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Home Explore Kanvas brochure 2022

Kanvas brochure 2022

Published by pate, 2022-04-20 22:16:15

Description: Kanvas brochure 2022


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F O O D | D R IN K S | E X P E R IE N C E S Created to deliverm ind-blowing cocktails paired with fantastic and elevated traditionalculinary creations,KANVAS willm ake a substantialm ark in the food and beverage world of every city entered.Glassware unseen in traditionaldining establishm ents and traditionalAm erican cuisine with a flair are allon deck at KANVAS.Food,drinks,and experiences unseen elsewhere will always be present to ensure our guests have reasonably priced food and drinks thatentertain in an incom parable fashion. COMING SOON |2022


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