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Brayden R - Final Project

Published by Brayden R, 2021-11-01 21:38:54

Description: Brayden R - Final Project


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Ideology magazine By Brayden

Collectivism Countries like Soviet Russia were collectivist. In this type of civilization your are normally Collectivism is an ideology in which the needs working and doing things for the state, such of the collective whole are looked at rather as making the suits for the army or it can than the needs of the individual. Collectivists really be whatever the state feels should be believe in things like public produced. property,co-operation, equality + economic equality. Collectivists believe in relying on each other to get through the day, no one is more important than the next. Collectivism is on the left side of the Political Spectrum, and is a common belief and principle in Communism.

Communism Citizens do not have the right to vote, that is all handled by the party Communism is a society in that tries and the dictator in charge. It is the to make everyone equal, no classes same with the economy, iit is what everyone has the same value. The you called a centrally planned citizens are normally taught the system. This means that the history that the leader wants the government makes all decisions people to know,Stalin did this by about manufacturing and rewriting history it tells only the parts distributing goods. All resources he wants people to know. are commonly publicly owned Josef Stalin was Communism limit people’s freedoms, the leader of the if you speak out against your leader USSR which was a you run the risk of being executed or communist state. even put in camps. Overall it’s a good idea but its in human nature to use the power you have which means they go for their self interest

Marxism Marxism is a political and economic Ideology where Karl Marx did not believe in capitalism,he society has no classes. did not agree with a society with classes. Everyone works for the Karl marx wrote the Communist benefit of the state, not for Manifesto with his fellow philosopher personal interest Friedrich Engels, which was the stepping stones for Marxism. Socialist Republic of Vietnam starting in 1952 to 1972

Communism in Cuba Communism still exists today, Cuba is under the rule of The Communist Party Of Cuba (PCC). this party was founded on october 3rd 1965, it was a successor to the United Party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution. Miguel Díaz-Canel is the current President of Cuba Communism today is not the best thing, it really hasn't been at all throughout history. Cuba is stuck in the 50’s because the have no trade because of the cuban missile crisis. They are still oppressed by a Communistgovernment.

Utopian socialism Utopian socialism has been described as many things, Robert Owen believed if a community shared everything and made communal decisions, they could create a utopia.

Democratic Socialism Democratic Socialism is a ideology that supports political democracy within a socially owned economy, they centralized state-ownership of the means of production. This exists today in Norway and Sweden. In Norway everything is state owned,if you live there you can only rent yours house for 100 years because the lan dis state owned. You also cannot move there if you were not born there, but you can if you marry someone from Norway.

Centre/Moderate This is a position on the political spectrum. It is right in the middle and normally means a form of Liberalism. Canada is one of many countries that value their Liberal views and values.

Liberalism Modern Liberalism LIberalism is an ideology This version of liberalism that values liberty, consent is prominent in the USA of the governed and and Canada along with equality before the law. many others They believe LIberalists believe in in civil liberty and equality private property,rule of with support for social law,competition,self justice. interest and economic freedom. Justin Trudeau is a current Liberal leader. His party is in Canada and has mostly Democratic Liberal views

Individualism This Ideology valued individual freedoms and self growth over the interest of the collective group. Conservatism Conservatism is an ideology that doesn't like change, they want to keep the structure the same and if they let any change its very small.

Fascism The Nazi partyand their leader Adolf Hitler during ww2 ruled over Fascism believes in Germany as Fascists. They ultranationalistic oppressed and killed millions of views by dictatorial people based off of their racists power, forcible beliefs, which is a characteristic of suppression of being a Fascist. opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

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