship antihypertensive drug for blacks to give birth to our new product Miniplus. Our Internal R&D efforts lead to the launch or re-launch of 11 (eleven) Human products and 8 (eight) Veterinary products. With the re-establishment of a sterile business unit after our recapitalisation drive in 2005, we rolled out 4 (four) injectable veterinary antibiotics and several injectable human antibiotics, anti- malarials, antipyretic, and anti-rheumatic drugs within eighteen months. R&D work on all these products is well advanced. Our External R&D work entails working with Medical Scientists/Researchers to develop new products, conduct drug clinical trials and in-vitro drug studies. These drugs could be natural, and/or chemical (synthetic), oral, or parenteral. To this end, we review research work in our indigenous Universities based on local raw materials, focusing on specific disease areas that are generally neglected by the global/multinational companies. We seek to provide new local health remedies in these areas at affordable costs. Our first success in this area is Ciklavit; the first homegrown natural product for the effective management of Sickle Cell disease. Our work on other phytomedicines such as Physogen and Streptol for common cold and throat infections respectively has advanced significantly. Malaria, Diabetes and HIV/AIDS are ailments that are also in the very centre of our efforts. Our Mission is to expand and grow the exportation of health solutions to other countries after meeting local needs.MANUFACTURING & CERTIFICATIONS The Neimeth manufacturing plant is situated on 20 acres of land with enough space for future expansion. The Neimeth manufacturing plant is installed to manufacture a wide range of pharmaceutical and veterinary products: Tablets, Capsules, Ointment/Creams, oral and Consumer Liquids, Powders, etc. in diverse packaging presentations.NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 25PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
The Company The manufacturing Plant has Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliance, as it is certified by NAFDAC and licensed to manufacture pharmaceuticals by Pharmacist Council of Nigeria (“PCN). The Plant is also equipped with in-house water treatment facility with De-ionisation and Distillation capabilities. We make continuous efforts in upgrading our Plant and this is evident by our periodic restructuring and upgrading of the equipment and machineries to accommodate new opportunities that have emerged in form of excess capacity utilization for contract manufacturing, product customization and product analysis. To further expand our manufacturing capabilities, Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc has also officially kicked off the construction of its N5 Billion Pharmaceutical Complex situated on an area covering 2.56 hectares of land in Anambra State. The new facility is poised to meet the relevant National and International standards and is already WHO pre-qualified to manufacture products which treat diseases prevalent in Nigeria and Africa including Malaria, TB, HIV, Hypertension etc. Neimeth's has her products registered and available in other ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) countries and is therefore committed to meeting international best practice standards. The Company is currently NIS ISO 9001: 2008 and NIS ISO 14001:2004 certified.COMMUNITY SERVICE Community consciousness is one of Neimeth's core values. To this end, Neimeth as a good corporate citizen has from inception till date engaged in various community based welfare programmes that confirm its dedication to community welfare. The company has contributed significantly in helping to control worm infestation via numerous free de-worming programs and has also deployed sanitation/hygiene and diverse health educational strategies to reduce overall health cost through education. One of such health educational strategies is the Pyrantrin Kids Club (PKC). It is a health educational club for children aged 4-13 years. It has been well documented that Children serve as the main transmission link in worm infestation. Membership is spread across the 36 states of the Federation. It has numerous enviable membership benefits like birthday celebrations, scholarships, etc. Membership strength, it is expected to grow in the coming years. Another health educational strategy was the Helminthiasis Elimination Lower-Cost Partnership (HELP). This is Neimeth's social engineering programme aimed at improving the health, nutrition and welfare of Nigerians through the eradication of worm burden in our society. Like Pyrantrin Kids Club, it is structured on chemotherapy, sanitation, hygiene and health education. HELP is a mass de-worming partnership programme with NGOs, Governments, State Ministries of Women and Social Development at highly subsidized shared/lower cost. Other community health educational programmes include our “Fight the Good Fight Against Hypertension” (FITGAH). The programme enlightens Nigerians on the dangers of hypertension and diabetes and useful tips on ways to remedy them. It also offers half the price of hypertensive drugs to those diagnosed of the health issue. Associated with this programme is the Stress Management Programme for Executives (SMAPEX) in which we emphasis the need for deliberate stress control by busy executives to minimize the risk of exposure to insidious diseases like hypertension, diabetes etc. 201726 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
The Company The challenges and threats posed by the endemicity of malaria in our communities in Nigeria are well known. Malatrol Roll Back Malaria Programme (RBM) has been specially designed to take care of this problem, considering that malaria is responsible to 10% of children's death in hospitals and accounts for high mortality rate in pregnant women at an estimated 40%. Also, Malnutrition results in mental and physical development of 1 out of 3 children in developing countries like Nigeria. Nutrisol is a partnership initiative to provide rational solution to this growing problem at reduced cost; thereby improving health, welfare and nutritional status of every family in Nigeria and giving tremendous visibility to government with attendant socio-political benefits. The consequences of Guinea worm infection on victims are known to be quite devastating. Fortunately these are reversible. It is estimated that over 2.5 million Nigerians are infected every year with far reaching impact on our economy, food production, etc. Neimeth offers solutions that will institute collaborative efforts involving Ministries of Health, Education, Information and Water Resources through her Guinea Worm Eradication Programme (G- WEP). Neimeth's focus on indigenous research into drugs and medicaments for common African disease ailments led to the discovery and launch of Ciklavit, a nutritional supplement for the management of Sickle Cell disease. Consequent upon this, a well orchestrated public enlightenment/advocacy machinery was established by the company to handle issues on sickle cell disease. Its activities include facilitation of the setting up of Sickle Cell Clubs in Local Government Areas across Nigeria, facilitating the management of these Clubs in collaboration with other NGOs, demystification of the disease among rural communities as well as counseling of young and single people before marriage. Neimeth has also put her technical expertise at the service of State Governments in the area of “Drug Revolving Fund (DRF)” management to ensure greater mileage in quality and reach of such State health programmes. Some State are beneficiaries of this Medicare enhancement programme. The focus and cost effectiveness of these enlightenment and advocacy programmes make them most beneficial to the recipients and gives the highest visibility to government health programmes at highly subsidized rates. Neimeth has also offered numerous scholarships to children and students alike. Her community welfare activities also involve sponsorship of numerous NGOs, Schools, Churches, Overseas fellowships, Professional travel, medical treatment for individuals, course/seminar sponsorship among others.HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT POLICY In our commitment to be the leading healthcare manufacturing company and leader in corporate Nigeria, Neimeth has ensured that all its operations are conducted in a manner consistent with the relevant applicable laws. Our Health, Safety & Environment (“HSE”) Policy is just one of the important values Neimeth has adopted in ensuring operational excellence and international best practice compliance. Therefore, Safety and Health of our workforce and our Environment Protection are important to our success.NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 27PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
The Company We are committed to a process of continuous improvement in all we do and to the adoption of international industry standards and codes wherever practical. Our efforts in the areas of HSE are directed by the following key philosophy: Industrial Accident Prevention: We will strive to make our workplaces free of injuries and accidents with 100% safe work practices and safe conditions throughout our operations. Environmental Protection: We are committed to the protection of the environment and shall apply industry best practices as appropriate to minimize the generation of emissions and waste throughout our operations. Risk Assessment: Effective management of risk is fundamental to achieving safe operations. We will systematically identify potential hazards, assess their relative significance, develop reduction measures and establish suitable controls to ensure that risks are minimised. Emergency Preparedness: Being properly prepared for an emergency is of vital importance and is the responsibility of management, supervisors and employees at all levels. We will maintain emergency plans in cooperation with local authorities and emergency services groups to ensure a prompt, effective and integrated response to minimise harmful effects from any incidents. Regulatory Compliance: We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, standards and recognised codes of practice and, where any of these are inadequate, adopt and apply high standards that reflect Neimeth's commitment to safety, the protection of the natural environment and the health of our workforce. Communication: We will clearly communicate our HSE commitments, responsibilities and performance to our employees, our contractors and the public. Training: We will ensure that employees and contractors understand their HSE responsibilities, that they have the right training for their jobs and are competent to perform their assignments safely, effectively and efficiently. 201728 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Report of the DirectorsThe Directors submit herewith to the members of the company the statement of the Financial Position as at 30th September, 2017 together with the Comprehensive Income statement for the year ended on that date.LEGAL FORMThe Company, Pfizer Products Nigeria was incorporated on 13th August 1957 as a limited liability company. It wasconverted to a public limited company in 1991. On 14th May 1997, Pfizer Inc. N.Y. divested from the company through amanagement buy-out. The company's name was subsequently changed to Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plcby a special resolution. The shares are currently quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange.PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIESThe principal activities of the company are the manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical, animal health productsand general health care products.INTERNAL CONTROLThere exists effective internal control function within the company, which gives reasonable assurance against anymaterial misstatement or loss. The responsibility includes oversight functions of internal audit control and systemanalysis.RESULTS FOR THE YEARProfit for the year before taxation N'000Taxation (404,920)Profit after taxation (6,564) ------------ (411,484) ========DIRECTORS AND THEIR INTERESTSa. The name of current Directors are shown on page 4b. The Directors retiring by rotation at this Annual General Meeting in accordance with the company's Articles of Association are Mr. T. T. Osobu, Sir I. T. Onyechi and Prof M. M Iwu, who being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.c. The interest of each Director in the share capital of the company are as follows: DIRECTORS' INTERESTS AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2017S/N DIRECTORS HOLDINGS INDIRECT INTEREST HOLDINGS ORDREC INVESTMENTS LIMITED 197,910,746 1 DR. A.B.C. ORJIAKO ******* HELKO NIG. LTD. 174,466,757 2 DR. EBERE IGBOKO EKPUNOBI ******* 3 MR. CHRISTOPHER U. MMEJE 132,000 ******* ******* ******* ******* 4 MR. MAZI S.I. OHUABUNWA 120,681,508 MASTA SERVICES COY LTD 5,587,738 5 MR. BALOGUN ADEKOLA OLUGBENGA 7,776,340 ESI OHUABUNWA & SONS LTD 687,588 7 MR. OMENE GODWIN EYARUBERE 19,921,429 ******* ******* 8 PROF. ELIJAH NDAJIYA SOKOMBA 550,000 ******* ******* 9 PROF. MAURICE MMADUAKOLAM IWU 28,266,989 INTERCEDD HEALTH PRODUCTS LTD 409,857,176 10 MR. IKECHUKWU TAGBO ONYECHI 4,415,342 ******* ******* 11 MR. THOMAS TUNBOSUN OSOBU 73,795,092 ALPHA PHARMACY & STORES LIMITED 65,911,998 ******* ******* 201730 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Report of the Directorse. Directors Interest in Contracts None of the directors has notified the company for the purpose of section 277 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap C20 LFN 2004 of any declarable interest in contract, with which the company is involved as at 30th September, 2017.f. Directors' Responsibilities The Directors are responsible for the preparation of financial statements, which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company at the end of each financial year, and of the profit or loss for that period, and comply with the Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap C20 LFN 2004. In doing so, they ensure that:proper accounting records are maintainedInternal control procedures are instituted which, as far as is reasonably possible, safeguard the assets, andprevent and detect fraud and other irregularitiesApplicable accounting standards are followed.Suitable accounting policies are adopted and consistently appliedJudgments and estimates made are reasonable and prudent, andThe going concern basis is used, unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue inbusiness.ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGRange of Holdings No.of Holders Holders % Holders Cum. Units Units % Units Cum 1 - 1,000 6,750 22.41 6,750 3,030,606 0.19 3,030,606 1,001 - 5,000 13,289 44.11 20,039 31,482,038 2.01 34,512,644 5,001 - 10,000 3,743 12.42 23,782 26,228,722 1.67 60,741,366 10,001 - 50,000 4,974 16.51 28,756 101,403,796 6.46 162,145,162 50,001 - 100,000 29,756 48,622,054 3.10 210,767,216 100,001 - 500,000 696 2.31 29,995 106,010,203 6.75 316,777,419 500,001 - 1,000,000 543 1.80 30,054 39,929,073 2.54 356,706,492 1,000,001 - 50,000,000 59 0.20 30,119 265,033,091 16.89 621,739,58350,000,001 - ABOVE 0.22 30,125 947,811,745 60.39 1,569,551,328 65 0.02 6GRAND Total = 30,125 100.00 1,569,551,328 100.00SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST IN SHARESAccording to the Register of Members, the following shareholders of the Company held more than 5% of the issuedShare Capital of the Company as at 30th September, 2017.S/N NAMES OF SHAREHOLDERS UNITS PERCENTAGE (%) 1 OHUABUNWA S. IHEANYICHUKWU 120,681,508 6.99% 2 HELKO NIGERIA LIMITED 174,466,757 10.11% 3 ORDREC INVESTMENTS LIMITED 197,910,746 11.46% 4 INTERCEDD HEALTH PRODUCTS LTD 409, 857, 176 23.74% NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 31 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Report of the DirectorsVALUE OF ASSETSParticulars of the changes arising from additions and disposals of Property, Plant and Equipment during the year arecontained in Note 8. Details of other assets of the Company as at 30th September 2017 are given in Notes 10 to 14 ofthe Statement of Financial Position.CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYOur Corporate Social Responsibility and business culture demand that a certain percentage of our earning be ploughedback into the society. Neimeth as a committed corporate citizen indulges significantly in activities geared towardsenhancement of the quality of life of Nigerians through donation of healthcare products, health enlightenmentprogrammes and sometimes sponsorship of professional conferences within Nigeria.Neimeth's central focus is on FITGAH – (Fight the Good Fight Against Hypertension). Hypertension, like other non-communicable diseases, its prevalence is high and worsening in our nation every day. It is assuming an epidemic statusleading to sudden death, stroke and kidney damage. Neimeth collaborates with organizations on FITGAH to reduce thedeaths occasioned by Hypertension in the society.The overall objective apart from awareness is to ensure that subjects continue to access their medication conveniently.Neimeth offers one month FREE anti-hypertensives for all isolated cases subject to a partner signing in for 6 monthsprovision of products.Neimeth will continue to sustain her cardiovascular/FITGAH centre at Ikeja and Oregun with the provision of Freemedical examination and management of hypertension subjects within her immediate communities. During the yeartotal number of 1,241 subjects were examined and placed on Neimeth's anti-hypertensive products.During the year under review, no cash donation was made.COMPANY'S DISTRIBUTORSAn exclusive distribution agreement was entered into in April 2015 with Would Wide Health Care Limited (WWCVL) forthe distribution of about 65% of Neimeth Major Brands.The names of other Distributors during the period are as follows:Iykmavian Pharmacy Ltd, Lagos Precious Pharm, AbeokutaSantus Pharmacy, Lagos Ramsgate Pharm. OtaSpine Products Ltd, Lagos Kamel Pharmacy, CalabarNew Height Pharm, Lagos Goodall Pharmacy Ltd, IbadanU. J Madonna, Osogbo Danny Faith Pharmacy (Lagos)Canez Pharmarcy, Onitsha Zagbayi pharm Ltd, MinnaEco Blessed Pharm Ltd Onitsha Tony Pharmacy, KanoProdave Pharmacy Ltd, Onitsha Skylark Pharmacy, AbujaFiolu Pharm, Ilorin Gabytto Pharm Ltd, YolaRoyal Michael Pharm, Benin Samtad Nig Ltd, Ikire, OsunLatnas Pharmacy (Kano) Tonia Pharmacy, AbujaWino Pharmacy, Makurdi Sood & Jins, Lagos.SUPPLIERS Maple Plastic Top Pan Printing Nig. Ltd Manipal Int't Press Limited 201732 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Report of the Directors Beta Glass Plc. mPedigree Network Poly Product Nig. Ltd Krisoral & company Limited Shongai Technology Mich Bamidele (Nig.) Enterprises Afkar Printing & Publishing Co Sagar Overseas Limited Drug and healthcare Limited Rolandhill Nigeria Limited Chellarams Plc. Capsulegel Belgium Nv FMC Biopolymer As Hastand Export Marketing PVT Landcent (Hongkong) Co. Ltd Gharsu Services Limited Korea United Pharm Inc (KUP) Medinomics Health Care Private LimitedThe company is not associated with the local suppliers and obtains all its packaging materials at arm's length.MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTSThe company is in a manufacturing agreement with Late Professor Ekeke for the manufacture of Ciklavit. This attracts aroyalty payment of 5%.Royalty charge during the year amounted to N1,531,938,231 (2016 – N2,468,973.00)RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTResearch and Development determines the continuity of the company. This is achieved by constant review andimprovement of existing product formulations while researching into new product formulation and development tomeet the demands of the market and our teeming customers.The Company has work on-going on several products including dosage extension of existing products among which arethese: 1. Unaben 200mg Chewable Caplet ( Dosage extension of Albendazole) 2. Pyranthrin 250mg Chewable Caplet chocolate – flavored ( Formulation and dosage extension). 3. Normoretic Tablets ( Reformulation) 4. Multi-component Anti-hypertensives e.g. Amlodipine 10mg + Losartan 100mg + Hydrochlorthiazide 25mg (Calcium channel blocker + Antilipidaemic + Diuretic agent). 5. Personal Lubricant (New product introduction). 6. NCP Ointment ( Product re-introduction). 7. NCP Toothpaste & NCP Liquid detergent ( New product introduction) 8. Ongoing work on Ciklavit capsule ( Dosage extension). 9. Neimeth Metronidazole 400mg Tablets-Tronid 400mg (Dosage extension) 10. Neimeth Cotrimoxazole 480mg Tablets –Necotrim 480mg (Product Reformulation)EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT AND TRAININGAt Neimeth, we recognize that only one thing differentiates one company from another – its people. The companybelieves highly in EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT and PARTICIPATION which have been at the heart of our industrialNEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 33PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Report of the Directorsrelations since inception. Every employee is regarded as unique and his impact is solicited and valued by Management.Employee and Management recognize that each employee is involved in running the business to provide qualityproducts and services to our customers, shareholders and the community in which we operate.Intrinsic to most employee involvement processes is TRAINING in team effectiveness, productivity, communication,and problem solving, the development of reward and recognition systems. In return, employees are treated equitably,fairly and with dignity as individuals in a consistent manner.At Neimeth, we will continue to invest in training and development of employees to make them more productive andeffective in their jobs, directly contributing to the bottom line.HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF EMPLOYEEEnvironmental Management PolicyNeimeth is committed to operating its manufacturing system (Production of healthcare and pharmaceutical productsand support activities) in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. This ensures that the environmental impact ofour production and related operations is controlled to ensure as little degradation as possible to the environment.Accordingly, we constantly monitor our emission of green house gases and ensure we reduce our carbon footprintthrough proper and periodic maintenance of our generators, proper servicing of our transport vehicles and through anannual corporate environmental objective which includes the planting of between 2-5 trees. Environmental audits arealso carried out regularly and statutorily as required by law, at the end of which corrective and preventive actions areput in place to forestall any future occurrence.This is achieved through the implementation of ISO 14001: 2015 and the continuous improvement of EnvironmentalManagement system (EMS)ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYAt Neimeth, we make use of a wide range of resources like fuel, water and paper. The usage of these natural resourcesare monitored and measured and operational controls put in place to avoid wastages thereby promoting sustainabilityof these natural resources. In the case of water usage, this is achieved through the metering of the portable and de-ionized water lines and conducting regular leak audits which are quickly addressed. In 2016, the percentage waterusage was 0.31% while in 2017, it was 1.65%, the marginal increase was as result of increased production and in thecase of paper usage, sending more memos via emails than hard copies and the use of both sides of the paper hasreduced the paper used annually thereby ensuring sustainable operations. On Energy Usage, a lot of improvement wasalso recorded.We have done a lot in the area of waste to landfill management through the introduction of various initiatives and assuch we have consistently maintained a waste to landfill percentage of 0.6% between 2016-2017 with continuousimprovement on the forefront of our priority burner.Some of these initiatives employ the three Rs technique of Re-use, Reduce and Recycle, this we have been able toachieve through the segregation of our waste as comingling of waste was formerly the order of the day. Some of thewastes like nylon, paper and waste cartons are sold to middle men which become raw material for some othercompanies thereby converting waste to wealth. Some of the production waste from the natural products are sold to pigfarmers and used as feed for the pigs.The Extended Producer responsibility (EPR) is our target whereby we will be responsible for the waste generated by thelast item on our production process.HEALTH & SAFETYAt Neimeth, we are committed to conducting our manufacturing processes in a safe and accident free environment forall employees, contractors and visitors.We have built a safety culture in our personnel through regular trainings, teaching them that their safety is in theirhands and that safety is everybody's responsibility and not only a function of the management. 201734 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Report of the DirectorsThe management has on its own part made tremendous strides towards the provision of various controls bothengineering and administrative and has also made adequate provision of PPEs for employees. The target is to have azero accident environment where the employees come to work safe and go back same. Visual aids in the form of safetysigns have been made in the simplest of forms and language so that even the unlettered can decipher them.Employees are encouraged to report near misses and accident investigations are carried out accordingly and CAPA(Corrective and Preventive Actions) are put in place. This giant stride is a huge improvement from 2016.In 2016, 2 Lost Time Accidents were recorded, 1 for a non-Full Time Staff and 1 for a Full Time Staff while in 2017, nosuch incidents were recorded which is a marked improvement from 2016.NEIMETH HIV/AIDS POLICYNeimeth has adopted a policy with a commitment to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in our workplaces and to care forthe personnel and their dependents who suffer from its effects.To guide Neimeth management in addressing the challenges of managing HIV/AIDS in the work place, this policytherefore seeks to: · To create programs in conjunction with other appropriate agencies to prevent the scourge of this disease which include education and awareness program. · To guide managers, supervisors and workers on the best practice in ensuring harmonious work relationship between employee(s) with HIV/AIDS and other employees. · To emphasize on the level of reasonable accommodation the company can provide employees with life threatening illness that would not be detrimental to the smooth operation of the company's business, and · Promote confidentiality and non-discrimination towards employees with HIV/AIDS thereby promoting appropriate and effective ways of managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace. · Avoid stigmatization meted out to employees living with HIV/AIDS through ensuring that their status is kept confidential.POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTSSubsequent to year end, N190 million was agreed as full and final settlement in respect of insurance claim on the fireincident that gutted the company's raw material warehouse at its Oregun factory. There were no other significant postbalance sheet events, which could have had material effect on the state of affairs of the company for the period ended30th September, 2017 which had not been adequately provided for or disclosed.AUDITORSMessrs. PKF Professional Services has indicated their willingness to continue in office as the company's auditor inaccordance with section 357(2) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act CAP C20 LFN 2004. A resolution will beproposed authorizing the Directors to determine their remuneration.By Order of the Board.MRS. F. I. ONYENEKWE (FRC/ICAN/00000010082)Company SecretaryLagos, Nigeria19th February, 2018 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 35 PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Dr. A.B.C Orjiakor (Chairman), Dr. Ebere Igboko Ekpunobi (MD/CEo), C. U. Mmeje (Executive), Mazi Sam I. Ohuabunwa (OFR), Prof. M Iwu, A. O. Balogun, Sir Ike Onyechi, G. N. Ohuabunwa, G. E. Omene. Prof. E. N. Sokomba, Thomas T. Osobu36
Statement of Financial Position at 30 September 2017 2017 2016 N’000 N’000 568,933 503,173 24,765 - 593,698 503,173 688,928 725,954 498,318 799,438 311,399 188,011 93,317 566,849 1,686,656 2,185,558 2,280,354 2,688,731 280,963 147,203 182,140 619,859 121,610 678,211 61,500 38,635 67,693 47,072 9,755 1,195,232 83,420 174,420 1,142,829 50,485 54,849 258,499 10,136 279,754 54,849 1,474,986 323,484 805,368 1,466,313 863,254 1,222,418 1,113,889 (1,171,775) 784,776 1,197,933 805,368 (760,291) 1,222,418 201740 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Statement of profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Incomefor the Year Ended 30 September 201741 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Statement of Change in Equity for the Year Ended 30 September 2017 201742 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Statement of Cash Flows for the Year Ended 30 September 2017NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL 43PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 September 2017 201744 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 September 2017 2017 ANNUAL 45 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 September 201746 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC
Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 September 2017 2017 ANNUAL 47 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS
Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 September 201748 NEIMETH INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC