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Home Explore Fast Tread Brochure

Fast Tread Brochure

Published by mark, 2016-04-26 21:29:14

Description: Fast Tread is a proprietary prefabricated permanent form work system for concrete stairs in multi-level structures. Manufactured from galvanised sheet metal.

Keywords: prefabricated form work,Stairs


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A STEP AHEAD BenefitsThe System Easy to order Manufactured to your requirementsFast Tread is a proprietary prefabricated permanent Speed - Reduce time in your construction programform work system for concrete stairs in multi-level Manufactured to BCA requirementsstructures. Manufactured from galvanised sheet metal. Less propping than conventional form workFast Tread staircases and landings are delivered to Single concrete poursite with reinforcement factory installed to the project FC soffits - providing a clean substrate for ease of finishingengineer’s specifications. Rapid and safe access to upper levelsThe quality galvanised stringers and risersprovide a durable surface that does notrequire coating, but is a suitablesubstrate for applied paint finishedwhere required. With a range of handrail options that can be fitted before of after the concrete pour. Fast Tread is the ideal solution for constructing concrete stairs fast. Gtech Stairs v4.tiffPage #.1 GTECH - Stairs draft Prepared by Draft V6 | Modified: March 24, 2016 3:46 PMPRODUCTION DELIVERY INSTALLATIONFast Tread stairs are Scheduled and Fast Tread stairs are delivered to site Fast Tread stair cases are installed and braced one level at a time.manufactured to project specifications clearly labeled with location ID. Handrails can be fitted prior to lifting the flights into position.and approved construction drawings.

Standard DetailsLanding to Landing Detail Slab Connection DetailBTD Handrail Connection Detail Bracing DetailBRACING LANDING REO CORE FILL HANDRAIL BENDSFast Tread stairs are braced every 5 Reinforcement installed to engineers The Fast Tread stairs are then core Handrail bends are fitted and weldedrises access the width or longitudinally . specifications at the landings with filled with concrete, pouring from on site. connection bars into the Fast Tread Stairs. the top or mid stair landing.

Email: [email protected] Web: PH: 1300 751 701FAST TREAD I PO BOX 843, MOSS VALE, NSW 2577 Australia I P (+61) 1300 751 701 I F (+61) 2 4325 1695

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