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Published by bernardocastello, 2015-12-09 09:24:44




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DESIGN &BRAND GUIDELINESNEW PAGE. NEW ERA.CONTACT Phone & Fax OnlineAddress Free Toll:+ 1 020 7800 800 Email 1: [email protected] Borders Group Inc. Phone: + 1 0800 123 123 Email 2: [email protected] Brand CollectionBorders Inc. Fax: + 1 0800 123 123 Website: www.borders.com571 NW 28th St, Miami, FL 33127United States

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess22////2288INTRODUCTIONTHE DESIGN GUIDELINESThese guidelines describe the visual and verbal elements that The Borders Group Inc. brand, including the logo, name, colorsrepresent Borders Group Inc. deign and corporate identity. This and identifying elements, are valuable company assets.includes our name, logo and other elements such as color, typeand graphics. Each of us is responsible for protecting the company’s interests by preventing unauthorized or incorrect use of the Borders GroupSending a consistent and controlled message of who we are is Inc. name and marks.essential to presenting a strong, unified image of our company.These guidelines reflect Borders Group Inc. commitment toquality, consistency and style.


The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines4//2801 HISTORYBorders Group Inc. is an international book and music retailer Borders at stand still because it now needed to compete againstfounded in 1971 by Tom and Louis Borders. Borders arose from a new medium–internet. The internet served as a catalyst forhumble origins in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since the inception of industry innovation as it gave birth to online book retailers. OnceBorders, the company pioneered the “superstore,” music-book the introduction of the e-book and expedited online deliverypartnerships, and espresso bar. Formerly known as the beloved entered the mainstream context, Borders’ products and servicesbookstore of the Midwest, the company began to see exponential were placed at a disadvantage. Although this lead to the collapsegrowth in the late eighties. This allowed for national expansion, of the world’s most renowned bookstore, it also forced them toexposure, and strong brand recognition as the leading bookstore reinvent themselves into a better and longer lasting the retail market. Borders’ maturity peaked high well into the Borders has arisen from its shortcomings, and has engineerednighties where the company attained Fortune 500 recognition. interactive-experiential technology in conjunction with the largestAt the turn of the century, the international revolution placed selection of e-books, that will soon revolutionize book retail market.

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 55////2288

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess66 ////228802 VISION PILLARS OF INNOVATIONThe birth of our foundation lies within the trials of our pages. The Because the history of our success lies within the uniquenessevolution of technology once tested the strength of our pillars. of each customer. Turning the page with Borders Group Inc. notEmpires are built upon a sturdy base, but confronting the tests of only changes you what you think you know, but invites you to betime are only accomplished within the cycle of creative innovations. curious of what lies ahead.Borders Group Inc. challenges traditional notions of familiarity,and replaces it with an experiential-interactive mode of thinking.Our past has instilled in us that the future lies within the contextof today, and understanding this difference will allow us to lastlonger than tomorrow. We strive to know our customers whilepaying special attention to their values, principles, and ethics.

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 77////2288

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess88////228803 PERSONALITYCREATIVITY AND MODERNITYAverage stands behind greatness and before mediocrity. Borders difference between recognition and mere observation transcendsGroup Inc. is never close to ordinary and far from the expected. you further, Borders is your trusted browser, reviews expert, andOur company prides itself in creating a better book reading pricing genius in helping you measure the results.experience, technology, and trend setting like no other. We arenot trying to change the joy one first experiences when readingtheir favorite book, we are enhancing the depths of how faryour imagination can go when you read ahead. Borders buildsupon two core principles– creativity and modernity–which areinterwoven in the DNA of our company, and reflected by theinteractive-experiential dimensions we offer customers. The

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines 9//28

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess1100//// 228804 VOICEBECOME THE HEADLINE OF DISCUSSIONConversation continues to serve as inspiration for the written Inc. strongly believes that the power to voice a change in thebook. Rhetoric and context have shaped our society, and grown bookstore format commences once customers turn the page tovolumes of rich knowledge on countless pages. Humankind has a new era–beginning today.evolved from the mere beginnings of the Gutenberg printingpress to the possession of ebooks on handheld devices. Bookstores have served as the hub for innovation and creation inpast decades, and reinventing them to be in the forefront of 21stCentury becomes the headline of our discussion. Borders Group

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 1111////2288

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines12//2805 LOGOOur Logo is the building block of our identity, the primary through a book that has a page being turned. It can stand alonevisual element that identifies us. The log is represented or be used as a joint image with the Borders text.

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIns cGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 1133////2288THE CORPORATE FONTSTHE FULL LOGOTYPE 1 2 1) The Logo Symbol Consists of a powerful element evoking theThe Borders Group Inc. master brand or corporate logo culture of a book retail store along with moderncomprises two elements, the logo symbol and logo type. The colors.logo symbol is a powerful image evoking the culture of thebook and music retail stores - creating a connection between a 2) The Logo Titlenew and modern store and between the familiar book symbol. Carefully chosen for its modern and yet refined, highly legible style, which has been furtherThe logo type has been carefully chosen for its modern and yet The General Logo enhanced by the use of upper case letters inrefined, highly legible style, which has been further enhanced The main logo is the dark logo used on white or colored background. For darker backgrounds you will find an black. The font that is used here is the use of upper case letters. The typeface is Lato Bold and alternative below.has also been chosen to compliment and balance perfectly 3) The Logo Dark Versionwith the logo symbol. Will be used when the backround color is light colored. This grey is the darkest color allowed.The corporate logo is presented through the use of color as LOGO DARK VERSION LOGO LIGHT VERSIONwell as shape and form. The two corporate colors are Wine and 4) The Logo Light VersionCream. It is a fresh and appealing blend of colors chosen for The only background colors to place behind thetheir strong combination - modern - classic - timeless. logo are to range from white to 50% black.The colors have been selected to convey the feeling of comfortand brand recognition. Recommended formats are: .eps | .ai | .png | .jpg | .tiff 34 Attention: Use of any stylized, animated, hand drawn or other versions of an unofficial logo is not permitted. This undermines the logo system and brand consistency. Please consult with Borders Group Inc. Trademark Licensing if you have any questions or need further help.

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess1144//// 2288 LOGO CONSTRUCTION, CLEARSPACE AND COMPUTATION It is important to keep corporate marks clear of any other be positioned in relation to the mark of the symbol itself and graphic elements. To regulate this, an exclusion zone has been our company name – they have a fixed relationship that should established around the corporate mark. This exclusion zone never be changed in any way. indicates the closest any other graphic element or message can 0.5 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 xCLEARSPACE CLEARSPACE Definition Computation - -Logo Symbol Full Logo Whenever you use the logo, it should be To work out the clearspace take the surrounded with clear space to ensure its visibility height of the logo and divide it in and impact. No graphic elements of any kind half. (Clearspace = Height / 2). should invade this zone.1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 xx 1/2 x x 1/2 x1/2 x 1/2 x

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines 15//28CORRECTLOGO PLACEMENT-Explanation:To place the Borders Group Inc. logo in thecorrect way please use one of the approved stylesthat are shown on the right. To place the BordersGroup Inc. logo in other ways is not allowed.PARAMETERExample297 x 210mmDIN A4

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess1166////228806 TYPOGRAPHYTypographic hierarchy is another form of visual hierarchy, a key information. Typographic hierarchy creates contrast betweensub-hierarchy per-se in an overall design project. Typographic elements. There are a variety of ways you can create a sense ofhierarchy presents lettering so that the most important words hierarchy. Here are some of the most common techniques forare displayed with the most impact so users can scan text for Borders Group Inc. layouts.

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 1177////2288LOGO CONSTRUCTION, CLEARSPACE AND COMPUTATIONTHE FONTThe font is a type­face that is “transparent” when used in body upper c­ ase) to give the let­ter­forms famili­ar har­mony andtext but also dis­plays some origi­n­ al traits when used in larger elegance. It is a sleek sanserif look,  and was created in 2010.sizes. It uses clas­si­cal pro­port­ions (par­ticu­ ­larly vis­ib­ le in the L ATO PRIMARY FONT LATOA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bold DESIGNER :abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ŁUKASZ DZIEDZICA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Regular -abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz TYPE EXAMPLES0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Figures MONTSERRAT Special Characters! “ § $ % & /( ) =? `; : ¡ “ ¶¢[ ] | { } ≠¿‘«∑€ ® † Ω¨⁄ ø π• ±‘æ œ @ ∆º ª © ƒ ∂‚ å ¥ ≈ ç

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess1188//// 228807 CORPORATE STATIONERYStationery is a primary means of communication and it is standard U.S. business stationery. It includes specificationsessential that every application be a consistent reflection of our for typography, color, printing method, paper stock and wordcorporate identity. There is only one approved design format processing Stationery brand management guidelines do notfor all corporate and business unit stationery, although there include invoices, bills of lading, credit letters, business forms,are slight variations in size and content for different regions checks, e-mail tags or other business processesof the world. This section illustrates approved layouts for

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines 19//28 PARAMETER Weight Print 400g/m Uncoated CMYK Dimensions white 85 x 55 mmTHE COMPANYBUSINESS CARDS-Explanation:This shows the approved layouts with the primaryelements of the Borders Group Inc. stationerysystem for business cards.Usage:The business cards will be used for all officialcontact and communication of Borders Group Inc.Insert the Borders Group Inc. letterhead and sendyour documents throughout the world.

The DBeosridnegr.IsnGc CroourpoInract.eBBrraannddGGuuiiddeelliinneess THE COMPANY LETTERHEAD2200////2288 - PARAMETER Explanation: Usage: Dimensions This shows the approved layouts with the primary The letterhead will be used for all 297 x 210mm elements of the Borders Group Inc. stationery official communication that is going DIN A4 system for the front- and backside of the out of Borders Group Inc. company. Weight letterheads. 120g/m Uncoated white Print Offset CMYK

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 2211////228808 GRID SYSTEMS Grid Systems Vertical Grid Systems A4 Vertical Poster Grid System A3 Horizontal Presentation Grid System

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines22//28 THE BORDERS GROUP INC. A4 VERTICAL GRID SYSTEM EXAMPLES CUSTOMIZED GRID SYSTEMS - In graphic design, a grid is a structure made up of a series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal, and angular) or curved guide lines used to structure content. The grid serves as an armature on which a designer can organize graphic elements (images, glyphs, paragraphs) in a rational, easy to absorb manner. A grid can be used to organize graphic elements in relation to a page, to other graphic elements on the page, or relation to other parts of the same graphic element or shape.

THE BORDERS GROUP TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd GuidelinesINC. CUSTOMIZED 2233////2288GRID SYSTEMS A3 VERTICAL GRID- SYSTEM EXAMPLES - Explanation: This shows an approved layout with a typography grid for a A3 poster of Borders Group Inc.Example:Poster A3 BOOKS

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines THE BORDERS GROUP INC.24//28 CUSTOMIZED GRID SYSTEMSSCREEN HORIZONTALGRID SYSTEM EXAMPLES --Explanation:This shows an approved layout witha typography grid for a 16:9 Screenof Borders Group Inc. This will beused for Company presentations inPowerpoint or Keynote. Examples: Screen Grids

BORDERS GROUP INC. TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCrooruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd GGuuiiddeelliinneessCUSTOMIZED GRID 2255////2288SYSTEMS TABLET VERTICAL GRID- SYSTEM EXAMPLE - Explanation: This shows an approved layout with a typography grid for an iPad tablet Poster of Borders Group Inc.Example:Tablet

The Borders Group Inc. Brand Guidelines26//2809 CONTACT

TThheeDBeosirndge.rIsncGCroruppoIrnacte. BBrraanndd Guidelines 2277////2288CONTACT COMPLETE MANUAL DOWNLOAD LINKFor further information please contact: http://www.borders.comStephanie Armstrong Amanda Von LohrmanFlorida International University Florida International UniversityE: [email protected] E: [email protected]: +01.818.231.5722 P: +01.786.425.7017

The Desing.Inc Corporate Brand Guidelines28 // 28

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