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Home Explore Peoples Company Services

Peoples Company Services

Published by Peoples Company, 2022-06-02 19:37:20

Description: Peoples Company leads the nation in providing integrated land solutions as one of the few firms with core competencies in land brokerage, agricultural appraisal, land and energy management, crop insurance, and capital markets, providing clients with a one-stop solution for agricultural transactions across the United States.


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["INTEGRATED \nLAND \nSOLUTIONS \ | 855.800.LAND","PEOPLES COMPANY \nHISTORY \nPeoples Company\u2019s proud history began in the 1960s and was established \nin the farm management department of Peoples Trust and Savings Bank \nin Indianola, Iowa. In 1972, the farm management department and real \nestate brokerage separated from the bank into what is now known as \nPeoples Company. The current ownership team acquired the company\u2019s \nmajority interest in 2002 and began building the foundation for the \nnational platform and future growth of the Peoples Company brand. \nLand Management, Brokerage \nand Appraisal Licensed States \nLand Management and \nBrokerage Licensed States \nAppraisal Licensed States \nCrop Insurance Licensed States \nConsulting Available \nPeoples Company Office \nWATCH 50TH \nANNIVERSARY \nVIDEO \nLICENSING \nMAP","BROKERAGE & AUCTIONS \nLAND MANAGEMENT \nAGRICULTURAL APPRAISAL \nCAPITAL MARKETS \nPEOPLES COMPANY \nSERVICES \nENERGY MANAGEMENT \nCROP INSURANCE"," | 855.800.LAND \nPEOPLES COMPANY OFFICES \nHOME OFFICE \nPeoples Company \u2014 Clive, IA \n12119 Stratford Drive, Suite B \nClive, IA 50325 \n855.800.LAND \[email protected] \nPACIFIC NORTHWEST \nAgriBusiness Trading Group \u2014 Walla Walla, WA \nPeoples Company \u2014 Walla Walla, WA \nPACIFIC WEST \nPeoples Company \u2014 Fresno, CA \nPeoples Company \u2014 San Diego, CA \nDELTA \nLandmark Ag \u2014 Arlington, TN \nPeoples Company \u2014 Jonesboro, AR \nPeoples Company \u2014 Monroe, LA \nMIDWEST \nPeoples Company \u2014 Centralia, MO \nPeoples Company \u2014 DeWitt, IA \nPeoples Company \u2014 Indianola, IA \nPeoples Company \u2014 Omaha, NE \nPeoples Company \u2014 Wentzville, MO \nLAKE STATES \nPeoples Company \u2014 Marlette, MI \nSOUTHERN PLAINS \nPeoples Company \u2014 Tulsa, OK "]

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