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Home Explore Ability Bow Gym Gazette Summer 2018

Ability Bow Gym Gazette Summer 2018

Published by stuart.wilson, 2018-06-11 07:58:50

Description: Ability Bow Gym Gazette Summer 2018


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INNER LONDON'S ONLY DISABILITY AND  LONG TERM HEALTH CONDITIONS GYMThe Gym Gazette  ABILITY BOW GYM NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2018London Marathon   Meet Samantha  Fit For Life 2018 Success  Meet Ability Bow's new 12 Month Awards disability campaignerSee how our 22 global  We celebrate our fabrunners got on at Mile and new gym user Fit For Life 12 Month17 on the Big Day   7 Samantha Renke     1  0 award winners   13P   L  U   S  : Meet Our Members Simohamed's 10 Years Quizzes/Prizes

Inside This Issue  PEOPLE COMMUNITY15 Meet Our Members   8 Student Film Screenings Read about how our members  Find out how London's local  are making some life-changing film students have created  recoveries through our service their first ever films - centred on Ability Bow17 Day In The Life: Frankie   11 Bow In The Borough Ability Bow's Frankie tells us more on what makes her tick  See what members of our  Fit For Life programme have 19 Vital Volunteers been up to in Tower Hamlets EXTRAS  20 What's On In Bow5     Photo Gallery  Take a look at some of the6, 9 News  borough's best community14   Quizzes and Prizes activities and services18   RideLondon 2018 available to you  Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org2 The Gym Gazette 

Director's Update  OUR TEAM  Positive Progress Thank you to all the Dynamic Director: members who have Victoria Kent supported Ability Bow over the past Outstanding few months, from Operations Manager: being filmed in the Si Mohamed Dahiri gym; sharing their stories; or raising Fabulous Fitness much needed Instructors: money for our Patrick Trotman Tony Snookcharity. RemarkableOur team works very hard to support gym Receptionists:members to achieve often spectacular David Sparksresults, and we all feel amazing when Frankie Josephmembers support our work in return. Vital Volunteers:The collections tins regularly reach a Michael Berryhundred pounds and we’ve received Sabina Khatunmany donations from our members. Sarah Halls-Craggs Tim O'FlahertyWe’ve also appreciated numerous thankyou gestures, such as cards, reviews, And: Stuart Wilson!biscuit tins and even a delicious homecooked meal (hot from the oven no less),3 Find out about our gym at The Gym Gazette 

so we know how much ourservice means to the people wesupport; we’re feeling the love,thank you!Fabulous FilmingRecently we’ve partnered FourCorners to produce some filmsabout Ability Bow. Members told Marvellous Marathontheir stories and were filmed in On a hot Sunday in April atthe gym, with some singing on the London Marathon, staff andcamera! We also a great time members watched for Abilityattending the grand screening of Bow runners to give them athe Four Corners students' films cheer as they ran past mile 17.for both us and the Half Moon Admittedly, there were randomTheatre charity. sun tans at work on Monday (me, I was sporting one redKeeping Fit For Life arm - my waving arm I think).Our Fit for Life members' Training throughout winter andachievements were also then running a sweltering 26.2applauded at our recent Fit for miles must have been intense,Life Open Day, when the lovely but our runners were incredible.Ability Bow supporter Samantha Our runners' donations areRenke gave out certificates and invested in our gym and wegoodie bags. The gym's couldn't do our work without it.operations manager Si Mohamed Essentially, this is an extra largedescribed how people had thanks to our runners; thanks soovercome obstacles to exercise much guys!and had reached their goals,where an attendee said it was Ability Bow gym Director &'inspiring and uplifting to hear'. Founder Victoria Kent4 Find out about our gym at The Gym Gazette 

Photo Gallery OUR BOARD   London Marathon 2018 Fit For Life Open Day Bal KullarAND: Our Marathon Top Fundraising Prize Winners Chirag Desai Colin O'Connor Fred Baron Harriet Vernon Nicola Morris Nicki Heflet Nigel Newton-Sawyer Sharron Currie Siobhan Lanigan PROJECTS   Stroke Group NeuroAbiity Join In DeafAbility Fit For Life Find more of our projects at: activities FIND US St Paul's Church, St Stephen's Road, Bow, London, E3 5JL 5 The Gym Gazette 

News From The GymTen-Up For Si Mohamed  Go Graham! Si Mohamed (centre right) with his daughter  Our very own Graham Naylor - who was fighting for his life in a coma for 10 days after an avalanche accident in the French Alps - has raised more than £4,000 for our gym through his Team Ability Bow fundraising campaign.Our outstanding operations manager Si Including gathering globalMohamed Dahiri is celebrating a terrific funds from fans of his DJ10 years at Ability Bow! and producer friend, the late Marcus Intalex,Joining in May 2008, Si Mohamed has Graham is continuing hisworked in various gym roles, including incredible recovery at ouras a part-time fitness instructor, with gym following hishis achievements including helping Hypoxic brain injuryprovide gym staff with a new kitchen! diagnosis which affects his speech and mobility.Si Mohamed says: \"Our team live andbreathe the gym's values, and it’s a Read more and supportpleasure working with them!\" Graham by visiting:Read more at Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org6 The Gym Gazette 

Magnificent Marathon RunnersImpress At London Marathon 2018A team of 22 fantastic dedicated James O’Connell leading the wayworldwide runners - including in just 3 hours and 18 minutes.those competing in their firstever official marathon - were Funds raised from the event -cheered on by our Ability Bow which saw over 40,000 runnersteam at mile 17 for the 2018 take part in the warmest everVirgin Money London Marathon marathon at 24 degrees celsius -on Sunday 22 April 2018. will all be invested within inner London’s only disability and longThe magnificent marathon squad term health conditions- including 5 overseas runners, rehabilitation gym, with aroundwith four from Beijing, China and £40,000 expected to be generatedone from California, USA - all in donations.completed the gruelling 26.2 milecourse challenge within 7 hours Read more on our News page atfor our service, with 34-year-old Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org7 The Gym Gazette 

Fantastic First FilmsCreated By Dynamic LocalTrainees For Our GymSome of London's newest talented and wide-ranging trainees have created somestunning videos documenting the Trainee Bianca Phillips - who hasAbility Bow gym in what is their previously volunteered for thefirst ever attempt at film making. gym - says: \"It was great to return in this capacity and tell audiencesTrainees at Bethnal Green-based what amazing work Ability BowFour Corners each produced does for exercise and disabilities.separate pieces earlier this yearcapturing the lives and work of \"The editing process wasAbility Bow gym users and staff. fantastic and creating a story to help Ability Bow was great.Ability Bow got involved with FourCorners in January 2018, whose \"Learning to put a film togetherimpressive ZOOM programme gives me many new skills too.\"trainees were able to benefit fromthe company's creative software Read the full story on our Newsand its invaluable training page at Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org8 The Gym Gazette 

NNeewwssFFrroommTThheeGGyymm Awesome Abseil Total Top-UpA fantastic friend of Ability Bow has Ability Bow gym membersgenerated more than £2,000 for our are set to benefit from agym, following an awesome abseil 'top-up' extension to thechallenge scaling Church Langley programmes they alreadyWater Tower in Essex this May. participate in - or are waiting to join - thanks toDiana Jones took part in the daring an exciting new £5,000fundraiser - which involved a 110 grant from Clarion Futures;feet 'free-fall' down the tower known the charitable foundationas the Goblet for its shape - on of Clarion Housing Group.behalf of one of her friends whocurrently attends our gym. The funding will facilitate the initial pilot scheme thatDiana says: \"The funds raised will see 20 of our gymmade it more than worthwhile to go members who live withinover and above for Ability Bow. Clarion Housing properties, benefit from a\"It's also great to have fame at last!\" block of 10 extra gym sessions. Expected to run from mid- June 2018, the top-up aims to aid gym user recoveries and if successful, could potentially become a gym mainstay subject to funds. Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org9 The Gym Gazette 

Introducing Ability Bow's Disability Campaigner: Samantha RenkeSamantha Renke is living an This inner-resilience has ensuredincredibly active and varied life. she's been able to achieve, raise awareness and support others\"I am very blessed and have had throughout her life, including as aa rich and interesting 32 years on former teacher and now as anthis earth - everything I am luckily award-winning actress and multi-involved with is special in its own charity campaigner; not toway\", Sam says. mention recent stints as a guest on ITV's Loose Women and as aSam is the first to admit she has debut ITV News reporter onexperienced self-doubt and fears. disability cycling games - in association with east London-But for the German-born, based and inclusive bicycleShoreditch-based fitness fan repairs and rider training charity,(who moved to and grew up in Bikeworks - within London'sLancashire as a child) and full- Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park lasttime wheelchair user, showing month.strength against adversity hasbeen essential. We decided to find out more from Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org10 The Gym Gazette 

Sam about why she's joined our Sam Renke at the Fit For Life Open Day gym to not only use and benefitfrom our specialist team - Q. Why did you decide to campaignincluding our highly qualified for action and equality for disabledinstructors - but why she wants people?to raise further awareness aboutaccessibility within fitness A. As a former teacher, I know thefacilities. more we share and develop we can gain strength. THE Q&AQ. Hi Sam - welcome to AbilityBow. Tell us more about you?A. Hi Ability Bow. Thank you forwelcoming me.I have a rare genetic disorder I'm keen to highlight to the mediacalled Osteogenesis Imperfecta - inclusion is key and disabledor more commonly known, Brittle people deserve to be representedBone condition. authentically.As most of my friends are Q. Why are you passionate aboutalready gym regulars, I felt I was people?missing something fun and A. People are fascinating and we'reultimately, something to increase all in it together - like Ability Bow -my quality of life. and I'd rather focus on working with others rather than battling andBut then I was able to eventually Ability Bow gym and Ican say that the rest is indeed Read the full article - includinghistory. Q&A - at Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org11 The Gym Gazette 

Bow In The BoroughWe've been out and about a lot baths for community swimming,over the past few weeks in as well as participating in theTower Hamlets, with our latest series of healthy eatingmembers enjoying some workshops run by Ability Bow'soutdoor community engagement partner dietician.activities all through our Fit ForLife programme! We also collected someFocusing on building a healthier healthy snackslife - and run in partnership with from the Co-opBromley-By-Bow-Centre, Mile End (find outHomerton University Hospital more overleaf!).and NHS Foundation Trust - ourFit For Life members enjoyed View our Fit Fortrips around the borough in Life page and other programmesvisits to Mile End and Poplar at Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org12 The Gym Gazette 

Fit For Life 12 Month AwardsAbility Bow gym user and Pearly wellbeing-based services andQueen of Tower Hamlets Lorraine activities on the day such asSadler was one of 17 participants Bromley by Bow Centre's (BBBC)recognised for their achievements walking football team and Socialat the recent Fit For Life Open Action For Health.Day on 16 April 2018. We also presented some healthyLorraine - who is recovering from snacks and in-store vouchers toa brain aneurysm which kept her our 2018 London Marathonin her 'bedroom for a year' - was running top fundraisers fromawarded a 12-month Fit For Life fellow athlete and partner, Safiulcompletion certificate by gym Azam, from the Mile End Co-Op onstaff for her efforts in front of the day.around 45 attendees at the Run in partnership across BBBCevent; including Pearly King of and Homerton University HospitalTower Hamlets and fellow Fit For NHS Foundation Trust services,Life programme completer; Fit For Life has helped more thanhusband, Terry Sadler. 200 people exercise since itFeaturing fun activities including started at the gym in 2013.smoothie making, the open dayalso connected guests with Find out more about the day atvarious Tower Hamlets health and Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org13 The Gym Gazette 

Quizzes and PrizesIt's time for the Ability Bownewsletter quiz!A goodie bag is up for grabs forone each of three lucky peoplewho get all 10 correct answers!For a chance to win, answer the Frankie's favourite dish?questions below, like/follow us 5: What famous title does Lorraineon either Facebook/Twitter - Sadler currently hold?search 'Ability Bow' on Google - 6: What street is Ability Bow in?and send your answers to 7: How many runners ran for [email protected] or gym in this year's Londonhand your answers in at our Marathon?Ability Bow reception if you're a 8: How old is Sherner Mehmet?member! 9: What's the name of Graham Naylor's late DJ friend?THE QUIZ QUESTIONS 10: How many paid staff does our1: What year was Ability Bow gym have (excluding volunteers?)gym first founded?2: How many years has Si Submit your answers byMohamed worked at Ability September 1st 2018 (your answersBow gym? will of course still be accepted3: What's the name of Ability even if you don't 'like'/'follow' us onBow's director? social media!)4: What's our receptionist Thank you and best of luck! Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org14 The Gym Gazette 

MMeeeteOt OuruMr Memembebresr!sWe're incredibly proud of our He says coming to Ability Bow ismagnificent members! We meet very different to other gyms andDerek, Sherner and Andrew to see really aids his progressivehow their lives are being Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis (firstenhanced by visiting our gym. diagnosed in 1998).Derek Farrar loves our gym. \"I often found people ignored me when I went to other gyms and I\"The very fact I've been able to wanted something different\", sayskeep physically active for longer Derek.and with no issue, is an amazingachievement in itself given my \"That's when I found Ability Bowcondition and it's all thanks to and everyone here is so sociableAbility Bow\", says Derek, 61. and they gee you along to help you physically when you need it,First joining our gym seven years which inspires you every time youago, Derek has become a regular visit.\"independent user of our gym.Attending three times a week, he Derek is not the only one tofocuses his energy on using our recommend our gym, which hasspecialist equipment, including a existed in its current form sinceFunctional Electrical Stimulation 2006 - as it was previously known(FES) bike. as Ability UK beforehand. Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org15 The Gym Gazette 

Sherner Mehmet, 57, also loves perhaps feared.\"Ability Bow and is always smiling.Only joining us last October, he But what are the key reasonsalready feels part of the gym's why our members keep wanting'family'. to return to our gym?\"Coming to the gym is probably 'The gym helps you face themy life now really, as it's so much day. Without it, that wouldfun\", says Sherner. He adds: \"Thelittle victories I gain here from be a whole lot trickier!'myself and those I see in otherswho attend, enhance both mine For another one of our members,and their lives.\" 56-year-old Andrew Stewart - who has anxiety - he thoroughlyFor Sherner, his life is gradually recommends the gym'simproving. Visiting the gym 5 'empowering environment'.days a week, he rarely misses aday and says the gym has not \"What I've observed is so manyonly developed his physical people here are determined to gowellbeing, it's also refreshed his to the edge of their experiencemindset. and stay with it,\" Andrew replies.\"I used to find it overwhelming to \"People who join the gym areface people and walk out my front never judged. There's andoor\", says Sherner. acceptance here of the person and what you can do.He adds: \"Since being at the gymand talking to our brilliant \"Ability Bow helps people getinstructors, they've helped me out and face the day and withoutrealise these barriers I've faced it, that could definitely be aaren't anywhere near as big as I whole lot trickier!\" Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org16 The Gym Gazette 

Day In The Life: Frankie Meet Frankie. She's one of to learnour remarkable receptionists, from others.who's been at our gym for just It'sover 18 months. She spoke to us enrichingmore about her role at our gym andand why she loves working here! inspiring toWhere do you live: Locally in hear others'Bow. opinionsWhen did you first hear about andthe gym: When I was searching experiences and it's rewardinglocally for jobs part-time. when I feel I make a difference toWhat's a day in the life like for at our gym: As the morning What new skills have you learntreceptionist, I check emails and since being here? I'm better atphone messages and check in multi-tasking and far moregym members as they arrive. I'm confident on the phone.also a friendly face and able to Biggest achievement: Bringingresolve any members' queries up my two children and my firstand I also do many admin tasks. solo delivery of a baby at college.How have you found it working Favourite music/artist? It'shere: It's great; colleagues and mood dependent, though I favourgym members are all lovely rock and alternative.people and it's such a pleasant Favourite food: Indian Biryani.atmosphere. Favourite person: Lorraine, myWhy are you passionate about aunt; she's the kindest and mostpeople: Because there's lots level-headed person I know. Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org17 The Gym Gazette 

Watch Our Riders Ray and Chris Cycle For Us In The 2018Our riders are taking on theultimate 100 mile cyclingchallenge to raise vital funds forour gym in the hugely popularannual Prudential RideLondonSurrey-100 Classic!Ray Fielding and Chris Gravesare both very experiencedcyclists - with the formerpedalling for us at the past twoevents and aiming to raise morethan £1,000 for our gym in 2018.WHY NOT JOIN US IN ST JAMES' PARK, LONDON, ON SUNDAY 29 JULY 2018 FROM MIDDAY TO CHEER OUR CHAMPION CYCLISTS ON!Find out more at: Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org18 The Gym Gazette 

Vital Volunteers As it's just past national VolunteeringWeek, we chat to our vital Ability Bowvolunteers and see the difference theymake for our charity; as well asshowing how you can get involved too!Our volunteers help to make us who weare! Sarah Hall-Craggs - who providesgym support to our instructors Patrickand Tony - and Tim O'Flaherty, whooffers admin support to our operationsmanager Si Mohamed, briefly explainwhy they love volunteering for us! and I really wanted to giveSarah says: \"Each instructor here back, so I thought I'd returnmaintains best practice, so you never the compliment. It's great tofeel unsafe or unsure of what to do. challenge myself again!\"By volunteering here you quickly seehow your contribution makes others GET INVOLVED!feel positive; which is obviously You can make a difference!rewarding. As I live on my own now andmiss being around people, being at the Take a look at our variousgym gives you contact and it's great.\" opportunities - from reception, to events, andTim says: \"I decided to volunteer for financial/income support -Ability Bow as they've helped me with at: Multiple Sclerosis as a gym member involved-new/volunteer Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org19 The Gym Gazette 

What's On In Bow TO REFER: Call: 0207 791 9487 Visit:  You can also talk to your GP about us!Meet like- View amazingminded pictures ofpeople at Roman Roadvarious free Market at Ideaevents for The Great Get Togetheron 22-24 June. Celebrating Stow Bow until 24 June as partcommunity togetherness, find an of the Roman Road Then Andevent near you at: Now photography Find out more at: Find out about our gym at www.abilitybow.org20 The Gym Gazette 

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