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Home Explore Can CRM Software Help Your Startup Succee-converted

Can CRM Software Help Your Startup Succee-converted

Published by Buzz Interactive, 2018-09-05 09:37:28

Description: There are several other reasons why startups should use CRM software today. Here are three reasons startups should use this solution.

Keywords: Sales CRM software Funnel CRM customer relationship management software


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Website: Can CRM Software Help Your Startup Succeed?Each year thousands of startups popup but only a few manage to achieve the true glory. Sure, a lot ofthem have developed good products to meet a critical need. But, having a good product is one thing andselling it is another. This signifies the fact that end users are a huge part of the startup ecosystem asthey define the success or failure of a product or service.Startups need to work aggressively to enforce customer-centric working philosophies. This will enablethem to succeed and achieve sustainable growth in the highly competitive market. A CRM software cangreatly help them attain this task. Unfortunately, a high percentage of entrepreneurs still hold thenotion that customer relationship management software are like corporate jets or marble lobbies;good for large enterprises but too expensive for startups and small businesses.How wrong they are.This misconception arose in the early days of CRM when it was seven-figure expensive and requiredspecialists for installation. The real poke in the eye was the early CRM software were awkwardlycomplex and poorly integrated. As a result, many employees never even bothered to use them.However, modern-day CRM solutions have evolved into highly usable software that can be expandedand customized according to a startup’s needs.However, it’s critical for startups to choose the right platform as not all CRM software are created equal.For instance, Funnel CRM is exclusively created for startups and small businesses. It’s simple, affordableand offers all the features that can help a startup grow and succeed.There are several other reasons why startups should use CRM software today. Here are three reasonsstartups should use this solution.

1. Less Work, More SalesSales CRM software not only track your deals but also help salespeople effortlessly organize theircustomer data with automation. When such data is organized automatically, your employees can diverttheir energies toward closing more deals rather wasting time on mundane tasks.A reliable sales CRM software proficiently organizes the client data, so your employees can access it atany time without digging through their messy inbox or spreadsheet. Sure, data comes from variousmarketing channels but regardless of its source of origin and type, CRM enables salespeople to make themost of it and maximize their selling potential.CRM also eliminates the addition of any duplicate contact records that may otherwise slip through thecracks. You can even organize contacts with tags and keep a history of previous deals for quick

reference. Furthermore, you can record notes on customer profiles that can prove useful forremembering their birthdays, important information and important files. 2. Lead Capture Made EasyA CRM is not just a way to manage customer information. Instead, modern-day CRMs are a combinationof various features. For example, Funnel CRM let users create and embed web forms to their websiteswithout any technical knowledge. It helps the startups capture leads they haven’t tried for. It makesthem more efficient and better at selling.New businesses cannot afford to lose even a single customer. To achieve their goal, they need to useevery single sign of interest from their prospective clients. Web forms can greatly help in this regard.They capture your work-related queries of website visitors and give startup employees the opportunityto instantly reply. Countless studies have shown that the quicker you respond to a prospect the greateryour chance of success.Moreover, all these from web forms are directed into the customer database as Funnel CRMautomatically create their profiles by fetching their information from the web forms. In contrast,manually updating customer information is an inefficient and time-consuming process. Unless it's yourcore job. 3. Wow Customers with Professional ProposalsEvery startup is launched to sustain in the long run. Perhaps, in the short run, a CRM software may notseem to be a good investment, but as your startup grows, the number of clients increase and scalabilitymay become a concern, it can prove really useful.For example, some of the best CRMs for startups can store a high number of contacts and generatewell-formatted quotes/estimates/invoices/proposals that will leave a professional impression on yourpotential clients. You can put together rich messages in the form of quotes or estimates and add yourlogo or photo to wow the customers.Many CRM users have drastically increased their rate of closing deals solely with this feature. Thesebuilt-in proposal builders also allow you to set your desired currency, automatically calculate totals, add& format text, and set footer text, useful terms, additional links, etc. In brief, they’ll do all the hard workthat salespeople hate.Bottom LineAll in all, in its inception a new business must start functioning in a streamlined and efficient manner.Because startups cannot afford to let their potential clients walk away for a better service or product.With a CRM, your startup can find and retain existing clients by delighting them with outstandingservice. This will give you an edge over your competition.

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