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Home Explore 2020 Diligent Development Brochure

2020 Diligent Development Brochure

Published by Peoples Company, 2020-03-26 12:22:31

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FOR MORE INFORMATION: MIDDLEBROOKFARMS.COMKALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] to Middlebrook, a community which leverages its agricultural past to create future prosperity. A place of special moments, Middlebrook builds off of its enviable position in the region only twenty minutes away from downtown Des Moines, anchoring the southwest corner of the city. By building off of the foundation of an agricultural community, Middlebrook establishes itself on the street corner at the intersection of real estate and food. New neighborhoods of architecturally unique, single family homes, suburban townhomes, and a town center bring vibrancy and livelihood to the community, creating a catalyst for commercial uses at a variety of scales. The Great Western Trail, a recreational gem, and the I-35 corridor provide connectivity to the community and the broader region, allowing residents and visitors alike the opportunity to explore and experience the greater Des Moines metropolitan region. Middlebrook envisions a community of neighborhoods, where families can be raised, memories created and dreams achieved; it’s Middlebrook, in sustainable harmony. DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY CUMMING, IOWATOWN CENTER & CENTRAL AGWAY


This dynamic has led to growth in Agrihoods, which the Urban Land Institute categorizes as “planned or residential communities built with a working farm as a focus.” In these communities, families have the best of both worlds: a relatively small neighborhood, often built near a population center, that grows fresh foods, has neighborhood markets, and encourages an active, healthy lifestyle.Demographics shift, but Iowans stay true to their rural rootsIn 1987, Iowa had over 105,000 farms spread across its 99 counties. Today, the state has about 86,000 farms, with both the number of farms and total number of farm acres declining, according to data from the United States Department of Agriculture. As the number of farms decreased, the trend of Iowans moving to the city grew. In 1980, only 15 Iowa counties had a population of less than 10,000, but by 2015, that number ballooned to 24. Even with fewer families farming and living in rural communities, Iowans still have an affinity for a tight-knit community where they work the land and raise the food they consume.First Iowa Agrihood plannedIn February 2019, concept partner Steve Bruere announced plans to build Iowa’s first Agrihood in Cumming, Iowa, a small town of 400 residents approximately 15 miles southwest of the state’s capital city, Des Moines. Cumming, a city already well-connected to the “big city” with a nearby interstate and highway system, and robust Great Western bike trail that runs through the city, embraced Bruere’s vision of a neighborhood that both meets the city’s plan for growth while staying true to its agricultural history.The Agrihood will be built on a 400-acre site that boasts rolling hills, ponds, and abundant timber. It will surround a working farm, marketplace with fresh food, and a retail and entertainment district that will serve as a destination for both neighborhood residents and community visitors.IOWA’SAGRIHOODAcross America, there has been a shift in consumer behaviors that seem to contradict: Families are increasingly residing in more urban population centers, while simultaneously wanting to understand how their food is raised and by what means, and seeking to be closer to where it is produced.

Follow Iowa’s Agrihood: Middlebrook Farm @FarmAtMiddlebrook @MiddlebrookFrm wwwMiddlebrook Farm is planted, planning progress continuesAs the Agrihood awaits final Planned Urban Development (PUD) approval from the city of Cumming, Middlebrook Farm – the working farm within the Agrihood – was planted with some Iowa produce favorites, including sweet corn and pumpkins. Planting and establishing the garden first is symbolic of the emphasis placed on the community being built around food growth.The Agrihood is also moving forward with planning the footprint of the neighborhood market, dining, entertainment and retail district. Discussions are ongoing with floral farmers and an apple orchard that would each provide retail offerings, in addition to growing apples and flowers locally. A local brewery is being explored to enhance the neighborhood experience for both residents and visitors who ride along the Great Western Trail. Returning to our rootsSince news of Iowa’s first Agrihood broke, the response has been tremendous. The inquiries – including from individuals from across the United States and beyond – clearly demonstrate that there is a keen interest in returning to our agricultural roots.Even with strong interest, the Agrihood is committed to careful planning that creates a truly unique community. Bruere says it’s critical to secure the right partners to ensure the Agrihood has a diverse market, a healthy and plentiful garden, a neighborhood layout that fosters an active lifestyle, and a sustainable, environmentally-friendly building plan that promotes stewardship.After all, the objective in finalizing the plans for Iowa’s first Agrihood in Cumming is to enhance the sense of community, not change it.

DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY CUMMING, IOWACOVENANTSMinimum SF 1 Story: 1,500 SFMinimum SF 1.5 Story: 1,750 SFMinimum SF 2 Story, Split-Level: 1,750 SFKALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] STARTING AT:$82,900Great Western Crossing, a neighborhoodof Middlebrook (Iowa’s first agrihood community), is located in Cumming and just 10 minutes from all the West Des Moines amenities! Architectural concepts for this neighborhood include unique design, charm, and character. The city of Cumming offers a quiet retreat for active professionals and families, access to the Great Western Bike Trail, and desired Norwalk Schools!NORWALKORILLACUMMING3528352855PLAT 1PLAT 2SSSSSSSN. 35th St.Cumming Rd. (G14)PLAT 3PLAT 4N. Callison Ave.N. 36th St.N. 38th St.S2345678910S1817161514131211GREAT WESTERN CROSSINGFOR MORE INFORMATION: DILIGENTDEVELOPMENT.COMN. Brier Ln.PARK23456789101112 3 4 5 67 8 9110111213141516171839383736353426 25 24 23 22 21 20 19272829 30333231

BEARDSLEY STREEET50th AVENUES ORILLARDW G14 HIGHWAYTHISSITELOT 27LOT 26LOT 25LOT 24LOT 28LOT 29LOT 30LOT 31LOT 32LOT 33LOT 34LOT 35LOT 36LOT 37LOT 38LOT 23LOT 22LOT 21LOT 20LOT 19LOT 18LOT 17LOT 16LOT 15LOT 14LOT 13LOT 12LOT 6LOT 5LOT 4BLOOMINGHEIGHTSOUTLOT 'Y'UNPLATTEDPARCEL 'A'UNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDBLOOMING HEIGHTS DR.TIMBERVIEW DRIVEOWNER: DAVID & CHERYL KUTSCHERRUSSELL & JULIE HIXSON4308 TIMBERWOOD DRIVEWEST DES MOINES, IA 50265UNPLATTEDOWNER: DENNIS & MARILYN ISLEY2986 S. ORILLA ROADCUMMING, IA 50061OWNER: STEVEN & MICHELESWACKHAMMER2519 G14 HIGHWAYCUMMING, IA 50061OWNER: STEVEN & MICHELESWACKHAMMER2519 G14 HIGHWAYCUMMING, IA 50061OUTLOT 'Z'(PARK)LOT 17LOT 16LOT 15LOT 14LOT 13LOT 12LOT 11LOT 18LOT 19LOT 20LOT 21LOT 22LOT 23LOT 24LOT 25LOT 5LOT 6BLOOMINGHEIGHTSBLOOMINGHEIGHTSBLOOMINGHEIGHTSOWNER: KRUSE CONSTRUCTION, LLC4215 SW 33rd STREETDES MOINES, IA 50321OWNER: GIVENS FAMILY2000 REV TRUST111 PATRIOT LANESEWICKLEY, PA 15143UNPLATTEDOWNER: DAVID & CHERYL KUTSCHERRUSSELL & JULIE HIXSON4308 TIMBERWOOD DRIVEWEST DES MOINES, IA 50265TIMBER VIEWPLAT 3TIMBER VIEWPLAT 3TIMBER VIEWPLAT 3FND. \" G.P.1 2W/ CAP #3169NW CORNERBLOOMINGHEIGHTSEXISTING PRIVATE WATER DETENTIONAND OVERLAND FLOWAGEEASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PRIVATE WATERDETENTION ANDOVERLAND FLOWAGEEASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514S69°00'00\"W 402.05'N69°00'00\"E 331.00'S22°00'00\"E 129.70'N22°00'00\"W 157.54'S89°44'17\"E21.61'S89°44'17\"E55.15'EXISTING15' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING15' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING15' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING15' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 0751415' P.U.E.EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING 15' PRIVATEOVERLAND FLOWAGEEASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING15' PRIVATE OVERLANDFLOWAGE EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC20' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC20' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC30' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC30' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC30' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC30' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC30' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC20' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC20' STORM SEWER& PRIVATE OVERLANDFLOWAGE EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC35' SANITARY,STORM SEWER& PRIVATE OVERLANDFLOWAGE EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC35' SANITARY& STORM SEWEREASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING PUBLIC20' STORMSEWER EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 0751435' SANITARY SEWER,STORM SEWER& PRIVATE OVERLANDFLOWAGE EASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING5' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING5' P.U.E.BK 2017 PG 075145' P.U.E.EXISTING PUBLICTEMPORARYTURNAROUNDEASEMENTBK 2017 PG 07514EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK ____ PG ____EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK ____ PG ____EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK ____ PG ____EXISTING10' P.U.E.BK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC15' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC15' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC20' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC20' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC 20' STORMSEWER EASEMENT& PRIVATE OVERLANDFLOWAGE EASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC90'x90' TEMPORARYTURNAROUNDEASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PUBLIC20' STORMSEWER EASEMENT& PRIVATE OVERLAND FLOWAGE EASEMENTBK ____ PG ____EXISTING PRIVATE15' OVERLANDFLOWAGEEASEMENTBK ____ PG ____S89°44'17\"E 1154.63'N00°16'01\"E 915.09'S00°15'45\"W 500.20'S27°37'54\"E 337.02'S27°37'54\"E 280.57'S89°44'17\"E 466.64'N00°06'20\"W 464.69'N89°42'42\"W 1797.24'S89°53'55\"W186.85'S86°06'07\"W102.33'S78°51'58\"W102.24'S75°42'59\"W85.89'S55°00'00\"E151.93'S89°44'15\"E223.62'S05°00'00\"W215.02'6564626160595756552527282924232118OUTLOT 'Y'(PARK)1920303233343539404142434445464748495051697071727374757679805352123456789111216151413OUTLOT 'Z'N62°22'06\"E35.64'BLOOMING HEIGHTS DRIVESTREET NAMESTREET NAMEREDBUD STREETREDBUD STREET777838366768EXISTINGPONDPOINT OFBEGINNINGNE CORNEROUTLOT 'Z'BLOOMINGHEIGHTS10172226313754586366N89°42'42\"W 1797.24'8190'x90' TEMP.TURNAROUNDEASEMENTREVISIONS:DATE: 8-6-2019CCSHEETJOB NUMBER0SCALE: 1\"=100'OOPER RAWFORDCIVIL ENGINEERSCC& ASSOCIATES, L.L.C.PHONE: (515) 224-1344 FAX: (515) 224-1345475 S. 50th STREET, SUITE 800, WEST DES MOINES, IOWA 50265APPROVED: ---INITIALED: ---AS-BUILT: ---IOWAONE-CALL800-292-8989TOLL-FREECALL- BEFORE- YOU- DIGPRELIMINARY PLAT20931 OF 750100BLOOMING HEIGHTS PLAT 2NPAGES OR SHEETS COVERED BY THIS SEAL:BRADLEY R. COOPER, IOWA LICENSE NO. 12980MY LICENSE RENEWAL DATE IS DECEMBER 31, 2019I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ENGINEERING DOCUMENT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT PERSONAL SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF IOWA.Sheets 1-7CERTIFICATIONMANHOLEW 8\"8\"ST18\"SANLEGENDEXISTING/PROPOSEDWATER MAIN & SIZEFIRE HYDRANTSTORM INTAKEPLAT BOUNDARYSTORM SEWER & SIZESANITARY SEWER & SIZEVALVE990XXXX990PROPOSED CONTOURSSILT FENCE OREXISTING CONTOURSF.E.S.APPROVED FILTRATION SOCKPRELIMINARY PLATBLOOMINGHEIGHTSPLAT 2ZONINGEXISTING: A-R AGRICULTURAL RESERVEPROPOSED: R-1(80) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (LOTS 3-48, 53-69) R-1(100) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (LOTS 1-2, 48-52, 70-81)BULK REGULATIONSLOTS 1-2, 48-52, 70-81MIN. LOT AREA - 15,000 S.F.MIN. LOT WIDTH - 100'SETBACKSFRONT - 40'REAR - 40'SIDE - 12' MIN. (25' TOTAL)OWNER/APPLICANTDILIGENT DEVELOPMENT12119 STRATFORD DRIVE, SUITE BCLIVE, IA 50325VICINITY SKETCHSHEET 1 OF 7SCALE: 1\"=1500'NORTHN NNOTES1. THIS PLAT IS IN A WATER AND SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FEEDISTRICT.2. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SUBORDINATE TO THE CITY'S USE OFITS DESIGNATED EASEMENT IN AREAS WHERE THEY OVERLAP.3. OUTLOT 'Z' IS FOR STORM WATER DETENTION AND WILL BE OWNEDAND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION.4. ALL EASEMENTS ARE PUBLIC UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.SHEET INDEX1OVERALL PLAN2DIMENSION PLAN (NORTH)3DIMENSION PLAN (SOUTH)4GRADING PLAN (NORTH)5GRADING PLAN (SOUTH)6UTILITY PLAN (NORTH)7UTILITY PLAN (SOUTH)LOTS 3-47, 53-69MIN. LOT AREA - 10,000 S.F.MIN. LOT WIDTH - 80'SETBACKSFRONT - 35'REAR - 35'SIDE - 8' MIN. (20' TOTAL)LEGAL DESCRIPTIONA part of the North ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 77 North, Range 25West of the 5th P.M., city of Norwalk, Warren County, Iowa, and Parcel ‘J’ of the Plat ofSurvey recorded in Book 2016, Page 4931 at the Warren County, Iowa recorder’s office,and Outlot ‘Z’, Blooming Heights, an official plat, city of Norwalk, Warren County, Iowa,that is more particularly described as follows:Beginning at the center of Section 10, Township 77 North, Range 25 West of the 5thP.M., city of Norwalk, Warren County, Iowa; thence S89°44’17”E, 1154.63 feet along theNorth line of the Southeast ¼ of said Section 10 to the Northwest corner of BloomingHeights, an official plat, city of Norwalk, Warren County, Iowa. Thence S00°15’45”W,500.2 feet along the West line of said Blooming Heights; thence S55°00’00”E, 151.93feet along said West line; thence S89°44’15”E, 223.62 feet along said West line to theNortheast corner of Outlot ‘Z’ in said Blooming Heights ; thence N27°37’54”E, 337.02feet along the East line of said Outlot ‘Z’ to the South Right-of-way line of RedbudStreet, as it is presently established; thence N62°22’06”E, 35.64 feet along said SouthRight-of-way line, and along said East line of Outlot ‘Z’; thence S27°37’54”E, 280.57 feetalong said East line to the West line of said Blooming Heights; thence S05°00’00”W,215.02 feet along said West line to the Southwest corner of said Blooming Heights, andto the South line of the North ½ of said Section 10; thence N89°42’42”W, 1797.24 feetalong said South line to the West line of the North ½ of said Section 10; thenceN00°06’20”W, 464.69 feet along said West line to the Southeast corner of Parcel ‘J’, ofthe Plat of Survey recorded in Book 2016, Page 4931 at the Warren County, Iowarecorder’s office; thence S89°53’55”W, 186.85 feet along the South line of said Parcel‘J’, thence S86°06’07”W, 102.33 feet along said South line; thence S78°51’58”W, 102.24feet along said South line; thence S75°42’59”W, 85.89 feet along said South line to theSouthwest corner of said Parcel ‘J’; thence N00°16’01”E, 915.09 feet along the West lineof said Parcel ‘J’ to the Northwest corner of said Parcel ‘J’, and to the North line of theSouthwest ¼ of said Section 10; thence S89°44’17”E, 466.64 feet along the North line ofsaid Parcel ‘J’, and along the said North line of Section 10 to the Point of Beginning.Said tract of land contains 54.091 acres more or less.Said tract of land being subject to any and all easements of record.9-20-201910-8-2019 DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY NORWALK, IOWAPRICES STARTING AT:$79,900MINIMUM SF LOTS 1-4, 24-411 Story: 1,650 SF1.5 Story: 2,000 SF2 Story: 2,200 SFFOR MORE INFORMATION: DILIGENTDEVELOPMENT.COMKALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] executive development located on the west edge of Norwalk, bordering the new Timber View development. A variety of lots are available including some that back to a pond andcul-de-sac lots with great views. Norwalk schools, sewer, and utilities. Five year partial tax abatement applies! The location and new Highway 5 interchange provides easy access toall of the Des Moines Metro area.MINIMUM SF LOTS 5-231 Story: 1,800 SF1.5 Story: 2,200 SF2 Story: 2,400 SFCUMMING353550TH AVE.NORWALK28G14ORILLA5MICROSOFTDATA CENTERDES MOINES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT28550th AvePLAT 1S2SS56S8SSSSSSSSSS192021222324S SSS28303132SS37SSSSSS17 16 15 18 1923 222026 25 247456123818079787731 30 32 33 34 35 364948 4752515058 57 59 6063 626167 66 64 6554 55707172737476752829693740414244454613121198BLOOMING HEIGHTS14103839435653682127PLAT 2Blooming Heights Dr.Redbud St.

DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY NORWALK, IOWACOVENANTSMinimum SF 1 Story: 1,470 SFMinimum SF 1.5 Story: 1,725 SFMinimum SF 2 Story, Split-Level: 1,725 SFFOR MORE INFORMATION: DILIGENTDEVELOPMENT.COMKALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] Partial Tax Abatement!Plat 3 coming soon! Single-family residential lots located in the coveted Metro community of Norwalk on the Warrior Run Golf Course. With stunning golf course and valley views, these lots are the best location for your dream home. Walkout, daylight, flat, and golf course lots available. Located in the highly sought-after Norwalk school district and less than one mile from Norwalk High School. Easy proximity to the Des Moines Metro area.Ask about golf pass discountsoffered to homeowners!WARRIOR RUN ESTATESCarpenter StPLAT 3PLAT 2WARRIOR RUNGOLF COURSEWarrior Run Dr83rd Ave12345678910 11 12 13 1415161718 19 20 21 22 23 24 252628ORILLA5MICROSOFTDATA CENTERDES MOINES INTERNATIONAL

KALEN LUDWIG REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTSNORWALK, IOWAPRICES STARTING AT:$49,900FOR MORE INFORMATION: PEOPLESCOMPANY.COMKALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] SICKELS: [email protected] Landing development is the perfect place to build your next home! Featuring flat, daylight, walkout, and cul-de-sac lot options! These lots qualify for Norwalk’s new construction five-year partial tax abatement and unlike many other developments, no HOA dues are required! Norwalk schools, utilities, and sewer. Plus, easy access to Hwy 28 and G14 and a short commute to anywhere in the Metro. Bring your own builder! CORT LANDINGWRIGHT ROADNORWALK28G14G14281234S678SS1112131415S1718SSS22232425262728293031123456Cortland DrCortland DrPine AvePine AvePLAT 1PLAT 2COVENANTSMinimum SF 1 Story: 1,400 SFMinimum SF 1.5 Story: 1,600 SFMinimum SF 2 Story, Split-Level: 1,600 SFFive-Year Partial Tax Abatement!Listing #14505

DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY INDIANOLA, IOWAPRICES STARTING AT:$58,900Single-family lots located in Deer Creek Plat 2 on the southwest side of Indianola, Iowa. Lots range in size from 18,000 sq. ft. all the way to one-acre plus lots. The development is close to Deer Run Golf Course. A variety of lots are available: wooded, flat, daylight, walkout, and cul-de-sac. New five-year residential tax abatement starting at 100% for Year 1 and decreasing 20% each year after that through Year 5!INDIANOLA656965699292COVENANTSMinimum SF 1 Story: 1,550 SFMinimum SF 1.5 Story: 1,750 SFMinimum SF 2 Story, Split-Level: 1,750 SFKALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] WaySouth L Ct.West 14th Ave.South N Ct.South O St.PLAT 2West 13th Ave.PLAT 2PLAT 1S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS S1234567891011121314151618171920212223PLAT 3S SS SS SS SS SSouth K St.South K St.11th WaySouth L Ct.West 14th Ave.South N Ct.South O St.PLAT 2West 13th Ave.PLAT 2PLAT 1SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S S SSSSSSSSSS234567SS10SSS14S16S17SSSSSSSSSSSouth K St.South K St.PLAT 3123456DEER CREEKFOR MORE INFORMATION: DILIGENTDEVELOPMENT.COMPlat 3Coming Soon!

DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY INDIANOLA, IOWACOVENANTSMinimum SF 1 Story: 1,200 SFMinimum SF 1.5 Story: 1,350 SFMinimum SF 2 Story, Split-Level: 1,350 SFINDIANOLAE IOWA AVE.N. 15th St.N. 17th St.E. Girard Ave.E. Franklin Ave.E. Euclid Ave.1234567810111314151718 1921202223SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPLAT 1PLAT 2PLAT 3Prairie Glynn Plat 2 available 2020! Located in Indianola, Prairie Glynn offers a variety of flat, daylight, and walkout lots. Great entry level lots. Indianola is a growing community with great schools, parks, and amenities. Still just a short commute to the Des Moines Metro area. New five-year residential tax abatement starting at 100% for Year 1 and decreasing 20% each year after that through Year 5!KALEN LUDWIG: 515.402.3169 [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] STARTING AT:$49,900656965699292PRAIRIE GLYNNFOR MORE INFORMATION: DILIGENTDEVELOPMENT.COM916121234567891011121314151718192016

DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT PARTNER PROJECTNORWALK, IOWAThis “town center” theme will include retail, hotel, restaurant, and big box commercial. The concepts for the development incorporate walkability to restaurants and shopping. Ideally located along Highway 28 in Norwalk, this site has excellent access to all other major travel corridors and communities throughout the Metro. Just five miles from the Des Moines International Airport, six miles from Interstate 35, and less than ten miles from downtown Des Moines. Call for more details and timeline of this project.JUSTIN LOSSNER, CCIM | JLL IOWA MARKETS515.371.0846 | [email protected] CENTURY CROSSING120 acres m/l of prime commercial and/or industrial development land situated west of West Des Moines, Iowa. The site has been designated as a “Shovel Ready” development site by the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s (IEDA) Site Certification Program. Situated in close proximity to an electric substation with abundant power capacity, as well as multiple long-haul fiber lines from AT&T, Level 3, Windstream and CenturyLink, this site has been recognized as ideal for data center or industrial development, qualifying for several incentive programs through the state.STEVE BRUERE | PEOPLES COMPANY515.222.1347 | [email protected] DEVELOPMENT LAND DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT PARTNER PROJECTVAN METER, IOWA

Harvest Pointe KALEN LUDWIG & KEATON DREHER REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS LOTS FOR SALEExecutive residential lots available in the Twin Pines development which features mature trees, great views, a paved road, and two ponds. Lots are approximately three acres each. Build your dream home in a private country setting with ample open space and close to city amenities. Easy access to major corridors, and a short commute to anywhere in the Des Moines Metro.KALEN LUDWIG: [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] more information: PeoplesCompany.comJust two lots remaining in the Harvest Pointe Estates executive development. Lots range from 3-13.5 acres m/l in size. Harvest Pointe offers close proximity to Highway 141, Jester Park, and all of the Metro’s amenities. Lots are open to all builders, outbuildings allowed, no covenants, Woodward Granger school district, rural Xenia water available, and electric to street! All lots are subject to survey.KALEN LUDWIG: [email protected] DREHER: [email protected] more information: KALEN LUDWIG & KEATON DREHER REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS LOTS FOR SALETWIN PINES DEVELOPMENTHARVEST POINTEPRICES STARTING AT:$45,000PRICES STARTING AT:$159,900

DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITYWEST DES MOINES, IOWAOffering 50.34 acres m/l of prime development land located in the rapidly expanding area of West Des Moines, southwest of Jordan Creek Mall along S 88th Street. The site is shovel-ready with all utility infrastructure available. The property is slated for high density residential uses according to the City of West Des Moines and could accommodate 16 to 18 units per acre. Excellent location!KEATON DREHER: [email protected] BRUERE: [email protected] more information: PeoplesCompany.comPRIME MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT LANDWEST DES MOINES, IOWAWest Des Moines development featuring 72 executive lots including walkout, daylight, and lots backing to 32.5 acres of prairie/green space. Prime location with amenities that include Raccoon River Park, easy access to Interstate 35, Jordan Creek Elementary, West Des Moines library, and a quick drive to West Des Moines restaurants and shopping centers. West Des Moines Schools!FEATURED BUILDERSGROUND BREAKER HOMES515.309.0703KRM DEVELOPMENT515.243.1191THE PRESERVE ON GRAND

MONTHLYNETWORKINGOPPORTUNITIES580+MEMBERS3TRADESHOWSLOBBYINGFOR OURINDUSTRYLET’S JOIN FORCESOUR MISSIONThe Greater Des Moines Home Builders Association is striving to make Greater Des Moines the best community in the world to live and to work.WHO WE AREOur association prides itself in being a voice for the industry. We are always fighting for regulations, rules and leaders who support our industry while also fighting against the changes that could impact our industry in a negative way.HOW WE BENEFITADVOCACY - The HBA is known on the local, state and national levels of government. Our lobbying helps limit regulations and save your company money. Your membership helps increase the impact we have.NETWORKING - Get the chance to attend any of our networking opportunities to talk with others in the industry, at least one each month!3 MEMBERSHIPS IN 1 - Having a membership with the DSM HBA also gives you a membership with local (HBAI) and national (NAHB) HBAs.DISCOUNTS & REBATES - Vehicle or gas discounts (to name a few) can save you lots of money, paying for your membership right there!EXPOSURE - Get listed on our website, membership directory and social media likes, shares, comments, etc.MORE - Contact us to learn about even more benefits at 515.270.8500.BEYOND THE HBAWe know the growing concern for skilled workers is a big deal. That’s why we have teamed up with Iowa Skilled Trades on many occasions to help combat this issue. We collaborate on an event called Build My Future where high school students have a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the options they have within the skilled trades.515.270.8500 | [email protected] | | #dsmhbaFrom left: HBA First Vice President Kalen Ludwig, HBA President Rachel Flint, and HBA Second Vice President Jenna Kimberley

It’s a wrap! Now that 2019 is behind us, it’s a good time to take a look back at the performance of our Des Moines Metro housing market last year.From recent conversations I’ve had with leaders in the real estate and homebuilding industries, there seems to be a mixed bag of opinions about the state of the market and expectations for the coming year. Some feel that they are the busiest they have ever been and see great potential for 2020. Others are feeling a bit slower than previous years and see signs of a slower real estate market.As we start peeling back the data, what we can see right away is an overall low supply that has persisted in the Des Moines market for several years. The total inventory of active single-family homes, for instance, has hovered just under a three-months supply since 2015, and is down to a 2.8 months supply today. In fact, the number of single-family homes on the market recently fell to 2,099 in Q4 2019 from 2,577 in Q3 2019, a decrease of more than 18 percent. Compared with a year ago, the active inventory is down by 4 percent, or 91 fewer single-family homes.When we turn our attention to new construction inventory, which is down to a 6.1 months supply from a 7.2 months supply a year ago, the data tells an interesting story. The lack of supply used to be in price points from the lower range ($200,000-$249,000 and $250,000-$299,000) and builders were smart to follow that demand. But now, due to a shift in the product, we are seeing some smaller inventories in the $350,000-$399,000 and $400,000-$449,000 price points, indicating that for some builders in certain communities there may be good opportunities here.My Q4 2019 Housing Statistics provides a comparison of the data over the past three years. You can drill down for a full assessment of each community and price point. It is also interesting to look at the cities in which new construction is being built with Ankeny, Waukee, West Des Moines, Urbandale and Norwalk topping the most recent list.In 2019, the combined total number of sales for existing single-family homes and new construction homes was 8,877, which was still a great year albeit down by 218, or 2.4 percent, compared to the previous year. Some of the decline could be attributed to a lack of inventory for buyers to purchase.For each of the past four years, the Des Moines Metro has sold more than 1,500 new construction homes that are tracked through the MLS, with 2017 being the peak year. Compare that with 1,544 new construction homes sold in 2019, and we are only 136 new homes off the high mark two years ago.In summary, the data both locally and nationally tell us we are hitting a plateau in terms of total inventory being sold, and price growth (appreciation) has also been slowing. From my perspective, the builders and developers and Realtors who are business planning, researching the market needs and picking the right projects are the ones that are seeing their businesses continue to take off and numbers increasing.In the Des Moines market, keeping a close eye on and reacting appropriately to demand for various price points in our unique communities could be one of the keys to unlocking your best 2020. Taking a peek at the first quarter, there has already been a good sign that pending sales have increased from this time last year.As always, you can contact me directly to continue the Des Moines-area real estate and homebuilding conversation at [email protected] January 20, 2020 on www.KalenLudwig.comKALEN LUDWIGI am a Residential REALTOR® and Certified New Construction Sales Professional who specializes in helping builders and end-users purchase lots that fit their specific needs. I represent several first class residential developments in Central Iowa. My goal is to be a resource to you with my expertise and pulse on the new construction market.Total ACTIVE2,099NC ACTIVE784Total PENDING964NC PENDING270Total SOLD8,877*NC SOLD1,544*Total Month’s Supply 2.8NC Month’s Supply 6.1AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2019*SOLD numbers are for 2019 calendar yearQ4 2019: DES MOINES METROHOUSING SNAPSHOTKALEN LUDWIG: [email protected]

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