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Published by MADMAN STUDIOS, 2020-08-17 08:03:24

Description: comic book


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The Tiger, HISTORY GROUP PROJECT the Brahmin CLASS VII-H and the Jackal

Riya Singh (31) Samaksh Dawar (32) GROUP MEMBERS: Sanchit Mehendru (34) Sanvi Gupta (35) JACKAL TREE & BUFFALO Samarth Bhayana (33) TIGER NARRATOR BRAHMIN Comic Book Design & Illustrations Samarth Bhayana Hand Drawings Script Sanvi Gupta Samaksh Dawar & Sanvi Singh

Once upon a time a tiger was caught in a cage. He tried to get out through the bars, but he couldn’t. He growled loudly in anger when he failed. By chance a poor Brahmin came by.

By chance a poor Brahmin came by. No, no my friend. Let me out You would probably of this eat me if I did. cage oh pious one! Not at all! In fact I would be forever grateful and do whatever you ask me to do.

When the tiger sobbed, sighed, wept and cried, the holy Brahmin’s heart softened, and at last he agreed to open the door of the cage. Out popped the tiger and growled: What a fool you are! What is to stop me from eating you now? After being locked up in the cage so long, I am just terribly hungry

Please please stop, don’t eat me! What you are doing is unjust. I request you to give me a chance to save my life. I have an idea. Let’s ask the first three things that we find nearby whether you should eat me or let me live.

At last, the brahmin managed to get this promise from the tiger. Seeing a holy fig tree nearby, the brahmin explained the situation to it and asked: O holy tree, now tell me what do you think of this situation?

The brahmin walked farther till he saw a buffalo chained to a wheel forced to run water from a well Dear buffalo, You are a fool to expect thanks from please help me. the tiger! Look at me! While I was Please, please able to give milk to my owner, he fed tell this tiger to me the finest food of cotton-seed and let me live. After oil cake, but now that I am dry, they all, I freed him yoke me here and give me refusal as from the cage in fodder! which he was locked up.

The brahmin turned back sadly and met a jackal. Why, what’s the Of dear Jackal! You be matter, Mr. the just one and decide Brahmin? You my fate. look as unhappy as a fish out of water! And then the brahmin told the jackal all that had occurred

You’ve been away a long time! But now let us begin our dinner. Our dinner? What a remarkably delicate way of putting it. Give me five minutes, in order that I may explain matters to the jackal here, since he doesn’t understand anything.

Oh, my poor brain! Pooh! What a fool Oh, my poor brain! you are! The Let me see! How did brahmin was not in it all begin? the cage, I was in the cage. Brahmin, you were in the cage, and the tiger came walking by ...?

Of course! Yes! I was in the cage—no I wasn’t—dear! Dear! Let me see—the tiger was in the Brahmin, and the cage came walking by—no, that’s not it, either! Well, don’t mind me, but begin your dinner, for I shall never understand!

Yes you shall! I'll make you understand. Look he Look here—I am the tiger. And that is the Brahmin. And the one behind me is the cage.

Yes you shall! I'll make you understand. Look here Look here—I am the tiger. And that is the Brahmin. And the one behind me is the cage.

And I was in the cage—do you understand? Yes—Uhhh…no… Please, my lord!— HOW did you get in?

HOW!—why in the usual way, of course! Oh, dear me!—my head is beginning to spin again! Please don’t be angry, my lord, but what is the usual way?”

At this the tiger lost patience, and, jumped into the cage

At this the jackal quickly shut the door.

At this the tiger lost patience, and, jumped into the cage And if you permit me to say so, I think matters will remain as they were.

Oh dear just Jackal! I cant thank you enough for saving my life. You have taught me a valuable lesson for life: EVERY ACTION IN LIFE SHOULD ALWAYS BE TAKEN AFTER DUE THOUGHTS

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