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Home Explore BODY SYSTEMS Alexis burks

BODY SYSTEMS Alexis burks

Published by alexis.burks.106, 2016-11-07 20:20:24

Description: BODY SYSTEMS Alexis burks


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Function of the Integumentary system● Consist of the skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves.● Protects the body from the environment.● protect against diseases, eliminates waste, and regulates body temperature

Diseases Dermatitis: condition of the skin in which it becomes red, swollen and soreSkin Cancer: uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cellsPsoriasis:a skin disease marked by red, itchy, scaly patches. Eczema:patches of skin become rough and inflamed

Health Related Careers● Dermatologists:Treats diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp,hair, and nails.● ENT Specialist: Concentrate in areas related to the ear, nose, throat, and sometimes even ailments related to the neck or the head.


Functions of the Musculoskeletal System● Supports the body● Allows motion● Protects vital organs

DiseasesOsteoporosis: bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissueArthritis: Muscular Dystrophy:painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints hereditary condition marked by progressive weakening and wasting of the muscles Rheumatoid Arthritis: disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity

Health Related Careers● Chiropodist: Specialist in treating and diagnosing diseases and disorders of the foot, including medical and surgical treatment ● Orthopedics: Branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system



Function of The Nervous System● Neurons in the brain communicate● The collection of nerves● specialized cells known as neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body

Diseases Multiple sclerosis:damage to the sheaths ofStroke: Damage to the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cordbrain from interruptionof its blood supply.Epilepsy:episodes of sensory Cerebrovascular accident: a blood vessel in the brain maydisturbance, loss of consciousness burst causing internal bleeding

Health Careers Psychiatrist: M.D. who diagnoses and treats mental disorders.Neuroscience Nurse:Nurse who cares for patients with neurological disorders and assistsother neuroscience-related health care professionals.


Special Senses

Function● Special sensory receptors for sight and hearing● complex sensory organs and the eyes and the ears.● Smell and taste are located in other organs.● Nose and mouth are lined up with digestive.

Diseasescolour blindness: inability to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum tinnitus. ringing or buzzing in the earsMyopia. cataract:lens of the eye becomes progressivelylack of imagination opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

Health Careers Optometrist: eye doctorAllergist: specializing in the diagnosis/ treatmentof allergies



Cardiovascular Functions● Blood circulates through vessels throughout the body● Provide individual cells with oxygen● nutrients helps to dispose waste

Heart attack: Diseases Heart valveresulting in the diseases:restrictsdeath of part of a blood flowheart muscleHeart failure: Congenital heart diseases: abnormality insevere failure of your heart's structure that you’re born withthe heart tofunction properly

Health Careerscardiologist : doctor with special training in findingtreatment and preventing diseases for the heart andblood vesselsCardiovascular surgeon: operates on your heart and bloodvessels to repair damage caused by diseases or disorders ofcardiovascular system


Respiratory System

FunctionTakes in oxygenand expel carbondioxide as webreathe

Diseases Emphysema: air sacs of lungs damaged andAsthma: Pneumonia:lungs enlargedspasms in the inflam caused bybronchi of the bacterial, air sacs Cystic fibrosis:lungs which filled with pus Thick mucus,causes leads todifficult blockage of thebreathing pancreatic ducts

Health careersPulmonologist: specialized in diagnosing andtreating patients with lung problems anddiseasesAllergist: Diagnosis and treatment ofpatients with allergies



FunctionYour digestive system is uniquelyconstructed to perform its specializedfunction of turning food into theenergy you need to survive andpackaging the residue for wastedisposal.

Diseases Gallstone: severe pain and blockage of bile ductChest pain: heartmuscle doesn't get Hemorrhoids:swollenenough blood vein in the region of the anus Celiac disease: difficulty in digesting food

Health careersDental hygienist:an ancillary dentalworker specializing in scaling andpolishing teeth and in giving advice oncleaning the teeth.Registered dietitian:a dietitian who meets all of a set ofspecial academic and professional requirements,including: the completion of a bachelor's degree withan accredited nutrition curriculum.



Functionremove liquid waste from the blood in the form ofurine; keep a stable balance of salts and othersubstances in the blood; and produceerythropoietin, a hormone that aids the formationof red blood cells. The kidneys remove urea from theblood through tiny filtering units called nephrons.

Diseases Bladder pain:conditionBladder cancer: a causing bladderballoon-shaped organ in your pressure, bladder painpelvic area that stores urine and sometimes pelvic pain. The pain ranges Bladder diseases:is an from mild discomfort to severe infection of thebladder, kidneys, ureters, or Chronic kidney diseases:slow urethra. progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years. Eventually the patient has permanent kidney failure.

Health careersurology : the branch of medicine and physiologyconcerned with the function and disorders of theurinary system. nephrologist :the branch of medicine that deals with the physiology and diseases of the kidneys.



Reproductive functionsThe female reproductivesystem has two functions: Thefirst is to produce egg cells,and the second is to protectand nourish the offspringuntil birth. The malereproductive system has onefunction, and it is to produceand deposit sperm.

Health careers endocrinology:the branch of physiology and medicine concerned with endocrine glands and hormonesAndrologists:Andrology is the medical profession dealing withthe health of the male reproductive system

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