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Home Explore Fjord&Bælt Design Manual - updated

Fjord&Bælt Design Manual - updated

Published by ernaggunnars, 2017-05-24 12:50:14

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FJORD&BÆLT DESIGN MANUALDESIGN BYERNA GUNNARSDÓTTIR [email protected] MELINE [email protected] LYKKE [email protected]È LEONELLI [email protected]

INTROFJORD&BÆLT DUCTIONThese guidlines describe the visual and verbal elements that represent Fjord&Bælt’s identity. That includes Fjord&Bælt’s name,our logo and other elements such as fonts, colours and graphicsThis design manual is highly important for Fjord&Bælt, as it is part of how we represent ourselves for who we are and whatwe stand for. It is the image that we present and therefore the message we show through our visual identity must be accurate.2

TABLE OFFJORD&BÆLT CONTENTSTHE LOGO..................................................................... 4TYPOGRAPHY............................................................. 8COLOUR PALETTE..................................................... 10IMAGERY....................................................................... 14GRAPHICAL ELEMENTS.......................................... 16OUR PRODUCTS........................................................ 18 3

THEFJORD&BÆLTThe fonts & typography LOGO THE FULL LOGO TYPE4 Fjord&Bælt’s logo is an emblem logo type, which means you cannot have one without the other (the graphical elements and the text). The graphical elements of the logo, the porpoise, the seal and the fishes, are what define our values and what Fjord&Bælt are all about. The graphical elements are also to communicate Fjord&Bælts message; Explore the creatures of the sea. The logo is presented through the use of colours as well as shape and form. The four colours, which are all just shades of the colour blue, were carefully chosen to symbolise the complex yet magical nature of the ocean.

Logo construction, computationand clearspaceIt is important to keep the logo clear ofany other graphical elements. To con-trol this, an exclusion zone has beenestablished around the logo. This exclu-sion zone specifies how close any othergraphical element or message can bepositioned when it comes to the logo. 5

CLEARSPACE Computation6 To work out the clearspace for the logo, you take the height of the logo and divide it into four. The clearspace of the logo needs to have the margin of 1/4 of the logo, which goes fo the top, the left side and the right side. The bottom has only the margin of 1/4 of the height of the logo, from the middle of the logo to the bottom 1/4 of the logo. Which means, another object is allowed to go all the way up to the first 1/4, so parts of the graphical elements (the ani- mals) can lay on that object. Definition Whenever the logo is used, it should be sur- rounded with clearspace to insure its visibility and impact. No graphic elements of any kind should interfere with this zone.

Application on a backgroundOn white background On yellow background On imagery The yellow background can only be Only ocean images, that have bright used in 80% opacity blue ocean coloursMINIMUM LOGO SIZES 40 mmFull logo 20 mmMininmum size: width 40 mm x height 20 mm 7

TYPOFJORD&BÆLT EXAMPLE GRAPHY How the header and body tex should be displayedThe chosen typography represents the clean and clear de-sign of Fjord&Bælt, as our goal is to have it appealing for MEET FREJA AND SIFboth young children and adults as well easy to read.The following fonts are what must be used for all online and Two porpoises currently inhabit Fjord&Bælt’s largeoffline media. The typeface “Fjalla One Regular” is used for harbour basin (4 million litres). These small whales arethe header and subheader, which can only be used with fully protected in Denmark. However, Fjord&Bælt hasupper case letters, and the typeface “Muli Regular” which is special permissio from the Danish Nature Agency (un-used for the body/content. der the Ministry of the Environment) to keep up to four porpoises in captivity. The porpoises are kept at Fjord&Bælt because we in- tend to preserve and protect - through research and information - the only member of the whale species that breeds in Danish waters. We particularly work to find methods for reducing the number of porpoises that drown in fishing nets. Our research activities are conducted in collaboration with a wide range of insti- tiutions and universities in Denmark and abroad.8


FJORD&BÆLT COLOUR Primary colours PALETTE PRIMARY COLOUR PRIMARY COLOUR DARK BLUE YELLOW Colour Codes Colour Codes CMYK: C97 M69 Y49 K42 CMYK: C0 M35 Y87 K0 Lab: L21 a-12 b-17 Lab: L78 a21 b67 RGB: R0 G57 B76 RGB: R251 G176 B59 WEB: #00394C WEB: #FBB03BTints of the colour Tints of the colour#33616F #668893 #99B0B7 #FFFFFF #FCBF62 #FDCF89 #FDDFB1 #FFFFFF10

COLOUR PURPOSESYellow EXAMPLEThe yellow colour was chosen as an in-teractive colour and therefore it may onlybe used for those purposes. EXAMPLEDark blueThis colour is used for the body text andheadlines. No other colour, except forwhite when the background is dark, canbe used for text both on online and offlinemedias. 11

Secondary colours SECONDARY COLOUR Tints of the colour SEA BLUE #347589 #6798A7 #99BAC4 #FFFFFF Colour Codes Tints of the colour CMYK: C95 M60 Y40 K21 Lab: L32 a-15 b-21 #339AA5 #66B3BC #99CDD2 #FFFFFF RGB: R1 G84 B109 WEB: #01546D SECONDARY COLOUR LIGHT SEA BLUE Colour Codes CMYK: C86 M34 Y39 K5 Lab: L49 a-27 b-17 RGB: R0 G129 B143 WEB: #00818F12

COLOUR PURPOSES Sea blue EXAMPLE This colour is used for background colour when the text is white and the footer on the website. It can also be used as deco- rational colour. Light sea blue This colour can be used freely or as dec- oration. 13

FJORD&BÆLT IMAGERY DOES & DONTSPicture says more than a thousund words. Therefore,images that are displayed on any of our media, bothoffline and online should have to be chosen carefully.The image should always be true to the environmentof Fjord&Bælt. It is allowed to adjust the brightnessand contrast of the image but the colours should notbe edited too much, because they should be as true tonature as possible. All images must be in good quality.When there are people on the images, they should beshowing emotions like; happiness, curiosity or interest.As our primary target group is children and grandpar-ents the majority of people shown in the images shouldbe of the target group.14


FJORD&BÆLT GRAPHICAL ELEMENTSSOCIAL MEDIA ICONS Social icons on the footer on the website are: White and transparentDark blue Sea blue Facebook Facebook Facebook Instagram Instagram Instagram Snapchat Snapchat Snapchat YouTube YouTube YouTube16

BUTTONS FOR THE WEBSITEThis is the button to buy tickets When a visitor on the website This is the send button for theonline on the website needs to read more, this will contact form appear as a button SEND SEE MORE For each main page this but- Language options are pre- ton appears, implicating that sented in three flag buttons; you can scroll further down Denmark, Germany and Brit- the page. ain 17




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