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["A. KeyWords @ ReVieW ,;:.,*OO sure adj. vacotion n. I'm not sure obout the onswer. You should Audrey is not of work. She is on vocotion in osk Kenny. Poris. 3. terrific adl. This book is terrific! I'm reolly enjoying it. 4. tour n. independent adi. We went on o tour of Chino for ten doys. Tino is very independent. She does everything by herself. r, contoct v. 7. pick v. You con contoct me by e-moil or telephone. We pick our tomotoes in eorly 8. check out phn We should check out thot hope v. I hope to study medicine in college. @B. Listening Key Listen and complete the sentences with the words you heor. 1. Nelo is the guide on this 2.Ihey ore going to some of Itoly's vlews. 3. They con be more in the ofternoon. 4. The mon wonts to buy some 5. There ore smoll shops in the oreo. C. Language Tips 1. The Usage ofYet The odverb yet meons \\\"ot the present time.\\\" It is usuolly used in negotive stotements or questions. I'm not sure yet. (= I don't know right now.) ls my pizza reody yet? (= Is it reody now?) 2. A Few ofvs. A Few a few of + Noun A few of my friends ore going too. s few + Noun I'm going to pick opples to moke a few dollors. Fill in the blonks with o few of, o few, or very few. 1. The new computer works well. There ore problems. 2. I hove colls to moke. Give me 15 minutes. 3. my clossmotes ore from other countries. Usoge Note (Very) few is different from a few. lt means \\\"almost no.\\\" A few people read his book. (A small number of people read his book.) Very few people read his book. (Almost no one read his book.) Unit 12 99","b- Grommor Futuro: Be Going to I Statements Subiect + Be (Not) Going to Base Form of Verb (Time) (not) going to Iook for o job. next week. I om (not) going to help us He\/She\/lt IS We \/ You llhey ore (not) going to ploy bosketboll tomorrow. fi Check for Pronunciation IIEIIWe often shorten the be form in speoking. Listen and circle the form you heor. 1 They ore I They're going to hove o porty. 2 He is \/ He's going to moke dinner for us. 3 I am I I'm going to visit him this ofternoon 4 We ore \/ We're going to leove ot three o'clock. I Yes \/ No Questions Short Answer Long Answer Yes, he is Yes. He's going to pick opples. Question No. He is not going to work when he is there Is Ted going to work when he is No, he is not. in New Zealand? No, he isn't. Yes. They ore going to bring some friends. No. fust the two of them ore going to come. Are Philip ond Mortin going to Yes, they ore. bring their friends? No, they ore not. No, they oren't. I Wh- Questions Response Question They're going to toke o bus tour Whot ore they going to do there? He's going to show them oround. How is Will's friend going to help them? She is going to open the store on Michoel Street. Where is Milly going to open her store? I Other Tenses for the Future Present Tense When does your vocotion stort? Present Continuous (When is your vocotion going to stort?) Pomelo is moving this weekend. (Pomelo is going to move this weekend.) 100","GrammarPractice #ao A. Make Sentences Chonge the sentences into the future tense using be going to. 1. She did well on her moth exom. (next week) 2.The guide showed me some nice ploces in New Zealand. (tomorrow) G 3. There were 500 people ot the porty. (on Soturdoy) 4. Some of us went to the top of the mountoin. (this ofternoon) 5. Arnold wrote o book obout Americo. (next summer) B. Fill in the Blanks Use the word choices given to complete the sentences. is going to win am going to leave are going to feel are going to have is...goingtodrive is...goingtoplay 1. The trip sounds fun. The boys o greot time 2. Don't eot so much! You sick loter. 3 your brother here? It's reolly for 4.1 in ten minutes. I hqve to go grocery shopping with my ount. 5. Heleno the tennis motch. She's much better thon Emily. 6. Todd the guitor? I'd love to hear thot C. Match q. He's going to go to the beoch. Motch the question \/ stotement with the response. b. I should bring on umbrello then. c. Yes. I'm going to work lote tonight. L. Are you going to wotch the movie with us? d. No. He's going to be very cold. 2. When is your flight tomorrow? e. It leoves ot eight in the morning. 3. It's going to roin in the ofternoon. f. I don't know. I'm going to tell him. 4. Does Alon know obout the test? g. No. I sow it lost week. 5. Whot ore you going to weor to the pafty? h. I'm going to buy o new suit. 6. Does Terry hove o coot? Unit 12 101 7.Why is Honk weoring o swimsuit? 8. Are you going to finish work lote todoy?","Reoding Before You Read Look at the pictures. Where is the woman? What is special about her hotel? What do you think the reading is about? 4 tI in ffiHotel outer SPace lUhite you Reoa f ; rirstT\\\\ o you want a unique vacation? Go to outer space. You can Ll stay in space for three days. First, you must train on an '#::'rrvis,ors to oukr ' {::\\\"7i;1,** \\\" lrtb to island for 16 weeks. Then, you take a spaceship to a space hotel. '::;,::;#vui,.rs You can fly from room to room in the hotel. You can also look at the stars and watch the Earth from 450 kilometers up! From the hotel's view, the sun rises l5 times aday. Very few people can go to outer space right now. Each spaceship only has six seats. These trips are also quite expensive. People must pay three million dollars for their vacation. Only around 40,000 people in the world canpay this. Space travel is probably going to become cheaper in the future, though. Even \\\\ ordinary people may be able to travel to these hotels. You too could send your friends a postcard from space someday soon! L., \\\"$ Frr' I Space Firsts W, First dog in spoce t957 Loikq I L, First mon in spoce i t96t Yuri Gagorin First woman in spoce 7963 Volentino Tereshkova First mon on the lrloon t969 Neil Armstrong Longest spoce flight 2007 Voleri Polyokov (437 doys) Photos: Galactic Suite Design a J I","AfterYouRead 'ffioo A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the orticle. vocotion. 1. You con go too S for o u 2. First, you need to t ononr to go to outer spoce 3. When you wotch from the h the sun r 15 times o doy. 4. Eoch s only hos six ploces to sit. 5. It is prefty e to toke the t 6. In the future, o people moy be oble to trovel to these hotels ond send p to their friends B. Complete the Passage Use the correct form of the word choices qiven to complete the passoge. million hotel Earth seat space star 'tly spaceship Galactic Suite I The First Spoce Hotel Do you want a really unique holiday? Everybody wonts to go to 1. At night, we look ot the dork sky ond imogine going there. Now, you con go on a 2. ond stoy in o spoce 3. From your window, you con look of the 4. ond the 5. below. You con olso 6. oround in the hotel. All this costs three 7. dollors. There ore only six 8. on eoch trip, so book now! C. Multiple Choice Photos: Galactic Suite Design Circle the answers. 2. Where do the spoce trovelers need to troin? o. In the hotel 1. How high is the spoce hotel obove the Eorth? b. On the spoceship o.45 kilometers c. In outer spoce b. 450 kilometers d. On on islond c. 40,000 kilometers d. 400 meters 3. How long is the troining? 4. Which of the following is correct? o. 15 weeks o. Spoce trovel moy cost less in the future. b. Three days b. The orticle is obout o trip to on islond. c. 16 weeks c. Ordinory people con go to spoce right now. d. 450 doys d. The sun usuolly rises L4 times every doy. Unit 12 103","","a Writing I LSTUDENT BOOK","uNlTl ;tiooa ITaSk Look ot the schedule and fill in the blanks **l ays weekends football f ree every can hobbies love practice I II Ston's Week T Ttano Study Football Football l6:00 - l8:00 ?raclice ?ractice ?raciice French l8:00 - 20:00 Lesson Talktn 9tudy Study Magali 20:00 - 22:00 Read Read Read Read Read Read Read I om very busy. I don't hove much 1 time. I go to school, ond I hove o lot of 2. . Reoding is my fovorite. I 3 reod before I go to bed. I like to ploy 4 too. I ploy with my brother on 5. I olso love to 6. French with my friend 7 Fridoy. She lives in Fronce. I8. ploy the piono too. I often ploy on 9. _. I reolly 10 both ploying ond listening to music. II IITaSk Whot ore your hobbies? Fitt in the chort ond write obout them _:00 - _:00 - _:00 - _:00 _:00 - _:00 t- f *e ,e c\u20acf dl I(Verb * -ing) is my fovorite hobby. olmost every day.T like (Verb + -ing) too (Verb * -ing) evety week.T usually Iis another hobby of mina. fon (doys). con olso I like to with my . It's fun! 106","UNIT2 rrrsoo aI Writing ITask ritt in the blonks with the words below vegetables groceries bar free are pay bread Deor customers, Supersavers Coupons Buy ot Supersovers this week! There ore Ch2e5es%e - lots of cheop 1 Oronge juice AII chocolate extra free Zfor I is two dollors off. You con sove 2O percent on2. Eggs 3. holf price! Buy o 4. of chocolote Save 20?5 on every $J0 of ond get onother one 5. Save $2 on vegetables Cheese ond 6. ore on sole too. orange juice Come to the store today. T less ond get more ot Supersovers! Supersovers Buy I loaf of Eggs Yz price bread Get I Ff,EE IITaSk Your mom leaves you o note. Fillin the blanks ond write o list eggs else onions catry few some bottle IHi! Grocery List There is o sole of Supersovers. Pleose go there in the I ofternoon for 1 groceries. We need a ? vegetobles: 3 pototoes, ond corrots. We olso need some cheese ond o 4 ot orangejuice.Getocortonof5.-too.Youcanget some chocolotefor yourself. Con you think of onything 6 You con use the coupons. Your brother con help youT the bogs home. Thonks, Mom 107","uNrr 3 rlir o a ITask ritt in the btanks more winter weather prefer snow summer cold agree sunny temperature I'm from Moscow in Russio. The there is worm in 2 oround 21 degrees Celsius The 3 is obout minus five degrees Celsius in4 Thot's pretty 5 !We hove o lot of 6 in winter. It usuolly storts in November ond finishes in Morch. Sometimes, the snow is up to 63 centimeters deep! I summer. It's worrner ond 8. comfortoble. I think |uly is the best month. Most people in Moscow Everybody likes o doy, IITask Write obout one of the cities t. City: Melbourne, Australia Weather: warm, dry t? Summer:23oC In1 (city), the Winter:9.6oC lr Most Rain: October, November weothar is pretty 2 (odj.) ond I Snow: very little 3. (odj.). The best time to 9o Eflt City: Taipei, Taiwan there is summer. The temperoture is usuolly Weather: warm, wet I Summer: 28.1oC oround 4 degrees Celsius. Winter: 15.5\\\"C Most Rain: June, September Winter is o little 5 (comporotive Snow: very little odj.), ot degrees Celsius. ft's most 7. (odj.) in 8 9.(month) ond (month). but it doesn't 9et much snow. 108","uNrr 4 *jr; O O ITaSk Four students share their opinions about computers. Fill in the blonks. typing up NCTVOUS games works lnternet fix broken easier problem lots of l,'-'\\\" Bill, UC Berkeley, L8 time using computen. I use them for everything. to do with computers. IrLd I spend 1 Homework is much 2 tt- Toro, Princeton,2l 4) Idon,treollylikecomputers.Theymokeme3.-'Mycomputeris (!r) olwoys 4. _. Life is eosier without computers. Hoyt, Yale, 19 .-.(h' i L-- I'm o computer person. I like to 5. them for my friends when ) -.J I fine. there is o 6. Mine olwoys 7 Arlene, Columbio,20 reports ond using the 9 \\\\l or wotching TV. Computers ore greot for 8. I I don't use them for ploying 10. IITaSk lJse the correct form of the words from the box to fitt in the blonks. lspend by hand busy a lot prefer and sound work seldom e-mail Hellol My nome is Jone Johnson. I'm very I oll the time. I often use my computer for 2 I 17 3 olmost 12 hours on it every doy. My job is to -l write4 ploy music. Computers moke my music \\\\\\\\l \\\\ 5. better. My dod is o musicion too, but he ri1 -. fr-- 6. uses o computer. He only uses his computer to checkhisT V IHe doesn't know obout computers.He9 to write music ttt tt 10 109","UNIT 5 ... ITaSk Use the correct form of the words from the box to fill in the blonks. naughty yard male week friendly name call pet help play My fomily's 1 dog is missing. It's o brown 2. puppy. He is very smort ond 3. but o little 4. His 5. is Spike, ond he's oround eight ,. Q*., 6. old. He loves 7. in the 8. Pleose 9 us find him. :r You con 10. us. Our number is 055- I 879-8036. Thonks! t' -. IITaSk Reod the information below and write obout the ponda. Animol giant Nome Goo Goo mole M\/r bomboo Food Sichuon, Chino - 1.992 Birthploce Son Diego Zoo, Colifornio Lives in Weight 77 kg Children Mei Sheng, Su Lin, ZhenZhen,YunZi Meet Gqo Goo h This giant 1. is one of the world's most fomous onimols. t Goo Gao is ? (M\/F), ond he loves to eot 3 He is ]\\\\ from 4 ) 5 (ploce), but he now lives in the t in6 (ploce). He t weighsT kilogroms. He hos four 8 Mei Sheng, 5u Lin, ZhenZhen,ond Yun Zi. 110 tl r Mr,","Writing UNIT 6 qs... ITaSk Reod the e-mails ond fill in the blonks on the mop. Drow a line to the post office O: -, O-, O, -,O Hey Steve, To: John Ceering I'm ot the office. I need to moil some From: Steve Bright letters. Where is the post office? Con you help me? Subject RE: How do I getto the post office? Thonks, Hi fohn, The post office is eosy to flnd. First, toke o fohn right onto Woleron Street. Go post the gym ond then the convenience store on your right. Tum left on Philips Street. The post office is on your left, ocross from the computer store. Steve Waleran St IT :r;1, o I II I ' ? IIIII -' I o TPhilips St Office O I IIII aAgE .i: I I &E o o IITaSk Look ot the mop below ond complete the directions. You're here turn straight past left right Kraft fish left a o Fish Morket Fruit Store A: Excuse me, where is the shoe store? + Bridge St. O B: Go 1. oheod ond toke o2._on Bridqe Toy 1' o) Comic Street. Go post the supermorket. It's on your 3 Store 7. Book -o Store The 4. o @ !+ @ Supermorket morket is on your left. 5. right Kraft St. 6.on Shire Street. Wolk the comic book store ond Pet cross 7. Street. The shoe store is on the 8. Store Restouront + Shoe Store 111","7 o.UNIT I {1.$i. Wrifing ITaSk tJse the correct form of the words from the box to fill in the blonks cost study work favor ATM garage take look \\\")l s BroG ,M\\\"t\\\"... (t ) 1 I'm at the University of Alberto in Conodo. My friend is doing me o 2. todoy. He is me to 7 closs. I live for owoy from the school, ond my cor isn't 4\\\" 'l tr\/ good, but itt reolly old. I need to go to the About Me every week. I should get o new one, but they My nome is George Buck.I'm from 7 too much. When I go to the 8 to get Conado, ond I'm o low student. money, it olwoys soys \\\"zero!\\\" IITaSk Look ot the informotion below ond fillin the blonks Ploce restouront coffee shop night market Nome Eddy's Contino |ulio's Coffee House Singer St. Morket Where Moin St. Boli Rd. eot lunch meet friends Singer St. why twice o week olmost every doy shop every weekend How often Where do f eot every day? Therearethree greot ploces neor my house. There's o restouront colled 1 onZ Street. The food there is wonderful.I hove 3. there obout 4 oweek. ft's beside the librory, so I like to go thereafter f study too. When I'm finished eoting, f usuolly 9o to 5. on Boli Rood. My friends ond f often 6 there. The third place is the I7. there until 11 p.m. You con 112","UNITS ,w.oo ITaSk use the correct form of the words from the box to filt in the blonks. although like way ocean pollution morning best peaceful TgUHs OF TH E 1iI'OHTD Tours Home nd a Tour Guide Welcome ? My nome is f6r6me. I live in the It',s 1 becouse there oren't mony here. There ore mountoins, volley, ond rivers. Fronce is o greot country. 2. its cities ore the most fomous, its countryside is {& E-moitme reolly beoutiful too. It smells 3 flowers ond does Book this tour guide! not hove much 4. _. I know my 5. A tour guide for six yeors! Age:28 _oround it very well, ond I often show visitors the 6. M\/F: Mqle Longuoges: French, English ploces. You con go wolking in the 7. ond then 'swimming in the B. in the oftemoon. You should visit us sometime! rrt--- IITaSk Use the correct form of the words from the box to filt in the blanks. beach wait huge when mountain respect colorful Visit Us on Green Island Green Islond is o beoutifulond fun ploce. It is off the southeost coost of Toiwon All noture lovers must 9o! There are I ond beoches. Of coursethere is o lot of sond too! You con sit on the2. ond swim with the 3. fish. They're otange, white,ondblock.Therealesome4.-fishinthewaternear the beoches. 5 - _you visit, promise one thing 6. noturel Don't throw your trosh on the ground. Thot's not cool. f con't 7 to see you! Photo: Prince Roy\u20acreen \/ Flickr 113","UNIT 9 WriUng I Task I LJse the correct form of the words from the box to fill in the blanks resu lt or fail worry world review report pass o Need to Poss Your Finql Exoms? o Did you 1. some courses lost yeor? Did you get terible 2 on your We con help you 3.-? It's not the end of the 4. You con still 5 orgonize your notes , prepore o study plon, ond 6. for oll your courses. - e-moil us. Don't 7 obout exclms. You con either coll 8. o !R !R \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\\ro\\\\ \\\\o \\\\o \\\\o \\\\ t,h \\\\\\\\a s v a a vq \\\\o \\\\o \\\\o \\\\o F\\\\o\\\\ \\\\o \\\\o N oo 0o a glC:oJl+E' fi6rnt \\\\tE:o9asFl' o\\\\.tfol 0o 0o F\\\\ tt !t 0o _Pa-J\\\\ . !t 0o c\\\\ v v \\\\t \\\\t f\\\\ \\\\a r\\\\ a.l SN a\\\\ Vt F.l o !Sct s6o .tr o o o o o o o o o TaSk.II lJse the correct form of the words from the box to fill in the blonks. try last take exam go don't be able semester & rC To: Student Help <[email protected]> From: Mallory Archer <[email protected]> Subject Exam Tips Hi! My nome is Mollory, and f need your helpl I foiled severol courses I Yeat I studied hord, but there wos just too much work.I 2. lots of closses, ond I wosn't 3- to soend enouoh time on eoch course. f 4 my best! f hod eight textbooks. There5 too much informotion! I 6 have a good study plon -either. f just reviewed bef ore my 7 to oll my closses, but thot I8 9.wosn't enough. This I don't hove so many closses. I still need some help though Thonks, Mollory 114","10uNlT s oo,,rr Writing ITaSk Use the correct form of the words from the box to filt in the btanks. on next invite celebrate invitation like relative at decorate attend Deor Noro, The Best This is o(n) 1 to o surprise porty to Party Ever! ., Fronk's birthdoy. It's 3 November 13th. Thot's 4 Soturdoy. Con you 5. the oortv? It storts 6 eight p.m. t7 oll of his friends ond 8 I ) rt Would you 9 to help me? You con come oooO ! eorlier ond help 10 the house l o ort naaI Get bock to me os soon os you con! a I ft J Lr + Your friend, A''''-\\\"* IITaSk tJse the correct form of the words from the box to fitt in the blonks. free dress up interested at invite band formal able play Deor Emmo, I Thonk you for 1 me! Iom2 thot Soturdoy. Whot : should T weor? Is it o(n) 3 5 tobethere6. portyZ Should f 4 ) rm v, reody ond prepore the food p.m.I con help youget the house Would youbeT -sinihxoving o(n) 8 ) f heord ,t o good one o month ogo, ond I con invite them to 9 . \\\"*t la ot the porty. Thonksl '7Zooa ].I.I.I.I ,.","uNlT 11 .iii! e o ITaSk lJse the words from the chort to fill in the blanks. ** ffixALb EAIm -{ YY iJ \/ Meol Food Ploce d .J breokfost sondwich pork lunch solod ond fries university restouront dinner green vegetobles Iulio's I eot ot the same ploces every doy. For breoKost, I moke o cheese 1 ot home ond bring it to the 2 I hove 3. ot the 4. restouront. There is o good 5. bot so I often eot o lorge solod ond 6. The restouront is just beside my clossroom, ond the people there ore friendly. For dinner, I eot ot 7. It's o smoll restouront neor my house. I usuolly don't order much meot becouse I'm trying to lose weight. I just eat 8. vegetobles ond brown 9 IITask Write H for heolthy foods ond lJ for unheolthy ones. sodo cookies rice fries woter solod beons ice creom cheeseburgers hot dogs green peppers fruit Fill in the blanks. Use the odjectives below ond a dictionory. { Adjectives delicious terrible bitter sweet sour U Whot (your nome) EotS Mv favorite food is ft's \/ Thev're (odi.). I olso like to eot ond f love too. ft's \/ They're bod for me, but it's \/ they're (odj.)'Myleostfovoritefoodis-.Ireollydon,t likeit\/them.Tt,s\/They,re-(odj.).I,dliketoeotmorebecouse it's \/ they're raolly heolthy. - 116","uNlT 12 it| r. o ITaSk Reod the e-moil. lJse the correct form of the words from the box to fitl in the blonks. fish abroad tour group independent tour anywhere visit O ,O, From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Trovel Plons Hi! I plon to trovel 1. this August. I don't wont to go 2 cold. I'd like to 3. Africo. I'm not on 4. troveler. I wont to go with o 5 I love Con I hove some informotion on your 7. pleose? Thonk you, Henry Stonley IITaSk use the informotion below to complete the reply, Selous Trovel From: [email protected] Tonzonio (12 doys) To: [email protected] Activities soiling, fishing, swimming Subject: Re: Trovel Plons Airport I Deor Mn. Stanley, Dor Airport Flights Wehave o nice tour in lonzanio, Africo.It's 1. the best one of your life. You are going to fly into Dor 2. Arrive Leave on3 14th. You stoy ot the hotel for two doys ond then -6econ show you Time: Time: 4. to the Selous Comp. Our 5 10:40 o.m 3:20 p.m. some 6. ploces for fishing. The comp is greot for soiling Dote: Dote: fuly 25th andT too. After six doys, you go bock to the hotel fuly 14th there,you con 8 ond write o few postcords. Hotel Ros Kutoni Please9 \\\" for more informotion. Kind regords, Other words to use: George -us trovel \/ going to \/ contoct \/ terrific\/guide\/relox 117","NOTES 118","NOTES 119","NOTES 120","","*,+ JI.s l* ',: ux ONNECTION 5tW*&,o\\\" flr.recrror.r tW*r&,o\\\" RING YOUR ENGLISH TO THE NEXT LEVEL 12J WHAT'S INSIDE? . Effective vocabulary-boosting exercises that utilize both audio and visual components . Stimulating exercises based on real-world situations to improve listening skills . A variety of activities that encourage students to apply what they have learned . Attention-grabbing video clips that demonstrate the proper use of vocabulary and grammar . Practical review activities to reinforce an understanding of the material . Useful digital CDs including mp3 files for Student Book and mp3 and PPT files for Teacher's Guide MOBI LE Free MobileAPP tr APP . Conversation Video Clips o . MP3 Files a z@ @ ot- ! cr- @ A_ o A- @ A- o :O 17,000 KRW -A --r PU BLI tr"]

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