Complete product range 2016/2017We make the goal!
Welcome to the world of sportsSports equipment made in GermanyHaspo Sportgeräte was founded by Günter Lawes and his partner on 1 January 1976.The partners and their three employees worked together on a production space of600 m², producing 20 different items of sports equipment.The company decided to erect its own production plant when space gradually becameincreasingly scarce. In the spring of 1979, a 5000 m² plot of land was acquired inJohannisweg in the village of Rhüden. The production plant covering 2500 m² wascompleted in June 1980.Steady expansion of the production programme saw the number of employees rising.As of the beginning of 1991 Günter Lawes headed the company with a new partner. Asthe company continued to grow steadily, the production area was extended by another1000 m². At the end of 2000 this prompted Haspo Sportgeräte to acquire a neigh-bouring production plant, thus meeting the need for more space.Steffan Lawes, the founder’s son, joined the company on 1 January 1997. He became aManaging Partner along with Günter Lawes and his partner on 1 January 1999.Since 1 January 2009 Steffan Lawes has been the company’s sole Managing Partner. Atpresent 250 different products are manu-factured with 30 employees on a productionarea of more than 6000 m² and premises covering more than 20000 m².
We make the goal! Soccer 4 – 57… and we have done so for more than 40 years now Handball 57 – 63As the leading manufacturer of aluminium sports equipment in Europe, Haspo Hockey 64Sportgeräte is now entering its 41st year. Tennis 65 – 67We develop sports equipment with special features. The name Haspo stands for qualityand reliability. Volleyball 68 – 74Sports equipment produced in GermanyWe work continually on improving, enhancing and redeveloping our products. This Multi-functional 75allows us to create sports equipment at the highest level. We do this by using top-grade uprightsmaterials and qualified workers on German sites. We also use the logo “Sports made inGermany”, introduced by the Federal Association of the German Sporting Goods Basketball 76 – 78Industry (BSI).Product safety: TÜV and GS inspected Athletics 79Safety issues and minimising any risks are always crucial, especially when producingsports equipment. Therefore, we regularly have most of our products inspected Water polo/ 80 – 85according to current EN standards. In order to guarantee the highest possible standard, Swimmingall of these products are not only tested by TÜV, but also GS. This confirms that thestatutory requirements on manufacturing products for the market (Product Safety Act – Ball trolley 86ProdSG) have been met. The products in question are identified in the catalogue withthe TÜV/GS inspection symbol. Quality standards are constantly monitored by regular Rugby 87checks and an annual production facility inspection. Our partner is TÜV Austria.We keep all products for our clients in the warehouse. This allows us to guarantee quickdelivery.We are an efficient, reliable and fair partner who guarantees a sales concept gearedtoward speciality stores. We deliver our products neutrally, without Haspo labels.We look forward to close collaboration.YoursSteffan Lawes Badminton 88 Spares 89 News 89 Sponsoring 90 – 91
4 Soccer Safety system net holder (SSN) The Safety system net holder by Haspo with decisive advantages. This net holder is suitable for all border ropes up to a thickness of 10 mm. Fixation is done first to the net and then net and holder will be fixed together to the goal. Very simple assembly. Bend off net holder, press border ropes into the eye – now the net holder is firmly fixed to the net. When all net holders are assembled the net to be fixed to the goal by plugging into the notch of the goal profile and is then secured with a 90° turn. Very short assembly-time. Easier and faster than ever before. Careful treatment of the nets since no sharp edges – nets will hold much longer. No injuries possible and a very low construction height of 20 mm only. The-high-quality plastic guarantees a high stability and longevity – rustproof is guaranteed. All Haspo goals are supplied with this net fixation system (goals except with net holder rail). All goals already delivered can be changed over without problem. Cat.-no. 011001
Soccer 5Soccer goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, “Compact Plus”, 7.32 × 2.44 mThe transportable goals from the compact range were the Standard equipment: Crossbar/upright mattsilver anodised orconceptual origin of this goal development. However, it was white powder coated. Incl. net hoops and net hoop braces madenecessary to construct goals with small packing sizes. Yet, no of aluminium tube 30 mm diameter, natural bright aluminiumcompromises should be made with regard to the goals’ stability – finish, Safety system net holders, ground sockets – insertionneither for the goals in the compact range nor the completely depth 500 mm – with covers and special wedges.welded goals. The longest packing piece is max. 6 m long. Thegoals are therefore to be shipped in normal part load traffic, Cat.-no. 898 anodisedso that freight costs are relatively low. Unlike the completely Cat.-no. 8985 whitewelded goals, for which special hauliers are used for transport,that can only transport a small number of goals per lorry, Without illustration:the environmental load when transporting these goals is Soccer goals as described above but with “Free hanging net”comparatively low. You could also say that these are green goals. (same free hanging net as of soccer goals of Cat.-no. 101 on page 9).The goals in ground sockets are manufactured from establishedoval profiles 120/100. There are two goal corners that connect Cat.-no. 8981 anodisedthe crossbar and uprights together with special binding elements. Cat.-no. 89815 whiteThe goal corners are welded as a mitre joint. The goals are easyto put together thanks to this construction. Accessories: Ground frame “Upward folding” Cat.-no. 194, 184, 185 (page 10)The fact that they are straight cuts cannot be seen on the goal asit is screwed together in the crossbar and uprights area.The established net binders made of aluminium tubes 30 mmdiameter are used.The goals are designed in accordance with the DFB and FIFAregulations. The goals are in accordance with EN 748 andcertified by the TÜV.
6 SoccerSoccer goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, “Compact Plus”, with net holder rail “Quick-Net-Rail”, 7.32 × 2.44 mThe transportable goals from the compact range were theconceptual origin of this goal development. However, it wasnecessary to construct goals with small packing sizes. Yet, nocompromises should be made with regard to the goals’ stability –neither for the goals in the compact range nor the completelywelded goals. The longest packing piece is max. 6 m long. Thegoals are therefore to be shipped in normal part load traffic,so that freight costs are relatively low. Unlike the completelywelded goals, for which special hauliers are used for transport,that can only transport a small number of goals per lorry,the environmental load when transporting these goals iscomparatively low. You could also say that these are green goals.The goals in ground sockets are manufactured from establishedoval profiles 120/100. There are two goal corners that connectthe crossbar and uprights together with special binding elements.The goal corners are welded as a mitre joint. The goals are easyto put together thanks to this construction.The fact that they are straight cuts cannot be seen on the goal asit is screwed together in the crossbar and uprights area.The established net binders made of aluminium tubes 30 mmdiameter are used.The goals are designed in accordance with the DFB and FIFAregulations. The goals are in accordance with EN 748 andcertified by the TÜV.The net holder rail has, compared to usual net holders, certainadvantages: nets can be easily and quickly hooked in/unhooked net hooks must not be screwed in/slid in net hooks do not get lost same distance of hook-in pointsThe openings for the nets in the net holder rail are punched sothat they do not have sharp edges or burrs. The net holder railis already welded into the profile. The profile and holder form aunit.Standard equipment: Crossbar/upright mattsilver anodised orwhite powder coated. Incl. net hoops and net hoop braces madeof aluminium tube 30 mm diameter, natural bright aluminiumfinish, Safety system net holders, ground sockets – insertiondepth 500 mm – with covers and special wedges.Cat.-no. 8984 anodisedCat.-no. 89845 whiteWithout illustration: Accessories: Ground frame “Upward folding”Soccer goals as described above but with “Free hanging net” Cat.-no. 194, 184, 185 (page 10)(same free hanging net as of soccer goals of Cat.-no. 101 onpage 9).Cat.-no. 89814 anodisedCat.-no. 898145 white
Soccer 7Soccer goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, with welded mitres, 7.32 × 2.44 m Due to the positive experiences with our soccer goals “For insertion into ground sockets” these special stable goals were developed. There are following decisive innovations and improvements: welded mitres at the crossbar special fasteners fitted exactly between crossbar and uprights, net hoops with long and stable links which fit exactly in the groove of the goal profiles Safety system net holders Stability and durability are improved decisively by the above mentioned construction characteristics. Top goals bearing each comparison. Technical features: The goals with decisive advantages and improvements. High stability and consequently durability by welded mitres of the crossbars, special fasteners in crossbar/ upright construction and net hoops with long and stable links fitting exactly in the groove of the goals profiles and therefore reinforcing additionally the connection crossbar/uprights. Safety system net holders simple, quick assembly and disassembly one hundred percent steady goal location in ground sockets by use of special wedges – no wavering of goals Comply with DFB and FIFA regulations acc. EN 748 and TÜV Standard equipment: Crossbar/upright mattsilver anodised or white powder coated. Incl. net hoops and net hoop braces made of aluminium tube 30 mm diameter, natural bright aluminium finish, Safety system net holders, ground sockets – insertion depth 500 mm – with covers and special wedges. Cat.-no. 98 anodised Cat.-no. 985 white Without illustration: Soccer goals as described above but with “Free hanging net” (same free hanging net as of soccer goals of Cat.-no. 101 on page 9). Cat.-no. 981 anodised Cat.-no. 9815 white Accessories: Ground frame “Upward folding” Cat.-no. 194, 184, 185 (page 10)
8 SoccerSoccer goals [1]“For insertion into ground sockets”, with welded mitres, with net holder rail “Quick-Net-Rail”, 7,32 × 2,44 mDue to the positive experiences with our soccer goals “For insertion into ground sockets” these special stable goals were developed (see detail photo 1).There are following decisive innovations and improvements: welded mitres at the crossbar special fasteners fitted exactly between crossbar and uprights (see detail photo 2) net hoops with long and stable links which fit exactly in the groove of the goal profiles (see detail photo 3) net holder rail (see detail photo 4)Technical features: The goals with decisive advantages and [2]improvements. High stability and consequently durability bywelded mitres of the crossbars, special fasteners in crossbar/upright construction and net hoops with long and stable linksfitting exactly in the groove of the goals profiles and thereforereinforcing additionally the connection crossbar/uprights. net holder rail simple, quick assembly and disassembly one hundred percent steady goal location in ground sockets by use of special wedges – no wavering of goalsComply with DFB and FIFA regulations acc. EN 748 and TÜVThe net holder rail (see detail photo 4) has, compared to usual [3] [4]net holders, certain advantages: nets can be easily and quickly hooked in/unhooked net hooks must not be screwed in/slid in net hooks do not get lost same distance of hook-in pointsThe openings for the nets in the net holder rail are punched sothat they do not have sharp edges or burrs. The net holder rail isalready welded into the profile. The profile and holder form aunit.Standard equipment: Crossbar/upright mattsilver anodised orwhite powder coated. Incl. net hoops and net hoop braces madeof aluminium tube 30 mm diameter, natural bright aluminiumfinish, Safety system net holders, ground sockets – insertiondepth 500 mm – with covers and special wedges.Cat.-no. 984 anodisedCat.-no. 9845 whiteWithout illustration:Soccer goals as described above but with “Free hanging net”(same free hanging net as of soccer goals of Cat.-no. 101 onpage 9).Cat.-no. 9814 anodisedCat.-no. 98145 whiteAccessories: Ground frame “Upward folding”Cat.-no. 194, 184, 185 (page 10)
Soccer 9Soccer goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 7.32 × 2.44 mTechnical features: For more than 40years our well-established construction,which has constantly been modified.However, we always took care that spareparts are also provided for “old goals”.The goals with decisive advantages: extremely stable and precise-fitting aluminium cast corner joints reinforced aluminium net hoops quick and simple assembly and disassembly Safety system net holders one hundred percent steady goal, location in ground sockets by use of special wedgesComply with DFB and FIFA regulationsStandard equipment: Matt silver Cat.-no. 99 anodised, Cat.-no. 995 whiteanodised finish or white powder coated at Cat.-no. 100 anodised, Cat.-no. 1005 whiteadditional cost.Accessories: Ground frame “Upwardfolding”, Cat.-no. 194, 184 and 185(page 10)Cat.-no. 99 anodisedCat.-no. 995 whiteIncl. net hoops and net hoop braces madeof aluminium tube 40 mm diameter,Safety systems net holders, groundsockets – insertion depth 500 mm – withcover and special wedges, acc. to EN 748and TÜVCat.-no. 100 anodisedCat.-no. 1005 whiteIdentical to Cat.-no. 99 but net hoops andnet hoop braces made of aluminium tube30 mm diameter, acc. to EN 748 and TÜVCat.-no. 101 anodised Cat.-no. 101 anodised, Cat.-no. 1015 whiteCat.-no. 1015 whiteIncl. “Free hanging net” consisting of galv.steel upright with ground sockets and alltensioning ropes, Safety system netholders, ground sockets – insertion depth500 mm – with cover and special wedges,acc. to EN 748 and TÜV“Free hanging net” retrofit setCat.-no. 1010
10 SoccerBase frames“Upward folding”, with steplessly adjustable net depth regulationIf you want to make lawn care easier, this fully “Upward folding”base frame – also of course of all – aluminium manufacture –is an absolute necessity. Alongside easier pitch care, the nets arealso better predected; no damage to nets from lawnmowers.An investment with short-term payoff.Technical features: A structure of especially strong aluminiumtubes. Diameter 40 mm, depth of base frame for net depthsfrom 1.50 to 2 m, steplessly adjustable. The upward foldingfeature is achieved by stable hinges simply fitted to the uprights.Also available as retrofit set for all existing goals.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish incl. allnecessary accessories.Cat.-no. 194For soccer goals, 7.32 × 2.44 m steplessly adjustable for netdepths of 1.50 m to 2 m, for insertion into ground socketsCat.-no. 1941For junior soccer goals, 5 × 2 m for net depthsof 1 m, for insertion into ground sockets, not adjustableCat.-no. 1942For small pitch goals, 3 × 2 m for net depths of1 m, for insertion into ground sockets, not adjustableBase frames“Upward folding”, Type “Bundesliga”This “Upward folding” base frame was developed on the basis ofour well-established base frames of Cat.-no. 194, 1941 and 1942.It is, however, made of special aluminium double chamber profiles80 × 40 mm.Technical features: The base frames are supplied in two partsand both parts are linked with especially strong aluminium angles.The base frame is fixed to the goal construction by means ofspecial hinges being mounted at the uprights. Fixing of the net isdone in the lateral chamber with the Safety system net holders.Thus the net can be removed without any problems. The Safetysystem net holders remain at the net.It can also be used as retrofit set for all existent goals.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish,incl. Safety system net holders and all necessary accessoriesCat.-no. 184 Cat.-no. 1842For soccer goals 7.32 × 2.44 m “For insertion into ground For junior soccer goals 3 × 2 m “For insertion into groundsockets”, for net depths of 1.50 m, not adjustable sockets”, for net depths of 1 m, not adjustableCat.-no. 185For soccer goals 7.32 × 2.44 m “For insertion into groundsockets”, for net depths of 2 m, not adjustableCat.-no. 1841For junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m “For insertion into groundsockets”, for net depths of 1 m, not adjustable
Soccer goals Soccer 11“Transportable”, with welded mitres, 7.32 × 2.44 m The customer’s wish for more stable and stronger goals was the reason for the development of this production line.Crossbar/uprights Ground frame Technical features: The goals with decisive advantages andSoccer goals improvements. High stability and consequently durability by welded mitres of the crossbars, special fasteners in crossbar/“Transportable”, with welded mitres, 7.32 × 2.44 m upright construction and fasteners additionally reinforced and welded in upright/ground spar construction as well as reinforced net hoops of stable aluminium tubes 40 mm diameter. The ground spars of stable square profile 80 × 80 mm are incorporated in the proved oval profile 120/100 mm (see detailed photo). The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach to the ground. Standard equipment: Crossbar/uprights matt silver anodised and ground frame of natural bright aluminium finish. Incl. net hoops and net hoop braces of aluminium tube 40 mm diameter, Safety system net holders and ground frame of square profile 80 × 80 mm, goal depth 2 m. Cat.-no. 108 Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 12221/122219 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 12221/122219 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11035 (page 47) Same construction as goals “Transportable” of Cat.-no. 108 (page 11). The only difference is that the complete ground frame has ground tubes of oval profile 120/100 mm. So the complete goal is produced of oval profiles 120/100 mm. Standard equipment: Crossbar/uprights and ground frame matt silver anodised. Incl. net hoops and net hoop braces of aluminium tube, diameter 40 mm, Safety system net holders and ground frame of oval profile 120/100 mm, goal depth 2 m The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach to the ground. Cat.-no. 1082 Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11031 (page 47)
12 Soccer Soccer goals “Transportable”, Type “Switzerland”, with welded mitres, 7.32 × 2.44 m Same construction as goals “Transportable” of Cat.-no. 108 (page 11), but only crossbar/upright in white powder coated and complete ground frame made of rectangular profiles 80 × 40 mm acc. to the Swiss Soccer Association’s regulations (SFV). The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach to the ground. Cat.-no. 1081 Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1228/12289 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1228/12289 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11033 (page 47). Crossbar/uprights Ground frameSoccer goals“Transportable”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 7.32 × 2.44 m The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach to the ground. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11034 (page 47)Our soccer goals “Transportable” are used where, e. g. for Standard equipment: Matt silver anodised purposes, goals are needed quickly at any locationwithout elaborate preparation. Cat.-no. 109 Incl. net hoops, net hoop braces and supporting braces made of aluminium tube 40 mm diameter, Safety system net holders and base frame of same profile as crossbar/upright construction, goal depth 2 m Cat.-no. 110 Incl. net hoops, net hoop braces made of aluminium tube 30 mm diameter, supporting braces made of aluminium tube 40 mm diameter, otherwise identical to Cat.-no. 109, goal depth 2 mTechnical features: Rugged design with the same technicalfeatures as the soccer goals. Ground sockets are not necessary.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoringsystems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 or the ground anchors ofCat.-no. 211.
Soccer 13Junior soccer goals“Transportable”, with welded mitres, 5 × 2 mThese are top goals and similar to the goals “Transportable”of Cat.-no. 108 (page 11).1.50 m long ground spars guarantee a special strong execution.Of course, the ends of the ground spars are closed.Standard equipment: Crossbar/uprights matt silver anodisedand ground frame of natural bright aluminium finish.Incl. net hoops of aluminium tube, diameter 40 mm, net hoopbraces, Safety system net holders and ground frame, goal depth1.50 m.The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attachto the ground.The ground tubes can be displaced at a distance of 1 m, so that Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no.nets of a lower depth of 1 m will fit. 1222/12229 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11032 (page 47).Cat.-no. 119Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoringsystems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 or the ground anchors ofCat.-no. 211. Ground frame Crossbar/uprightsSoccer goals“Transportable”, Type “Switzerland”, with welded mitres, 5 × 2 mThis execution corresponds to the junior soccer goals of page 14 but it is delivered with “welded mitres” (as Cat.-no. 119, page 13).The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach tothe ground.Cat.-no. 1191Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1229/12299 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no.211.Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no.1222/12229 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34)and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11033 (page 47).Crossbar/uprights Ground frame
14 Soccer Junior soccer goals and small pitch goals “Transportable”, Type “Switzerland”, with aluminium cast corner joints 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 mAlso these junior soccer goals correspond to the regulations of Standard equipment: Crossbar/uprights matt silver anodised,the Swiss Soccer Association (SFV). ground frame/net hoops of natural bright aluminium finish.Crossbar/uprights are manufactured from established oval profile Incl. net hoops of aluminium tube, diameter 40 mm, net120/100 mm, ground spars/ground tubes made of stable hoop braces, Safety system net holders and ground frame ofrectangular profiles 80 × 40 mm. Crossbar and uprights are rectangular profile 80 × 40 mm, goal depth 1.50 mconnected together with perfectly fitting aluminium mould partcorner connectors. The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach to the ground.Cat.-no. 1185 × 2 m, the ground tubes can be displaced at a distanceof 1 m, so that nets of a lower depth of 1 m will fit.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoringsystems of Cat.-no. 1229/12299 or the ground anchors ofCat.-no. 211.Cat.-no. 117 Crossbar/uprights Ground frame3 × 2 m, the ground tubes can be displaced at a distanceof 1 m, so that nets of a lower depth of 1 m will fit. Acc. toEN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systemsof Cat.-no. 1229/12299 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211.Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no.1229/12299 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11033 (page 47).
Soccer 15Junior soccer and small pitch goals“Transportable”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 mFor many years this standard execution of Haspo junior soccer Cat.-no. 120/121goals and small pitch goals has proved. Of course, with decisive Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 or the ground anchors ofadvantages: Cat.-no. 211. Haspo German registered patent screw recess in the crossbar/ Cat.-no. 140/141 upright joint problem area. More stability than with Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring countersunk screwings systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 or the ground anchors of very stable and pecise-fitting aluminium cast corner joints Cat.-no. 211. special stable execution by 1.20 m long ground spars closed at Accessories: the end Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 (page 44) net hoop construction of special aluminium tube 40 mm and ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) diameter all screws with integrated locking so that loosening of screwed joints with the well-known disadvantageous effects are no longer possible Safety system net holders thought-out construction, quick assembly optionally available – at additional costs – with reinforced ground tubes of 80 × 40 mm system profiles. These ground tubes may of course also be supplied as reftrofit set for already available goals.Standard equipment: matt silver anodised finish orat additional costs with black or red plastic stripesThe ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attachto the ground.
16 SoccerJunior soccer and small pitch goals“Transportable”, with aluminium cast corner jointsCat.-no. 120 Cat.-no. 140 Standard equipment: Incl. net hoops,junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m small pitch goals 3 × 2 m net hoop braces, base frame with round tubes, ground spar seal covers and SafetyCat.-no. 121 Cat.-no. 141 system net holders.junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m small pitch goals 3 × 2 mwith reinforced ground tubes with reinforced ground tubes Standard equipment: Incl. net hoops, net hoop braces, base frame with reinforcedCat.-no. 122 Cat.-no. 142 ground tubes made of aluminium systemRetrofit Set “Reinforced Ground Tubes” Retrofit Set “Reinforced Ground Tubes” profiles 80 × 40 mm, covers for groundfor junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m for small pitch goals 3 × 2 m tubes and Safety system net holders. Standard equipment: Consisting of reinforced ground tubes made of 80 × 40 mm aluminium system profiles and all necessary mounting materials.Junior soccer goals“Transportable”, with patented steel corner joint, 5 × 2 mDue to the permanent transport of these goals the connection Cat.-no. 1209crossbar/upright is strongly used. A stable corner joint is junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m “Transportable” with patented steelabsolutely important so that we also supply this goal with the corner joint. Incl. net hoope, net hoop braces, ground framepatented steel corner joint, which has already proved in the with round ground tubes, ground spare covers and Safety systemhandball goals. Otherwise the construction is the same as of net holdersjunior soccer goals “Transportable” of Cat.-no. 120/121. Cat.-no. 1219Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafe junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m “Transportable” with reinforcedanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 or the ground ground tubes and patented steel corner joint. Incl. not hoops,anchors of Cat.-no. 211. not hoop braces, ground frame with reinforced ground tubes of aluminium profiles 80 × 40 mm, ground spare covers andThe ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach Safety system net holdersto the ground. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no.Standard equipment: Matt silver anodised finish 1222/12229 (page 44) ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34)
Soccer 17Junior soccer and small pitch goals“Transportable”, with steel net hoops, with aluminium cast corner joints, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 mAbsolutely top class junior soccer/small pitch goals. There is no Extremely strong mold aluminium corner joints fitting perfectly.better goal of same stability and strength. all screws with integrated securingSame net hoop/base frame construction made of galvanized Safety system net holderssteel tube like handball goals for indoors Cat.-no. 200 (detailed simple and quick assembly and disassemblydescription see page 59). Standard equipment: Matt silver anodised finish incl. net hoopsTechnical features: A construction with especially strong net and ground tubes made of galvanized steel tube, upright covershoops made of galvanized steel tubes.No slip-on connections, and Safety system net holders.therefore extremely solid and stable. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of the Cat.-no. 1227/12279 (page 44) and ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34). Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafe anchoring systems of the Cat.-no. 1227/12279 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211. The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach to the ground. Cat.-no. 1201 junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m Cat.-no. 1401 small pitch goals 3 × 2 mIndoor soccer goals“Transportable”, with “Folding net hoops”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 5 × 2 mMore and more indoor soccer is played. But so far suitable goals Technical features: Crossbar/upright construction and cornerwere missing meeting the requirements of this sports discipline. joints like junior soccer goals of Cat.-no. 120/121. ExtremelyThe handball goals 3 × 2 m available in the gymnasia are too stable construction due to galvanized steel net hoops, whichsmall – the goals used outdoor do not meet the requirements of can be folded if goals are not used – thus space-saving storage.the gymnasia. Based on the positive experiences made with the No damage to the gymnasium floor – felt predectors and uprightindoor handball goals with “Folding net hoops”, this goal cover prevent contact with the aluminium/steel parts with theconstruction was developed which is meeting all requirements. gymnasium floor. all screws with integrated securing Safety system net holders simple, quick assembly and disassembly Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211. Standard equipment: Matt silver anodised finish incl. net hoops and ground tubes made of galvanized steel tube, upright covers and Safety system net holders Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 (page 44) and ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) Cat.-no. 1205
18 SoccerJunior soccer and small pitch goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 mGoals intended “For insertion in ground sockets” corresponding Accessories: Ground frame “Upward folding”,dimensionally to the freestanding versions, being especially Cat.-no. 1941, 1942, 1841 or 1842 (page 10)suitable where rearrangement is not necessary or required. Standard equipment:Technical features: Matt silver anodised finish or with black or red plastic stripes at extremely stable and precise-fitting cast aluminium corner joint additional cost. Incl. net hoops, net hoop braces, Safety system reinforced aluminium net hoops net holders, and ground sockets – insertion depth 500 mm – Safety system net holders with cover, acc. to EN 748 and TÜV. A base frame such as in the picture below is not part of the standard equipment.Cat.-no. 130junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m “For insertion in ground sockets”Cat.-no. 150small pitch goals 3 × 2 m “For insertion in ground sockets”Junior soccer and small pitch goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 mSame goal execution as Cat.-no. 1001 (page 9) but with Cat.-no. 1301different goal sizes. It offers all advantages of the big goal. Junior Soccer goals 5 × 2 mStandard equipment: Matt silver anodised finish Cat.-no. 1501 Small Pitch goals 3 × 2 mJunior soccer goals“For insertion into ground sockets”, with welded mitres, 5 × 2 mSame goal construcion as of soccer goals with welded mitres ofCat.-no. 98. The only difference is the goal dimensions. As of now you can also dispose of a top class goal for junior matches. Standard equipment: 5 × 2 m Standard equipment: Matt silver anodised finishCat.-no. 1302
Soccer 19Integrated safety system net holder (ISSN)completely welded goals with ISSNBecause the ISSN is attached within a low-lying groove of the Since the groove which holds the net hooks has sufficientprofile, it is flush with the profile. This brings significant dimensions, mounting the net holder is very easy.advantages to the goalkeeper in the area of the ground frame. The completely welded goals which come in dimensions ofThe risk of injuries is reduced. Additionally, the risk of injuries 7.32 × 2.44 m, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 m are made of profiles whichis reduced with contacts of the goalposts. have a deep chamber.Completely welded goals plusThe aim of the prior version was to manufacture something even The crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,more durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for which is added before welding.transportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As thegoals are handled from below when transporting, the lever action The completely welded goals in sizes 7.32 × 2.44 m, 5 × 2 m andin the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest forces 3 × 2 m are manufactured in these versions.occur there.
20 Soccer Soccer goals “Transportable”, completely welded plus, 7.32 × 2.44 mThese top goals are completely welded in one piece. The aim of The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach tothe prior version was to manufacture something even more the ground.durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for transportablegoals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As the goals are Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finishhandled from below when transporting, the lever action in thecrossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest forces occur Cat.-no. 103 Goal depth 1.50 mthere. Cat.-no. 104 Goal depth 2 mThe crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,which is added before welding. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 12221/122219 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211Technical features: Crossbar and uprights are of proven oval (page 34), Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11041 (page 23) andprofiles 120/100 mm, ground tubes of special profile 80 × 80 Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11035 (page 47)mm with inserted groove for net holders, net hoop of specialstable aluminium tubes 50 × 4 mm. Weldings are reinforced.Two additional handles are welded to make transport easier.Of course, these goals are delivered with our proved Safetysystem net holders.These goals are delivered with the proven Safety system net Crossbar/uprights Ground frameholders.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafeanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 12221/122219 or the groundanchors of Cat.-no. 211.
Soccer 21Junior soccer goals“Transportable”, completely welded plus, 5 × 2 mAlso these junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m are completely weldedand of the same construction as those described on page 20.They are different in size and ground bars and ground tube aremade of special profiles 80 × 40 mm.On request delivery with handles at additional cost.The aim of the prior version was to manufacture something even Cat.-no. 105 Goal depth 1.50 mmore durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for Cat.-no. 1052 Goal depth 1 mtransportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As the Cat.-no. 1053 Goal depth 2 mgoals are handled from below when transporting, the leveraction in the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongestforces occur there.The crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,which is added before welding.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafe Cat.-no. 1051 Handles (see detailed photo page 20)anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1229/12299 or the ground Complete set consisting of 4 handles for 1 pair of goalsanchors of Cat.-no. 211. Accessories:The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1229 or 12299 (page 44),to the ground. ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11041 (page 23) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish 11036 (page 47) Crossbar/uprights Ground frame
22 SoccerJunior soccer goals“Transportable”, completely welded plus, 5 × 2 mThese junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m are completely welded and of The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attachthe same construction as those described on page 20. They are to the ground.different in size and ground bars and ground tube are made ofspecial profiles 80 × 40 mm. Cat.-no. 1051 Handles (see detailed photo page 20)On request delivery with handles at additional cost. Complete set consisting of 4 handles for 1 pair of goalsThe aim of the prior version was to manufacture something even Accessories:more durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 (page 44),transportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), Transportation rollersgoals are handled from below when transporting, the lever of Cat.-no. 11041 (page 23) and Transportation rollers ofaction in the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest Cat.-no. 11034 (page 47)forces occur there.The crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,which is added before welding.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finishCat.-no. 1055 Goal depth 1.50 mAcc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafeanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 or the groundanchors of Cat.-no. 211.Small pitch goals“Transportable”, completely welded plus, 3 × 2 mSmall pitch goals completely welded in one piece. Cat.-no. 1059 Goal depth 1.50 mSame construction as of junior soccer goals 5 × 2 m.They are just different in size. Cat.-no. 1051 Handles (see detailed photo page 20) Complete set consisting of 4 handles for 1 pair of goalsThe aim of the prior version was to manufacture something evenmore durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for Accessories:transportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As the Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1229/12299 (page 37),goals are handled from below when transporting, the lever ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), Transportation rollersaction in the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest of Cat.-no. 11041 (page 23) and Transportation rollers offorces occur there. Cat.-no. 11036 (page 47).The crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,which is added before welding.On request delivery with handles at additional cost.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafeanchoring systems of the Cat.-no. 1229/12299 or the groundanchors of Cat.-no. 211.The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attachto the ground.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish Crossbar/uprights Ground frame
Soccer 23Transportation rollersfor transportable soccer, junior soccer and small pitch goalsThese transportation rollers were specially developed for fully Another strut between the net hoop and the ground spar iswelded goals measuring 7.32 × 2.44 m, 5.00 × 2.00 m and welded in the roller area in order to strengthen the construction.3.00 × 2.00 m. They can be added when ordering completely This is how the rollers and the goal become a unit.welded goals (not for self-retaining goals). The rollers are manufactured from foamed polyurethane so theyThe ground frames can be manufactured from oval, square or are puncture proof. They have the running properties of air-filledrectangular profiles. rollers. They must be fixed before first usage with few mounting parts for very simple assembly in the pre-drilled net hoop.The net hoop is factory prepared for assembly of the completelywelded goals. Assembly takes place so that the rollers do not rest The complete set consists of 2 transportation rollers each.on the standing goal. If you tilt the goal backwards slightly sothat the roller comes into contact with the ground, it can be Bestell-Nr. 11041transported.
24 SoccerNet holder rail “Quick-Net-Rail”The net holder rail has, compared to usual net holders, certainadvantages: nets can be easily and quickly hooked in/unhooked net hooks must not be screwed in/slid in net hooks do not get lost same distance of hook-in pointsThe openings for the net within the net holder rail do not havesharp edges and are burr-free.The net holder rail is slid into the profiles prior to welding the Cat.-no. 1034goal and can, therefore, not be stolen. = Cat.-no. 103 plus net holder railProfile and rails form one single unit. Cat.-no. 1044 = Cat.-no. 104 plus net holder railThe net holder rail is not only affixed in the crossbar/upright,but also at the ground bar and ground tube. Cat.-no. 1054Therefore, the net holder rail is integrated over the entire goal. = Cat.-no. 105 plus net holder railWith this version, the completely welded goals which come in Cat.-no. 10524dimensions of 7.32 × 2.44 m, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 m are provided = Cat.-no. 1052 plus net holder railwith net holder rail.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with fitting safety Cat.-no. 10534anchoring systems. = Cat.-no. 1053 plus net holder railThe ground frame is provided with 25 mm large appropriate Cat.-no. 10594holes to attach to the ground. = Cat.-no. 1059 plus net holder railSoccer goals“Transportable”, “Inherently safe”, completely welded plus, 7.32 × 2.44 mThe aim of the prior version was to The crossbar/upright area is strengthened The rollers are made of foamedmanufacture something even more durable with a cast corner joint, which is added polyurethane and are thus puncture-and stable. The constructive weak spot for before welding. resistant. They have the same runningtransportable goals is simply the crossbar/ characteristics as inflated rollers.uprights area. As the goals are handled These completely welded goals have Crossbars/uprights of oval profilefrom below when transporting, the lever integrated steel weights, are absolutely 120/100 mm, ground spars/ground tubes ofaction in the crossbar/uprights area is resistant to tipping and can be used profile 80 × 80 mm with pressed-in groovegreatest, so the strongest forces occur without any other ground anchors. The for fitting the net holders, net hoops ofthere. goal depth is 2 m. They comply with especially stable aluminium tubes 50 × EN 748 and are accepted by the TÜV. 4 mm, 4 welded-on Transportation rollers as These goals are primarily used on artificial well as 4 steel weights 33 kg each and 2 lawns or hard pitches, but can also be used welded-on handles. on grass pitches. Of course these goals are only supplied 4 steel weights 70 × 50 mm, length with the proven Safety system net holders 1200 mm which are inserted into the rear ground tube. They each weigh 33 kg and Standard equipment: Natural bright ensure a stable, tip-resistant position for aluminium finish the goal. The steel weights must be inserted in the goals onsite. Cat.-no. 114 At the front of the goal, a handle is welded to each side so that the goals can be tilted back and easily rolled (4 rollers per goal) to any location. Crossbar/uprights Ground spars Ground tube
Soccer 25Junior soccer goals“Transportable”, “Inherently safe”, completely welded plus, 5 × 2 mThe aim of the prior version was to manufacture something evenmore durable and stable. The constructive weak spot fortransportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As thegoals are handled from below when transporting, the lever actionin the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest forcesoccur there.The crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,which is added before welding.These completely welded junior soccer goals are of the same Of course these goals are only supplied with the proven Safetyconstruction as those in Cat.-no. 114. They are different in goal system net holders.size because the goal depth is 1.50 m and 3 Transportation rollersare welded to the rear on the ground tubes. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finishThey comply with EN 748 and are accepted by the TÜV.As with the soccer goals, these goals are also delivered with 4 Cat.-no. 115steel weights 70 × 50 mm, length 1200 mm, per weight 33 kg,which are inserted in the rear ground tubes and ensure atip-resistant position for the goal. The steel weights must beinserted in the goals onsite.Crossbars/uprights of oval profile 120/100 mm, ground spars/ Crossbar/uprights Ground spars Ground tubeground tubes of profile 80 × 80 mm with pressed-in groove forfitting the net holders, net hoops of especially stable aluminiumtubes 50 × 4 mm, 3 welded-on Transportation rollers as well as4 steel weights 33 kg each and 2 welded-on handles.Small pitch goals“Transportable”, “Inherently safe”, completely welded plus, 3 × 2 mThe aim of the prior version was to manufacture something even Crossbar/uprights of oval profile 120/100 mm, ground spar/more durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for ground tube of profile 80 × 80 mm with groove to take the nettransportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As the holders, 50 × 4 mm, 2 welded Transportation rollers, as well asgoals are handled from below when transporting, the lever action 4 steel weights and 2 welded the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest forcesoccur there. Naturally, these goals are also delivered exclusively with the proven Safety system net holdersThe crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast corner joint,which is added before welding. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finishThese completely welded small pitch goals have the same Cat.-no. 1159construction as the junior soccer goals of Cat.-no. 115 and differin the goal size and that the goal depth amounts to 2 m and2 Transportation rollers are welded behind onto the ground tube. Crossbar/uprightsMoreover, an additional ground tube with a length of 1,300 mmis welded onto the middle of the ground tube. This is necessaryto be able to fill the ground tubes with enough steel weights.These goals comply with EN 748 and are accepted by the TÜV. Ground spars4 steel weights 70 × 50 mm (total weight 115.5kg), 3 weights Ground tubewith a length of 1,200mm (per weight 33 kg), 1 weight with alength of 600 mm (weight 16.5 kg) are inserted into the rearground tube and keep the goal from tipping over. The steelweights must be inserted into the goal on site.
26 SoccerSoccer goals“Transportable”, “Inherently safe”, completely welded plus, 7.32 × 2.44 m After filling them with quartz sand, these goals will absolutely not tip over and are usable without additional ground anchors. The goals are 2 m deep. They comply with EN 748 and are accepted by the TÜV. These goals are mostly used on artificial turf and/or hard sports surfaces, but can also be used on grass courts. There are handles welded onto each side of the front of the goal so that it can be tipped backwards and easily transported to any desired location using the rollers (4 per goal). The rollers are made of foamed polyurethane, so they areThe aim of the prior version was to manufacture something puncture resistant. They have running features such as air-filledeven more durable and stable. The constructive weak spot for rollers.transportable goals is simply the crossbar/uprights area. As thegoals are handled from below when transporting, the lever Crossbar/uprights of oval profile 120/100 mm, ground spar/action in the crossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the strongest ground tube of profile 80 × 80 mm with groove to take the netforces occur there. holders, net hoops made of stable aluminium tubes 50 × 4 mm, 4 welded Transportation rollers and 2 welded handles.The crossbar/upright area is strengthened with a cast cornerjoint, which is added before welding. Naturally, these goals are also delivered exclusively with the proven security system net holders.These completely welded goals have two ground tubes that arewelded together. These ground tubes must be completely filled Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finishwith quartz sand before using. There are several openings to Cat.-no. 124make filling easier. Crossbar/uprights Ground spars Ground tubeJunior soccer goals“Transportable”, “Inherently safe”, completely welded plus, 5 × 2 mThe aim of the prior version was to These goals comply with EN 748 and are Crossbar/uprights Ground spars Ground tubemanufacture something even more accepted by the TÜV.durable and stable. The constructiveweak spot for transportable goals is Crossbar/uprights pf oval profilesimply the crossbar/uprights area. As the 120/100 mm, ground spar/ground tubegoals are handled from below when of profile 80 × 80 mm with groove totransporting, the lever action in the take the net holders, net hoops made ofcrossbar/uprights area is greatest, so the especially stable aluminium tubes 50 ×strongest forces occur there. 4 mm, 3 welded Transportation rollers, as well as 3 steel weights and 2 weldedThe crossbar/upright area is strengthened handles.with a cast corner joint, which is addedbefore welding. Naturally, these goals are also delivered exclusively with the proven securityThese completely welded junior soccer system net holders.goals have the same construction as thesoccer goals of Cat.-no. 124 and differ in Standard equipment:the goal size and that the goal depth Natural bright aluminium finishamounts to 1.50 m and 3 Transportationrollers are welded behind onto the Cat.-no. 125ground tube. Moreover, these goals havethree ground tubes welded together thatmust be filled with quartz sand beforeuse.
Soccer 27Soccer goals“Transportable”, “Compact Plus”, 7.32 × 2.44 mThe transportable goals from the compact range were the They therefore look different to completely welded goals that areconceptual origin of this goal development. However, it was natural polished aluminium.necessary to construct goals with small packing sizes. Yet, nocompromises should be made with regard to the goals’ stability – The known net hoops of aluminium tubes 40 mm diameter areneither for the goals in the compact range nor the completely used.welded goals. The longest packing piece is max. 6 m long. Thegoals are therefore to be shipped in normal part load traffic, Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoringso that freight costs are relatively low. Unlike the completely systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 or the ground anchors ofwelded goals, for which special hauliers are used for transport, Cat.-no. 211.that can only transport a small number of goals per lorry,the environmental load when transporting these goals is The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attachcomparatively low. You could also say that these are green goals. to the ground.The transportable goals are manufactured from the established The goal depth is 2 m.oval profiles 120/100 in the crossbar/uprights and ground tubes/ground spars areas. There are two goal corners in the crossbar/ These goals are also delivered exclusively with the proven Safetyuprights area, that connect the crossbar and uprights together system net holders.with special binding elements. In the ground tubes/ground sparsarea, there are two more goal corners that connect the ground Cat.-no. 8104 anodisedtubes/ground sparss together with special binding elements. The Cat.-no. 81045 whitegoal corners are welded as a mitre joint. All four goal corners areidentical. This means that the goals are relatively easy to Accessories: Safety anchoring systems ofassemble. Cat.-no. 1102/11029 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollersThe fact that they are straight cuts cannot be seen on the goal as of Cat.-no. 11031 (page 47)it is screwed together in the crossbar and uprights area and thebase tube and base rails area.In the posts/base tube area, the connection takes place with acorner connector weld construction. There are barely any visiblemitre joint cuts.The goals are tech. anodised in the crossbar/uprights and groundtubes/ground sparss area and matt silver or white powder-coated.
28 Soccer Junior soccer goals “Transportable”, “Kompakt Plus”, 5 × 2 mThe transportable goals from the compact range were theconceptual origin of this goal development. However, it wasnecessary to construct goals with small packing sizes. Yet, nocompromises should be made with regard to the goals’ stability –neither for the goals in the compact range nor the completelywelded goals. The longest packing piece is max. 6 m long. Thegoals are therefore to be shipped in normal part load traffic, sothat freight costs are relatively low. Unlike the completely weldedgoals, for which special hauliers are used for transport, that canonly transport a small number of goals per lorry, theenvironmental load when transporting these goals iscomparatively low. You could also say that these are green goals.The transportable goals are manufactured from the established The known net hoops of aluminium tubes 40 mm diameter areoval profiles 120/100 in the crossbar/uprights and ground tubes/ used.ground spars areas. There are two goal corners in the crossbar/uprights area, that connect the crossbar and uprights together Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoringwith special binding elements. In the ground tubes/ground spars systems of Cat.-no. 1102/11029 or the ground anchors ofarea, there are two more goal corners that connect the ground Cat.-no. 211.tubes/ground sparss together with special binding elements. Thegoal corners are welded as a mitre joint. All four goal corners are The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach toidentical. This means that the goals are relatively easy to the ground.assemble.The fact that they are straight cuts cannot be seen on the goal as The goal depth is 1.50 is screwed together in the crossbar and uprights area and thebase tube and base rails area. These goals are also delivered exclusively with the proven Safety system net holders.In the posts/base tube area, the connection takes place with acorner connector weld construction. There are barely any visible Cat.-no. 8105 anodisedmitre joint cuts. Accessories: Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no.The goals are tech. anodised in the crossbar/uprights and ground 1102/11029 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34)tubes/ground sparss area and matt silver or white powder- and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11034 (page 47)coated.They therefore look different to completely welded goals that arenatural polished aluminium.
Soccer 29Soccer goals“Transportable”, “Compact”, 7.32 × 2.44 m“Compact” means: crossbar and uprights are completely welded inone piece as well as the ground frame. A special system linkscrossbar and uprights (see detailed photo) with the ground frameand is fixed with self-locking screws. Then only net hoopconstruction and net are mounted – the goal is ready to use.A real alternative if you do not use completely welded goals evenconsidering stability and durability. Freight costs are essentiallymore favourable due to the compact construction.The compact construction offers the advantage of a spring effectwhich relieves the construction correspondingly. So breaks of theweldings in the uprights/ground frame construction are avoided.Crossbar/uprights construction is made of the proven oval profiles120/100 mm, ground frame of special profile 80 × 80 mm withgroove to take the net holders. Net hoops are made of special Goals without handles:stable aluminium tubes 50 × 4 mm. Cat.-no. 1041 Goal Depth 2 mNaturally we also deliver these goals with our proved Safetysystem net holders. Goals with handles: Cat.-no. 1042 Goal Depth 2 mAcc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafeanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 12221/122219 or the ground Accessories: Safety anchoring systems of Cat.-no.anchors of Cat.-no. 211. 12221/122219 (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) and Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11032 (page 47)The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach tothe ground.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish.On request delivery with handles at additional cost. Crossbar/uprights Ground frameJunior soccer and small pitch goals“Transportable”, “Compact”, 5 × 2 m and 3 × 2 mThe junior soccer goals “Compact” are of the same construction Accessories: Safety anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1229/12299as those described on page 29. They are different in goal size (page 44), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) andand the complete ground frame is made of special profiles Transportation rollers of Cat.-no. 11033 (page 47)80 × 40 mm.Also these goals are delivered with the proven Safety system netholders.Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Supersafeanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1229/12299 or the ground anchorsof Cat.-no. 211.The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach tothe ground.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish. Crossbar/uprights Ground frameOn request delivery with handles at additional cost.Cat.-no. 10511 5 × 2 m, Goal depth 1.50 mCat.-no. 10591 3 × 2 m, Goal depth 1.50 mCat.-no. 1051 Handles (see detailed photo page 20)Complete set consisting of 4 handles for 1 pair of goals
32 Soccer Playground goals “Compact”, 3 × 2 m Wherever goals are set up unattended, such as on kick-about The goal is delivered with a vandal-proof net. The net is made fields, playing fields and playgrounds, particularly stable goals from Hercules cord and has a diameter of 5 mm and a steel inlay. must be used. Tensioning ropes and a mounting set are provided. The green polypropylene net has abrasion protection. The mesh size is“Compact” means: Crossbar/post construction is welded in one 110 mm; the mesh position is diagonal. The net can only be piece, as is the entire base frame. A special connection system is destroyed with extreme violence, making it ideal for public used to connect the crossbar/post construction to the base frame, kick-about fields. where it is screwed in with self-retaining screws. Then only the net bracket construction and net remain to be mounted – and the Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, incl. net goal is ready to use. Cat.-no. 10592 Goal depth 1.15 m Compared to fully welded goals, the compact construction has the advantage of offering a shock-absorbing effect, relieving the Accessories: Ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34) construction. This means that the familiar fatigue fractures in the welded seams do not occur around the post/base frame construction.The entire goal is made from oval profiles 120/100 mm. Becausethe ISSN (integrated Safety system net holder) is mounted in adeeper groove in the profile, it ends flush with the profile. Thishas significant advantages, especially for the goalkeeper aroundthe base frame. The risk of injury is minimised. The risk of injurythrough contact with the post is also reduced. Because thegroove in which the net hook is mounted is sufficiently large,there is no problem with mounting the net holder.The net brackets are made from particularly robust aluminiumtubes 50 × 4 mm. The goals are delivered only with our tried-and-tested Safety system net holders. 4 elbows are welded onto eachgoal for anchoring.
Soccer 33Playground goalscompletely welded, 3 × 2 mWherever you need very strong goals, for example on playgrounds Freestanding goals without Basketball unit:or school yards, we developed these goals completely welded in Cat.-no. 1060one piece made of aluminium. Goal frame of square profiles 80 × 80 mm Now we also supply an execution with lengthened uprights Cat.-no. 1061“For insertion into ground sockets” and with Basketball unit. Goal frame of oval profiles 120/100 mmA net is not necessary. There is a frame of stable aluminium Freestanding goals with Basketball unit:tubes of 35 × 3 mm to catch the ball. Distance of tubes is 88 mm. Cat.-no. 10601The rear and lateral tubes are welded to an aluminium rectangular Goal frame of square profiles 80 × 80 mmprofile. 4 angles are welded to fasten the goal (freestandinggoals). Cat.-no. 10611 Goal frame of oval profiles 120/100 mmThe execution with a basketball unit provides an overhang of60 cm and is delivered with a glassfibre back board of Acc. to EN 15312 and TÜV in connection with the ground anchors120 × 90 cm, absolutely weather-proof, basket and net. of Cat.-no. 211.The execution “For insertion into ground sockets” is delivered Accessories: Ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34).with ground sockets – insertion depth 300 mm – and covers. Goals “For insertion into ground sockets”,Very important: Goal depth is 1 m. You can choose two without Basketball unit:different executions: crossbar/upright of square profiles Cat.-no. 106280 × 80 mm or of oval profiles 120/100 mm. Goal frame of square profiles 80 × 80 mmStandard equipment: Natural bright aluminium bright finish. Cat.-no. 1063 Goal frame of oval profiles 120/100 mm Acc. to EN 15312 and TÜV Goals “For insertion into ground sockets”, with Basketball unit: Cat.-no. 10621 Goal frame of square profiles 80 × 80 mm Cat.-no. 10631 Goal frame of oval profiles 120/100 mm Acc. to EN 15312 and TÜVCat.-no. 1061 Cat.-no. 10601
34 SoccerMini playground goals“Transportable”, completely welded, 1.20 × 0.80 m and 1.80 × 1.20 mWith the exception of goal size this goal can be compared with Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finishthe playground goals (page 33) and due to the used material itshows utmost stability – practically indestructible. Cat.-no. 162 Inside dimensions 1.20 × 0.80 m, Goal depth 0.70 mThe goal frame is made of system profiles 80 × 80 mm, baseframe of profiles 80 × 40 mm. To catch the ball a frame of stable Cat.-no. 1621aluminium tubes is welded (Cat.-no. 162 with 30 mm diameter, Inside dimensions 1.80 × 1.20 m, Goal depth 0.70 mCat.-no. 1621 with 35 mm diameter). Distance of tubes ofCat.-no. 162 is 80 mm and of Cat.-no. 1621 the distance of tubes Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the ground anchorsis 75 mm. of Cat.-no. 211.2 fixing angles are welded at the ground frame to fix the goal at Accessories: Ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34)the ground. Crossbar/uprights Ground frameGround anchors *These ground anchors were especially developed for freestandinggoals.Can be used for all our goals with already welded brackets aswell as goals of other marks with the appropriate brackets.Can also be used for all our goals with boreholes as well as goalsof other marks with the appropriate boreholes. A set consists of2 galvanized steel ground anchors with inner threads andhexagonal bolts with washers.The stability of the goal is ensured through the use of the groundanchors.Cat.-no. 211* This TÜV certificate applies in liaison with the corresponding Haspo goals that have a TÜV/GS certificate.
Soccer 35Street soccer goals“Transportable”, with aluminium cast corner joints, 3 × 1.60 mSame construction as small pitch goals 3 × 2 m “Transportable” Cat.-no. 1922of Cat.-no. 140 (page 16/17). Only the size is different. Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with Supersafe anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1222/12229 or the ground anchorsYou can use these goals both for mini handball and street soccer. of Cat.-no. 211.Standard equipement: Matt silver anodised finish, incl. net with Accessories: Supersafe anchoring system of100 mm mesh size and Safety system net holders Cat.-no. 1229/12229 (page 44) and ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34)The ground frame is provided with 25 mm large holes to attach tothe ground.Street soccer goals“Transportable”, with patented steel corner joints, 3 × 1.60 mA freestanding goal of stable aluminium special profiles with the Standard equipement: Goal inside dimensions 3 × 1.60 m,new patented steel corner joint. The result is a strong stability goal depth 1 m, natural bright aluminium finish, net hoops ofand long durability. aluminium tube, diameter 40 mm, incl. net with 100 mm meshYou can use this goal everywhere, for example on the schoolyard, size and Safety system net holdersin the street, on parking lots or in the garden.The goal’s frame is of square profile 80 × 80 mm, net hoop of Cat.-no. 19229circular tube, diameter 40 mm. Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the SafetyTo save space the net hoops can be folded by unscrewing anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1106 or the ground anchors of2 screws. The two ground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes Cat.-no. the centre for attachment to the ground. Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1106 (page 43), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), Safety additional weights of Cat.-no. 1340 (page 43)
36 Soccer Street soccer goals “Transportable”, completely welded, 3 × 1.60 mThese street soccer goals were developed as a result of the Cat.-no. 1726 Goal depth 1 mpositive experience of the fully welded mini goals of Cat.-no. Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV connection with the Safety anchoring172, 1721 and 1723. systems of Cat.-no. 1107 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211.These goals are ideally suited for youth matches in the younger Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1107 (page 43),age groups. The size ratio of the crossbar to the posts is closer to ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), safety additional weightsthat of senior goals. Small pitch goals in size 3 × 2 m are simply of Cat.-no. 1350 (page 43)too high for young players. Thanks to their sturdy construction,these goals are also especially good for the public sector.The goal frame is made from the system profiles 80 × 40 mm, Crossbar/uprights Ground framewith sturdy net brackets made from aluminium tube 40 mmdiameter. The net is of course held in place by the Safety systemnet holders. The materials used and the well-thought-outconstruction make the goal extremely stable. The two groundspars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in the centre forattachment to the ground.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, having a mesh size of 100 mm and Safety system net holders
Soccer 37Mini training goals “Professional”“Transportable”, completely welded, 1.20 × 0.80 m, 1.80 × 1.20 m and 2.40 × 1.60 mBuilt on the success of the fully welded mini training goals with a The goals can be stacked into each other without nets.square profile 80 × 80 mm, these mini training goals weredeveloped of oval system profiles 90/75 mm. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, incl. net and Safety system net holders. We can deliver nets with meshSoccer players always think of goals with an oval profile for their sizes of 100 and 45 mmsport. If mini training goals are made of an oval profile, they areautomatically associated with soccer. It's simply more fun to play Inside dimensions 1.20 × 0.80 m, Goal depth 0.70 msoccer with a goal made of an oval profile. Cat.-no. 872 (Mesh size 100 mm) Cat.-no. 87245 (Mesh size 45 mm)Goals with an oval profile are stable and have a great look. Inside dimensions 1.80 × 1.20 m, Goal depth 0.70 mOval profiles 120/100 mm have proportions that are unsuitable Cat.-no. 8721 (Mesh size 100 mm)for mini training goals. This led to the idea of developing a new Cat.-no. 872145 (Mesh size 45 mm)profile that fits these proportions. This involved taking the samequotient as that of oval profile 120/100 mm. Thus was the oval Inside dimensions 2.40 × 1.60 m, Goal depth 1 mprofile 90/75 developed – the Haspo oval profile. Cat.-no. 8723 (Mesh size 100 mm) Cat.-no. 872345 (Mesh size 45 mm)Both the goal frame and the ground frame are manufacturedwith the oval profile 90/75, which makes the goal really stable. Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1108 (page 43), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), safetyThe net hoops are made of aluminium tubes with a diameter of additional weights of Cat.-no. 1360 (page 43)40 mm. The nets are attached with the Safety system net holders.The two ground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in thecentre for attachment to the ground.Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the Safetyanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1108 or the ground anchors ofCat.-no. 211.
38 Soccer Mini training goals “Transportable”, completely welded, 1.20 × 0.80 m, 1.80 × 1.20 m and 2.40 × 1.60 mGround frameDue to the positive experiences with the big completely welded Inside dimensions 2.40 × 1.60 m, Goal depth 1 mgoals these small training goals completely welded were Cat.-no. 1723 (Mesh size 100 mm)developed. Cat.-no. 172345 (Mesh size 45 mm)The goal frame is made of system profiles 80 × 80 mm, groundframe of profiles 80 × 40 mm, stable net hoops of aluminium Accessories: Safety anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1107tube 40 mm diameter. Net fixing with Safety system net holders. (page 43), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), safetyExtremely stable due to the materials used and the well- additional weights of Cat.-no. 1350 (page 43)thought-out design.The two ground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in thecentre for attachment to the ground.Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the Safetyanchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1107 or the ground anchors ofCat.-no. 211.Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, incl. Crossbar/uprights Ground framenet and Safety system net holders. We can deliver nets withmesh sizes of 100 and 45 mmInside dimensions 1.20 × 0.80 m, Goal depth 0.70 mCat.-no. 172 (Mesh size 100 mm)Cat.-no. 17245 (Mesh size 45 mm)Inside dimensions 1.80 × 1.20 m, Goal depth 0.70 mCat.-no. 1721 (Mesh size 100 mm)Cat.-no. 172145 (Mesh size 45 mm)
Soccer 39Mini training goals“Transportable”, 1.20 × 0.80 m, 1.80 × 1.20 m and 2.40 × 1.60 mSmall goals developed by experts for soccer training but also to Inside dimensions 1.20 × 0.80 m, Goal depth 0.70 mbe used for other kinds of sports and games as for street hockey Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, netand street soccer for example. hoops of aluminium tube 40 mm diameter, incl. net and Safety system net holdersThese goals guarantee high stability and are necessary for aneffective training and playing programme for children and adults. Cat.-no. 192 (Mesh size 100 mm)They will enjoy playing and training again. Cat.-no. 19245 (Mesh size 45 mm)This goal can be used for several training possibilities, by using Inside dimensions 1.80 × 1.20 m, Goal depth 0.70 m4 goals for partner games for example. Standard equipment: natural bright aluminium finish, net hoops of aluminium tube 40 mm diameter, incl. net and SafetyTechnical features: Extremely strong and durable execution. system net holdersFrame of special system profiles 80 × 40 mm, completely welded.Net hoops and ground tube of stable aluminium tubes. Cat.-no. 1921 (Mesh size 100 mm)Net fixing at goal frame by Safety system net holders. Cat.-no. 192145 (Mesh size 45 mm)The net hoops can be folded for space saving storage byloosening the wing nuts and by pulling the screws out of the Inside dimensions 2.40 × 1.60 m, Goal depth 1 mupper hinges. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, net hoops of aluminium tube 40 mm diameter, incl. net withNow with special hinges to “fix the net hoops” so that a ground 100 mm mesh size and Safety system net holderstube is no more necessary. Therefore damages of the groundtube in case of heavy duty are eliminated. Cat.-no. 1923 (Mesh size 100 mm) Cat.-no. 192345 (Mesh size 45 mm)The two ground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in thecentre for attachment to the ground. Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1106 (page 43), ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34),Acc. to EN 748 and TÜV in connection with the Safety anchoring Safety additional weights Cat.-no. 1340 (page 43)systems of Cat.-no. 1106 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211.We can deliver nets with mesh sizes of 100 mm or 45 mm.
40 SoccerSafety mini training goals“Transportable”, 1.20 × 0.80 m and 1.80 × 1.20 mThese goals are the result of consistent enhancements of our Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the Safetyprevious mini goals, which are still available. anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1106 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211.This design is an absolute innovation. Inside dimensions 1.20 × 0.80 m, Goal depth 0.70 mThe special feature of this design: the connection of crossbar/ Standard equipment: natural bright aluminium finish, incl. netuprights of 90° bows – the goal frame has, therefore, rounded with mesh size of 45 mm and Safety system net holdersedges significantly reducing the risk of injury, particularly in thehead and face region of children, since all sharp edges have been Cat.-no. 15245eliminated.The welded goal frame is made of robust aluminium system Inside dimensions 1.80 × 1.20 m, Goal depth 0.70 mprofiles with a diameter of 60 mm and, based on the two 90° Standard equipment: natural bright aluminium finish, incl. netbows, forms one single unit. with mesh size of 45 mm and Safety system net holdersTechnical features: Extremely robust and durable design. Cat.-no. 152145The welded goal frame is made of special-system profiles with adiameter of 60 mm and forms, based on the two 90° bows, one Inside dimensions 2.40 × 1.60 m, Goal depth 1 msingle unit. Net hangers made of robust aluminium tubes with a Standard equipment: natural bright aluminium finish, incl. netdiameter of 40 mm. with mesh size of 45 mm and Safety system net holdersThe net is attached at the goal frame using the Safety system net Cat.-no. 152345holders. Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1106 (page 43),The net hangers can be retracted (to save space when storing ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), Safety additionalthem) by untightening the wing nuts and removing the screws at weights of Cat.-no. 1340 (page 43)the upper hinges. Comes with special hinges to fix the nethanger. Therefore, the ground tube is not necessary.The two ground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in thecentre for attachment to the ground.
Soccer 41Play and leisure goals“Transportable”, 1,05 × 0,70 mThe objective was to construct a goal for the play and leisure Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the Safetysector. The products in this market segment were previously of anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1106 or the ground anchors oflow quality. They are made from plastic or with metal profiles Cat.-no. 211.without a groove.This goal is a premium product. Thanks to its size, it can be sent Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, a parcel at minimal cost. net having a mesh size of 45 mm and Safety system net holdersThe goal was also developed for nurseries and childcare facilities.The special feature of this design: the connection of crossbar/ Cat.-no. 15145uprights of 90° bows – the goal frame has, therefore, roundededges significantly reducing the risk of injury, particularly in the Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1106 (page 43),head and face region, since all sharp edges have been eliminated. ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), safety additionalThe welded goal frame is made of robust aluminium system weights of Cat.-no. 1340 (page 43)profiles with a diameter of 60 mm and, based on the 90° bows,forms one single unit.Technical features: Extremely robust and durable design.The welded goal frame is made of special-system profiles with adiameter of 60 mm and forms, based on the two 90° bows, onesingle unit. Net hangers made of robust aluminium tubes with adiameter of 40 mm.The net is attached at the goal frame using the Safety system netholders.The net hangers can be retracted (to save space when storingthem) by untightening the wing nuts and removing the screws atthe upper hinges.Comes with special hinges to fix the net hanger. Therefore, theground tube is not necessary. The two ground spars of a goalhave 25 mm boreholes in the centre for attachment to theground.
42 SoccerMini goals “Professional”“Transportable”, completely welded, 3 × 1 mThese goals were developed based on the success of the mini Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the Safety anchoringgoals of Cat.-no. 1924 and 1925. systems of Cat.-no. 1108 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211.The oval system profile 90/75 was used with the mini training The goals can be stacked into each other without nets.goals “Professional”. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, incl. netIt's simply more fun to play soccer with a goal made of oval with mesh sizes of 100 mm and sfaety system net holdersprofiles. These goals have a high-quality appearance.Oval profiles 120/100 mm have proportions that are unsuitable Cat.-no. 1926for mini training goals. This led to the idea of developing a newprofile that fits these proportions. This involved taking the same Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1108 (page 43),quotient as that of oval profile 120/100 mm. Thus was the oval ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), safety additionalprofile 90/75 developed – the Haspo oval profile. weights of Cat.-no. 1360 (page 43)The two ground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in thecentre for attachment to the ground.Small goals“Transportable”, Type “Netherlands”, 3 × 1 m Acc. to EN 16579 and TÜV in connection with the Safety anchoring systems of Cat.-no. 1108 or the ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211.These goals were developed by the Royal Dutch Soccer Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, incl. netsAssociation as official goals for 5 to 6 years old children for with 100 mm mesh size and Safety system net holdersmatches “4 against 4”. However, they are also excellentlysuitable for training and leisure time purposes. Cat.-no. 1924Very stable and durable execution. Goal frame of special systemprofile 80 × 40 mm, welded in one piece. Net hoops – folding – Standard equipment: Goal frame yellow powder coated,of stable aluminium tubes 40 mm. Net fixing also with the Safety remaining construction natural bright aluminium finish, incl. netssystem net holders, goal depth 0.80 m. with 100 mm mesh size and Safety system net holdersIn order to meet the different requirements delivery in naturalbright aluminium finish or goal frame yellow powder coated, Cat.-no. 1925remaining construction natural bright aluminium finish. The twoground spars of a goal have 25 mm boreholes in the centre for Accessories: Safety anchoring system of Cat.-no. 1106 (page 43),attachment to the ground. ground anchors of Cat.-no. 211 (page 34), Safety additional weights of Cat.-no. 1340 (page 43)
Safety anchoring systems Soccer 43 *for small training goals on pitchesWe recommend to fix also the small goals and therefore we * This TÜV certificate applies in liaison with the corresponding Haspodeveloped these anchoring systems. goals that have a TÜV/GS certificate.Cat.-no. 1106Standard anchoring system for play and leisure goals of Cat.-no.15145, for small training goals of Cat.-no. 15245/152145,192/19245, 1921/192145, 1923, for small goals of Cat.-no.1924/1925 and for street soccer goals of Cat.-no. 19229(2 anchors for one goal)Cat.-no. 1107Standard anchoring system for small training goals of Cat.-no.172/17245, 1721/172145, 1723 and street soccer goals ofCat.-no. 1726 (2 anchors for one goal)Cat.-no. 1108Standard anchoring system for small training goals of Cat.-no.872/87245, 8721/872145, 8723/ 872345 and mini goals ofCat.-no. 1926 (2 anchors for one goal)Safety additional weightsfor mini training goalsThese safety additional weights were developed especially for the For mini training goals with the Cat.-no. 872, 8721, 8723weighting of the mini training goals on plastic lawns, artificial and 1926lawns and hard pitches. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish made of system profiles 80 × 80 mm. The length of the additionalSteel weights are integrated into the safety additional weights. weights is 1 m. The dispatch is through a parcel service. A setThrough the attachment of the safety additional weights, the (2 weights for a goal) is packed in a box which weighs 25 stability of the goal increases. Cat.-no. 1360The safety additional weights are simply fixed with 2 securingstraps each on the sides underneath the net hoops and can be [1]dismantled easily at any time.By using the additional weights, the weight of each goalincreases by 24 kg.For mini training goals with the Cat.-no. 192, 1921, 1923,1924, 1925, 19229, 15245 and 152145Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish made ofsystem profiles 80 × 40 mm. The length of the additionalweights is 1 m. The dispatch is through a parcel service. A set(2 weights for a goal) is packed in a box which weighs 25 kg.Cat.-no. 1340 [2]For mini training goals with the Cat.-no. 172, 1721 and1723Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish made ofsystem profiles 80 × 80 mm. The length of the additionalweights is 1 m. The dispatch is through a parcel service. A set(2 weights for a goal) is packed in a box which weighs 25 kg(see detail photo 1–2).Cat.-no. 1350
44 Soccer * Supersafe anchoring systems for freestanding goals on grass pitchesOur contribution for safety of freestanding goals on grass pitches: For soccer goals of Cat.-no. 1081 and junior soccer/small pitch goals of Cat.-no. 105, 1052, 1053, 1054, 10524, 10534, 10511,All freestanding goals have to be anchored against tipping over 1191, 118, 1059, 10594, 10591 and 117acc. to EN 748/749. (2 anchors for 1 goal).In the past serious accidents have been caused due to unanchored Cat.-no. 1228 “Super”or insufficiently anchored freestanding goals. Cat.-no. 12289 “Standard”In order to avoid these accidents we developed our Safetyanchoring systems which enable to secure the goals anywhere on For soccer goals of Cat.-no. 1081 and junior soccer/small pitchpitches – acc. to DIN 18035 sheet 4. goals of Cat.-no. 105, 1052, 1053, 1054, 10524, 10534, 10511,Safety has priority. Therefore these Safety anchoring system 1191, 118, 1059, 10594, 10591 and 117should be used for every freestanding goal. In order to meet the (4 anchors for 1 pair of goals).different demands two executions are offered: Cat.-no. 1229 “Super” Cat.-no. 12299 “Standard”Super:made of very stable spiral-shaped anchors which are screwed into * This TÜV certificate applies in liaison with the corresponding Haspothe ground and fastening plates of galvanized steel. goals that have a TÜV/GS certificate.Standard:made of simple spiral-shaped anchors and fastening plates ofgalvanized steel.2 anchors are supplied for each goal.Needless to say that Haspo goals already supplied can beretrofitted with these safety anchoring systems. This is alsopossible with goals of other marks if there are same profiledimensions of the ground frames.Safety anchoring systems for all small training goals are describedon page 43.For soccer goals of Cat.-no. 8104, 81045, 109 and 110 and juniorsoccer goals of Cat.-no. 1055 and 8105 (2 anchors for 1 goal).Cat.-no. 1102 “Super”Cat.-no. 11029 “Standard”For soccer goals of Cat.-no. 103, 104, 1034, 1044, 1041, 1042 Type “Super”and 108, junior soccer/small pitch goals of Cat.-no. 119, 120,121, 1209, 1219, 140 and 141 and street soccer goals of Cat.-no.1922 (4 anchors for 1 pair of goals).Cat.-no. 1222 “Super”Cat.-no. 12229 “Standard”For soccer goals of Cat.-no. 103, 104, 1034, 1044, 1041, 1042and 108, junior soccer/small pitch goals of Cat.-no. 119, 120,121, 1209, 1219, 140 and 141 and street soccer goals of Cat.-no.1922 (2 anchors for 1 goal).Cat.-no. 12221 “Super”Cat.-no. 122219 “Standard”For junior soccer/small pitch goals of Cat.-no. 1201 and 1401,indoor soccer goals of Cat.-no. 1205 and handball goals ofCat.-no. 200 and 205 (4 anchors for 1 pair of goals).Cat.-no. 1227 “Super”Cat.-no. 12279 “Standard” Type “Standard”
Safety additional weight “Mobile” Soccer 45 *for freestanding goalsFreestanding goals must be adequately secured against Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish, completetipping over according to EN 748. This is not possible with most set consisting of 2 additional weights (unfilled) for 1 goal, lengthconventional anchoring systems on plastic or artificial lawns or of tank 1.50 m, Overall length 1.90 m.hard pitches which is why we developed the safety additionalweights many years ago. Cat.-no. 1390This new design is a logical extension of the previous safety * This TÜV certificate applies in liaison with the corresponding Haspoadditional weights which are, of course, still available. goals that have a TÜV/GS certificate.Two transportation wheels with an extra wide wheelbase and alarge welded-on transportation handle guarantee the easytransport of the mobile additional weight to the goal.The rollers are made of foamed polyurethane and are thuspuncture-resistant. They have the same running characteristics asinflated rollers.The mobile additional weights are simply placed over the groundframes of the goal. The special advantage of additional weight:With its unique design, this additional weight adjusts to groundframes of sizes 120/100 mm, 80 × 80 mm, 80 × 40 mm,75 × 50 mm and 75 × 40 mm.Before use, the additional weight tanks must be filled with quartzsand.The empty weight of an additional weight is 15 kg; filled withquartz sand, 80 kg.Each goal (7.32 × 2.44 m, 5 × 2 m, 3 × 2 m) needs two additionalweights (1 set).
46 SoccerSafety additional weightsfor transportable goalsThese Safety additional weights are the optimal solution to Cat.-no. 1310weight down all freestanding goals on synthetic or hard pitches For transportable goals with ground tube of oval profilebut also on grass pitches. 120/100 mmThis construction guarantees a safe stability and the goal is alsopredected against tipping over. Cat.-no. 1320The additional weights are easy to handle. The rear tube of the For transportable goals with ground tube of square profilegoal will be situated in the opening between the tanks. Then the 80 × 80 mmweights will be fixed by 2 hoops which also contain the handlesfor transport of weights. For fixing the net has only to be Cat.-no. 1330loosened at the hoops and not over the total length of the For transportable goals with ground tube of rectangular profileweights. As the Safety additional weights are firmly connected 80 × 40 mmto the ground tube a tipping over of the weights is excluded.Before use the weights have to be filled with quartz sand.Each goal (7.32 × 2.44 m, 5 × 2 m, 3 × 2 m) needs twoadditional weights (1 set).Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish,consisting of 2 additional weights (unfilled), for 1 goal, length1.50 m
Soccer 47Transport trolley for transportable goalsUsing this transport trolley, freestanding soccer, junior soccer andsmall pitch goals can be easily transported by one person alone.All you need to do is lift the goal a bit and push it below oneof the goal’s bars. Here, the goal’s balance point must be in thetrolley’s centre. The trolley consists of a rectangular profile80 × 40 mm. Below the profile, the customer needs to mountthree wheels. Due to its three wheels, the trolley has excellentrunning characteristics and cannot tilt.The wheels have large dimensions to ensure using the trolley even On the side opposite to the trolley, the goal is lifted at thewith rough grounds. Its positive running characteristics are further bars. Therefore, you can move the trolley into all directions.enhanced by its pneumatic tires. An aluminium flange is welded Using two transport trolleys, freestanding goals can beon the two sides of the rectangular profile. Its rail then holds the transported more of the goal. This ensures that the goal has a firm stand. It ispossible to transport goals with base frames made of oval profiles One of these two trolleys is then affixed to each side of the120 /100 mm, square profiles 80 × 80 mm and rectangular profiles relevant goal. In combination, the two trolleys form a single unit80 × 40 mm, 75 × 40 mm, 75 × 50 mm. together with the goal. Now, the goal can be transported by one single person even over longer distances. Especially with goalsTo lock the goal the trolley has two retaining straps. By tightening having a dimension of 7.32 × 2.44 m the advantages arethese straps the trolley is fixed to the goal (bar). Therefore, the obvious. The goals can even be transported with the additionalgoal cannot slip out even with extremely rough grounds. Haspo weights Cat.-no. 1310, 1320 and 1330 mounted to theThe rectangular profiles of the trolley are provided with plastic goal. Here, the balance point of the goal will certainly vary;caps at both ends. therefore we recommend using two transport trolleys. Cat.-no. 1410Transportation rollersfor transportable goalsNew execution, so that freestanding goals can be moved easily Cat.-no. 11031 Cat.-no. 11034and without problems to any other place on the sports ground. Transportation rollers for Transportation rollers for HaspoThese rollers are not only an advantage for players or the Haspo goals with ground tube goals of ISSN profile withgroundsman but they are also kind to the goals. of oval profile 120 /100 mm ground tube of oval profileAn additional equipment which is a must for any sports ground. 120 /100 mm Cat.-no. 11032Technical features: Available for all freestanding goals with a Transportation rollers for Cat.-no. 11035ground frame of oval profile 120 /100 mm, square profile Haspo goals with ground tube Transportation rollers for Haspo80 × 80 mm or rectangular profile 80 × 40 mm. of square profile 80 × 80 mm goals of ISSN profile withThe Transportation rollers – made of aluminium supports and ground tube of square profilepneumatic wheels of a diameter of 200 mm – are simply Cat.-no. 11033 80 × 80 mmmounted and screwed on the rear ground tube. Transportation rollers forWhen the rollers are fixed to the goal the goal is tilted towards Haspo goals with ground tube Cat.-no. 11036the back. Now it can be moved without problems to any other of rectangular profile ransportation rollers for Haspoplace. The rollers need not to be removed. 80 × 40 mm goals of ISSN profile withCertainly all Haspo goals which are already delivered can ground tube of rectangularadditionally be equipped with these rollers. This is also possible profile 80 × 40 mmfor goals of other brands if they correspond with Haspodimensions.Standard equipment: Complete set consisting of two rollersfor 1 goal
48 SoccerGoal security lockThe newly developed goal security lock aims to secure stored Cat.-no. 1420goals from unauthorised use. Two goals are placed against eachother in the crossbar/uprights area. The goal security lock thenconnects two posts of the goals placed against each other.In addition, you can therefore ensure goals are also correctlystored when not in use, i.e. stored standing, such as in gameplay.The goal security lock made of galvanised steel, which was bentinto a U-shape, so that two oval profiles 120/100 mm or twosquare profiles 80/80 mm can fit there. A flat steel is pushedthrough the drilled U-profile so that it can be secured. It issecured with a customary D-lock, which is not included in thescope of delivery.The complete set is made of two goal security locks.Spray-line markers “Starliner”This “new” design is the consistent enhancement of ourSpray-line markers Cat.-no. 198, but has significant advantages: Pressure/paint tank made of transparent plastics, supplied with the label “Starliner” Capacity 11 litres, (instead of 8 litres previously) With plastic hand pump Piston manometer incl. safety valve, operating pressure 3 bar Capacity scale on the pressure/colour tank; ensuring the operator can see the fill level at all times The sprayer incl. the spray tube can easily be removed from its holder to mark even difficult spots such as the penalty spot No manual lever with cable pull necessary anymore. To mark lines continuously the sprayer is arrested using the red clamp located at the sprayer. Upon completion of the spraying process, simply loosen the red clampCharacteristics of markers: complete frame made of robust aluminium profiles 3 easy running wheels with pneumatic tyres 260 × 85 mm with synthetic rims spraying device with flat blast synthetic nozzle, operated by hand lever easily adjustable width of line from 50 to 120 mmStandard equipment: Complete incl. all necessary accessoriesbut without marking colourDimensions:Length: 1.12 mWidth: 0.72 mHeight: 0.90 mEmpty weight: 9 kgCat.-no. 1980
Soccer 49Spray-line markers “Roll-Liner”For many years this simple kind of marking has proved inEngland and Scandinavia.Construction: strong steel construction – enamelled, contents15 liters. Big pneumatic tyres of 290 × 90 mm with syntheticrims.Technique: the colour is sprayed on the field by a roller system.Width of roller 100 mm.Working: fill colour in the tank and start rolling-marking willstart. Consumption is regulated by an adjustable spring mountedbrush system. About 8 liters of colour mixture are necessary forone field.Maintenance: after having finished marking remove theremaining colour from the tank. Then clean the tank and therollers with water. Nothing is easier.Standard equipment: as described, but without markingcolourDimensions:Length: 0.95 mWidth: 0.63 mHeight: 0.90 mEmpty weight: 21 kgCat.-no. 1986Marking colourSpecial marking colour for grass fields, efficient, high degree ofdilution. Pay attention to this when buying it.Mixture ration: first marking 1 part colour/3 parts water,following markings 1 part colour/5 to 7 parts water.Standard equipment: in strong plastic tanks of 20 kgCat.-no. 1982
50 Soccer Players’ cabin “United”The newest generation of the players’ cabin not only offers an Standard equipment: complete with bench and all partsinnovative new design, it has special advantages through its easy needed for assembly.assembly and increased stability. Note: Delivery does not include bucket seats.The optimal wind and weather protection has received anattractive new look from a new side design where the sides are Dimensions:drawn downward to the inside. Width: 3 m, 4 m und 5 mBy using plug-in rubber seals to fix the side panes into the Height: 2.14 maluminium profiles and the struts in the side elements, these Upper depth: 1.31 mcomponents are extremely robust. Lower depth: 0.94 mWith significantly fewer connections between the sides, roof andrear wall, the assembly is child’s play and at the same time, Sides completely of clear polycarbonate plates,increases the stability. Rear wall and roof plates of polycarbonate hollow-The substructure of the bench is directly mounted to the rear chamber plates:wall and thus forms an extremely solid and uniform visual unitwith the entire cabin. Cat.-no. 1813 Width 3 mThe already high bar of the players’ cabin “World Champion”has been once again raised a bit higher. Cat.-no. 1814 Width 4 mWe can supply 3 standard sizes: Cat.-no. 1815 Width 5 mWidth 3 m: 6 –7 personsWidth 4 m: 8 – 9 persons Sides, rear wall and roof plates of clear polycarbonateWidth 5 m: 10 –11 persons plates:The cabin comes in the standard execution with clear Cat.-no. 18131 Width 3 mpolycarbonate plates on the sides as well as polycarbonate Cat.-no. 18141 Width 4 mhollow-chamber plates on the roof and rear wall. For an Cat.-no. 18151 Width 5 madditional charge, the complete cabin is available in clearpolycarbonate plates.Technical features: You can choose between widths 3 m, 4 m Accessories: Transportation rollers, consisting of 4 holders andand 5 m. Extremely stable construction and very easy to assemble 4 plug-in wheels (see detailed photo on page 51), bucket seatsthanks to the use of durable, special hollow-chamber profiles. for players’ cabins (page 53)Pressure-treated bench slats and mounting brackets for groundanchoring which are already welded on to the interior at thefactory are included in the delivery scope.The number of connection points has been reduced to aminimum and only high-quality components are used makingassembly quick and easy.