… have agricultural products increased? ……. …………….. …………….. … has malnutrition decreased? ……. …………….. …………….. … has the number of villages with no access to clean ……. …………….. …………….. water or electricity decreased? ……. …………….. …………….. … has the number of girls attending school increased in the rural areas? ……. …………….. … has the number of poor people decreased? ……. … has the number of women in high position increased? ……. … has the number of small businesses increased? ……. … has the number of wealthy people increased? ……. 6. Writing Pre-writing a) Group discussion Divide the class into four groups. Two groups (A & B) will talk about why they agree with this statement: „No more cars should be imported into Laos.‟ They will prepare statements about why no more new cars should be imported to Laos. The other two groups (C & D) will talk about why they disagree with the above statement. They will prepare statements about why more cars should be imported to Laos. b) Brainstorm: Each group brainstorms ideas to support the statement. Preparation List your ideas. Decide who in the group will present each idea. Write down what you will say. Every member in the group has to give reasons for agreeing and disagreeing. Finally, write these reasons in the chart below. Individual Writing a) Brain storm:Think about something that has changed in Laos over the last few years. Traffic Education Roads Exports/imports Agriculture b) Chooseone of the above topics that you would like to write about, or choose another topicof your choice. Brainstorm for ideas for your chosen topic. You can use information and statistics from other units in this book and other information sources. 51
Use the following questions to guide you: What is the situation now and the one in the past? How have things gone through some changes? Why have things gone through some changes? Give some advantages and disadvantages of the changes? What are we looking forward to in the next few years? c) Workalone: Using your notes, organize the information for the writing about “Changes in …………....... Laos”. d) Write a report: Write of about 100 words related to the changes under the topic you have chosen. e) Check the following in your group writing: 1. Have you written about 100 words? 2. Have you had a sound introductory sentence(s)? 3. Have you used at least 3 different conjunctions to link the information, e.g., and, so, but? 4. Have your grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation been properly used? 5. Has your writing had a closing paragraph? Further practice a) Group work: Work in groups of 4-5. Read your report to your group. Your group is listen and take notes for the questions given below while you are reading them : 1. What is the topic? 2. What changes have taken place? 3. Are there any available statistics? 4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of such changes? b) After each report presentation, check your answers with the speaker. What did you say about…………….? Could you tell me the statistics again please? 52
References 1. Module 2(English For Lao Government Official ) 2. Laos Tourist Attraction 3. The Great wall of China 4. The festival of ASEAN country 5. Grammar in used 54
ໂຄງຮ່ າງຫກັຼ ສູດລາຍວຊິ າ ຊື່ ວຊິ າ:English for Specific Purpose II System/Semester ຫກຼັ ສູດສາ້ ງຄູມດຼັ ທະຍມົ ລະບບົ 12+4 ລະຫດຼັ ວຊິ າ:0910605 12+4 part 2 year 3 Time period 2 hours/week, 32 hours /semester Credits 2(2-0-0) 2 credits There are two credits, teaching two hours in a week, 32 hours Credit value of the total teaching within 16 weeks in a semester and the teachers have to manage your time to teach theories and practice at the same time. Synopsis English for Special Purpose II contains some of the socio – economic development in Laos, including tourism attractions in Laos, travel abroad, capital cities around the world, conference presentation and changes. Objectives After learning this subject, students will be able Methods 1. to participate in the infrastructure development of Laos, 2. to collect Lao socio – economic development issues, 3. to teach this subject for the secondary school students from the grade one to the grade seven. This subject there are 5 units, start teaching in the sixth semester of the 12 + 4 system, two hours a week, 32 hours a semester, including lectures, seminars and evaluating tasks. Teaching methods usually combine four skills, begins from vocabularies, reading, speaking and writing skills. The classroom activities the teachers can put students to work 55
in individuals, in pairs and in groups of three, four, five, or six. But do not let students work in the large groups because they might be lost the control of learning. In addition, to get successful, teachers have to choose and create the appropriate activities for the students to learn. They cannot follow page to page in the textbook. Week 01 Unit 07: Tourism attractions Week 02 Activity 01: Teachers provide students to study the vocabularies about the tourism attractions and difficult words they might be found while studying the lessons. To be successful, the teachers can choose about 15 vocabularies from the textbook from page 95 to 112. This activity will take an hour to finish. The teachers can provide games to make learners happy. Activity 02: Teachers provide students to work in groups of four or five to do the reading tasks on page 103 and 104, and it will take around an hour to finish. To be achieved the aim; the teachers may provide a few suitable activities while they are doing the reading task. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p.95 – 112 Unit 07: Tourism attractions (cont.) Activity 03: Teachers have to provide a short conversation about the tourism attraction for students to practice within an hour. Look at the dialogue A on page 96 – 97 as a model. To keep the students active and happy to learn, the teachers may create a new conversation about the tourism attractions in Laos. 56
Week 03 Activity 04: Teachersask students to write a paragraph about a Week 04 traditional festival or a tourism place in Laos. The main ideas may cover time, people, activities and giving opinion before closing the story. Look at the letter F on page 109 as guideline. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p.95 – 112 Unit 08: Tourism Activity 01: Teachers provide students to study the vocabularies about the tourism and difficult words they might be found while studying the lessons. To be successful, the teachers can choose about 15 vocabularies in the textbook from page 113 to 134. This activity will take an hour to finish. The teachers can provide games to make learners happy. Activity 02: Teachers provide students to work in groups of four or five to do the reading tasks on page 120 and 129, it will take around an hour to finish. To be achieved the aim; the teachers may provide a few suitable activities while they are doing the reading task. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p. 113 – 134 Unit 08: Tourism (cont.) Activity 03: Teachers have to provide a short conversation about the tourism for students to practice within an hour. Look at the dialogue A on page 114 – 118 as a model. To keep the students active and happy to learn, the teachers may create a new conversation about the tourism in Laos. Look at page 132 and 133 as guideline. Activity 04: Teachersask students to write a paragraph about a tourism benefit or important to Laos. The story may cover three main parts, introductory sentences, details and closing sentences. Look at the letter G on page 133-134 as guideline. Reference 57
Week 05 English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p. 113 – 134 Week 06 Week 07 Unit 09: Travel abroad Activity 01:Teachers provide students to study the vocabularies about the travel abroad and difficult words they might be found while studying the lessons. To be successful, the teachers can choose about 15 vocabularies in the textbook from page 135 to 156. This activity will take an hour to finish. The teachers can provide games to make learners happy. Activity 02: Teachers provide students to work in groups of four or five to do the reading tasks on page 139 and 150, it will take around an hour to finish. To be achieved the aim; the teachers may provide a few suitable activities while they are doing the reading task. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p.135 – 156 Unit 09: Travel abroad (cont.) Activity 03: Teachers have to provide a short conversation about the travel abroad for students to practice within an hour. Look at the dialogue A on page 136 – 137 as a model. To keep the students active and happy to learn, the teachers may create a new conversation about the travel abroad around the world. Activity 04: Teachersask students to write a fax or a letter to inform someone to participate the workshop or meeting in abroad. Look at the reading task page 140 as guideline. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p.135 – 156 Unit 10: Capital cities Activity 01: Teachers provide students to study the vocabularies 58
Week 08 about the capital cities or difficult words they might be found Week 09 while studying the lessons. To be successful, the teachers can choose about 15 vocabularies in the textbook on page 157 – 176. This activity will take an hour to finish. The teachers can provide games to make learners happy. Activity 02: Teachers provide students to work in groups of four or five to do the reading tasks on page 167 – 169, and it will take around an hour to finish. To be achieved the aim; the teachers may provide a few suitable activities while they are doing the reading task. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p.157 – 176 Mid-term test I. Vocabularies: socializing, attending a meeting and socio- economic development from unit 4 to 6. II. General grammar: past modal verbs, adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases, comparative and superlative adjectives, indefinite article a/an III. Grammar tenses: present perfect simple, past simple and continuous tense IV. Reading and writing tasks: socio-economic development in Laos. Unit 10: Capital cities (cont.) Activity 03: Teachers have to provide a short conversation about the capital city life, hotel service or travelling around a capital city in any country in the world for students to practice within an hour. Look at the dialogue A on page 158 – 159 and dialogue E on page 170 – 171 as models. To keep the students active and happy to learn, the teachers may create a new conversation about the capital city life, hotel service or travelling around a capital city in any country in the world. 59
Week 10 Activity 04: Teachersask students to write a paragraph about Week 11 the capital city life, hotel service or travelling around a capital city in any country in the world in Laos. The main ideas may cover city information, tourism attractions, shopping, food and transportation. Look at the letter F on page 173 – 174 and writing guide on page 175 – 176 to help you. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p.157 – 176 Unit 11: Conference presentation Activity 01: Teachers provide students to study the difficult words they might be found while studying the lessons. To be successful, the teachers can choose about 15 vocabularies in the textbook on page 177 – 192. This activity will take an hour to finish. The teachers can provide games to make learners happy. Activity 02: Teachers provide students to work in groups of four or five to do the reading tasks on page 186 - 190, and it will take around an hour to finish. To be achieved the aim; the teachers may provide a few suitable activities while they are doing the reading task. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p. 177 – 192 Unit 11: Conference presentation (cont.) Activity 03: Teachers have to provide a short conversation about the presentation format/presentation steps for students to practice within an hour. Look at the dialogue on page 180 – 181 as models. To keep the students active and happy to learn, the teachers may create a new conversation about the techniques for the trainers of the workshops in Laos. 60
Activity 04: Teachersask students to write a brief paragraph of the presentation about education, environment, or economic development in Laos. Look at the letter E on page 191 and F on page 192 as guideline. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p. 177 – 192 Week 12 Unit 12: Changes Week 13 Activity 01: Teachers provide students to study the difficult words they might be found while studying the lessons. To be successful, the teachers can choose about 15 vocabularies in the textbook on page 193 – 214. This activity will take an hour to finish. The teachers can provide games to make learners happy Activity 02: Teachers provide students to work in groups of four or five to do the reading tasks on page 198 – 200 and 203 – 206, and it will take around an hour to finish. To be achieved the aim; the teachers may provide a few suitable activities while they are doing the reading task. Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p. 193 – 214 Unit 12: Changes (cont.) Activity 03: Teachers have to provide a short conversation about the changes in Laos for students to practice within an hour. Look at the dialogue A on page 194 – 197 as a model. To keep the students active and happy to learn, the teachers may create a new conversation about the changes in Laos. Activity 04: Teachersask students to write a paragraph about the changes in Laos. Look at the letter F on page 210 as guideline. Reference 61
English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2, p. 193 – 214 Week 14 Review vocabularies about tourism attractions, travel abroad, Week 15 capital cities, conference presentation and changes from unit 7 Week 16 to 12. Evaluation Review grammar from unit 7 to 12: - If – clauses - There is/there are - Prepositions of time - Past modal verbs: should and should not, could and could not, must… - Connectors: when, where, who, how… - Comparative and superlative adjectives Final examination covers I. Vocabularies: tourism attractions, travel abroad, capital cities, conference presentation and changes from unit 7 to 12. II. General grammar: - If – clauses - There is/there are - Prepositions of time - Past modal verbs: should and should not, could and could not, must… - Connectors: when, where, who, how… - Comparative and superlative adjectives III. Grammar tenses: present perfect simple, continuous, past simple and continuous tense IV. Reading and writing tasks: tourism attractions, travel abroad, capital cities, conference presentation and changes in Laos and in the world. 1. Participation 10 % 62
2. Individual test 15 % 3. Unit Assignments 25 % 4. Mid-term examination 25 % 5. Final Examination 25 % Reference English for Lao Government Officials, Module 2 Written by Mr. Phoxay Philavong Savannakhet Teacher Training College (STTC), 2013 Mobile: 2243 2339 email: [email protected] 63