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Smart Phonics4 Student Books

Published by Thunder, 2022-12-05 15:33:13

Description: Smart Phonics4 Student Books

Keywords: Smart Phonics4 Student Books


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black, blade, blimp, blue 广 J clam, clap, cliff, clock flag, flame, flap, flute B ■ 键 brake, brave, brick, bride crab, crane, crib, cross frame, frog, front, frost page Unit 3 f) glass, globe, glove, glue plane, plant, plate, plum sled, slice, slide, slim page Unit 4 dr dragon, dress, drive, drum press, price, print, prize trace, track, truck, trumpet page Review . 40 Ri

page Unit 5 smell, smile, smoke snack, snake, snore 48 smsn*st*sw stone, stop, stove sweet, swim, swing page Unit 6 ng*nk ri 디 bang, fang, king, ring fi^\\ gong, song, bank, tank pink, wink, dunk, junk page shape, ship, shop brush, fish, flash 64 cherry, chick, chin bench, branch, catch page Unit■ 8^탈 thick, thin, thumb 72 bath, math, teeth 激 whale, wheel, whip whisk, whisper, white page Review 2 80 r2 page Challenge c 88 page T 96 Progress Test page Sight Words 쌓 106 page Flashcards 108

Awareness of 1 Skills to Blend Sounds to Make Meaningful Words Letter-Sound Relationships 1 >Vowel + Consonant a - /a/ as in apple | a + t -> at %b - /b/ as in book ►Consonant+ Vowel + Consonant C-/k/as in cat b + at 今 bat t - /t/ as in tiger ^ c + at 육 cat h + at ^ hat Children with phonics skills are able to read and write many English words withᄋ니t relying on memorization or guessing. Sounds Introduced in the Smart Phonics Series 3 v o k 'J Single Letters a, b, c, d, e,f, g, h, i,j, k, 1,m,rn, ᄋ,p, q ;x, s, t, u, V, w, x, y, z Short Vowels a, e, i,ᄋ,u Long Vowels a_e, i_e, 으e, u_e T w o Letter Consonants Consonant Blends bl, cl,fl,gl, pi, si, br, cr, dr, fr, pr, sm, sn, st, sw, nk Consonant Digraphs ch, sh, th, wh, ng B 0 o k i T w o Letter Vowels Vowel Digraphs ee, ea, ai, ay, oa, o w (bowl), o o (book), o o (moon) Vowel Diphthongs oi, oy, ou, o w (clown) R-controlled Vowels ar, er, ir,or, ur

Goals of Smart Phonics 4 . Children learn t w o letter consonants. »Children learn words with t w o letter consonants. •Children learn sight words through the phonics stories. 1. Two Letter Consonants c cr (S'd r (o~ (5_ + si fs w (o~ (S一 + s (S~ + sw 2. Consonant + Vowel + Consonant 、__c_r__ y a b —(o~ \\ ► [cr a bj域 u m 广낳 v__________ / o g1% fdr]+ Tu m — ► fd r y-_________________ \\_____________________________ ᅳ ffr ((o f도r \\j + og [ s i 1+ T e d I — ► [ s i e d j sw i(o • m sw i m __________ / __________________✓ /._________________________ _______________________ Note to Teachers T h e ultimate goal for the Smart Phonics series is to guide children to develop phonics skills, namely to identify the English sounds and letters and understand the relationships b e t w e e n them. W e advise teachers to focus o n the e n h a n c e m e n t of phonics skills throughout the cᄋ니rse rather than emphasizing the spelling of words.

Introduction ■■■■I * Listen and repeat. sm_J Look, match and write. sm sn sw a rSJ?Pj S JI +^ m 1 sn | 讀 s j + 으J st」 sw - • ore s J+_u ^ st • • im 13^ m _?J w SW 1 o sm • • ell sw sn st st • • one Si«o2 sm • ake 싫^ sm sn ° • ile sm sw st smile ^] sn snake 혓f sm • • ore sn • • oke st stone 실^ ° /g rj § sn • • ack sw ■岭swim 세^ 현B느 ᄋ st • • op sm sn st ■m st • • ine sm sw st N e w target combinations of Children practice reading Children consolidate the target sounds a n d related words are words with the target sounds. words through a listening introduced. activity. Reading (senten W riting K Read and write. K smiles smolls T h e target sounds a n d words are consolidated through a •’禮 writing activity. 為 therc Thepup Thebigpotisonthe The bride likes the cake. Children practice reading Children will further practice sentences with the target words. reading the words they learned through a fun phonics story. T h ey will be naturally exposed to sight words as well.

id 鄉 ^ P h O n ic s ^ (^Fun Elements Comics 벅f V RReeaadd aalloonngg!! 씨^ The blue blimp has o -------- — 행! T>i«men on the blimp arc bad. EZ> _______ . ~~ 0= <h The men fly the blimp by a diff. \"Hiered crone will cross the diff. <ZP <=c^ z ^니 iN 즈 The red crane hoso gloss The men wont the flute as a prize. flute. Children will review the words they learned through entertaining comics. T h e y will be naturally exposed to sight words as well.

blcl 參 bl Listen and repeat. fl Stepl P폭IppmPlpqBil털 빼 I Step 2 bl -► black cl clock fl flag

sa bl black blade blimp blue clock clam clap cliff fl flame flap flute flag

n• d a n d c clr e 0 c ••H * bl.clfl m s ? R--u i

a bl ° oᄋ ck ii 谦 cl ° 신 ack r ir r r r i O c l ° am if fl ᄋ ° ame m bl ute © fl ue bl ᄋ oade cl ° ᄋ ap c l ° oock fl ᄋ ᄋ ap bl ag fl imp

Listen, circle and match. black 향 flag flame clam flute (blue) cliff blade clap i m clock m m cliff clam blade flap black flag blimp flame

O ° The blue bike is at the gate. o The man plays the flute on the cliff. The hens flap and run to the o cave. There is a big clock in the room. ° The flag is on the pole.

齡謂 cf\\Read along! Clint sees a blimp over the cliff. He is happy and claps his hands. Flan sees a flute by the clock. She is happy and claps her hands. Hen sees a clam under the flag. She is happy and flaps around. and around by happy he her his is over sees she the under

Listen and repeat. Stepl ^o X + rfo 、 V^ b f° 、 하 、j +丄 c +r f/■o ■> -^ v ----- -ᅳ싶 Step 2 br 아 bride cr 아 crab fr -► fro g

Listen and repeat. y brake brave brick br bride cr crab crane crib cross 4=- ■HAI . frog frame . frost . front

너^ ^ br 觀 요 舞 cr I br V 0 낳 세 Ite IP iMtwHBi1핵Z J i,______고면 1r^jSBK fr- ‘으 표 a + cr

a Practice I br ° ide cr ᄋ ° ib o cr ᄋ ᄋ ost m fr ᄋ ° OSS 0 br ° ave fr ᄋ ame br ᄋ ᄋ ane cr ᄋ ° ave cr ° ᄋ ane fr ° oᄋ nt br ° ° og

O crib frog cross frost bride crab front brave brake V. 巍漏 잃움 o m m brave frost crab bride frog crane brick frame cross

The bride has roses in her o hands. The brave man dives from the cliff. ° A red cross is on the bus. ᄋThe frog hops to the lake. ° There is a cat on the front.

c f Rf ead along! The frog lives by the cliff. He is sad. Brina lives by the cliff. She is brave. Brina kisses the frog. The frog is a man. There is a bride and a man in the picture sight words a and by he in is kisses lives picture she the there

W rite Ix Trace and write. 9놓— -i^— *- ~1I~ ar 蜂 m 蜂 o 蜂 rn m 岭 © 命 a I i• ~ ■ ♦ 矿 •广 , » - 게 ᅳ 一令 !» ᅳ!__• V—, o 1 m 蜂

3UNIT ᅵ i. n■■니ᅵ■■■■■nn n i n ., ■■ 麵 ― ■■■!ᅵ C fuListen and repeat. Stepl go 、 니 giro fo 1 p/o-------------- \\ —^ ' <r -A V <r y ro ] — ► pi 1ro S ■> 」— ► si ...J /__________________ Step 2 gl -► glass pi plane V Oo <3탄^^^교 V# si -► slide md

Learn 서f 빠 l(\\ 벼Listen and repeat. gi glove globe glue glass pi plant plate plum plane 分 slide sled slice slim

O gi^^ipi si □ g i D p i Dsi D g i D p i Dsi a gl pi si gl pi si gl pi si & gl D p i Qsl D g l D p i Dsi D gl D p i Dsi

O... ᄋ gl ° ••• ° ide ° ove J ■j ° ate o \\ ᄋ pi ° •/ ° ant ^^ o im ✓ • 3 •• si o j I•• •i nII •广 쉬11 2 --- - -J o obe o ᄋ gl ° o ' 많 ° pi 0 勢m ' o ° si ° m > o - -J i

slide plant globe plum glue O j ---------------- 1 The kid rides the The man has canes and © There is a on the plate. o A big_________________ is under the slide. The is in the case.

齡謂 Read along Get your plate. Get your glass. Let’s go on a picnic. Get your gloves. Get your sled. Let’s go for a ride. Get your globe. Get your plane. Let’s go on a trip. Sight Words a for get go let’s on picnic trip your <C J

W rite Trace and write.

( ° d ] + ir ro dr P + (°ir — ► P r J - n r 괴^ t r rr -j V ,J Step 2 dr 아 drum pr -► prize tr -► tru c k

Learn Listen and repeat. ^ _____________y drum dragon dress drive prize press price truck trace track trumpet

aa 측^ □ d r Qpr Qtr Ddr Qpr Qtr Qdr Dpr Qtr m n dr r pr !tr dr pr tr dr pr tr m0 禮 \"실 :} r 보 전향S^S ^ V 그 . dr pr tr dr pr tr dr pr tr

Look, match and write. Oj 。 dr ° ° uck 暑ᄋ _____ ^ o ize j 。/ 。 pr o _ __^ ᄋ -j o jve 。 fr o -J j 3 2 o m o ᄋ dr ° ° ice o m 웨^ ^실 ..................... ............. - i 禮 ° pr ° ° um J ■ 0 ack 0 ° tr 0 .ᅵ o 5 4 6

Ta O 分^ T dr pr tr dr pr tr a o dr pr tr dr pr tr m a JUKBf 觀 dr pr tr dr pr tr

dragon trumpet dress track prize Mom has a bl니e The frog sits on the The man plays the

Grace plays the drums. Trace plays the trumpet. Grace and Trace are in the contest. Grace plays a great tune. Trace plays a great tune. Guess what? Grace and Trace get the top prize! Sight w ords a and are band contest get great guess in plays the what

W rite Trace and write. 蜂 I i--i 蜂 m §i 岭- 卜•广 o Ii c-o-i— n r 一 1广 一 \\r ^ y^~ m 蜂 © 蜂 a

REVIE1 Listen and circle. O The has a 쑤IThe is red and m 广' j J :^ y mis in the 0 The o in the There is a 0 is by the The

Listen & Do c T Ll isten and color. 향 O m

The blue blimp has a The men on the blimp are bad. black flag. The men fly the blimp by a cliff. The red crane will cross the cliff. 디> 0= The men want the flute as a prize. 2 The red crane has a glass flute.

Sight Words a are as by comes fly has not plays put on the want will

price clap slim drives track o Ben and Frank their hands. The frogs mn on the T h e _________________ of the flute is $500. The bride the bus.

b丁 2 3 4 5 ©gMfe t e © 胞 g]®K)© What you need: B ook 4 flashcards (1-48), a die and counters How to play: 1. Put the flashcards in groups of different two letter consonants. 2. Place the counters in one of the starting corners. 3. Take turns rolling the die a n d moving the counter. 4. Take the n 니m b e r of matching flashcards as s h o w n by the d i a m o n d cards. Say the words as yo니take the cards. 5. If the counter lands on a dragon, yᄋ니 win or lose cards accordingly. 6. T h e t e a m which first arrives at “Finish”wins four extra cards. T h e t e a m with m o r e cards wins the game.

sn •st •sw C f iListen and repeat. sm Stepl + mJ -> +t \\________ fo~ +w Step 2 sm smile sn 아 sn a ke

sm smell snack smile sn snake stone stove sweet sw swim

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