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Home Explore 05 Makhi Joon Makhiyoon ein Makhiyon

05 Makhi Joon Makhiyoon ein Makhiyon

Published by omer, 2017-02-08 07:19:10

Description: 05 Makhi Joon Makhiyoon ein Makhiyon


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This Big Book was developed with the support of the United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) through its Pakistan Reading Project, in collaboration with the provincial/regional governments. This is part of the Reading Learning Material (RLM) being provided toteachers and students of grades 1 and 2 in intervention schools across Pakistan. The contents of thismaterial are courtesy of USAID and the American people. However, USAID and the project claimno responsibility for any change in the original content and the quality of printing/distribution/dissemination of this material which is the sole responsibility of the individual/organizationdownloading the material.

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