Unit CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design Assessment Item No. 1 Assessment name: Theories in real-world settings Description: The aim of this assignment is to investigate a real world setting, and to build a “field theory” of interaction in that setting. A “field theory” is a useful simplification of what, how, why and where interaction occurs in the way that it does for your chosen user group or groups. Your “field theory” should be expressed in a diagram(s) so that it can be easily understood. The process of diagramming will help you to understand how concepts are related. The field theory will combine and integrate insights from the following activities. 1 Review Interaction Design Theory 2 Analyse Interaction with Emerging Technology 3 Investigate People’s Experiences Weeks 1 & 5 Weeks 2-4 Weeks 3-6 Read chapter 4 of McCarthy and Wright Choose an emerging technology (Robots and Choose a theme (engage w nature / language learning / cooking) (2007) about their theory of the four conversational agents / monitoring and self-tracking / Describe your theme, define the scope for your project (target threads of experience. Write a 1 page Internet of Things). group, activity, context), and review related literature (3 brief with diagram to explain the theory in your own words and to describe how Provide a definition of the chosen emerging references, 1 page) it applies to your project. technology and a review of literature related to your theme (3 references, 1 page). Apply McCarthy & Wright’s threads of experience to reflect on Revisit all theories introduced in your own experience in engaging with nature/ language learning/ workshop 5 and select 2 more theories Try out the technology for yourself and create a video cooking. Create a summary using text and diagrams (1 page). relevant to your project. For each recording of your interactions (3-5 minutes) theory, write a 1 page brief with Create a method for your investigation: define a specific research diagram to explain the theory in your Conduct an interaction analysis of your video and question, participants, data collection and analysis (1 page); own words and to describe how it describe the themes and detailed interactions create instruments e.g., contextual interview guide, diary through a combination of text and diagrams (3pages). instructions, cultural probes (add to appendix). applies to your project. Pilot your methods with another student group. Submit emerging technology report on Friday in week Recruit at least 3 participants for your investigation (1 per team 4 via Blackboard for formative feedback. member). Transcribe and analyse data thematically (add transcripts and codes to appendix) and summarise findings through text and diagrams. (3 pages) 4 Build a Field Theory (Week 6) Build a field theory of interaction that combines your theory reviews, interaction analysis of emerging technologies, and your investigation of people’s experiences. Express it in a diagram and 1 page of text. Identify potential design touchpoints and design concepts for assignment 2. Queensland University of Technology Semester 1 2018 Dr Bernd Ploderer, Prof Margot Brereton CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design
Group or individual: group of 3 Weight: 50% Deliverable: Emerging Technology Report Oral Presentation Full Report Due date: 20th April 2018, 23:59 16th March at 23:59 17th April submission via Blackboard Weighting submission via Blackboard presentation in class Length: & slides submission via Blackboard 40% Your full report should be approx 5000-6000 words. Contents There is no limit to the length of the Appendices, NA (formative feedback on 10%) 10% however please make sure they are well structured and cross-referenced in the report. 4 pages. 10-minute talk + 3 minutes for See suggested report format on the next page. questions 1. Introduction: technology 1. Introduce topic choice, definition and 2. Describe your aim, technology literature review and contextual research 2. Interaction analysis, methods including a link to your video 3. Describe your field theory on YouTube. diagram (the climax of the talk) Queensland University of Technology Semester 1 2018 Dr Bernd Ploderer, Prof Margot Brereton CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design
Suggested Report Format: Executive Summary (400 words) Summarise the aim, problem/opportunity addressed, method, findings 2% 5% Interaction Design Theory Your review of interaction design theory should 10% Theory summary and relevance to project (at least 1 theory per team member, 1 page per theory including text and • Explain the theory clearly in your own words in the general case. 10% diagram) • Provide some context for the theory if you can. Why was the theory proposed by Emerging Technology it's originator? (usually it is to introduce a new perspective to the field in contrast to existing perspectives) Introduction and literature review (1 page) Interaction Analysis (3 pages) • Show how the theory applies to your project in the specific case by giving one or (You may refine your emerging technology report for a more examples remark to alter your grade for that component) • What is helpful/useful about the theory? How does it make you see your People’s Experiences problem/project differently? Introduce theme, scope, and related literature (1 page) Personal reflection (1 page) Interaction Analysis: Analyse the interaction by looking at it in the following ways. Methods: aim, participants, data collection and analysis (1 page); add instruments to appendix • Beginnings and endings Findings (3 pages) • Pauses, • Disruptions, trouble and repair • Segmentation • Rhythm and periodicity • Turn taking • Participation structures • Spatial organization of activity • Artifacts and documents ( from Interaction Analysis by Jordan and Henderson) Your investigation of people's experience should • Introduce your theme • Review literature related to your theme. (What did you learn from each piece of literature? How did it make you look at your project differently?) • Write down the specific scope and research questions of your inquiry • Provide a personal reflection on your experience, based on McCarhty & Wright’s threads of experience • Describe the methods and how you have tailored them for your particular research question and target group. • Describe your findings (identify themes, describe themes, what is expected, unexpected, interesting, typical, problematic etc). Queensland University of Technology Semester 1 2018 Dr Bernd Ploderer, Prof Margot Brereton CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design
Field Theory Your Field Theory Diagram should 10% Field theory diagram – ONE MAIN FULL PAGE DIAGRAM (you • Contain a succinct definition of your theory. 3% may have additional diagrams as needed) Field theory description (1 page) • Effectively communicate the field (technology, people, context), including Design touchpoints & possible design concepts (1 page) empirical findings (could you have produced the field theory without the data?) Appendix • Have a visual structure that helps to illustrate the theory and shows how to read Instruments used in investigation (e.g., contextual interview the diagram (e.g. clusters, linear flows, matrices, hierarchy, emphasis), guide, diary instructions, cultural probes) • Make good use of diagramming elements (lines, symbols, arrows, shapes, colour, simple drawings), • Explore different and creative ways of diagramming (varied structures and elements), and • Use of reflective thinking to explore connections between Interaction Design theory and empirical findings. Structure your appendix well so that it is easy to find information and cross-reference appendices in the main report. By investigating the topic in sufficient detail, following the guide in the right-hand column, you should begin to identify interesting themes and achieve insight into topic. Also see the document: \"What is a Field Theory?\", which contains two example Field Theories. References: Jordan, B., & Henderson, A. (1995). Interaction Analysis: Foundations and Practice. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4(1), 39-103. http://www-tandfonline-com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327809jls0401_2 McCarthy, J., & Wright, P. (2007). Technology as experience. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. http://gateway.library.qut.edu.au/login?url=http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/bkabstractplus.jsp?bkn=6267305 Queensland University of Technology Semester 1 2018 Dr Bernd Ploderer, Prof Margot Brereton CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design
Criteria 7 – High Distinction 6 - Distinction 5 – Credit 4 – Pass 3/2/1 - Fail Oral Engaging and memorable Engaging introduction Good introduction Clear introduction Introduction lackingPresentation introduction Aims, technology and (10%) Insightful, original and reflective Insightful and reflective aims, Clear aims, technology and Aims, technology and methods lacking aims, technology and methods technology and methods methods methods present Poor field theory Insightful, original and critical Insightful and critical field Clear field theory Competent field theory Poorly spoken field theory theory Poor visuals Poor responses to questions Compelling, engaging speech Clear, engaging speech Clearly spoken Intelligible presentation Distinctive compelling visuals Clear compelling visuals Clear visuals Acceptable visuals Responded to questions in a Responded to questions in a Answered questions clearly Attempted to answer thoughtful, non-defensive way thoughtful manner and honestly questions Written Clear, succinct executive Clear executive summary that Clear executive summary Acceptable executive Executive summary lacks Work summary that presents aims, presents aims, methods, and summary content methods, and key findings key findings (40%) Clear, reflective summary of Clear summary of Interaction Clear summary of Interaction Adequate summary of Summary of Interaction Interaction Design theories, Design theories, indicating Design theories Interaction Design theories Design theories shows limited highlighting relevance for this relevance for this project understanding project Succinct emerging technology Clear emerging technology Clear emerging technology Provides technology Technology definition, definition, literature review, and definition, literature review, definition, literature review, definition, literature review, literature review, and basic insightful interaction analysis and interaction analysis and basic interaction analysis and basic interaction analysis interaction analysis lacking Clear experience literature Clear experience literature Clear experience literature Acceptable experience Inadequate experience review and insightful personal review and insightful review and clear personal literature review and literature review and reflection applying all threads personal reflection reflection personal reflection personal reflection Innovative well-executed study Very well-executed study of Well executed study of Acceptable executed study of Poorly executed study of of people’s experiences people’s experiences people’s experiences people’s experiences people’s experiences Clear, insightful and thorough Clear and thorough Clear and comprehensive Clear explanations of findings Findings demonstrate little or explanations of findings explanations of findings explanations of findings no insight Insightful, original and critical Insightful and original field Insightful field theory based Clear field theory based on Poorly executed field theory field theory based on findings theory based on findings on findings findings showing little or no insight Detailed, reflective appendix Detailed appendix providing Appendix provides all study Appendix provides some Appendix lacks detail providing insight into the study insight into the study instruments study instruments Excellent visuals and text Very good visuals and text Good visuals and text Uses visuals and logical text Text lacks visuals and clear structure, with no or very few structure, with very few structure, with few spelling/ structure, with some spelling/ structure; with spelling/ spelling/ grammatical errors spelling/ grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors Queensland University of Technology Semester 1 2018 Dr Bernd Ploderer, Prof Margot Brereton CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design
Assessor Comment: Queensland University of Technology Semester 1 2018 Dr Bernd Ploderer, Prof Margot Brereton CAB310 Interaction and Experience Design
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