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Home Explore Smart Phonics3 Student Books

Smart Phonics3 Student Books

Published by Thunder, 2022-12-05 15:11:27

Description: Smart Phonics3 Student Books

Keywords: Smart Phonics3 Student Books


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bake, cake, lake, rake cape, tape, cave, wave game, name, date, gate cane, mane, case, vase line, nine, pine, vine bike, hike, lime, time hide, ride, pipe, wipe bite, kite, dive, five Ri

page Unit 48 Long Vowel o hose, nose, pose, rose hope, rope, note, vote page hole, mole, pole, sole dome, home, bone, cone page Unit 7 64 Long Vowel u cube, tube, cute, mute r mule, dune, June, tune page Review 2 r2 7 2 Long Vowels o •u c page Challenge 8 0 Long Vowels a • i •o •u page T Progress Test 쌓 page Sight Words page 99 Flashcards

Phonics for Reading and Writing Awareness of .. . . ■■■■. .■广. 1 Letter-Sound Relationships 1 Skills to Blend Sounds to Make Meaningful Words €a - /a/ as in a p p le 圖 ♦Vowel + Consonant 3+t 9t b - / b / as in book % ■ C - / k / a s in cat t 國 ♦Consonant + Vowel + Consonant ri b + at bat t -III as in tig e r 1 c + at 今 cat h + at 나 hat Children with phonics skills are able to read and write many English words without relying on memorization or guessing. Sounds Introduced in the Smart Phonics Series Single Letters a, b, c, d, e , f ,g , h, i,j, k, 1,m, n, ᄋ,p, q, x, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z Short Vowels a, e, i,ᄋ, 니 m om Long Vowels a_e7i_e, o_ e ;u_e Book 4 Two Letter Consonant Blends bl, cl, fl,gl, pi, si, br, cr, dr, fr, pr, sm, sn, st, sw, nk Consonants Consonant Digraphs ch, sh, th, w h , n g Book 5 Two Letter Vowel Digraphs ee, ea, ai, ay, oa, o w (bowl), o o (book), ᄋᄋ(moon) Vowels Vowel Diphthongs oi, oy, ou, o w (clown) R-controlled Vowels ar, er, ir,or, ur

CGoals of Smart Phonics 3 빼 뼤 • Children learn long vowels. • Children learn words with long vowels. • Children learn sight words through the phonics stories. 1. Long Vowels [a k r0 ake V V •1 X i ke k ᄋ X oro n rᄋ u ne j r0 V ne un ...........J .......... J 2. Consonant + Vowel + Consonant cake 6 ~> c o n eᄂ_____________________________________ / t u jt e Note to Teachers The ultimate goal for the Smart Phonics series is to guide children to develop phonics skills, namely to identify the English sounds and letters and understand the relationships b e t ween them. W e advise teachers to focus on the e n h a n c e m e n t of phonics skills throughout the course rather than emphasizing the spelling of words.

Lesson F lo w ) Reading (words) Listening 1I UNIT 1 (TuListen, n u m be r and m atch, * Listen and repeat. 1 W i Circle and write. wave cake ta p e 1 wave o cave cape Ctape]) 황 )G a kke --**■• bakk e a k e -► c a k e rake 難cake bake ° tape .身 多탄 & ake rake 짧 Vcake lake a k e «► lake cape rake bat has the 'short a’ sound. lake cape bake cave 청 bake has the ‘long a ’ sound. N e w target combinations of Children practice reading Children consolidate the target sounds a nd related words are words with the target sounds. words through a listening introduced. activity. Reading (sentences) ■HM P ra ctice Read and check. (T ,rRead along! VᅳThe man has a cake. There is a ram with a rake. The man has a rake. There is a cat with a cape. The cat with the cap runs to the cave 、'課 The cape is on the bed. The bat at the cave runs away. The tape is on the bed. Children will further practice s The bug is on the lake. reading the wo r d s they learned The bug is on the cake. through a fun phonics story. They will be naturally exposed The fox is in the cave. to sight words as well. The fox is in the wave. The cake is in the box. The rake is in the box. Children practice reading T h e target sounds a n d words sentences with the target words. are consolidated through a writing activity.

Comics i 변행嫌碰* Read along! Children will review the words Three interesting board g a m e s for phonics are provided in the book. they learned through entertaining T he g a m e boards are creatively illustrated to grab children's attention. comics. They will be naturally T he intention is to have fun while practicing phonics skills. exposed to sight words as well. Smart Phonics App Smart Phonics Online Mtf핵 Unnew Free App —• ►Audio ►Digital Contents E ——一—-> ■■M■ BBBaInMnI f8 — Flashcards, practice activities, games, stories 隱—— mm. www.eSm ►LCMS (Learning Content Management System) ►Interactive e-book and additional practice ►Downloadable resources

u n i t 1 Long Vowel Listen and repeat. Stepl Step 2 ake -► bake ake -► c a k e ake -► lake ake rake ^ 키 bat has the 'short a5 sound. ^놓 bake has the Mong aJ sound.

Stepl r> 厂 Step 2 a Pe j rx a Ve v_-j 웬 ape tape a p e -► c a p e ave -► cave ave wave 摩 cap has the 'short a5 sound. 병놀 cape has the long a9 sound.

O환 wave cave rake bake m tape 0 lake rake cake cape

w ave cake ta p e rake lake c a p e b ak e c a v e

Practice The man has a cake. The man has a rake. The cape is on the bed. The tape is on the bed. The b니g is on the lake. The b니g is on the cake. The fox is in the cave. The fox is in the wave. The cake is in the box. The rake is in the box.

參酬 c f,Read along! There is a cave at the lake. There is a bat at the cave. There is a ram with a rake. There is a cat with a cape. The ram with the rake runs to the cave. The cat with the cape runs to the cave. The bat at the cave runs away. is the there to with

— .......... ^ 'w i J Trace and write. a II II 參 rt 군 了 향 | ~ t © a느 i-/ U.L r\\ :蜂 蜂 蜂 s ■기r ! 蜂 o 蜂 CQ D 0 m 蜂 m r c :V 蜂 기 a 蜂 © J tL

Stepl a© L^JU Step 2 am e -► g am e a m e -► nam e ate «► d a te a te -► g a te ,■ d l dam has the {short a sound. date has the 'long a9 sound.

Learn Stepl r> /ᅳ Step 2 a ne ilJ ^ ....... „j /~ ~ 시r x a se v— j ane -► c a n e an e -► m ane ase -► case ase -► vase ^ can has the 'short a9 sound. ^ cane has the long a5 sound.

O 一 ame V y ... 니 \\ 一 ane 4食지P % 신! ......... iB T j 一 ase 1 | 。A癒| \\ ......... 7 / j ©… 〜_,,이 勢 V# 一 ate .......... ...... .… J

cave gate cane tape vase It w a v e bake m ane nam e date gam e case

date g am e case m ane vase cane

Practice Read and check. The horse has a cape. The horse has a mane. It is a game. It is a gate. The bug is in the case. The bug is in the vase. 1 It is a big gate. It is a big cake. M義 崔 The rake is at the gate. 丁he cane is at the gate.

c f fRead along! I see a name on the game. It says Pam. I see a name on the case. It says Pam. I see a name on the cake. It says Pam. Look at the date! It is Pam’s birthday! g7s PGmS Btrthclay

: 11 i i 泰 蜂 ■쎄 r y 、 1( | I I II I v^ ^ v i i r ©m rrm 蜂 m# ^i © »#■ 广 Iᅳ5K— m • ^■ 蜂 © c -i © 蜂 스그i 蜂 스그i L广 、Tl^ z l 蜂 •丫 가 蜂 _L신

■ . u n it 3 Long Vowel I C f i Listen and repeat. Stepl JA Step 2 ine -► line ine -► nine me -► pine ine -► vine ,pin has the ^h o rt i sound. ^ pine has the long iJ sound.

벼삐 Learn (i\\ Listen and repeat. r~ ■ \"ᄀ r ~ ~ 거/ ᅳ Stepl ^1 k e■ ^ K •빼^ ^ ^ ^ ^ iJmJ 1■ m e Step 2 V— J ike -► bike ike -► hike ime -► lime ime «-►time 少ᄉ has the mmI sound. ,^ hike has the ‘long i sound.

Circle the pictures that rhyme.

p ine tim e lim e vine 禮 hike nine line b ike

or Listen, circle and check. n» VOWAI © n in e C ^ne) h ik e b ik e V Q o p in e lin e lim e tim e ii 馨 m tim e m lin e b ik e lim e

Read and match. {) The lime is on the mat. ( 'O ) The pine is on the mat. ao ) It is nine. ) It is six. 0o o OQ ( ) The line is on the gate. ( ) The vine is on the gate. ( ) The man has a box. ( ) The man has a bike.

errRead along! 우 It’s bike time! The kids have a race to the line. It’s hike time! The kids have a hike to the pine. It’s fun time! The kids have a dip in the mud.

姆离零變 W rite / 'TTcVI 玲 •V x ~ 蜂i m —一 I l - .i © 蜂 0 ©息 n d —蜂 0 e蜂 i ih 1 ^ t>l I/、 蜂 tt I、. .f <Q> T- li • I r-TI

UNIT4 Long Vowel 画 w C f i Listen and repeat. r^ 厂 Step 2 ^며 1e■ i d 1 J — r >厂 ■ P e 1 ^ .............. ^ ■수i a e: ᅭ■ ᅳ -► n i■a_ :eᅳᅵiᅳa e r i: a eᅳ■ ᅳ ᅭ■ ‘ ipe -► pipe ipe -► wipe e # rib has the 'short V sound. ,ride has the long i sound.

Learn Stepl Q i D 、- m y i 丫le )\\ ir ve r c I v -► i Step 2 ................................ ....... ^______ 卜. . : ■ 二..... ite bite ite - ► kite ive -► dive ive -► five fin has the ‘short i,sound S j five has the long i9 sound

vowelor Circle the pictures that rhyme. n f(i ©

hide dive bite ■• U !V w ip e p ip e ride five

O © kite © fiv e k ite m 0 rid e h id e

P ra c tic e m o ) The pipe is in the case. ) The tape is in the case. 參 电 ) The bugs hit the vase. ) The b니gs wipe the vase. ) The cape is in the pine. ) The kite is in the pine. ) The kids dive in the lake. ) The kids ride by the lake.

m ^s 서f 뼈 O Read along! Five kids ride to the cave. They hide in the cave. Five kids ride to the lake. They dive in the lake. Five kids ride to the pine. They have a bite under the pine. Sight Words have in the they to under

©m 蜂 [X\" 蜂 o m II--J m 蜂 蜂 蜂 ! Tu시 - 가 -^-4*->-■»-- 3수 蜂 厂 ^V LAzi

REVIE Long Vowels Listen and circle. cr J % UM - 0

/시 상 I r ^ C T ^ ^n e 漏 Story by Jason Wilburn Pictures by Jeong Gyeom Kim Dan and Jane have a date. It's nine. Dan is at Ja n e s _______ _ Oh, no! A rake! I f s Jane. Dan hides by the pine.

Jane wipes the cake. Jane and Dan go to the lake. cCC^ Jane and Dan have a kite. J ) It's late. It's five. I t was a f 니n time Jane likes Dan. r sight words a a n d a t b y g o h a s h a v e is it ,s n o o h s e e s t h e t o w a s

Can they? W Can Nate bake a cake in the lake^ No! Can Gabe take a vase in the case? Yes! Can Jane have a bite of a pine? No! Can Mike make a cane with a pipe? Yes! Can Jake make a kite with a gate? No! Can Fate take a ride on a bike? Yes! Y V j/

•니 e ii L-i o m m

# Jake and his mom are at the O The is on the box 0 Jake has a big says,门e薦 1 _ \\yM니m _____ l l 1 II ! 0d@ODg] 同®00©f ©@©©S®cp W h a t y o u n e e d : Book 3 flashcards (1 -3 2 ), a die and counters How to play: 1. Play in tw o teams. One team takes “a_e” flashcards (1 -1 6 ), and the other team “ i_e” flashcards (1 7 -3 2 ). 2. Place the counters on “S tart.” 3. Take turns rolling the die and moving the counters. 4. When your counter lands on yᄋ니r team’s long vowel, discard a card as yᄋ니 say the word. 5. If the counter lands on “Any Card,” discard any card. If the cᄋ니nter lands on a broken rail, take one of your vowel cards back from the table. 6. The game is over when one team arrives a t “ Finish.” 7. The team which has fewer cards left wins the game.

、w 기 l is J a u in s PJSe ^ f. pue ¥I JD.v s a>5 «I ^ I .sp p 2= Q Co rHJ -Dw ui • s s u n o o MJ3u!A0LU p u e a l n oUHIOJ S U J 3« s E0J1 0E >*llslu , ie uNl SJaulnoo Q§ e SJsunoD p u e 5§! > 12 S u: a>£3 D SPJSMSelJ / xe_d.T5p,도 슉 a> go一c 1350a jn o X M M J ^eo sjp P J ^u S > -Eg . APeovc*J, ^ ? E Co 8^ 卜 S e a>l« 크 J 2 3 SJg SPJeo . S 0§ > w 2Eosr C. C 0Cᄋ o i 0> s W , =0 gpcglJsunooJnoA w auo s w e *a> Co •P J0 5 -uo 0> >l f />< _ xt el 2 es . J a u ls o i2. 1 su «.> o a>£ 2 noAivHAA I sia.« l ® >s» SMOJq e a>E q £ B a>5 0 S3wg. ••—一 § f Ss a> a>El es-S iE uS ia>£ gs a) 7g s »—. CN Co In (d I % %.L

|uN Long Vowel and repeat. Stepl Step 2 표羅 ose hose ose nose ose -► pose ose «\"►rose 馨 pot has the 'short o5sound. ^ pose has the long o5 sound.

Learn Stepl r v*- EE 으J l j Step 2 ope hope o pe -► rope ote -► note ote vote hop has the 'short of sound, hope has the Mong oJ sound.

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