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Published by peter, 2017-07-18 08:21:28

Description: CD_2017_media_kit

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MEDIA GUIDE 2017 CAIPA DOCTOR Magazine Since 2008Put the Power ofCAIPA DOCTOR behindYour Advertising Introducing CAIPA DOCTOR magazine the most direct way to reach the high-income, high-spending, highly educated Chinese- speaking community in New York City• T he first and only Chinese language health and wellness publication in NYC with the latest information ranging from healthcare and prevention to health tips, and more;• 80,000 copies distributed FREE, twice a year, at 600+ locations including physician offices, pharmacies, and adult day care centers in major Chinese-speaking neighborhoods;• Indexing nearly 950 CAIPA doctors by name, location, and medical specialty with the latest, and most complete listings anywhere. THIS ISCall 718-614-3536 today! A MARKET READY AND EAGER TO BE REACHEDRev. 01/2017

THE MAGAZINE DEMOGRAPHICSCAIPA DOCTOR is a Chinese-language semi-annual LOCATION ZIP CODE PRACTICEmagazine created by CS820 and CAIPA, the largestAsian American IPA in New York City with nearly 950 NEW YORK 10001 2members serving 450,000 patients in the tri-state areas. NEW YORK 10002 50 NEW YORK 10003 10Since its inception in March 2008, CAIPA DOCTOR has NEW YORK 10006 eighteen issues published, and is the most complete NEW YORK 10007 1source to find the best physicians, dentists, and NEW YORK 10010 4acupuncturists, as well as pharmacies that speak NEW YORK 10013 5Chinese in the greater New York City areas. NEW YORK 10016 348 NEW YORK 10019 11 NEW YORK 10021 3 NEW YORK 10022 1 NEW YORK 10023 2 NEW YORK 10024 1 NEW YORK 10028 2 NEW YORK 10029 1 NEW YORK 10032 5 NEW YORK 10033 1 NEW YORK 10038 4 NEW YORK 10065 20 NEW YORK 10128 2 1 THE MARKET STATEN ISLAND 10301 1 STATEN ISLAND 10304 2CONSIDER THESE FACTS: STATEN ISLAND 10308 2 STATEN ISLAND 10310 1The nearly three quarters of a million Chinese-Americans STATEN ISLAND 10312 1in the greater New York City areas comprise the second STATEN ISLAND 10314 2highest earning ethnic group in the region. 2 LONG ISLAND CITY 11101 1This rapidly-growing NYC market has: ASTORIA 11103 1 SUNNYSIDE 11104 2• Incomes that are 30% higher than the national ASTORIA 11105 219 average across all ethnic groups. FLUSHING 11354 274 FLUSHING 11355 1• H ome ownership rates that are 40% higher than the COLLEGE POINT 11356 44 NYC average. BAYSIDE 11358 1 BAYSIDE 11360 48• Almost twice the likelihood of having a college BAYSIDE 11361 2 education - with more than 50% possessing a LITTLE NECK 11362 2 Bachelor’s degree or higher. OAKLAND GARDENS 11364 2 FRESH MEADOWS 11365 3• L ow broadcast penetration, with 55% less time spent FRESH MEADOWS 11366 1 listening to the radio and 10% less time spent FLUSHING 11367 1 watching television than the national average. CORONA 11368 1 EAST ELMHURST 11370 38• D emonstrated strong brand and product loyalty. JACKSON HEIGHTS 11372 52 ELMHURST 11373 2 REGO PARK 11374 7 FOREST HILLS 11375 2 MIDDLE VILLAGE 11379 2 RIDGEWOOD 11385 1 KEW GARDEN 11415 1 RICHMOND HILL 11418 1 WOODHAVEN 11421 1 BELLEROSE 11426 3 JAMAICA 11432 2 1 THE DISTRIBUTION BROOKLYN 11201 9 BROOKLYN 11203 1 AREAS COPIES DISTRIBUTED % BROOKLYN 11204 7 BROOKLYN 11208 2 Brooklyn 18,800 23.50 BROOKLYN 11209 14 Manhattan 29,800 37.25 BROOKLYN 11211 1 Queens 30,800 38.50 BROOKLYN 11214 1 Staten Island BROOKLYN 11215 1 600 0.75 BROOKLYN 11217 10 80,000 100.00 BROOKLYN 11218 214 BROOKLYN 11219 1 BROOKLYN 11220 4 BROOKLYN 11226 11 BROOKLYN 11228 3 BROOKLYN 11229 1 BROOKLYN 11230 1 BROOKLYN 11233 3 BROOKLYN 11234 2 BROOKLYN 11235 1 BROOKLYN 11236 26 BROOKLYN 11237 OTHER AREAS TOTAL 1,589Put the Power of CAIPA DOCTOR behind Your Advertising. For more information on how much advertisingwith CAIPA DOCTOR can do for you, please call: 718-614-3536. Or e-mail: [email protected].

2017 PUBLISHING CALENDAR A REMINDER ART CLOSING DATE DISTRIBUTION 1/2” CAIPADOCTORIS A PERFECT BOUNDSpring/Summer 2017 March 31, 2017 May 2017 PUBLICATION.Fall/Winter 2017 September 15, 2017 November 2017 PLEASE ALLOW 1/2” CLEARANCE FROMNOTE: INSERTION ORDERS ARE DUE (15) DAYS BEFORE ART CLOSING DATE. THE GUTTER. NO CANCELATION AFTER INSERTION ORDER DEADLINE. AD SPECIFICATIONS & RATES PER ISSUE (CIRCULATION: 80,000) WIDTH X HEIGHT INSERT RATES TRIM SIZE WITH BLEED FULL COLOR B&WFull Page 8.375” X 10.875” 8.625”X 11.125” $3,360 $1,9951/2 Page A 4.1875” X 10.875” 4.375”X 11.125” $1,785 $1,1551/2 Page B 8.625”X 5.687” $1,785 $1,1551/3 Page A 8.375” X 5.437” 3.097”X 11.125” $1,260 $7901/3 Page B 2.847” X 10.875” 8.625”X 3.875” $1,260 $790Spread (2-page) $5,620 $3,275Inside Front Cover 8.375” X 3.75” 17” X 11.125” $5,620 N/AInside Back Cover 16.75” X 10.875” 8.625”X 11.125” Back Cover 8.375” X 10.875” 8.625”X 11.125” $4,515 N/A 8.375” X 10.875” 8.625”X 11.125” 8.375” X 10.875” $7,500 N/A 1/3 PAGE A 1/3 PAGE B 1/2 PAGE A 1/2 PAGE B ARTWORK SPECIFICATIONS: Artwork must be press-ready and approved by advertiser. File formats accepted are: Adobe Acrobat PDF, Photoshop Tiff. All color images should be saved as CMYK at 300 dpi to actual size. Black & white line art should be saved at 1200dpi to avoid jagged edges. E-mail art to: [email protected]. For file exceeds 10MB, please contact us. ARTWORK DESIGN/COPY/TRANSLATION: Our full-service design studio will assist you with your advertisement for $125/hr. PLACEMENT: Placement is not guaranteed except premium ad spaces. COPY RESTRICTIONS: Publisher reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and at any time, to reject advertising materials. Advertorials and advertisements that simulate editorial content must be clearly labeled ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISER’S RESPONSIBILITY: Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their advertisements that are printed. Publisher accepts no responsibility for typographical errors. Advertisers must request to see a proof at the time of placement agreement. Otherwise, the ad is printed as it is received.Put the Power of CAIPA DOCTOR behind Your Advertising. For more information on how much advertisingwith CAIPA DOCTOR can do for you, please call: 718-614-3536. Or e-mail: [email protected].

SPRING/SUMMER 2009 SPRING/SUMMER 2010 FALL/WINTER 2010 465名醫生46個專科分類 489名醫生48個專科分類 527名醫生54個專科分類 538名醫生56個專科分類 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 認識肺癌 有益防治 認識巴金森氏症 專業協會刊物 憂鬱症悄悄找上新移民 慢性腎病和腎衰竭 糖尿病的飲食新概念 肥胖兒童成年後的 角膜炎 制度保障下的美國生活之二 心血管疾病風險 不可忽視的眼疾 末端肥大症 跟流行莫跟流感 醫藥小常識 讓疼痛變得微不足道 糖尿病食譜 謹記就醫常識 輕鬆應對自如 Autism : A Closer look Chinese American Independent Practice Association | Chinese American Independent Practice Association | 醫藥小常識 Chinese American Independent Practice Association | 糖尿病食譜 Managing Osteoporosis : Challenges and Strategies Chinese American Independent Practice Association | www.caipa.netFALL/WINTER 2011 SPRING/SUMMER 2012 FALL/WINTER 2012 SPRING/SUMMER 2013 FALL/WINTER 2013 SPRING/SUMMER 2014 FALL/WINTER 2014 專業協會刊物 619名醫生55個專科分類 651名醫生53個專科分類 671名醫生54個專科分類 704名醫生55個專科分類 761名醫生61個專科分類 799名醫生62個專科分類 844名醫生62個專科分類 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 125家華人西藥房 134家華人西藥房 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物 腹腔鏡手術 關節的磨難 我的手怎麼了? 腸道也有急躁時 痛風之痛! 監視心臟的小盒子 有備無患:預約就診 讓心跳得更有力 2014美國成人高血壓 鼻子有煩惱 皮膚乾燥?No Way! 護髮秘籍 和家用醫療記錄 笑迎新學期 治療和管理指南 小耳朵乖乖 陽光照射下的 簡單症狀之複雜貧血 我爲何如此疲倦? 爲了明天的記憶 甲狀腺癌 維他命D的防跌功效 骨癌的秘密 皮膚癌 2012美國宮頸癌篩檢指南 讓鼻咽癌離我們遠點 Alzheimer’s Disease 重視但不恐懼 呵護寶寶 平安长大 哮喘的誘因、 父母心 戰病魔 完美服用避孕丸 生命意願 我來把握 白血病的疑惑 悄然生長的骨刺 愛心 控制和治療 更年期的荷爾蒙策略 醫藥小常識 病而不残 残而不廢 走好人生最後的旅程 靜脈深處的隱患 醫藥小常識 醫藥小常識 聚焦糖尿病 咳嗽知多少 當神經發生交通障礙 牙醫的四個要求 簡述精神分裂症 聚焦糖尿病 聚焦糖尿病 別讓胃癌找上門 CAIPA+CADA 女性強骨5步驟 Schizophrenia Chinese American Independent Practice Association | 子宮異常出血 强强聯盟 拓展牙醫新服務 安寧照護 LeArn More BreAthe Better® Chinese American Independent Practice Association | 積極樂觀 與糖相伴 貼心如己親 Chinese American Independent Practice Association | 腹瀉常識Chinese American Independent Practice Association | Chinese American Independent Practice Association | Chinese American Independent Practice Association | Chinese American Independent Practice Association | SPRING/SUMMER 2015 FALL/WINTER 2015 SPRING/SUMMER 2016 867名醫生63個專科分類 873名醫生62個專科分類 933名醫生68個專科分類 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 名錄/診所/地址/電話 144家華人西藥房 150家華人西藥房 153家華人西藥房◎帶給您醫療保健的專業資訊 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物 專業協會刊物◎944名CAIPA醫生的名錄/診所/地址/電話 關節的新生命 寶寶的黃疸 讀懂肝功能化驗 濕疹 ECZEMA 致密型乳腺的 青壯年的癌症危機 早期癌症的篩檢指南 超聲波檢查 心房顫動的一問三知 維他命D的輔助療效 一技旁身拯救生命 消化道出血 重見光明的角膜移植 透析的秘密 耳、咽喉 脊髓創傷的康復和護理 為何牙疼這麼複雜 和頸部常見病 根管治療的妙用 麩質過敏症的面筋憂慮 過度治療 以人為本的 保健護理 新政策◎一年出版兩期:春夏版和秋冬版 Chinese American Independent Practice Association | 簡述慢性腎病 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE 防止醫保詐騙,人人有責◎每期發行80,000本 Chinese American Independent Practice Association | Coalition of Asian-American IPA, Inc. | FALL/WINTER 2016◎於紐約各CAIPA醫生診所和華人藥房免費發行 944名名錄1醫5/生診9家6所8華/個地人專址西科/藥電分房話類 專業協會刊物 黑面眼癱圈的和前眼因袋後果 聊大鹽你聊腦知抗危究道生機竟多素的多少警少補報才充算劑正的好真相 Coalition of Asian-American IPA, Inc. | www.caipa.netPut The Power of CAIPA DOCTOR behind Your AdvertisingFor more information on how much advertising with CAIPA DOCTOR can do for youplease call: 718-614-3536. Or e-mail: [email protected] PAST ADVERTISERS INCLUDE:◎ Abbott Laboratories ◎ Elim Consulting Group ◎ Maimonides Medical Center ◎ Royal Care◎ Access Medicare ◎ Emblem Health Plans ◎ Merck ◎ Shiel Medical Lab◎ Aetna ◎ E mpire BlueCross BlueShield ◎ MetLife ◎ St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan◎ Affinity Health Plan ◎ MetroPlus Health Plans ◎ Starside Drugs & Surgicals◎ AgeWell New York HealthPlus & Medicaid ◎ MJHS ◎ State Farm Insurance◎ AmeriChoice ◎ E mpire City Laboratories ◎ Morgan Stanley Smith Barney ◎ Sun America Realty Group◎ AmeriGroup ◎ Frontier Scholars ◎ Mount Sinai Doctors ◎ Sunrise Medical Laboratories◎ Asian American Ambulance ◎ Gilead Science ◎ New York Downtown Hospital ◎ UBS Financial Services◎ AstraZeneca ◎ GlaxoSmithKline ◎ New York Life ◎ United Healthcare◎ BioCollect Worldwide ◎ Gramercy IT Solutions ◎ N YP / LM Hospital - Surgery ◎ V isiting Nurse Services of◎ BioReference ◎ Gramercy Urology Solutions ◎ NYP / Queens◎ Boehringer Ingelheim ◎ HealthFirst ◎ NYU / Lutheran New York◎ Bristol-Myers Squibb ◎ Humana Medicare Advantage ◎ Novartis Pharmaceuticals ◎ Village Care Max◎ Caring Kind / Alzheimer’s ◎ Hyperbaric Medical Solutions ◎ Nursing Personnel Homecare ◎ W eil Cornell Medicine -◎ CenterLight Health System ◎ LabCorp ◎ P&G Pharmaceuticals◎ Confucius/Mannings Pharmacy ◎ Long Island Care Center ◎ Quest Diagnostics Dept of Surgery ◎ L SP Technologies - IT pros ◎ WellCare ◎ X treme Care

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