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Home Explore Spotlight on First Reading 2

Spotlight on First Reading 2

Published by Thunder, 2023-01-23 04:07:50

Description: Spotlight on First Reading 2

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Spotlight on RFeirasdt i


Spotlight on First Reading is a phonics-based reading series designed for young learners just starting to read. Th is series provides interesting, decodable stories that reinforce phonics skills. Th ese phonics-based texts have been written using specific vocabulary and sight words to support learners’ first attempts to read. Through Spotlight on First Reading, learners will improve basic decoding and sight word skills, leading ultimately to fluency and greater reading confidence. Before Reading Key Words introduces learners to •Sight Words introduces learners important words in the reading and to high-frequency words to *Phonics shows target sounds with clear photos, helps them get improve reading fluency. to prepare learners before ready for the story. they read the story. Key Sentence tells learners what the story is about. C ole bakes a cake a t home. Key W ords 끊 Cole makes w aves. boke Cole makes a red rose. Cole puts a name on th e cake. C o le p uts a pole in th e cake. C ole takes the cake to Jane. Ja ne thanks Cole. S ight W ords make, thank K ey Sentence •_ During Reading »Read & Record helps learners develop reading fluency as they read the passages orally and record their time. *Passag es are comprised of phonics words with the focus target sounds and sight words. *Find & Draw helps learners become familiar with high- Learners can practice a targeted phonics frequency sight words which don’t follow standard skill in the context of reading and build phonics rules by asking them to find the sight words in fluency. Lively chants are provided to help the passages. learners read the passage in a fun way.

After Reading •Sounds provides learners Read with Fluency engages with various activities to learners in fluency practice 1Reading Check offers comprehension reinforce the phonics sounds. with focus on three main questions to check learners’ components: accuracy, understanding of the story. This ■Sight Words provides proper speed, and meaningful helps learners enhance their reading learners with various expression. It enables them to comprehension abilities. activities to practice the sight concentrate on the meaning words. of the text. -Words allows learners to practice key words with various vocabulary activities. - • Reading Check Sounds Circle the correct answers. Say. Connect thea pictures with the sound. 푸헬' : at home .유 # ,.'혹 cake bun 2. C o le takes the c ak e to Number the pictures in order. Then match. * ᄋ___ . O m O ᄋ Sight Words Write the sight words. Find each w ord three times. Cote makes # Read w ith Fluency # -------- waves. Try not to read too fast or too slow. 1 C ole m akes a red rose. ►W ords 2 C ole puts a pole in the cake. Match the pictures with the words. 산 pole Review Roll and Read, Tic-Tac-Toe,& Reading Bingo offer engaging sentence activities to help 1Review Unit follows every third unit and provides an learners increase reading accuracy and fluency. entertaining comic strip. Learners can further practice reading the words they learned in the previous units. Lukthcndmnavawat , Wmm ■ f ,脚naMtoo- !! 9E 4 (테 *우 」 moM vo— bam ham) nan

SgEflSG te UNIT 1 Cake for Jane flEGESESB a-e*o- e make thank UNIT 2 Ride a Kite flQZCSSV i-e*u-e 네 want-up UNIT 3 Three Bees ■ J H i M 儀 a - e ee Gmma fast, very UNIT 4 Roses and Bees ®ES5BBB a-e*i-e*o-e*u-e-ee t 삐!TlV/!ga get - l i ke

UNIT 5 0 L a t e ........................... y ^ 2 /£ Z //7 7 > ^ milSSB a - e - u - e 1撕IVH7PI help-you /REALISTIC^ v FICTION J ^ Z r r /T r r r y UNIT 6 @.................. Ic e Fish y r ^ L /u /T T ^ i-e- o-e /IN'ORMATK)NAl\\ to your V사 J rTErXTr n z n z y UNIT 7 y < J jL L L ir ^ M ik e H ik e s ( ANIMAL \\ CEQSOSB i-e*ee V FANTASY j tanuiiVOT.Ff some good UNIT 8 B ig G a m e (BE3H5HP tamiYfll산 round last

UNIT 9 REALISTIC FICTION Slip and Slide Phonics feiglfllM 한 UNIT 10 Drip, Drop C m i M l take they Whale Watch ............ flECHS^P ph.sp.wh y시 2 / UJJ77> 시 its-their l/*EXPOSITORY UNIT 12 @ Phone Photos tB S S B P REALISTIC 卿 there them FICTION

UNIT 13 Blast Off bl* pi m S S M B she.will UNIT 15 Sw an Play C Q O S H I st-sw m m m we*us REALISTIC FICTION W ord In d ex 72 Sight W ords 75 W ord Families 76

UNIT Phonics: Words with a -e -o -e ■ Read & Re 2 nd

Cole bakes a cake at home. bake Cole makes waves. home Cole makes a red rose. wave Cole puts a name on the cake. rose Cole puts a pole in the cake. Cole takes the cake to Jane. Jane thanks Cole. 5 擊議^ make, thank Cole bakes a cake at home. 9

Reading Check Circle the correct answers. I. Cole bakes a 广 % m at home. cake bun 2. Cole takes the cake to Cat Jane Number the pictures in order. Then match. ᅳ^Q Cole makes Cole puts a Cole puts a Cole makes a waves. name on the pole in the red rose. cake. cake. Words Match the pictures with the words. pole rose bake 10 UNIT 1

Sounds Say. C o n n ect the pictures with the sound. 抄' home wave rose bake pole 훼 라 J. Sight Words name Write the sight words. Find each word three times. Thoni Read with Fluency Try not to read too fast or too slow. 1 Cole makes a red rose. 2 Cole puts a pole in the cake.

A huge kite rises on the dune. mice want a ride, mice use the line, mice jump up the line, mice ride on the kite. Read & Record 2nd 3rd

Key Words bT dune The kite dives. line The kite rises. The kite zigzags side to side. 5 擊働邊 It is a nice ride for five mice. want, up want = O up = A Key Sjenfence Five m ice ride on the kite.

Readingi Check Circle the correct answers. 1. A huge rises on the dune, jet kite 2. Five want a ride, m ice bugs Check the correct answers. Five mice use the □Pole line 2. • 시ᄎ The kite side to side, dives zigzags Words 2 Circle the correct words. 2. rise ride dive dune kite dive 14 UNIT 2

Sounds Say. C ro ss out the picture without the sound. Sight Words want Write the sight words. up us Circle and count each word. with up us want what •CUR4 Read with Fluency Try to read with no mistakes. 1 A huge kite rises on the dune. 2 It is a nice ride for five mice.

UNIT Phonics: Words with a-e •ee - 05SSS Three bees race. i4 Ted races fast. Dave chases Ted, Page is last. t Read & Record 1st 2nd 3rd

Key Ta? Page chases Dave and Ted three Page races very fast. Page races past Dave. Page races past Ted. Page wins the race! Page waves at all the bees. race chase wave 5擊 纖 . fast, very Ifey Sentence Three bees race. 1;

ReasJinsj hijack Circle the correct answers. 3 5 bees race. Three Five 2. waves at all the bees. Page Ted Number the pictures in order. Then match. Page wins the Page races Page chases Page races race! past Dave. Dave and Ted. past Ted. Words 3. Color the letters and make the words. 2. a ge wv c ra ic ae se 18 UNIT 3 fc kh i

Sounds Say. Draw a line from each picture to its sound. 찰( 1 、] 1 q .0 chase W wave 參 race 획!^확 ee — cᅳ , 秦 three ^ (W bee Sight Words Write the sight words. Make each word three times. ᅳ… f t r s i … ᅳ ᅳ very … zzzzzz: Read with Fluency Try to read with feeling. 1 Page chases Dave and Ted. 2 Page waves at all the bees.

Luke the mole sees the roses. Luke gets lots of roses. Luke rides a bike. Luke gets a huge vase. Luke takes the vase of roses. Uike sees Grandma. Luke waves at Grandma. Z l [느 체^ 20 UNIT 4

Luke hands the vase of roses to Grandma. N ^ w W inds TTik 나 mole vase bike hand nose Sight Words Write and find in the story. Qget = like = A 21

Retidinf Check Circle the correct answers. I. Luke gets lots of % vases roses 2. Luke hands the vase of roses to m G randm a '효 Grandpa Check Yes or No. Y es No 1. Luke the mole sees the roses. 2. Luke rides a bike. Y es No 3. A bee is on Luke’s nose. Y es No 4. Grandma likes roses and bees. Y es No Sounds Say. Match and fill in the blanks. 麻 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 e h— g- b n— s_ v_ s_ 參 a-e i-e o-e u-e ee 22 UNIT 4

1. Read and put the correct stickers. 2. Roll the die. Read and check off a sentence in the matching column. 3. Race to the bottom. Repeat until one column is all checked. I Luke rides a “I like roses and □ “A bee is on my bike. bees, Luke.” rose!” sticker “A bee is on □ Luke gets lots of D Luke waves at your nose, toᄋ!,, roses. Grandma. sticker □ Luke the mole Luke gets a huge □ Luke hands the sees the roses. vase. vase of roses to Grandma. flicker

Phonics: Words with a -e -u -e “Wake up, Gan! “Oh, I am late, late, late! Read & Record UNIT 5

關 wake 니p I! m w sM T i n ■mm mhm ■ | [ I I 둘■■■■■ mmm mmmmm 4S^ 義과 “Ride on Duke, Gan! Duke can help you.” Gan grabs the mane of the huge mule. “Run, Duke, run!” mane Duke races very fast. mule Duke saves Gan. help, you “Thank you!” 時 iigliM i) Gan waves at Duke and Dad. Duke saves Gan.

Reudjng ^heck Circle the correct answers. 邏識 up, G an !, Race Wake jgflHMMHMHBMBMMki 녈!별빼빼털빼뼈불! 톨혈빼빼텔!털탈 2. “Ride on I■ P 画 — 應 | , Gan!” Dad Duke Check the correct answers. Gan grabs the of the huge mule. nose mane 2. Gan waves at Duke and Dad Mom and Dad H l^ rd s Match the pictures with the words. 3. 參 grab mule late 26 UNIT 5

Sounds Say. Draw a line from each picture to its sound. mane m u le wake up race Sight Words you Write the sight words. Find and color each word. 그h M p z help m your ᅳ help you you m 단A T e Read with Fluency Try not to read too fast or too slow. 1 Gan grabs the mane ᄋf the h니ge mule. 2 D니ke saves Gan. 27


:i ■ 화 ■ ' '■■im:'-' ; Track '익 수 16 ice fish poke hole pose to, your i^ iin liM i) It is time to ice fish. 29

Reading Check Circle the correct answers. 1. It is time to ice fish ice skate 2. Fix your | . Fix your line, hole pole Number the pictures in order. Then match. Poke a wide A fish bites! Drop the line Pose with your hole in the ice. 니ft the line. in the hole.bigfish! Words 3. Circle the correct words. 2. pole poke lift bite pose hole 30 UNIT 6

Sounds Say. C ro ss out the picture without the sound. '계^^^@ - e a oo 거 hole bite pose pole 和 ice line Sight Words Write the sight words. Circle and count each word. our to our no your you do to your to to your your go to to y ° ur *CUR^C Read with Fluency Try to read with no mistakes. ^ 1 Poke a wide hole in the ice. 2 Pose with your big fish! 31

Track 20.21 Phonics: Words with i-e-ee Mike hikes deep in the pines. Mike meets a fox with seeds. Mike gets some seeds. 減 few Mike likes the fox.

Mike meets bees in a hive. Key Words 19ck Mike gets some of the hive. “It is good!” Mike likes bees the best. seed ; some = O good = A 5 輔*嚇幽 V! some, good U» M ike hikes deep in the pines.

Reading 신heck Circle the correct answers. 1. Mike hikes deep in the ^표 暴 Sh cave pines 2. Mike likes 쌓 , •네 ^ ^ the best. bees m ice Draw lines to the correct answers. Mike gets. Mike meets... some rice a fox • 2. mice some seeds 3. bees some of the hive Words 3. Color the letters and make the words. 2. cu ik h 1■ ed aV ke se b 01 34 UNIT 7

Sounds meet pine Say. C o n n ect the pictures with the sound. i-e bee ee • 협0 rice seed Sight Words Write the sight words. Find each word three times. Read with Fluency Try to read with feeling. 1 Mike meets mice with rice. 2 Mike gets some of the hive. “It is good!’ 35

Mice and ducks have a big game in June. The mice and ducks play in the rᄋ니nd dome. BI SD I sD B面 I iSlCTI isnirn w 36 UNIT 8

1 Run, Jude, run! ■\\ Jude is so fast! I cannot see his feet! Jude tags the bases. Jude races to home base. game June dome feet base last = Sight W ords Write and find in the story. round = 37

Retidin^ Check Circle the correct answers. 1. The mice and ducks play in the round JlTi j J i l /빼! 빼Jj혈J표표살삼 표 !iS i. dome home l i t2. The m win the game. ducks m ice Check Yes or No. Y es No 1. Mice and ducks have a big game in J 니ne. Yes No 2. Jude is up last. 3. Jude races to home base. Yes No 4. Jude poses with the ducks in line. Y es No a-e 4 38 UNIT 8 5. n 參 i-e o-e u-e ee

‘I cannot see his “It is nine to nine!’ The mice and ducks feet!” play a long time. ^^^^^醫 찰활혈^ ^ yd 各u法 ?•碎.;..•奪 \\ vk sticker .. 웹 었 혔 ^® ^纖 Jude poses with the 'Run, Jude, run!” Jude hits the ball. mice in line. . ■.' ■ sticker sticker The mice and ducks Jude races to home ■HI play in the ro니nd dome. base. The ducks cannot get the ball. sticker m sm m

Phonics: Words with ghsl Glen gets his hat and gloves. He gets his new sled. He runs up the hill. He runs and jumps on his sled. The sled slips and slides. The sled glides on the slope. v m mi 호 |3rd :_ 2nd • 40 UNIT 9

Glen hits a bump. Key Wprdl 항 Glen yells with glee. Glen is glad. j gloves sled 靡 slide .... ----. . 二 .그L J: 시t'벼!*•*.. • fUMto.. slope he = □ nevw = O glee ilg g fli벨 ) he, new K ^ fto n H ) He runs and jumps on his sled. 41

Reading Check skis Circle the correct answers. ^1. Glen gets his new 엇 sled 2. Glen with glee. runs yells Number the pictures in order. Then match. The sled glides Glen jumps on the slope. on his sled. Words Match the pictures with the words. 2. slope gloves 42 UNIT 9

Sounds Say. Draw a line from each picture to its sound. slope 촐촐 sled slide gloves glee Sight Words Write the sight words. en Make each word three times. h ne e In e w n h n e e eh he 단A T e Read with Fluency Try not to read too fast or too slow. 1 Glen gets his hat and gloves. 2 The sled glides on the slope.

通 UNIT r^ ^ V 유r - ♦ *-►►■■ -벼J Phonics: i^ p ^;zw:ffv, ■• ,*>거 자..'_ ^ Words with dr-gr 4:鐘 ♦ ^ - *^1- -' . 긋*는• • 나 ^ ; \\^ r

'馨 v. ^ v 째이 Grandpa takes a grille Grandma takes a green salad. Dad takes drinks. Mom takes grapes. Grace grabs cups. Greg grabs chips. ' •.하1®. , ^ \"% ^ Ji The dog grabs his bone and salad .<_■% ^ i ^ if * • 뇩 축 於- X!'1W» ._ _. ■ᄂ^ ^ . \\ jumps in the van. ILP • 세, • , >' % ' *V秦,..* ' ^^ \"*■^ 노 麵, drink Grandpa drives. . : r 느 •f f / ^ •» -• nT*'.-4•;•*'.I^T-. ^- -째一Vv..-서产^•■• ■■서V / O v 。二니 사거V'• •广년;r *i y They sit in the green grass. Drip, drop, drip, drop! drive take, they They sit in the green grass. 45

Reading Check Circle the correct answers. 1. Grandpa takes a salad grill 2- Gre9 grabs . chips grapes Number the pictures in order. Then match. • • • • The dinotghjeumvapns.• Grandma takes Drip, drop, ^ a d.r.ives. a green salad. drip, drop! Words Circle the correct words. grass grapes grill drive grass drink 46 UNIT 10

Sounds Say. C ro ss out the picture without the sound. 麵 drive grapes drink grab drop grill Sight Words < take ] they Write the sight words. Find and color each word take they 1 take 歐 i take they take | they they ta ke they they ta ke they take ,BESS/^ Read with Fluency Try to read with feeling. 1 Grandma takes a green salad. 2 They sit in the green grass. Drip, drop, drip, drop! 47

UNIT Phonics: Words with ph-sp*wh .' : The kids spend time on a whale watch ship. The kids watch a humpback whale. The humpback whale is huge! The humpback whale is black and white. It splashes with its fins.

The kids take photos with K e y m rd s T3Sk their phones. The humpback whale speeds off. whale The kids whistle at the humpback whale. splash 혈® phone 노호밸> . .* 시 / whistle its, their ^ 출 iM e e i The kids watch a hum pback whale. 49

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