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Home Explore The Servant House

The Servant House

Published by Sherisse Anne Chan En Qi, 2021-01-22 17:15:24

Description: The Villager and their Dwelling
Year 1 Studio


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THE SERVANTHOUSE VillagerandtheDwellingofMagic YEAR1STUDIO SherisseAnneChanEnQi

PROJECT BRIEF: In this studio, we speculate that architecture is essentially an interface around our b along in an architecture, (s)he unfolds inhabitable spaces through his/her daily ope narrating a story. We investigate architecture at full scale with a persona who moves within performin her unique characteristics, perceiving architecture as an extension of a person, a bo The name of the house, “Servant House” comes from the matri- arch (my villager persona) want- ing to carry out her daily tasks independently from her helper and her son, who usually assist her. As she is diabetic and elder- ly, she requires assistance from her son or maid to move around. How the house does so is through a platform placed on a piston system, upon which she remains seated throughout the day. It fer- ries her throughout the space, and elevates her at her person- al alcoves, each meant for rest, work, entertainment and eating. MAGIC SENTENCE THE MATRIARCH TRACES HER UNYIELDING PATH ACR

body that alters how we experience and operate in our world. As a person moves erations and way of life. Time inevitably becomes part of space, evolving life and ng his/her daily operation and a way-of-life: eat, sleep, work & entertain, with his/ ody that acts, feels, relates to the environment and within. The form of the structure was derived from the path the villager makes as she traverses from throne to throne throughout the day. Each point where her throne stops has been made into a space that is at a higher elevation than the rest of the structure, reinforcing her control and power over her domain. Therefore, the house is able to “serve” her by acting as her spine, en- abling her to perform daily tasks with- out her requiring human assistance. ROSS HER THRONES SERVANT HOUSE





Mapping The red demarcated areas spaces in which the village in her tower. Throne Line that shows the linear and unchanging path that the matriarch traverses. LEVEL 1 MA

show the er will be elevated The rectangular blocked areas show the spaces that are meant for regular use. APPING



The different chairs that she frequents PLAN

Layout of the Shophouse MAPPING

First Concept Model AXONOMETRIC


Deriving Form: The circular openings are skylights that illuminate and exalt the spaces which the villager’s thrones are located. They highlight the primary living spaces of the villager:

Railings on the second floor.

OBSERVATIONS The persona/villager is unable to move around the house by herself. Therefore, she needs the help of her helper and her son, as well as her wheelchair to get around the shop. SCHEDULE OF THE VILLAGER


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lim Wei Ling, Jasmine Tan, Liu Jie Hong, Khoo K.C.

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