STAFF Executive Director Mike Ottoes Corps Director Fred Morris Assistant Director, Tour Manager Rod Owens Drum Major Justin Anderson Design Donnie VanDoren (Program, Staff Coordinator), Robert W. Smith (Brass Arranger), Paul Rennick (Percussion Arranger), Sandy Rennick (Front Ensemble Arranger), Andy Ebert (Visual Design), Eric Jones (Color Guard Design), Marc Whitlock (Program Consultant), Noah Bellamy (Visual Consultant) Brass Tim Snyder (Caption Head), Bo Sodders (High Brass Coordinator), Tanner Smith, Sara Myers, Brad Parks, Michael Terry (Low Brass Coordinator), Lisa Tatum, Danielle Amick, Andy Grindle (Intern), Aaron Willison (Intern) Percussion Ryan Burd (Caption Head), Patrick Chapman, Jesus Sanchez, Chris Mcwilliams, Evan Blackard, Jason Hammond Wood, Richie Rodriguez, Lauren Teel (Front Ensemble Coordinator), Dustin Shahidehpour (Sound Engineer), Tanner Trigg, Mike Hardin Color Guard Rosie Queen (Caption Consultant), Danielle Schweiger (Caption Head), Michael O’Neil, Jacob Kalemba, Lauren Drislane, Chris Cook, Clint Fisher, Jaleesa Levy (Intern), Christina Rutan, Kelsey Murphy, Susie Ferreria Visual Chris LaPointe (Caption Head), Mike Wells, George Quintero, Brandon Klein, Tyler Lindemier, Jeff Stracke, Kasey Wahl, Reggie Humphrey, Jordan Webb Other Staff Milward Simpson (Board President), Brian Harris (Business Manager), Kristy Jackson (Administrative Assistant), Mat Krum (Property Manager), Pam Walker (Development Consultant), Sterling Bock (Food Service Supervisor), Nicole Crease (Medical Supervisor), Deb Bock (Uniform Supervisor), Terri Everett (Alumni President) 99
7TH Regiment STAFF New London, CT I Corps Director Tim Rall Assistant Director 7th Regiment’s Luminous is a four-part presentation Jim O’Neil based upon a phenomenon that has fascinated and influ- Tour Manager enced mankind since the dawn of civilization: the nighttime sky. Kerry Valley Beginning with a sunrise and ending with a sunset, Administrative Staff the corps will use equipment and staging to Barbara DeLillo, Edgar Frazelle, gradually shift the focus on the field from Daisy Johnson, Paula O’Neil, “East” to “West.” To underscore this Jimmy Smith, Birse Timmons unfolding of time, the members will Drum Major play Michael Markowski’s rhythmi- Christina Nadeau cally driven and jazz-tinged wind Design band music, a symphonic work by Michael Kamen, and an intimate Stephen Lyons (Program chamber orchestra composition by Coordinator), Mark Maguire, Ralph Vaughan Williams. Ray Fallon, Jack Tully, Michael Blancaflor, Jeff Bickford, Eric Schrader Brass Ray Fallon (Caption Head), Jack Tully (Arranger), Julio Cruz, Joel Meltzer, Kyle Thompson, Aaron Goldberg (Consultant) Percussion Michael Blancaflor (Caption Head, Front Ensemble Arranger), Jeff Bickford (Battery Coordinator, Arranger), Scott Daley, Brendan Mason, Colin Mason, Tim Miller, Dan Schack Color Guard Eric Schrader (Caption Head), Carlos Diaz, John Dooley, Alicia Gorman, Fawn Margolis, Katie Racki Visual Stephen Lyons (Program Coordinator, Designer), Mark Maguire (Caption Head, Designer), John Ambrose, Tegan Bryand, Griffin Gunter, Adam St. Jean, Johnny Amos (Consultant) Luminous Movement 1 - Sunset The New Moon in the Old Moon’s Arms by Michael Kamen Movement 2 - Moonlight Instinctive Travels by Michael Markowski Movement 3 - Starlight Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis by Ralph Vaughan Williams Movement 4 - Sunrise Shadow Rituals by Michael Markowski Instinctive Travels Reprise by Michael Markowski 101
Blue Devils B STAFF Concord, CA I Corps Director Rick Odello Philosopher David Hume once said: “Beauty is no quality in Administrative Manager things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contem- Debbie Odello plates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” Manager Our perception defines how we experience the Willie Meagher world around us. A lush rose-garden or a Tour Manager heap of junk and trash can both be beauti- Sarah Bowling ful when viewed through the correct Drum Majors lens. Warped will challenge your per- Niko Martinez, Hector Garcia, ception of what is right in front of Albert Lin you as you embark on a musical Design journey where you’re never quite sure which way is up or down. John Meehan (Program Take delight in a visual wonder that Coordinator, Brass Arranger), Ken will truly warp your sense of time Karlin (Visual Designer), Dave and space! Glyde (Percussion Arranger), Brian Dinkel (Front Ensemble Arranger), John Burroughs (Prop Design & Fabricator), Leticia Alcuran (Color Guard Choreographer, Caption Head), Ricky Contreras (Color Guard Choreographer, Manager) Brass Joe Haworth (Supervisor), Brad Eugenio (Co-Caption Head), Eric Weingartner (Co-Caption Head), Matt Okumoto, Minh Thieu, Ben Kane, Chris McCoy, Brandon Corenman Percussion Ryan Odello (Staff Coordinator, Caption Head), Andrew Odello, Rudy Garcia, David Kelly, Amir Oosman, Sharon Parker, Carlos Botello, Joey Martinez, Chris Cyr, Jeremy Beck (Front Ensemble Supervisor), Tiffany Castelan, Michael Flores Color Guard JayDee Stark, Sharon Yap, Tammy Fallon (Consultant) Visual Zak Stillwell (Caption Head), Chris Carrasco (Caption Manager), Eren Aktari, Brad Fujizawa, Frankie Fernandez, Taylor Smith, Kelly Minor, Jay Fuentes, Michael McGlothlin Warped The Legend of Alcobaca by James Sochinski Bizzaro by Michael Daugherty Serenada Schizophrana by Danny Elfman Original Music by John Meehan, Dave Glyde, Brian Dinkel 103
Colt Cadets STAFF Dubuque, IA I Corps Director Matt Mulvanny Close your eyes. Let your emotions take control. What do Drum Majors you see? How do you feel? More than simply a color, Red Betsy Guthrie, Alex McMullen communicates feeling—an aura, a warmth, experienced by each indi- Design vidual in his or her own unique way. Red can evoke Matt Mulvanny (Director), Andrew the angst of confrontation; the passion of your Eaton (Program Coordinator), pursuits; the love of your life; the pride of Brian Zeglis (Music Coordinator, your accomplishments. Percussion Arranger), Terry White The Colt Cadets explore the spec- (Brass Arranger), Ted Reicher (Drill trum of emotions conveyed by this one deceptively basic color with music by Designer), Julie Rohrabaugh Georges Bizet, Dave Grusin, Aaron (Color Guard Designer) Copland, and an original composition by corps staff members Terry White Brass and Brian Zeglis. By the end, you’ll be Kent Crawford (Caption Head), seeing, hearing—and feeling—Red! Tim Byrnes, Andrew Eaton, Nicola Esposito, Ross Halley, Jenn Zeglis Percussion Brian Zeglis (Caption Head, Arranger), Alex Albertson (Front Ensemble Coordinator), Kolby Palmore (Battery Coordinator), Nick Brakeman, Megan Francomb, Melanie Holdorf, Adam Nichols Color Guard Theresa Birch (Caption Head), Jessica Dunkel, Hillary Hannan, Julie Rohrabaugh, Elana Siegel Red Red in the Air by Terry White, Brian Zeglis Habanera (from Carmen) by Georges Bizet The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by David Grusin Happy Ending (from The Red Pony Suite) by Aaron Copland 105
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Genesis STAFF Rio Grande Valley, TX I Corps Director Chris Magonigal A mosaic is a picture made up of diverse elements. Over Assistant Director the five movements of mOZaic, Genesis will use a similar Analisa Zuniga approach to show us the world discovered by Dorothy in The Head Volunteer Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Inspired by stage and Cindy Manrrique screen portrayals of Frank L. Baum’s classic Drum Major novel, mOZaic is made up of small pieces Albert Navarro in a diverse array of musical styles. The Design sonic pastiche is enhanced by guard Chris Magonigal (Program uniforms in ruby, blue, yellow, and Coordinator), Ed Gobbel (Brass), green, which reflect the four main Mike Huestis (Percussion), characters of the story. As the per- formance unfolds, these elements Josh Gall (Visual), A Jay Riojas come together and by the end, (Color Guard) we’re ready to join Dorothy and her Brass friends on her OZsome adventures. Ed Gobbel (Caption Head), Art Cano (Brass Supervisor), Frank Solis, Orien Landis, Jaime Flores, Joshua Castillo, Joe Rush, Victor Moyeda Percussion Mike Craft (Battery Coordinator), Randy Lee Sifuentes (Front Ensemble Coordinator), Dillon Ingle (Caption Head), Jeremiah Jones, James Haynes, Danny Garcia, Randy Ritchey, Jacob Carter Color Guard A Jay Riojas (Caption Head), Ray Ramierez, Josh Swain, Copper Atwood Visual Julian Howard (Caption Head), Christian Grey, Frank Solis, Will Bailey, Lee Jolley, JJ Johnson mOZaic The Wizard of Oz 1939 Theatrical Version The Wizard of Oz 2010 Andrew Lloyd Webber The Wiz Wicked Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd Original Electronic Works by Sam Mata 107
2013 Yearbook DLB SS Half Page Ad.qxp:Layout 1 6/1/13 7:26 PM Page 1 BE A PART OF THE NEXT BIG THINGS. @DrumLineBattle @SoundSport DrumLine Battle and SoundSport are programs of Drum Corps International.
Gold STAFF San Diego, CA I Executive Director Donald Flaherty Ed.D The students of the Laizhou Zhonghua Martial Arts Assistant Directors School from China’s Laizhou Shandong province have Juan Leguizamon, Colin Hayakawa been wowing fans in their homeland for more than two decades. The Director at Large Andrew Julian school’s performances are legendary and include the Principal Laizhou Zhonghua astounding martial arts displays during the open- Martial Arts School Li Ming Zhi ing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics. This Management, Board of Directors summer, these students are coming to Jeremy Grasz (Board President, the USA and joining forces with Gold on Website), Jackie Garcia the Drum Corps International Tour. (Membership, Public Relations), Featuring an original composition commissioned specifically for this Scott Bush (Tour Director, production, East Meets West com- Fundraising), Ray Gardner bines the power of drum corps with (Transportation, Equipment) the artistry and beauty of martial arts in a new and exciting way. Support Staff Kim Wertens (Parent Coordinator, Souvenirs), Ken White (Home Show Coordinator), Aldo Granda (Equipment Repair), Kevin Padilla (Medical, First Aid) Member Leadership Joselyne Grace (Drum Major), Jake Marsh (Drum Major), Andrew Hensiek (Horn Sergeant), Jasmine Ibarra (Color Guard Captain), Danny De Luna (Color Guard Co-Captain), Sarah Meyer (Color Guard Co-Captain) Composer Scott Director Brass Russell Moreau (Caption Head, Designer), Andrew Moreau (Co-Caption Head), Emanuel Equite, Jason Farr, Josh Williams Percussion Pete Sapadin (Caption Head, Designer, Battery Arranger), Seth Woodard (Caption Head, Designer, Front Ensemble Arranger), George Collins, Fred Han, Jeremy Hatcher, Ramis Urribarri, Nikolas Woods, Brenden Clavel, Michelle Sapadin, Sergio Leyva, Tollak Rafto, Jonathan Mieynek Color Guard Mario Ramirez (Caption Head, Designer), Rob Guzman (Co-Caption Head), Brandi Ramirez (Show Consultant), Joey Leon, Andrew Padilla, De’Vaughn Ladmiralt Visual Gary Backlund (Caption Head, Designer), Ken White (Caption Head), Conrad Lund, Emily Baeza, Scott Bush Martial Artists Li Ming Zhi (Designer), Morgan Benoit East Meets West Original Score by Scott Director 109
Indoor PercussIon^ & color Guard educatIonal dVds MOVEMENT SERIES Join Carol Abohatab, choreographer for the Santa Clara Vanguard World Guard and a modern dance teacher for more than 20 years, in this three part series. ^ ^ THE FUNDAMENTALS wGI/orG/store Learn the basics on flag, rifle, and sabre. Build your color guard’s skills with the most current techniques used by top WGI groups. PERCUSSION DESIGN Take notes from Andrew Markworth, John Mapes, Ian Grom, Tim Fairbanks, and Shane Gwaltney as they show you how to Select a Program, Storyboard a Show, and Orchestrate for Indoor Percussion. 2480WGI_DCIpbAd_EducDVDs_052113PRESS.indd 1 5/21/13 2:26 PM
Legends STAFF Kalamazoo, MI I Executive Director/CEO Ibe Sodawalla In Ichabod, 2012’s Most Improved Open Class group LPAA Operations portrays the famous 1819 Washington Irving short story, Allison Patrick “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” from the unique perspective of Assistant Director quirky, superstitious teacher Ichabod Crane. Using Jason Fritz music by Danny Elfman, James Newton Tour Manager Howard, William Schumann, and Percy Val Glasscock Grainger—along with visual cues Food/Volunteer Coordinator inspired by Arthur Rackham’s classic Traci Glasscock illustrations of “Sleepy Hollow”— Medical Specialist Legends dramatizes Ichabod’s Pam Miranda experiences near the town said to be haunted by the Headless Tour Assistants Horseman, a Hessian soldier who Ryan Anderson, Nick Braasch lost his head to a cannonball during Uniform/Sewing Manager the American Revolution. Shannon Shoemaker Drum Major Jenna Wojdula Design Stephen Alia (Program Coordinator/Visual Designer), Ibe Sodawalla (Brass Arranger), Landon Ewers (Percussion Composer), Bobby Hazelton (Color Guard Designer), Bill Boswell (Front Line Arranger) Brass Derek Faasse (Supervisor), Tim Knilands, David Elliott, Ellie Rohlck, Drew Miller, Laura Janik, Christopher Boyd, Ivan Guerrero Percussion Landon Ewers (Supervisor), Mark Lopez (Front Line Coordinator), Geoffrey Anikienko, Dan Stephens, Ryan Jonker, Doug Downer, Julia Gunneson, Ray Novak, Bill Boswell (Consultant) Color Guard Bobby Hazelton (Supervisor), Aleah Alia, Carolyn Tobin, Nicki Evans Visual Tom DiNuoscio (Supervisor), Nick Riley, Matthew Zabiegala, Andrew Hensel, Mike Unsworth, Bennett Konstans Ichabod Main Titles (from Sleepy Hollow) by Danny Elfman The Vote (from The Village) by James Newton Howard Chester by William Schumann Shepherd’s Hey by Percy Grainger The Chase (from Sleepy Hollow) by Danny Elfman 111
2013 BANDS OF AMERICA CHAMPIONSHIPS presented by The Excitement Continues! 2013 BOA Championship Schedule Performance spots September 21, 2013 October 19, 2013 Kettering, OH Powder Springs, GA Limited performance spots still available in these Kettering Fairmont H.S. Walter Cantrell Stadium positively life-changing experiences. Enroll now! McEachern H.S. Monroeville, PA Tickets Gateway H.S. October 25-26, 2013 SUPER REGIONAL Order online or by phone for all BOA shows, September 28, 2013 Atlanta, GA including MFA Club Experience seats for Grand Austin, TX Georgia Dome National Finals, with Club Level prime seating and Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex Club Lounge amenities. October 26, 2013 Toledo, OH Towson, MD Student Group Discount University of Toledo Towson University For student groups of 20 or more. October 5, 2013 November 1-2, 2013 Conroe, TX SUPER REGIONAL Order tickets, see who’s enrolled and more: Woodforest Bank Stadium San Antonio, TX Alamodome • 800.848.2263 Muncie, IN Join the conversation! #boa2013 Ball State University November 2, 2013 St. George, UT National Presenting Sponsor October 12, 2013 Dixie State College Dallas-Ft. Worth Area, TX Allen Eagle Stadium November 8-9, 2013 Allen, TX SUPER REGIONAL Indianapolis, IN Northwest A liate Show Lucas Oil Stadium Hillsboro Stadium Hillsboro, OR November 9, 2013 Southern California Area October 18-19, 2013 (Ayala H.S. Confirmed SUPER REGIONAL as Tentative Site) St. Louis, MO Edward Jones Dome November 13-16, 2013 NOW a two-day BANDS OF AMERICA SUPER REGIONAL! GRAND NATIONAL Winston-Salem, NC CHAMPIONSHIPS Bowman Gray Stadium Indianapolis, IN Lucas Oil Stadium Official Uniform Sponsor Official Performance Official Student Corporate Sponsor Corporate Sponsor Corporate Sponsor Corporate Sponsor Strategic Advocacy Partner Strategic Partner Equipment Sponsor Travel Partner
Music City STAFF Nashville, TN I Executive Director Keith Hall How hot is Havana in the summer? Corps Director Hot enough to inspire Music City to alter the corps’ clas- Jamie Blackburn Assistant Director sic red and white uniform in favor of a more dramatic “Latin” look, Mark Garey with fiery red plumes against black as the members Drum Majors deliver Postcards from Havana. Jessica Palmer, Zach Shannon, Matthew Carter The Nashville-based corps’ musical Brass blend will be just as spicy. You’ll hear Terry Jolley (Arranger), James searing renditions of pieces by Cuban Barnes (Supervisor), Jeremy Krug, artists and composers Ernesto Lecuona, Rafael Hernandez, and Tom Grant, Tom Ruby, David Arturo Sandoval. Boggs, Justin Barr, Amy Shuford, Garen Webb, Lee Lawson With its bold new look and Percussion sound, fans can expect Music Neal Flum (Supervisor), City’s fifth year of Open Class com- Tony Riddle (Front Ensemble petition to be Muy caliente! Supervisor), Julie Davila (Battery Arranger), Sean Womack (Front Ensemble Arranger), Reuben Rodriguez, Chris Deberry, Drew Jones, Alex Hinson, Mandy Quinn, Zack Melton, David England, Chris Parker, Luke Shreve, Blake Lankford Color Guard Levi Brandenburg (Supervisor), Michael Horvath, Kathryne Wolf, Jamie Tucker, Chelsea Blackburn, Larysa Euteneuer, Megan Bradberry, Clara Grace Watson, Blake Compton Visual Nick Scotella (Designer), Trevor Cox (Supervisor), Tyler Paschke (Choreographer), Amy Fallon, Jared Milford, Josh Dickens, Vida Powell, Stephen Arline, Tim Richardson, Nathan Barna, Marcus Handy, Eric Fry, Haley Burks, Jeremy Lazzari, Michael Wilson, Ryan Stutzman, Michael Jones Program Consultants Tommy Keenum, Ken Martinson PFroosmtcHaradvsana Rapsodia Cubana by Ernesto Lecuona El Cumbanchero by Rafael Hernandez A Mis Abuelos by Arturo Sandoval 113
MARCHING SMepatrecmhibneEgrnRd3es0g,is2t0ra1t3ion The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps PERCUSSION FESTIVAL 2013 Clinic The Percussive Arts Society Marching Interactive Clinics Percussion Festival is an excellent opportunity Individuals Competition to be critiqued by some of the leading percussion REGISTER NOW! specialists in the field of marching percussion PAS.ORG today. Categories include individual, interactive clinics and small ensemble competitions. MARCHING PERCUSSION COMPOSITION CONTEST Promotes and recognizes the highest level of marching percussion composition. For 2013, the category will be an intermediate-to- advanced level, 1.5–3 minute composition for Battery (with cymbals). The winner of the competition will have his/her composition published by Tapspace Publications and will be recognized on Friday at the PAS Marching Percussion Festival. DRUMLINE BATTLE *NEW! In conjunction with Drum Corps International, PAS will be bringing drumlines together to perform 2 minute battles to see which group remains standing.
Raiders STAFF Burlington, NJ I Corps Director Tom Maiello Inspired by the macabre 1845 poem that made Edgar Allen Drum Major Poe a literary star, The Raven: A Decent Into Madness Jack Kaplan follows an unnamed narrator as he tries to deal with the sorrow of Design losing his wife, Lenore. Jamie Szeinberg (Program With original music by Key Poulan, Mike Coordinator), Key Poulan (Brass Heustis and Jason Mederios underscoring Arranger), Michael Huestis Poe’s classic tale, the story begins as (Battery Percussion Arranger), the bereaved widower finds a black Jason Mederios (Front Ensemble bird perched outside the home he Percussion Arranger), Dave once shared with his beloved. Caravella (Visual Caption Head), At first, the narrator sees the Pete Rehill (Drill Designer), Don Raven’s appearance as an omen of hope. But before long, its constant Pfleger (Brass Caption Head), refrain of “Nevermore” drives him Anthony Tanasy (Color Guard deeper into despair and madness. Designer) Brass Don Pfleger (Caption Head), Delano Bonner, Mike Moran Percussion Jamie Szeinberg (Caption Head), John Forte (Battery Supervisor), Jim Stelmach (Front Ensemble Supervisor), Damien Escarpeta, Mahyad Mohammadieh, Tony Good, Andrew Szypula, Kelli Hapstack, Becky Russ, Dan Burbank, Eric Eisenman, Steve Skibiszewski Color Guard Anthony Tanasy (Caption Head), Todd Diamond, Becca Meeker, Rick Delancy, Sarah Ogden, Hana Ernest, Sean Coffey Visual Dave Caravalla (Caption Head), Pete Rehill (Drill Designer), Joseph Brown, Paul Levitan, George Agens, Michael Oldemeyer, Steve Surina, Jess Toli, Brian Farkas, Jeff Daniels The Raven: A Decent Into Madness Original Compositions by Key Poulan, Mike Heustis, Jason Mederios 115
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Spartans STAFF Nashua, NH I President Paul LaFlamme Jr. Fresh off its first-ever placement in the DCI World Class Corps Director Semifinals, the four-time Open Class Champion’s Live Free! Richard Rigolini dramatizes the evolution from restraint to freedom on a personal level. Operations Director Focusing on the White Swan character and music Ann Prendergast from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Ballet, this evo- Housing Manager lution is portrayed in four parts: First, by Judy Luongo Lacey “Breaking the Chains,” we shed the Drum Majors shackles that bind us. Taking “First Cody Morgan, Cameron Moulton Steps” we begin to live without Design restrictions and learn to adapt to Fred Ford (Program Coordinator), the physical world. In “Don’t Look Back,” the emotional ties that have Gilles Ouellette (Visual Designer), bound us are gradually eliminated Michael Moore (Percussion until we achieve “Freedom,” and the Arranger), Ryan Loud (Percussion journey is complete. Arranger), Jeff Bolduc (Brass Arranger), Lennie Machado (Color Guard Designer) Brass Joe McCarthy, Josh Chapman, Larry Lacey, Brian McCullock Percussion Tim Sepe, Andy Kim, Marco Agguire, Chris Slipp, Mark DeLacey, Jason Dye, Grace Welter Color Guard Ari Alonso, Julie Brown, Ryan Bronner Visual Evan Tropp, Dave Macuga, Anthony Montesion, Ann Sullivan Live Free! Breaking the Chains/ Burly Brawl by Don Davis First Steps by Jeff Bolduc, Michael Moore, Ryan Loud Don’t Look Back/Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova Freedom (Themes from Swan Lake) by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 117
It’s time to start a Tri-M Music Honor Society chapter. Strengthen your school’s Music. Honor. And Society. Starting a Tri-M Music Honor Society chapter will help show the value of your music program to the school. It will also benefit your students by allowing them to: Build an impressive record for college Grow as leaders in music Serve their community Ready to start a chapter? Follow these easy steps: 1. Visit to download your chapter activation form or call 1-800-336-3768. 2. Send in the activation form with your chapter activation fee ($50-$125 based on the size of your school) 3. Receive a packet from NAfME with a guide to start your chapter – and get going!
VaSanntagClauraard Cadets STAFF Santa Clara, CA I Corps Director Steve Barnhill The Art of War is inspired by the universal experiences that Corps Manager have defined battle through history. But the “art” the Mannie Cabarloc Vanguard Cadets will focus on has little to do with fighting strategy: Tour Managers It’s the ability to retain the capacity to love, forgive, Caitlin Bell, Colby Vasquez and show compassion in the aftermath of Drum Major unspeakable horror and violence. Rather Carl Huang than tell a linear story about a specific Design conflict, the show’s four acts drama- Rob Ripley (Program Coordinator), tize emotions shared by all involved. Myron Rosander (Drill Designer), The prologue’s building anticipation Peter Gomez (Visual Coordinator), leads to the terror of first combat in Act 1. After quiet remembrances Key Poulan (Brass Arranger), of home in Act 2, battle rages in Act Fred Smith (Music Coordinator, 3. Finally, Act 4 brings reconciliation Front Ensemble Arranger), and the hope for a peaceful future. Casey Brohard (Battery Percussion Arranger) Brass Bryan Williams (Caption Head), Javier Cerna, Rick Pina, Alex Christensen, Brandon Lindsey, Rick South (Consultant) Percussion Casey Brohard (Caption Head), Adam Tsukamoto, Daniel Recoder, Travis Vernon, Brian Sears, Greyson Boydstun, David Medina (Consultant) Color Guard Peter Gomez (Caption Head), Juliet Ferriera, Ben Contreras, Sarah Andulal Visual Justin Cunha (Lead Instructor), Jeff Facun, Scott Sepolio The Art of War Act 1: Unto the Breach Unto the Breach by Key Poulan Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky Act 2: In Stillness Elegy for Dunkirk (from Atonement) by Dario Marianelli Act 3: Summon the Blood Hut of the Baby Yaga (from Pictures at an Exhibition) by Modest Mussorgsky Act 4: The Quality of Mercy Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber The Promise of Living (from The Tender Land) by Aaron Copland 119
Open Class BLUE DEVILS C CONCORD, CA • BLUEDEVILS.ORG ROUTE 66 Pack your bags, gas up the car, and let’s hit the pavement as Blue Devils C heads for Route 66—a road that calls to mind the days before Interstates and roadside malls. The set starts with Chuck Berry’s hit tune “Route 66” before driving on to other auto-inspired themes like “Car Wash,” “Greased Lightnin,’” and “I Can’t Drive 55.” You are sure to feel the wind in your hair as Blue Devils C cruises down America’s most famous highway! Director Rick Odello BLUE SAINTS SUDBURY, ON • BLUESAINTS.COM O CANADA: PORTRAITS OF A JOURNEY Blue Saints honor their home- land with a show inspired by the national anthem of Canada. The piece is infused with the brilliant writing style of Brian Balmages’ “Elements (Petite Symphony)” to portray the different elements that make up the majesty of the Canadian landscape. From the Northern Lights to the mountain ranges to the west and back, this production will take audiences on a journey that ends right where it begins! Director Mark Ripley CITY SOUND LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA • CITY-SOUND.ORG A DAY IN THE LIFE OF PUERTO RICO The Afro-Latino music that permeates the Caribbean countries—with its marriage of tribal African percussion and Western harmonic structure—has had a profound impact on music around the world. This season, City Sound takes us to Puerto Rico for a spicy mix that ranges from modern club music (Marc Anthony’s “Hasta Que Vuelvas Conmigo”) to more traditional styles on songs like “Meliton Tombe,” “Rule Son Da,” and “El Rumor.” Director Nathaniel Lewis COASTAL SURGE MYRTLE BEACH, SC • COASTALSURGE.ORG INTO THE STORM In its first season ever, Coastal Surge will use original compositions by Joshua Hinkel and Justin Mabry in a three-part portrayal of nature’s devastating force. Part one starts with calm before the storm and ends with its arrival. In part two, we experience what it is like to be in the eye of the storm. In part three, the storm finally passes as the people in its wake start the long task of cleaning up and attempting to return to some sense of a normal way of life. Director Matthew M. Shrewsbury 121
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Open Class COLUMBIANS PASCO, WA • COLUMBIANSDRUMCORPS.ORG A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT Reintroducing drum corps to Washington State’s Tri-City area, Columbians will celebrate the area’s awe-inspiring landscape. The power and majesty of the three rivers—Snake, Yakima, and Columbia—drive the ebb and flow of the production as seen from the perspective of an early explorer. The drill will evoke symbols on a frontier map with its compass, meandering rivers, and old-world look, while the corps’ logo may also take shape on the field in honor of its new beginning. Director Russ Newbury IMPULSE BUENA PARK, CA • IMPULSEYOUTHARTS.ORG SHOW TBA First performing in 1999, Impulse has become instantly recog- nizable on the drum corps field with its baseball caps and bright yellow short- sleeved uniforms that prominently display the corps’ exclamation mark logo. The Impulse Youth Arts Organization also sponsors the Rhythm Regiment per- cussion ensemble. Touring from late June through mid-July, the group—which was crowned the DCI Division III World Champion in 2006—will perform in California, Idaho, and Utah this season. Director Michael Lopez LES STENTORS SHERBROOKE, QC • STENTORS.NET STENTORS 25TH ANNIVERSARY Les Stentors’ 2013 repertoire celebrates the best musical moments of the corps’ history by revisiting the different styles the group has performed in since 1989. Selections include music from Amin Bhatia’s The Interstellar Suite, Johan de Meij’s Lord of the Rings Symphony, Quebec folk band La Bottine Souriante, Michael Giacchino’s soundtrack to The Incredibles, Gregory Charles’ “Til the Day I Die,” Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera, and works by André Gagnon and Jan de Haan. Director Sébastien Roux THUNDER SPOKANE, WA • THUNDERDRUMCORPS.ORG RITUALS Based in Spokane, Washington, Thunder is a nationally competitive drum and bugle corps made up of talented young adults (ages 14-21) from eastern Washington and northern Idaho—as well as a few other states. This season, the group—which returned to DCI competion in 2010 after a brief hiatus—will draw upon original music composed by Lewis Norfleet to por- tray Rituals, a word that can refer to the sacred and ceremonial, but can also define our everyday activities. Director Mike Koch 123
International TAIPEI YUEHFU TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN • YUEHFU.ORG THE BUTTERFLY LOVERS Competing in Drum Corps International’s International Division,TaipeiYuehfu makes its first trip to the United States since the 2005 DCI World Championships, also having attended in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Performing music from the “Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto” written by Chen Gang and He Zhanhao in 1958,TaipeiYuehfu will retell the traditional Chinese legend of Liang Shanbo and ZhuYingtai, a tragic love story that is often compared as the equivalent of “Romeo and Juliet.” Director Chien-Jung Ku All-Age Bridgemen Alumni ATLANTA CV MINNESOTA BRASS Kilties Atlanta, GA St. Paul, MN Show Title: Carpe Caelum: Show Title: Primal Seize the Heavens Director: Eric Molho Director: Dr. David W. Stollberg MUCHACHOS Manchester, NH BRIDGEMEN ALUMNI Show Title: From Fire Bayonne, NJ to Cool Director: George Lavelle Director: Al Gagne CINCINNATI TRADITION SOCAL DREAM Cincinnati, OH Surf City, USA Show Title: Breakdown Show Title: Q Director: Tom Slade Director: Michael Nash CRUSADERS SENIOR Boston, MA Govenaires Director: Jack LaSelva Atlanta CV GOVENAIRES Minnesota Brass St. Peter, MN Show Title: Chasing Hollywood Director: Sandee Conlin KILTIES Racine, WI Show Title: Station KILT Director: Scott Stewart 125
World Champions 2012 Blue Devils 2012 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 98.700 World Class Blue Devils Concord, CA 95.250 Open Class Oregon Crusaders Portland, OR 2011 Cadets 2011 2007 2008 Phantom Regiment INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 98.350 World Class 98.000 Division I The Cadets Blue Devils Allentown, PA Concord, CA 95.000 Open Class 96.150 Division II Blue Devils B Spartans Nashua, NH 2010Concord, CA 2010 Blue Devils 90.550 Division III Memphis Sound 2009 Blue Devils B INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Memphis, TN 2006 Impulse 98.900 World Class 2006 Blue Devils Concord, CA MADISON, WISCONSIN 97.550 Open Class 97.200 Division I Blue Devils B The Cavaliers Concord, CA Rosemont, IL 2009 95.625 Division II The Academy INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Tempe, AZ 99.050 World Class 84.975 Division III Blue Devils Impulse Concord, CA Buena Park, CA 95.500 Open Class 2005 Blue Devils B Concord, CA FOXBORO, MASSACHUSETTS 2008 BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA 99.150 Division I The Cadets 98.125 World Class Allentown, PA Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL 97.475 Division II East Coast Jazz 96.825 Open Class Malden, MA Santa Clara Vanguard Cadets 88.800 Division III Santa Clara, CA Raiders Wayne, NJ 2007 Spartans 126 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
2005 Raiders 2012 Oregon Crusaders 2004 Finale 2001 Cavaliers 2003 Esperanza 2002 Magic of Orlando 2004 2001 2000 Cadets and Cavaliers DENVER, COLORADO BUFFALO, NEWYORK 1998 Cadets 98.700 Division I 98.350 Division I The Cavaliers The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL Rosemont, IL 96.550 Division II 97.800 Division II Spartans Mandarins Nashua, NH Sacramento, CA 1999 Santa 88.600 Division III 88.550 Division III Clara Oregon Crusaders Blue Stars Vanguard St. Helens, OR La Crosse, WI 2003 2000 COLLEGE PARK, ORLANDO, FLORIDA MARYLAND 98.800 Division I 97.650 Division I Blue Devils The Cadets Concord, CA Bergenfield, NJ The Cavaliers 95.600 Division II Rosemont, IL Esperanza San Diego, CA 94.350 Division II Vanguard Cadets 88.600 Division III Santa Clara, CA Blue Stars La Crosse, WI 89.700 Division III Seattle Cascades 2002 Shoreline, WA 1997 Blue Devils MADISON, WISCONSIN 1999 1998 1997 99.150 Division I MADISON, WISCONSIN The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL 98.400 Division I ORLANDO, FLORIDA ORLANDO, FLORIDA Blue Devils 99.050 Division II Concord, CA 98.400 Division I 98.400 Division I Magic of Orlando Santa Clara The Cadets Blue Devils Orlando, FL Vanguard Bergenfield, NJ Concord, CA Santa Clara, CA 90.500 Division III 97.100 Division II 94.200 Division II Revolution East Coast Jazz Spartans San Antonio,TX 96.300 Division II Malden, MA Nashua, NH Patriots Spartans Rochester, NY Nashua, NH 94.800 Division III Mandarins 93.700 Division III 93.800 Division III Sacramento, CA Mandarins Mandarins Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA 127
World Champions 1993 JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 1995 Cavaliers 97.400 Division I Cadets of Bergen County Hackensack, NJ 94.300 Division II Carolina Crown Charlotte, NC 85.400 Division III Blue Stars La Crosse, WI 1992 MADISON, WISCONSIN 97.500 Division I The Cavaliers 1996 Phantom Regiment 1994 Pioneer 1993 Cadets of Bergen County Rosemont, IL 1992 Cavaliers 1996 92.900 Division II Southwind ORLANDO, FLORIDA Montgomery, AL 97.400 Division I 90.000 Division III Blue Devils Mandarins Concord, CA Sacramento, CA Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL 1991 95.500 Division II DALLAS, TEXAS Les Etoiles Dorion, QC 97.000 Open Class Star of Indiana 94.000 Division III Bloomington, IN Mandarins Sacramento, CA 92.700 A-Class Southwind 1995 Montgomery, AL 86.000 A-60 Pioneer 1991 Star 1990 Academie Musicale BUFFALO, NEWYORK Milwaukee, WI of Indiana 98.300 Division I The Cavaliers 1990 Rosemont, IL 95.400 Division II BUFFALO, NEWYORK Pioneer Milwaukee, WI 97.700 Open Class Cadets of Bergen 95.500 Division III County Academie Musicale Hackensack, NJ Sherbrooke, QC 91.800 A-Class 1994 Ventures Kitchener, ON FOXBORO, 88.400 A-60 MASSACHUSETTS Academie Musicale Sherbrooke, QC 98.400 Division I Blue Devils 1989 1989 Santa Clara Vanguard Concord, CA 96.000 Division II KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Pioneer Milwaukee, WI 98.800 Open Class Santa Clara 91.900 Division III Vanguard Americanos Santa Clara, CA Appleton, WI 93.300 A-Class Ventures 1988 Madison Scouts Kitchener, ON 88.300 A-60 Blue Stars La Crosse, WI 128 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
1987 Mandarins 1988 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 97.100 Open Class Madison Scouts Madison, WI 91.900 A-Class L’Insolite St. Jerome, QC 80.200 A-60 1982 Mandarins MONTREAL, QUEBEC Sacramento, CA 95.250 Open Class 1987 Blue Devils MADISON, WISCONSIN Concord, CA 97.900 Open Class 68.050 A-Class Garfield Cadets Dutch Boy Garfield, NJ Kitchener, ON 90.100 A-Class 61.950 All Girl Ventures Les Chatelaines Kitchener, ON Laval, QC 1986 Blue Devils 1985 Garfield Cadets 1984 Garfield Cadets 1983 Garfield Cadets 85.300 A-60 1981 Mandarins MONTREAL, QUEBEC Sacramento, CA 94.000 Open Class 1986 Santa Clara MADISON, WISCONSIN Vanguard Santa Clara, CA 98.400 Open Class Blue Devils Concord, CA 65.850 A-Class Southernaires 94.600 A-Class Kenner, LA Canadian Knights Peterborough, ON 68.150 All Girl Les Chatelaines 83.700 A-60 Laval, QC St. Francis Xavier Sancians 1982 Blue Devils S. Weymouth, MA 1985 MADISON, WISCONSIN 98.400 Open Class Garfield Cadets Garfield, NJ 90.400 A-Class Ventures Kitchener, ON 78.300 A-60 St. Francis 1981 Santa Clara Vanguard Xavier Sancians S. Weymouth, MA 1980 1984 ATLANTA, GEORGIA BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 98.000 Open Class Garfield Cadets 90.600 Open Class Garfield, NJ Blue Devils Concord, CA 94.000 A-Class Florida Wave 64.350 A-Class Miami, FL Ventures Kitchener, ON 1983 64.350 All Girl Ventures MIAMI, FLORIDA Kitchener, ON 94.400 Open Class Garfield Cadets Garfield, NJ 55.700 A-Class Les Chatelaines Laval, QC 1980 Blue Devils 129
World Champions 1979 1975 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 93.550 Open Class Blue Devils 92.500 Open Class Concord, CA Madison Scouts Madison, WI 1979 Blue Devils 65.000 A-Class 1977 Bengal Lancers Black Watch 71.350 A-Class Willingboro, NJ Greece Cadets Rochester, NY 67.350 All Girl Arbella 69.650 All Girl Salem, MA St. Ignatius Hicksville, NY 1978 DENVER, COLORADO 1974 ITHACA, NEWYORK 91.550 Open Class Santa Clara 89.300 Open Class Vanguard Santa Clara Santa Clara, CA Vanguard Santa Clara, CA 69.350 A-Class Black Watch 1973 Auburn, WA 1978 Santa Clara Vanguard 1976 Blue Devils 71.350 All Girl WHITEWATER, WISCONSIN Les Chatelaines Laval, QC 88.650 Open Class Santa Clara 1977 Vanguard Santa Clara, CA DENVER, COLORADO 1972 92.050 Open Class WHITEWATER, WISCONSIN Blue Devils Concord, CA 88.100 Open Class Kingsmen 74.200 A-Class Anaheim, CA Bengal Lancers Trumbull, CT 69.450 All Girl St. Ignatius Hicksville, NY 1976 1975 Madison Scouts PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 92.700 Open Class Blue Devils Concord, CA 76.200 A-Class Wausau Story Wausau, WI 71.300 All Girl St. Ignatius Hicksville, NY 1973 Santa Clara Vanguard 1972 Kingsmen 1974 Santa Clara Vanguard 130 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
We’ve covered the WORLD Sign up for your for 41 years . . . so far! FREE subscription at Published monthly and five extra times weekly during the season DCI North World and Open America DCA Europe We also have seven DVD sets Open and Class A featuring 55 performances by junior and senior corps at Alumni and competitions in 1967, 1971, Foreign corps 1972, 1974, 1975 and 1976 -- South Africa Southeast Asia Check out our growing collection of historic compact discs, representing 436 different junior and senior corps between 1950 and 1980 in 1,248 competitive performances at U.S. and Canadian contests -- The Far East Photos by: Wil Bijl, Pat Chagnon, Jim Claytor, Francesca DeMello, Larry Eckert, David Gwyn, Rich Jones, Moe Knox, Chris Maher, Robb Quinn, 2M0a1r3y cSocpayfriidgih, tD, SavigehVtsa&lvoS,oRunodnsW, Inacll.o, cMhaadnisdonR,iWchIa, r6d08W-2e4r1s-in22g9e2r --
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Awards Caption awards are determined by the average OPEN CLASS scores in each category over the three days of World Championship competition. CAPTION AWARDS Best Brass Performance Oregon Crusaders WORLD CLASS Best General Effect Oregon Crusaders Best Visual Performance Oregon Crusaders JOHN BRAZALE BEST VISUAL PERFORMANCE AWARD Best Percussion Performance Blue Devils B Best Color Guard Performance Spartans In 2012, the BestVisual Performance Award was renamed in honor of John Brazale, who passed away in 1993. Over his long DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR career, Brazale made an indelible contribution to the drum Rick Odello Blue Devils corps activity as a performer, instructor, designer, and manag- er, most notably after assuming drill design responsibilities for Phantom MOST IMPROVED CORPS Legends Kalamazoo, MI Regiment in the early 1980s. 2012 Winner: Blue Devils and Carolina Crown LEADERSHIP FRED SANFORD BEST PERCUSSION PERFORMANCE AWARD JIM JONES LEADERSHIP AWARD Fred Sanford is one of the most influential figures in the history of marching percussion, thanks to a career that saw him excel Named for the former director of the as a member, instructor, designer, and arranger. During 12 stel- Troopers and founding member of Drum lar seasons with the Santa ClaraVanguard, Sanford’s drum Corps International who passed away in lines captured five high percussion titles. After a battle with cancer, Sanford 1994, this award is given to World and Open Class drum majors who exhibit passed away in 2000. 2012 Winner: Blue Devils unparalleled leadership qualities. Selections are made by a committee of DONALD ANGELICA BESTOVERALLGENERALEFFECTAWARD DCI Hall of Fame members. Sean Phelan Madison Scouts (World Class) A longtime chief judge administrator for DCl, Donald Angelica Happiness Yi Oregon Crusaders (Open Class) was a nurturer of artistic growth within the drum corps commu- nity. Angelica’s influence on scoring system revisions—and his DR. BERNARD BAGGS support of bold musical and visual design—helped to mold the LEADERSHIP AWARD drum corps activity into the paragon of marching music that it is today. The Bernard Baggs Leadership Award Angelica passed away in 1987. 2012 Winner: Blue Devils (named for the longtime judge and board of directors advisor) is given to the out- GEORGE ZINGALI BEST COLOR GUARD AWARD standing World Class director of the sea- son, as determined and voted on by all George Zingali was a drum corps innovator who redefined World Class directors. visual and color guard designs through the 1970s and ’80s. He Chris Komnick Madison Scoutss was well known for his work with the 27th Lancers, Blue Knights, and Star of Indiana; with the Cadets, Zingali was part of GEORGE BONFIGLIO a team that captured fourWorld Championship titles over an incredible CHAIRMAN’S AWARD five-season run. He passed away in 1992. 2012 Winner: Blue Devils Named for the founder and longtime director of the 27th Lancers, the George JIM OTT BEST BRASS PERFORMANCE AWARD Bonfiglio Chairman’s Award is given annu- ally at the DCI World Championships to a Known for instructing some of the most memorable horn lines person who has demonstrated extraordi- of the 1970s, Jim Ott was an arranger and instructor for the nary leadership, service, and effort on Stockton Commodores, Blue Devils, and Spirit of Atlanta. Ott behalf of Drum Corps International. was tragically killed in a car accident in 1980, but his mighty influence continues to echo through drum corps stadiums decades after his Mark Arnold Blue Knights premature passing. 2012 Winner: Carolina Crown 2012 WINNERS NOTED 133
Hall of Fame Drum Corps International will be proud to welcome four new members into the DCI Hall of Fame during the 2013 World Championships in Indianapolis. Marie Czapinski Bob Lendman Ray Mar Steve Rondinaro DCI VISUAL ADJUDICATOR PHANTOM REGIMENT MANDARINS EXECUTIVE DCI BROADCAST Only a few adjudicators DIRECTOR 1976-1981 DIRECTOR 1983-PRESENT PERSONALITY are qualified to judge Bob Lendman began his The Mandarins are celebrat- At the tender age of nine, every one of DCI’s visual involvement with the ing their 50th anniversary Steve Rondinaro entered captions. Marie Grana- Phantom Regiment Cadets this season, and for more the drum corps world as a Czapinski is one of them, in the early 1970s as a par- than half of those 50 years, marching member of the due to her long history in ent of two corps members, Ray Mar has been their Watkins Glen Squires. He the marching arts, which but before long he became executive director. Since stayed with the Squires for began more than four an integral part of the orga- taking over the corps in over a decade, eventually decades ago when she nization. In 1976 he was 1983, Mar has led them to becoming their director and performed as a member named the Regiment’s eightWorld Championship taking them to the 1975 DCI of Chicago’s Norwood director, and over the next wins, including four straight World Championships in Park Imperials. During the five years he transformed titles from 1996 to 1999—a Philadelphia. By this time, early 1970s, Czapinski every aspect of the corps, feat never duplicated by any he had already established instructed various paying special attention to other DCI group before or a separate career for him- corps—including the how it handled long-dis- since. His many achieve- self as a news reporter and Seneca Optimists, tance touring. Following his ments, which have resulted anchor—a career he was Madison Scouts, and time with Phantom in his twice being named able to combine with his Spirit of Atlanta—while Regiment, he directed the DCI Director of theYear (in passion for drum corps training to be a judge. In Blue Stars, worked with 1992 and 1998), are all the beginning in 1976, when he 1976, she was assigned to Star of Indiana as a key advi- more remarkable consider- hosted a local PBS telecast the DCIWorld sor, and co-ran the DCI Mid- ing that his knowledge of of the DCI East competition Championship judging America Championship in drum corps was minimal in Allentown, Pa. In 1979, he panel for the first time. Bloomington, Ind. with his when he first took on his co-hosted the World Since then, she has wife Allison. In the words of leadership role. “He agreed Championships telecast for become one of the most former Star of Indiana to direct the corps without the first time. For more than respected adjudicators on Director James Mason: even knowing what it was 35 years, he has been the the circuit. DCI Judge “Bob looked everyone in really all about,” says host of DCI’s television and Administrator John the eye, no matter what size Mandarins Corps Director movie theater broadcasts. Phillips says, “Marie has corps they had and treated JimTabuchi. “It is rare to As DCI broadcast producer been integral in mentor- all with respect as he shared find someone who has and directorTom Blair ing countless new judges his knowledge with every- demonstrated Ray’s level of notes, “Steve lives to sup- and is continually on the one.” Lendman passed greatness by starting with port drum corps and he has lookout for emerging tal- away in 2011. so little and creating so done so for his entire life.” ent to join our ranks.” much.” 135
Hall of Fame 2012 From left: George Bevilacqua Boston Crusaders Director (1971-’80) Paulette Hurley standing in for the late Marty Hurley Phantom Regiment Percussion Instructor & Arranger (1975-’93) Michael Klesch Brass Composer & Arranger (1985-present) Mel Stratton Blue Devils Visual Instructor (1970-’80) Scott Johnson Blue Devils Percussion Instructor & Arranger (1994-present) 2011 Todd Ryan Visual caption Lynde Principal dance choreographer, 1996 Michael Cesario Visual and creator of the Bridgemen and Velvet Blue Devils, 1980s. Donnie VanDoren Knights images. Aram Kazazian head and marching instructor, Daniel Brass caption head for the Garfield designer and consultant. DCI broad- Deceased Dec. 12, 1992. Timing and Richardson Phantom Regiment pro- Cadets, Star of Indiana. cast commentator. Jim Prime, Jr. penalty judge for DCI in the 1970s and gram coordinator, Ken Norman Brass Brass arranger and instructor. Dave 1980s. Pepe Notaro Deceased Sept. arranger and innovator, Michael Gaines 2003 Glenn Opie Charter mem- Richards DCI judge. 17, 1989. A catalyst for DCI Division III Cavaliers visual designer. corps in the 1980s. Mary Pesceone ber of DCI Board of Directors, director, 1995 Joseph Marrella Percussion DCI administrator. 2010 Raymond J. Baumgardt Argonne Rebels, 1949-1973. Len Piekarski Visual instructor and designer, arranger and consultant. Sandra Opie 1989 Pete Emmons Drill writer Deceased 1997. Madison Scouts the Cavaliers, 1957-1968. Brass instructor for the Argonne Rebels, musical director 1969-1979. Brandt 1959-1973. DCI judge, 1973-1989. Jim and instructor, Santa Clara Vanguard, Crocker World Championships public 2002 Clarence Beebe Deceased Ott Deceased July 8, 1980. Brass arrang- 1968-1980. Ken Kobold Deceased address announcer. Robert W. Smith er for the Commodores, Blue Devils and Dec. 3, 1992. First DCI recording engi- Suncoast Sound composer and arranger. Jan. 15, 1968. Founder and executive Spirit of Atlanta. neer. Created Championship records director of the Madison Scouts, 1938- during the 1970s and ‘80s. Rick 2009 Jay Bocook Longtime 1967. Sal Ferrera Deceased 2010. 1994 John Brazale Deceased Maass Deceased Dec. 27, 1988. Visual Member, instructor, arranger and pro- judge and instructor. First DCI chief judge Cadets music arranger. Shirley gram director of the Cavaliers, 1953-1977. March 1, 1994. Visual designer and in 1972. Jim Unrath Editor of the orig- Dorritie Color guard educator, designer instructor for Phantom Regiment, inal “Blue Book” of drum corps rules. and consultant, Blue Devils and Santa David Gibbs Member, instructor, 1975-1992. William Howard Charter Clara Vanguard. Richard “Ike” designer and executive director of the member of the DCI Board of Directors. 1988 Bernard Baggs Deceased Iannessa Deceased 2004. Visual design- Blue Devils, 1974-present. Moe Latour Director of the Madison Scouts, 1968- er, innovator and judge. Emil Pavlik Member, instructor, tour manager and 1976. Jim Wren Music arranger for Dec. 5, 1998. DCI judge and board advi- Deceased 2011. Music director and director for many corps, 1949-present. Phantom Regiment, 1968-1996. sor. Bob Briske DCI contest director, arranger, Kilties, 1950s and ‘60s. Frank 1972-1994. Earl Joyce Father of mod- Williams Brass instructor, arranger and Sie Lurye Deceased Dec. 16, 1978. 1993 Gene Monterastelli ern judging. Influenced the development consultant. Founder and director of the Royal Airs, of a standard and uniform system of 1958-1968. Instructor and management with the judging. 2008 Dan Acheson Executive Troopers, 1966-1975. DCI judge. Jerry 2001 Thom Hannum Percussion Seawright Deceased May 16, 2004. 1987 Robert Currie Deceased Director and CEO, Drum Corps Founder and director of the Blue Devils, International, 1995-present. James arranger, clinician and consultant. 1970-1984. Scott Stewart Director of Dec. 4, 2000. Percussion judge, Campbell Percussion arranger, instructor Marc Sylvester Cadets visual designer the Madison Scouts, 1977-2002. 1958-1976. and innovator. Rick Odello Director, and instructor. James Wedge Brass Blue Devils B and Blue Devils C. arranger and instructor, 27th Lancers, 1992 Steve Brubaker Deceased 1986 Don Pesceone Second exec- Greg Orwoll Executive Director, Colts, 1968-1982. 1989-present. Jan. 28, 1993. Visual instructor and utive director of DCI, 1973-1994. Gail 2000 James Costello Deceased designer for the Cavaliers, 1978-1992. Royer Deceased June 17, 1993. Charter 2007 Howard Dahnert Deceased George Oliviero DCI judge and judge member of DCI Board of Directors. 2001. Founder of the Hawthorne educator. Don Whiteley Deceased Founder and director of Santa Clara 2011. Longtime Racine Scouts supporter. Caballeros. Adolph DeGrauwe April 2, 1999. First DCI public relations Vanguard, 1967-1992. Jay Kennedy Judge educator and Director of the Cavaliers, 1979-1990. director. Ralph Hardimon Percussion compos- 1985 Donald Angelica Deceased musician. Larry Kerchner Arranger er and arranger. Larry McCormick 1991 Roman Blenski Drum Corps and instructor. Steve Vickers Drum Percussion instructor, arranger and Feb. 25, 1987. First DCI judge adminis- corps publisher. innovator. Midwest and Division II & III executive trator. George Bonfiglio Deceased director. Joe Colla Judging and DCI March 12, 2010. Charter member of DCI 2006 Tom Aungst Percussion 1999 Gary Czapinski Show con- contest crew. Truman Crawford Board of Directors. Founder and direc- Deceased March 3, 2003. Brass arrang- tor of the 27th Lancers. Jim Jones arranger and caption head for the sultant and designer. Paul Litteau er and instructor. Dennis DeLucia Deceased June 8, 1994. Charter member Cadets. Alfred “Corky” Fabrizio Developer of adjudication methodology Percussion arranger and instructor. of DCI Board of Directors. Founder and Instructor, arranger, adjudicator and show and philosophy. Clarke Williams DCI Wayne Downey Brass arranger and director of the Troopers for 30 years. coordinator. Freddy Martin Founder judge, 1972-present. instructor for the Blue Devils since the David Kampschroer Charter member and director, Spirit of Atlanta, 1976-1993. 1970s. Jack Meehan Brass instructor of DCI Board of Directors. First execu- 1998 Charles Poole, Jr. for the Troopers, Blue Devils and Santa tive director of Western region for DCI. Don Porter Deceased 1998. Director, Clara Vanguard. Ralph Pace Visual President of the Blue Stars, 1968-1980. Anaheim Kingsmen. Percussion arranger and instructor for designer and instructor for Blue Rock, the 27th Lancers. DCI Task Force, 1980- 27th Lancers and the Cavaliers. Fred Hugh Mahon Charter member of DCI 2005 Dick Brown Longtime 1986. Gerry Shellmer Percussion Sanford Deceased Jan. 30, 2000. Board of Directors. First executive direc- arranger and instructor, 1950-1976. Percussion arranger and instructor for tor of Eastern region for DCI. Member, arranger, instructor and judge. Jeff Ernie Zimny Deceased April 22, 2004. the Santa Clara Vanguard, 1968-1980. instructor and director of the Garfield Fiedler Director of the Cavaliers, Santa Performer, instructor, judge, contest Cadets, 1955-1972. Don Warren Clara Vanguard CEO. Peggy Twiggs crew, and DCI office staff. George Zingali Deceased March 6, Charter member of DCI Board of Groundbreaking color guard instructor. 1992. Visual designer and instructor, Directors. Cavaliers founder and director. 1997 James Elvord Brass arranger 27th Lancers, Garfield Cadets and Star 2004 Barry Bell Musical director, of Indiana. and instructor. DCI judge. George designer, Toronto Optimists. Scott Hopkins Director of the Cadets, 1990 Rodney Goodhart Chandler Instructor, Bridgemen, Spirit 1984-present. Michael Moxley of Atlanta and the Cadets. Program Instructor, designer and director of the Percussion caption head of the DCI task coordinator/choreographer, Blue Devils. Blue Devils, 1984-1990. force on judging. Bobby Hoffmann Tom Float Instructor for the Freelancers, Deceased Jan. 9, 1991. Visual designer Etobicoke-Oakland Crusaders, Spirit of Atlanta and Blue Devils. Stephanie 136 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
Find it at MARCHING.COM The Resource Directory™ is your online source of everything for your marching unit—drill writers, music arrangers, fundraisers, uniforms, services and supplies.
Friends of DCI PRIMARY White Hands PRIMARY REVERSED The Friends of DCI program began in 1981 with 30 passion- TYPE COLOR REVERSE ate drum corps fans. Today, it tops 300 loyal members who continue to support the activity they love.TYPE COLOR Members of the Friends program help fill stadiums throughout the summer tour, creating an inner circle of the TYPE 1-COLOR REVERSE most committed DCI fans and supporting the pursuit of excellence at the highest level. Their generosity and dedi-TYPE 1-COLOR cation have played an important part in the lives of drum corps members. Become a part of this flourishing commu- APR.16.2010 CONFIDENTIAL VER.01 “ALL PURCHASES ARE MADE EMOTIONALLY AND JUSTIFIED LOGICALLY.” nity through the Friends of DCI program with your own gift and membership. Visit or call 317.275.1212 for more information. DIAMOND Roger & Cheryl Cole Dr. Roger & Rev. Judy Bill & Linda Helm Kevin & Donna Coleman Anne White Dave Hill David, Kelly & Will Borland Mary Anne Conboy & Albert Thompson Steve & Laura Hodges Mike Creedon In Memory of Ed & Pat Huesing Studio C Candles Tom & Emily Wilson Michael Ibale Michael & Ashleigh LaJoice William M. Connelly Marco Fernandez & Jay Yokley Glenn & Ann Kalisiak Ken and Diann Honsberger, Andy Cucchiara/Robert Butt Steve & Judy Young In Memory of Fred Kraushaar Edward F. DiCarlo, M.D. The Young’s Timothy Kviz Pam and Jonathan Grickis Joe & Peggy DiScipio Philip Zulas John Kurtz in memory of Ron Grickis Rick Dissinger Ron Leake Shawn McBride GOLD Arnold & Suzanne Lehto Jim Murphy, Terry Redford, & Guy Hutchison Doreen Long Mike O’Connor, Vic Scimeca Doug & Dena Divelbiss Ken Adams Yvonne Lysakowski Duane Webber Joseph Doyle Jon Anderson and Lynne Craig Dr. Samuel Mapp Richard & Gwen Elmquist Janyce & Ron Banknieder Carl & Debbie Markert PLATINUM Tom & Ann French Craig Berdan & Mark Storck Don, Karen & Kate Mellon Jeff Grady Carole & Ed Bernier Karla K. Miller Frank N. Anthony, MD Craig & Elizabeth Gross Kenneth Bosch & Cheryl Bosch Linda Milow Jeff Arnold Rob Harding Kathryn Bursey Richard Swails & Jennifer & Larry Baragar Kevin Hassan Ilze & Bruce Bye Edward & Gayle Barton Frank Hegedus John Calabrese Jr. Michael Morse Matthew P. Brewer, MD Billie & John Heinold George Clemenceau Robert J. Mullan, M.D. Thomas Lewis Brown Mark & Suzanne Herzing Judith Duff Dennis Mumford, Charles Wise, Terry & Jackie Buck John & Colleen Hope Edward C. Ecker Julie Burns Michael & Leigh Huston James W. Gault & Gary Wolfgang David & Marty Carlysle Stephen Issacs Larry Goodman John Neilson & David Wolfe Bryant Carter *Wayne & Karin Karge Phillip Haines Tom & Anne Newman Gretchen Chamberlain Charles Kartsonis Kurt Hansberry John Palazzo Julie B. Chase Dr. Thomas Kopitnik Steve & Mary Peth George Kraft, Kent Eversmeyer, & Kathryn Fischer Dr. Larry Powell 138 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook Stephenie Hebert Scott Thompson & Brian Jennings Dan & Kristen LaMacchia & Jesse Amador SCV Group Dan Putnam Jim Kennedy & Ed Lujan Jim Reinbold Chris Maher John Rigano Mark Manguno Douglas Skea Ken & Liz Mrazik Brian Smith Layton Olsen John A. Stadtmueller Dr. Donald & Jean Patterson Bonnie Surkin, Barry Surkin Steve Proctor *Ken & Patty Richardson & Kelly Underwood Robert & Kathy Rieter Richard & Matthew Ulery Barbara L. Ring Jack VanLoan Doug & Nancy Roosa Larry Virgallito & Mike Burgess Marv & Carol Ryser Kenneth Wilder Dan Santelli Larney Wilson Kathy & Eric Santo Brian Setzer & Dale Reifschneider Jana Simpson Mark, Mary & John Wood William & Sandra Spivey Wozniak Family Annette Tanner *CHARTER MEMBER
SILVER Sangree Family Foundation Ronald Mandernach FRIENDS OF DCI Steven & David Seagle Marc Martinez SCHOLARSHIPS James Ainey Jeff & Tony Scholten Mark Mazzucco Art & Diane Alt Michael Schwarm Mary McClure Since 2007, the Friends of Bert & Julie Barnes Don Slone Chris Munn DCI Scholarship Program Arnold & Gail Barron James & Patricia Snyder Scott Myers has awarded educational Wayne & Tricia Bovenschen Ron Sorensen Scott Pickering funding to corps members In Memory of Dorothy Casada Jon & Cherrie Terry John Pipitone to assist in their return to Ginny Chiampa Wally Thayer Andrea Price the classroom after partici- Steve & Cheryl Corcoran *Paul & Patricia Therault Ronald Provencher pating in the annual Drum Beverly Dean John Trambley Carole Rush Corps International Tour. Steve Degenhardt Joe Truscio Mary Scarpino Thomas L. Walker M. Guy Schiavone 2012 SCHOLARSHIP & Steve Erickson David Walter Paul J. & Jeanne Schneider Charles & Peggy Deutsch Debbie Wildoner Morgan & Patricia Smith RECIPIENTS Marie-Elise Diamond Eric Williams Bradford Smith *Paul S. DiPaola Micahel B. Wisper Charles Smith Christopher Monetmayor Michael P. Doyle Sunny Wong Ray Southland Blue Devils Jim Drewes Sharon Woodhead Mark Stasa Elizabeth Miller Ed Eishen Peter Zalewski Richard and Nancy Stoner Blue Stars Drillmasters Marching Shoes Rich Ziemba Myrna Talbott David & Peggy Faust Jamey Thompson Arthur Sievers Ronald Fry BRONZE Thomas Walker Michel St-Pierre Joel & Jari Gittle Darren & Kristin Willey Dotti Turek Barbara Goffman Dan & Linda Acheson Kristin Aasmundstad Walsh Gay & Steve Gordon George & Theresa Adams FRIEND Carla Gossell Douglas and Ann Barduhn & Jonathan Walsh Rob Grice William Barlics David & Barbara Ayars DJ Whiting Brian & Angie Griffin Ben Berns Cheryl Biegler Jim Winslade Robert & Carolyn Haiduk Bert Biles and Victoria Clegg Curtis and Kendra Bittner Sid and Linda Witts Scott Henderson Jeff Bishop Richard Brooks Rhee Wright Susan M. Hess Mary Borden Tupelo High School Helen Hiller David and Lorraine DONATION Peter & Christine Hoeffner Michael & Sharon Brushett Drum Corps Club Norris “Chip” Hollon Julie Burns Tom & Janet Burkhart Elizabeth Acosta Bernard W. Holmes Susan Cain Bob C. Richard & Nancy Dietz Michael Adkins & Robin Ickes Jim Crookston Tara Dizor Barbara Goffman Frank ‘54 Kiltie’ Johnson Scott Croy John and Rhonda Garman Rockwell Jones Kevin R. Johnson Chris Davis Gary Gold Elizabeth Kanouff Angela Jones-Sherrard Rick Davis Alfred Hall Wayne & Connie Leide Robert W. Karow William and Dorothy Davis John & Lisa Heckman Christopher Runyan Frank & Karen Keller Lee DeLoach Gary Holman The Lange Family Steve Dombrauskas Ronald K. Johnson Dave Lefebvre Gary Drain Jim & Lydia Kanki Duane Lempke - Alexandria, VA Larry Fryer Gregory D. Keith, Umberto Lenzi Richard Garcia Fred Morrison Tim Griffin Attorney at Law Dayton Nakahara Anthony Hasler Don & Gregg Kramer Mark T. Nunez, DVM Joe Hooper Jack and Nancy Leavell James Patenge Mel and Barbara Kennedy John Lohr Jean-Marc Patoine Funtila Lester Lute Alfred & Susan Perugini Chris Komnick Andy Minardi Bob Poggensee Laura Krause Michael J. Murray Steve & Cindy Pugsley Mary Lynne Laflamme Joseph Nohl Dennis Rathman Anne Larson Barb Odean Sam Rinehart & R. D. Annala Fred Lenway Carol Samuelson Tom & Sally Rowe Michelle and Scott Senter Mark Sakowski Sharyn Sheen 139
Volunteers Volunteers of the Year Since 1988, Drum Corps International and the Friends of DCI have recognized faithful volunteers 2011 Rick Vale The Cadets, Surf-Six (Jersey of the drum corps community for their dedication. Please join us when we honor DCI’s 2013 Volunteers Surf): Bill & Terri Ives, Tom & Naomi Piatek, Ted of the Year at the World Championships in August. Frank Milina BLUE DEVILS B The father of four corps alums (daughters Debbie 2010& Beverly Vallies, Daisy Johnson 7th Regiment Steve Stueck Blue Stars, Dr. Randall W. and Nancy were color guard members; sons Steve and Danny marched in the drum Chaffee & Thomas Chase Racine Scouts, Becky line), Frank Milina has been part of the Blue Devils organization since 1969.“From fixing equipment to leading fundraisers to driving the bus, hosting dinners, manag- 2009Nelson Phantom Regiment ing Blue Devils B, cooking on tour, and even announcing at events, he has done Helen Turner The Cavaliers, Tom & Linda much more than we could ever ask—and he hasn’t stopped yet,” says Rick Odello, director of Blue Devils B & C.“He and his wife Marylou have long deserved recogni- 2008Weiss The Cadets, Denise Troyer Crossmen tion for all they’ve done for the Blue Devils and the drum corps activity as a whole.” Thelma Fung Blue Knights, Greg Lowe Eric Haelman PIONEER Currently in charge of member finances, Eric Haelman 2007Carolina Crown, Marie Limpel Pioneer Romelia Evans Santa Clara Vanguard, Ray has been helping Pioneer since 2004. “He freely and willingly offers his time, help, & Mary McCrary Carolina Crown, Marty & Lois and talents whenever needed or asked for, doing everything from bingo to work- ing in the kitchen to fixing things,” says corps director Roman Blenski. “His kind- 2006Fricke Jersey Surf ness, willingness, and commitment to Pioneer is always available at a moment’s Friedel Cramer Pioneer, Tim Farrell notice. He also drives the bus for our monthly rehearsal camps, winter drum line, Phantom Regiment, Steve Tant Carolina Crown, Bill and three complete weeks of summer touring with the corps. No one is more dedi- cated to helping our members.” 2005& Pat Croissant The Cadets Joan Borden The Cadets, Dorothy Bruce Chaffee RACINE SCOUTS “Bruce Chaffee is our primary ‘go-to’ person Chaffee Racine Scouts, Jon & Cherrie Terry when something needs to be built, fixed, or created out of next to nothing,” says 2004Crossmen Racine Scouts corps manager Andrea Birbilis. “He’s always willing to lend a hand, Dorothy Jeanne Johnson Blue Stars, whether it’s driving a bus, helping with bingo and fundraising, serving as our offi- Pauline Sosnowich Targets cial historian, or mentoring corps members. No matter what he might have going with his own projects, he’s there when you need him—usually before you realize 2003 Diana Kupinski Pioneer, Raymond how much you need him! He helps all corps in need, regardless of their affiliation, and embodies what volunteerism is all about.” Luniewski Lake Erie Regiment, Curt & Judy Schmidt Pioneer 2012 From left: Tom (not pictured) and Peggy Kosin DCI, Sarah Bowling 2002 Teri Brinson Carolina Crown, Donald Blue Devils B, Mary DeSchepper Colts Heitzman The Cavaliers, Daniel Greer Boston 140 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook 2001Crusaders, Donald Kaihatsu Pioneer Roland Dupuy Les Stentors, Ron Gaus 2000Dutch Boy, Carol Srdar & Doug Madar Carolina Crown Mary Cloyd Blue Devils, Carol Niklaus Lake Erie Regiment, Judy Luongo Citations, Richard 1999Peabody Spartans Gilles Bolduc Les Etoiles, John Dvorak Madison Drum Corps Association, Joe & Phyllis 1998Ratterman Blue Knights, Barry Woods Dutch Boy Jean Earl St. John’s, Kevin Smith Carolina 1997Crown, Connie & Tony Bestreski Raiders Bob Fields Illusion, Bob “Archie” Irwin Crossmen, Becky Patterson Delta Brigade, The 1996Staff of Jersey Surf Drum & Bugle Corps Traute Gilbert Troopers, Yanny Newman 1995Spartans, Donald Vallimont Lake Erie Regiment Maye Dill Black Gold, Shirley Leslie Northwind, Harold McJury Genesee Quest, Ida 1994Pituch Glassmen Dean Bassett Nite Express, Joe DiMaggio Delta Brigade, Dorothy Johnson Quad 1993City Knights, Sandy Poglitsh Bluecoats Kathy Hartig The Cavaliers, Jeannie Houck Blue Devils, Betty Reirden Crossmen, Sonja 1992Williams Blue Devils Verna Bagby Marauders, Gene Emmer Freelancers, Conrad & Dorothy Maryanski The 1991Cavaliers, Maureen Fallon Repperet Crossmen Art Drukenbrod Bluecoats, Florence Fay Phantom Regiment, Ed Fraser Marauders, Barb Loeffelholz Madison Scouts, Pat Omilianowski 1990Madison Scouts, Betty Short Various N.Y. corps Paul DeLiberto Cadets of Bergen County, Denise Golden Crossmen, Neil & Iva Johnson 1989Bluecoats, Anthony Smith Boston Crusaders Frank Davila Northern Aurora, “Aunt Nellie” DiDomenico Cadets of Bergen County, Gene Herring Quad City Knights, Mike Pituch Glassmen, 1988J.C. Wells Velvet Knights Ted Gilbert Troopers, Wayne Huntley Quad City Knights, Neltia Kettleson Americanos, George Lucas Garfield Cadets, Marian Newcomer Blue Knights
Encourage and Experience Achievement at a Higher Level Become a “Friend of DCI” today and share your commitment “inner circle” of our most committed fans who wish to with future generations of outstanding young performers. encourage – and enjoy – “Achievement at a Higher Level” There’s nothing quite like the exhilaration of thunderous today and long into the future. applause, rewarding teams of 150 sweat-soaked performers on Please give a “Gift of Excellence” by joining our exclusive one hot summer night, while beams of bright stadium lights circle of “Friends” today. flood the lush green field, cutting streaks through the thick Visit for more information. summer air.They’ve performed their hearts out tonight, keeping nothing for themselves.They smile with the knowledge that DRUM CORPS INTERNATIONAL they’re experiencing something truly special, cherishing the feelings and emotions enjoyed by only a precious few. 110 W.WASHINGTON ST., SUITE C As a Friend of DCI, you are helping to guarantee that future INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 generations of young, world-class performers enjoy the opportunity to achieve their ultimate performances, and you’ll be there to enjoy every heart-pounding minute from the best seats in the house. Membership in the prestigious “Friend of DCI” provides you with exclusive, partners-only benefits in and around the summer drum corps season.You will belong to an exclusive
Thank You Every year, many people directly and indirectly make an EVENTS DCI NORTH DALLAS impact on members of the world’s most elite and exclusive PRESENTED BY COSERVE marching music ensembles. We appreciate their love and DRUMS IN THE BLUEGRASS ELECTRIC FOR RED RIVER passion for the drum corps activity and would like to give Cunningham Field THUNDER special thanks for their continued support of Marching Montgomery Co. High CH Collins Athletic Complex Music’s Major League. Ryan High School Band School Band The Cavaliers Drum Drum Corps International would like to thank its Tour Event Network and the hundreds of schools and facilities DCI CENTRAL INDIANA & Bugle Corps that provide housing to the corps while traveling each Ball State University summer. Tour Event Network members spend countless Music For All, Inc. DCI HOUSTON PRESENTED BY hours every year to create outstanding events and incredi- Southside High School Band THE EXSIGHTMENT OF SOUND ble experiences for corps members as they pass through The Berry Center their cities and towns. We are truly grateful for their CENTRAL MISSOURI – TOUR THE exSIGHTment OF SOUND tireless efforts. OF CHAMPIONS SERIES Walton Stadium DCI SOUTHWESTERN We also extend our thanks to the Drum Corps University of Central Missouri CHAMPIONSHIP International event staff members and contest coordina- University of Central Missouri Alamodome tors, each of whom takes time away from busy work sched- Roosevelt High School Band ules throughout the summer to assist in the coordination Department of Music Texas Bandmasters Association of the DCI Premier Events and World Championships. AUSTIN – TOUR OF We would like to also recognize the tremendous efforts CHAMPIONS SERIES of our team of professional adjudicators who add to the Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex excitement for the fans each night as they rank and rate the Westwood High School Band corps performances. DCI DALLAS PRESENTED BY We also recognize and share our appreciation for all of NORTH TEXAS FESTIVAL OF the music publishers who have graciously granted permis- DRUMS AND BUGLES sion for their music to be performed by the participating North Texas Festival of drum corps. Drums & Bugles Lastly, our most heartfelt thanks go out to you, the fans. Lake Highlands High School Your enthusiasm for and dedication to the incredible per- formers who comprise each drum corps ensemble makes every summer something special for everyone involved. Thank you! DCI MINNESOTA PRESENTED BY DEMOULIN BROS & CO. University of Minnesota Minnesota Brass Drum & Bugle Corps DCI ST. LOUIS McKendree University McKendree University Music Programs Community of Lebanon, IL 142
DCI EASTERN CLASSIC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP DCI East Committee CHAMPIONSHIPS SPONSORS Allentown Public School MICHIGAN CITY Delta Dental District OPEN CLASS Dynasty USA CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS The Registration System DCI TOUR OF Zink Distributing CHAMPIONS SERIES City of Michigan City DCI Member Corps Ames Field STRATEGIC Robert W. Smith PARTNERS Karl Lowe INDIANAPOLIS CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS American Drum Line DCI SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI SPECIAL Association M.M. Roberts Stadium THANKS City of Indianapolis The University of Southern Indianapolis Police Drum Corps Associates TOM BLAIR, INC. Department Florida Marching Band Mississippi and University Visit Indy Bands NATIONAL CINEMEDIA/ Music Crossroads Championships Mohammad Schumann FATHOM EVENTS LDI, Ltd. Indiana State School Indiana State School DCI ARKANSAS ART DEPARTMENT Music Association Music Association War Memorial Stadium PARTNERS, LLC Lucas Oil Stadium Jolesch Enterprises Robert Hesse Military Park NAfME BRANDHOUSE, INC. Historic Union Station Percussive Arts Society THE MASTERS OF THE Indiana Convention Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia SUMMER MUSIC GAMES IN TUNE PARTNERS, LLC Center Sponsors of Musical PRESENTED BY JUPITER, Indiana War Memorial MAPEX & MAJESTIC DRUM CORPS WORLD Pan Am Plaza Enrichment Middle Tennessee State Georgia Street Tournament of Bands CORPSREPS.COM USBands University and University TOUR WGI Sport of the Arts Bands MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTIONS SPONSORS Box 5 Productions MEDIA DCI NORTH ALABAMA Brightcove Director’s Showcase PARTNERS Louis Crews Stadium CFDynamics International Alabama A&M Ken Mason Drum Corps World Dana Gillis Innovative Percussion, Inc. Halftime Magazine EVENT Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic The Instrumentalist DCI ATLANTA SOUTHEASTERN PRESENTING Remo, Inc CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSORS Style Plus The Georgia Dome System Blue 143 Friends of Spirit, Inc. and DeMoulin Bros. & Co. U.S. Army Bands Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic Vic Firth Company the Spirit of Atlanta Alumni Association, Inc. CORPORATE SPONSORS Conn-Selmer, Inc DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Fred J. Miller, Inc. Markey’s Audio Visual NAMM Pearl Corporation Sony Stanbury Uniforms U.S. Marine Drum & Bugle Corps Visit Indy Woodwind & Brasswind Yamaha Zildjian
2014World Championships INDY IN ORDER: The Drum Corps InternationalWorld Championships will 2014 Championships return to Indianapolis for the sixth straight year in 2014, putting Lucas Oil Stadium one season behind the record held by Camp Randall Stadium at the University of Schedule Wisconsin, Madison. Hosting for the fifth time this year, it already holds the record for the most consecutive Championships.The photos below showWorld AMES FIELD Championship Finale’s from 2009-2012—but not in order. Can you identify the Michigan City, IN years? Answers are on the bottom of the page (no cheating!). Monday, August 4 A OPEN CLASS PRELIMS B Tuesday, August 5 OPEN CLASS FINALS LUCAS OIL STADIUM Indianapolis, IN Thursday, August 7 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PRELIMS Friday, August 8 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SEMIFINALS Saturday, August 9 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS C Now’s the time to start planning for the 2014 World Championships. D Drum Corps International will once again offer its Super 3 ticket packag- 144 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook es, which give loyal fans the option to hand select premium seating to their custom specifications for all three nights of World Championship performances. Super 3 packages, which include tickets to the Prelims, Semifinals and Finals, will go on sale to the public this summer. For com- plete details and the latest package information, visit ANSWERS: A, 2010; B, 2012; C, 2009; D, 2011
• Carolina Crown wins • The Madison • The Cavaliers the High Brass Award Scouts begin begin using using Yamaha Yamaha Percussion • The Cadets win the DCI Championship Percussion • The Cavaliers win the High Percussion Award • The Madison • Carolina Crown wins the High Brass Award • First Year of Scouts win the • Yamaha celebrates Yamaha Marching DCI Championship Percussion 25 years of Drum Corps instruments in involvement DCI use with White, Chrome • Carolina Crown and Silky Silver wins High Brass Award • The Corps-Custom marching Snare Drum is introduced • The Cavaliers win the DCI Championship and the High Percussion Award • Carolina Crown begin using Yamaha • The SFZ Marching Brass and Percussion becoming the Snare Drum is introduced next “All-Yamaha” drum corps • The Black Forest line of • Yamaha and The Cavaliers celebrate percussion is introduced the 20th Anniversary of the corps using Yamaha • The Red • The Madison Scouts begin using Forest line of percussion Yamaha Brass instruments is introduced becoming the next “All-Yamaha” drum corps • The Cavaliers win the • Yamaha and the Madison Scouts celebrate • The Cavaliers DCI Championship and win the High Percussion Award the 20th Anniversary of the corps using begin using Yamaha percussion Yamaha Brass • The Multi-Frame I for pit becoming an • The Bluecoats begin using Yamaha Brass, “All-Yamaha” percussion instruments is introduced drum corps and Percussion and Pro Audio products becoming the first to win the • The Cadets begin using Yamaha the next “All-Yamaha” drum corps DCI Championship Brass, are named DCI Co-Champions • The Colts begin using Yamaha Brass, • The Cadets and win the High Brass Award Percussion and Pro Audio products becoming begin using • The Cavaliers are named DCI the next “All-Yamaha” drum corps Yamaha Percussion becoming the next Co-Champions and win the • The Cavaliers win • The Cavaliers “All-Yamaha” drum High Percussion Award corps and win the the DCI Championship win the DCI High Percussion • The MTS Marching Snare Drum Championship Award • The Cadets win and the High is introduced Brass Award • The Crossmen the High Percussion Award for the 3rd • The Cadets begin using year in a row Yamaha Brass win the High and Percussion • The 8200 Series Percussion becoming the next Award for “All-Yamaha” Field-Corps the 2nd year drum corps Marching Toms in a row and Bass Drums are introduced
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