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Smart Phonics2 Student Books

Published by Thunder, 2022-12-05 15:09:59

Description: Smart Phonics2 Student Books

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U n itl dam, ham, jam, ramn / 펴휩J'- 08 Short Vowel cap, lap, map, nap payer Unit 2 16 Short Vowel can, fan, man, pan bat, cat, hat, mat page Unit 3 jet, net, vet, wet 24 Snort Vowel bed, red, hen, pen page Unit 4 bib, rib, kid, lid pig, wig, fin, pin 32 Snort Vowel i page Unit5 4 0 Short Vowel i dip, hip, lip, rip hit, sit, mix, six r - a - Review 1 Ri 4 8 Short Vowels a •e •i

page Unit 6 ■ 56 ShorttVowel o hot, pot, box, fox cop, hop, dog, log ft page bug, hug, mug, rug rub, tub, cup, pup 64 Short Vowel u page Unit 8 72 Short Vowel u bun, gun, run, sun bud, mud, cut, nut page Review 2 r2 8 0 Short Vowels o •u C L广hai1i1eng^거^^환 -r Short Vowels a •e •i •o •u 1 page progressTest 쌓 96 H page light Words 106 page Flashcards 107

Phonics for Reading and Writing \\p[fD®0T]fe© Awareness of Skills to Blend Sounds Letter-Sound Relationships to Make Meaningful Words a - /a / as in apple € >Vowel + Consonant b - /b / as in book % a+t at C -/k /a s in cat 秦| ►Consonant+ Vowel + Consonant t - / t / as in tiger b +at bat c +at 수 cat h +at 나 hat Children with phonics skills are able to read and write many English words without relying on memorization or guessing. Sounds Introduced in the Smart Phonics Series ih w J rJ Single Letters a, b, c, d, e ,f,g , h, i,j, k, l; rr1, n, ᄋ, p, q, x, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z Short Vowels a, e, i, ᄋ, u Long Vowels a_e, i _e, ᄋ_e, u_e Two Letter Consonant Blends bl, cl, fl, gl, pi, si, br, cr, dr, fr, pr, sm, sn, st, sw, nk Consonants Consonant Digraphs ch, sh, th, wh, ng 1 Two Letter Vowel Digraphs ee, ea, ai, ay, oa, ow (bowl), oo (book), oo (moon) Vowels Vowel Diphthongs oi, oy, ou, ow (clown) R-controlled Vowels ar, er, ir, or, ur

Goals of Smart Phonics 2 . Children learn to make tw o letter combinations o f short vowels and consonants. . Children learn to make three letter combinations o f short vowels and consonants. *Children learn words w ith the \"consonant - short vowel - consonant\" combination. *Children learn sight words through the phonics stories. 1. Short Vowel + Consonant a e a e+ (p- (o~ o o f 2. Consonant + Vowel + Consonant c+ a +e s po C Note to Teachers The ultim ate goal for the Smart Phonics series is to g 니ide children to develop phonics skills, namely to identify the English sounds and letters and understand the relationships between them . We advise teachers to focus on the enhancem ent o f phonics skills th ro ug h ou t the course rather than emphasizing the spelling o f words.

New target combinations o f Children practice reading Children consolidate th e target sounds and related words are words w ith the target sounds. words through a listening introduced. activity. Story Children practice reading The target sounds and words sentences w ith the target words. are consolidated th ro u g h a w riting activity.

Comics Board Games CatSPiR) C ^ R e a d along! The cat has a pan. a net and a fart The cat sees a je t. 석= goesovtra mm with o Children will review the words Three interesting board games for phonics are provided in the book. they learned through entertaining The gam e boards are creatively illustrated to grab children's attention. comics. They w ill be naturally The inten tion is to have fun w hile practicing phonics skills. exposed to sight words as well. Smart Phonics App Smart Phonics Online ►Audio ►LCMS (Learning Content Management System) ►Interactive e-book and additional practice ►Digital Contents ►Downloadable resources Flashcards, practice activities, games, stories

UNIT Short Vowel CfuListen and repeat. Stepl a€ Step 2 a j mj [ jj a j mj | ^ -► j j a j m j

Learn 하\\r Listen and repeat. Stepl a…-vᅳ - ^ fo > ^ a p]| #<- p ••J! - --- ---- J c. j vJ Step 2 a 1p I -► cl a I pi I a) pi -► I I a! pj 乂 .......... ^ .........^ ^ 、1^1 ...........^ ...........^ .......... ^ ........... ^ ^ a l p ] ^ (m I a I p ] { |a j( p 1-► n I a I p j ................ ^ '^nmmnmwm^ 、' i 법0 ................ 별식 세

07) n Read and color. 01^v wo o r...... . …ᅳᅳ一 (Dl ham cap lap Cl ram m map m dam

Circle and write. © am ap ap am III ap m o am ap C am ap m 0 am ap

Cf^Listen and circle. l;p 기 0 m O 動 馨 響 ■: •J j 、.............. ........................... 乂j © §動 IB :%i j ^ J、.......................................\" \" 0 . .....................................

Practice Read and check. Or 、 The ram has jam. / _ rhe ram has ham. © The ram has a nap. The ram has a map. The ram is on the dam. The ham is on the dam. The jam is on the map. The jam is on the lap. A cap is on the dam. A cap is on the lap.

The ram has a cap. The ram has jam. Oh! The ram has jam on his cap. The ram has a map. The ram has a nap. Oh! The ram has a nap on his map. 課 ,께 Sight Words

K Trace and write. __(\\>볘• (I IIi_I _I_I__ (^✓l• ( I II--------■ 사 「 r ^ % -----------------^ f - ^ r [ O ( I IIi r s II^ \\ II- m ♦蜂 o 蜂蜂 m 蜂蜂 蜂蜂 廣 蜂岭 © 蜂 ©

2UNIT Short Vowel Listen and repeat. Stepl € Step 2 으L d J I c j a ] r^) | 으|j ] J - ► f j a j n j m v a j [으] -► m j ^ a j j ] J | | a j n _j -► p j a j n j

Learn OfuListen and repeat. Stepl Step 2 이L!J 시 b I a U I a Jd W 이 이U (m ja j

Mhor vownl n Read and color. 다 o i ............................. Q can mat m hat o 깃^ pan m man

Circle and write. 용 an an at at m an o an at at 시1나 h C m an an at m at m 參

ch^ Listen and circle. o유r o VOW01 © m §r 獅 © m m 雅겨 ^ \\i ^i I ' o

Read and check. Practice A bat is in the fan. A bat is in the can. The pan is on the mat. The fan is on the mat. The man is on the mat. The man is on the hat. The man has a bat. The man has a hat. The cat is on the fan. The cat is on the man.


Write 八 蜂 ~广거 y k, — 蜂 蜂 ------ 蜂 [K © © ♦ ------ 蜂 馨 蜂 \"7^\\ T \" 蜂 --Hv*'t m^ 蜂------ 蜂 0 © ^ wrm 蜂 ------ 蜂 蜂 ------ 蜂 o©

Short Vowel OfuListen and repeat. Stepl Step 2 iUe U 이[ D

법L e a r n Si1 ed e(o 행1자 Step 2 b J W d J e d j ^ [ r e j[d j e n ) -► p e n ....... ^ s .......... ^ > ...... >M .......... ^

Read and color.

^ Circle and write. V en et O o ed et © et ed en r en ed a ed en ed et et en m ed en

e f tL;isten and circle. ©

The net is wet. The jet is wet. The hen is on the jet. The hen is on the vet. o The net is on the jet. The net is on the bed. m The vet has a hen. The vet has a pen.

Read along! The man goes to the bed. The bed is red. The hen goes to the bed. The bed is wet. The hen has a nap. Sight words goes has is oh the to ~r ~~_ 빠 -------------1— -一

' Write Trace and write. 蜂 蜂ᅳ i-< ' -H-- _ ^ _ j_ _ 蜂蜂 w 蜂蜂 © 으蜂 蜂 m mx 一 蜂 ~«r.\"i H \" 蜂 ii ii C .i( II ) t- i;I- 不 ^ i~ ■ ᅳ - 1# * ^ — ^pi 卫 产 H i\" V- ^ ______ I w 7 ■ᄂ m ♦ 蜂 ᅳ포 r7 蜂 ~*r-vrr 蜂 ——W«r그r © 命蜂

4UNIT Short Vowel d CfiListen and repeat. Stepl Step 2 b b 벼J i b b 靡 d i J d JI - ► f k JI i J ___ d

Stepl fo\" Learn Step 2 -J- w <■ ig p ig n n n Pin

tlo lt vowola) O P o I i e a^Tn)i p © d o g ifid 용 b ib o ip ie n p ip g io iwig d o pidapindup m dkapopigigod m

K Choose and write. bib fin wig rib pig kid m

1101 V O W Q IListen, circle and write. 0) 나 o ib in 感 id B 鐘 © ( ig 이 m ____ ( Wo ib ■니 . © ••从 ^ in

Read, trace and match. n Th e Dir: is on the 0 Th e bi is on the Vvic:. 0 The kic:i has a pin. O The kic:! has a rib. m The kid has a

卿讀 e r Rread along! The kid has a bib. The kid has a rib. The ram sees the bib. The ram sees the rib. The ram has the rib. Oh, the kid has a wig!

i i i ------- r 命蜂 © 蜂蜂 © 蜂 I -1|v-----.--r-^-\\- •r i« . 厂• 蜂『、1_ -!\"✓ ■「 身>* 난 感 KI • I o 命蜂 € 0 蜂 f>«\\r~^\\-- _ — !— w 시 m 蜂蜂 나# 镇物 /> 사 - [- 蜂 ----•1 — ---- 蜂 一 ••■•「 | 짜、一 一 一 一 ■• 一 — 1 11 ■•♦••■•「 fs^V\" 1 11 1 應1 1 1 III 1 III 1 III J

UNIT 5 Short Vowel Listen and repeat. 遍 Stepl (o Pc. Step 2 \\ / : 'v/ ^ : r x/\" n PJ -►[ d l i Ip I l i (py ᄂ――■■잇、 ᅵ \\ JW . ■■■■,■■ 셔에^ iP P P

<r X Step 2 hi I X mx x X

^ Find and circle. p t imix O m 융^ r i t i 1 i p x i t i s r i p i t 1i h i t i x 0 hit im irip sit m [Cj s i t i p i s i x i p i J产 p i s i t i m i x i t i

lip hit rip hip six sit

Listen, circle and write. [3 ^ O IP 시, © IX m © 「- Wi IX [Q m W IP © - if

Read, trace and match. O A rio is on the hi The kids mix eggs. The are red. The kid the ball. The kid has six ribs.

행 鐘 Read along! Six cats sit on the mat. They have a nap. Six hens rip the net. They have a run. Six kids hit the pans. They have fun. Sight Words a fun have on the they

° f; 蜂 _^d_ «r 蜂 m 蜂 蜂 --4- 蜂 © 蜂蜂 파 V\" — 蜂 # 蜂 m m J广 람 ©的 ©

H— ycapsareco(ored?^ caps

Listen & Do The cat sits on the 會The pig has a 圖 m ribs are in the pan. 匕 厂 The ? is on the dam. m The jam is in the m 參The man has a ©i ^ sits on the mat. The red %

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