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Home Explore Section-3_Sounds-and-Letters


Published by Scholastic Canada, 2022-07-15 18:18:27

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3 5 THE 44 SOUNDS /u/ as in duckOF ENGLISH How formed: The /u/ sound is referred to as the short-u sound. To make the /u/ sound, the central part of the tongue is midheight in the mouth. The lips are unrounded and the facial muscles are lax. Spellings: The most common spelling of the /u/ sound is u (duck). Other spellings of the /u/ sound include: o (son), o_e (some), ou (double), oe (does), oo (blood), u_e (judge). Words for Instruction bluff clump fun lug pup struck blunt clunk fuss lump putt strum blush clutch fuzz much rub stub brush crust glum muck ruff stuck buck cub grub mud rug stump bud cuff gruff mug run sub buff cup gum mush runt such bug cut gust musk rush suds bum drug hug must rust sum bump drum hum mutt rut sun bun duck hunt nut shun truck bunch dug hush pluck shrub trunk bunt dull husk plug shut tub bus dump hut plum skunk tuck but dunk jug plus slug tug buzz dusk jump puff slump tusk chunk dust just pump snub up club fluff luck punt snug us SECTION 3: LEARNING ABOUT SOUNDS AND LETTERS 125

3 6 THE 44 SOUNDSe e / / as in alarmOF ENGLISH e How formed: The / / sound is referred to as the schwa sound or murmur sound. It is graphically represented by an upside-down e.e Some linguists don’t consider it a sound, rather a phonetic variant or allophone. To make the / / sound, the central part of the tongue is midheight in the mouth. The lips are unrounded and the facial muscles are relatively tense. Spellings: The / / sound can be spelled with any vowel—a (alone), e (happen), i (direct), o (gallop), u (circus). Several multisyllabic words beginning with a as their first unaccented syllable contain this sound. Below is a list of these words. The schwa sound appears in most multisyllabic words and is the most common sound in English. Words for Instruction about afraid alarm anew ashamed awake above again alas annoy ashore aware account ago alone another aside away adult agree along apart asleep awhile afloat ahead America appear avoid awoke afoot ajar among applause await 3 7 THE 44 SOUNDS /â/ as in chairOF ENGLISH How formed: The /â/ sound is an r-controlled vowel sound. The diacritical mark above the a is known as a circumflex. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /â/ sound include air (chair), are (bare), and ear (wear). Other spellings of the /â/ sound include: eir (their), ere (where), ayer (prayer), aire (doctrinaire), eer (Myneer), ey’re (they’re). Words for Instruction air pair dare mare spare swear chair stair fare pare square wear fair bare flare rare stare flair blare glare scare bear hair care hare share pear 126 PHONICS FROM A TO Z

3 8 THE 44 SOUNDS /û/ as in birdOF ENGLISH How formed: The /û/ sound is an r-controlled vowel sound. The diacritical mark above the u is known as a circumflex. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /û/ sound include ur (burn), er (verb), and ir (bird). Other spellings of the /û/ sound include: ear (learn), err (err), eur (poseur), or (work), our (scourge), urr (purr), yr (myrtle). Words for Instruction blur hurt turtle fir squirt clerk nerve swerve burn nurse urge firm stir ever other term burst purple bird first swirl fern over under church purr birth flirt third germ perch verb churn purse birthday girl thirst her perk verge curb spur chirp quirk twirl herd person verse curl surf circle shirt whirl jerk river water curse Thursday circus sir after letter serve winter curve turkey dirt skirt better merge sister fur turn dirty squirm certain mother stern 39 THE 44 SOUNDS /ä/ as in carOF ENGLISH How formed: The /ä/ sound is often an r-controlled vowel sound. The diacritical mark above the a is known as a dieresis. Spellings: The most common spelling of the /ä/ sound is a (car, father). Other spellings of the /ä/ sound include: à (à la mode), aa (bazaar), ah (hurrah), al (calm), as (faux pas), at (éclat), ea (hearth), oi (reservoir), ua (guard), e (sergeant). Words for Instruction arch bar charge farm jar mart shark starch Arctic bark charm garden lard park sharp tar ark barn chart guard large part smart tart arm car dark hard march party spark yard art card dart harm mark scar star yarn artist cart far harp marsh scarf start SECTION 3: LEARNING ABOUT SOUNDS AND LETTERS 127

40 THE 44 SOUNDS /ô/ as in ballOF ENGLISH How formed: The /ô/ sound is referred to as the broad o sound. The diacritical mark above the o is known as a circumflex. To make the /ô/ sound, the back part of the tongue is midheight in the mouth. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /ô/ sound include o[r] (for), a[l] (walk), a[ll] (tall), au (haul), and aw (hawk). Other spellings of the /ô/ sound include: ou (cough), oa (broad), o (toss), ah (Utah), as (Arkansas), augh (caught), ough (sought). Words for Instruction bore north sworn halt sauce paw born or thorn malt sausage pawn chore porch torch salt taught raw chord pore tore audience vault saw cord pork torn August awful shawl core port wore author bawl slaw cork scorch worn autumn brawl sprawl corn score chalk because caw squawk door scorn stalk caught claw straw dorm shore talk cause crawl strawberry for short walk clause dawn thaw force snore all daughter draw yawn fork sore ball dinosaur drawn form sort call fault fawn fort sport fall fraud flaw forth store hall haul gnaw horn stork mall haunt hawk horse storm small launch jaw more sword stall laundry law morning swore tall Paul lawn wall pause lawyer 128 PHONICS FROM A TO Z

4 1 THE 44 SOUNDS /oi/ as in boyOF ENGLISH How formed: The /oi/ sound is a diphthong. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /oi/ sound include oi (boil) and oy (toy). Other spellings of the /oi/ sound include: eu (Freud), ois (Iroquois), uoy (buoy). Words for Instruction avoid hoist point annoy enjoy soy boil join poison boy joy toy broil joint rejoice cowboy joyful voyage choice moist soil coy loyal coil moisture spoil decoy ploy coin noise toil destroy Roy foil oil voice employ royal 42 THE 44 SOUNDS house/ou/ as inOF ENGLISH How formed: The /ou/ sound is a diphthong. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /ou/ sound include ou (shout) and ow (town). Other spellings of the /ou/ sound include: au (landau), ough (bough), hou (hour). Words for Instruction about grouch pouch spout crown plow bounce ground pound sprout down powder bound hound pout trout drown power cloud house proud allow fowl prowl couch loud round bow frown sow count mound scout brow gown towel crouch mouse shout brown growl tower doubt mouth snout chow how town flour noun sound clown howl vow foul ouch sour cow now wow found out south crowd owl SECTION 3: LEARNING ABOUT SOUNDS AND LETTERS 129

43 THE 44 SOUNDS /o—o / as in moon OF ENGLISH How formed: The /o—o/ sound is referred to as the long sound of oo. To make the /o—o/ sound, the back part of the tongue is high in the mouth. The lips are rounded and the facial muscles are tense. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /o—o/ sound include oo (moon), u (ruby), ue (true), ew (chew), and u_e (tune). Other spellings of the /o—o / sound include: o (do), ou (soup), ui (suit), o_e (move), eu (maneuver), ieu (lieu), oe (canoe), ou (route), ug (impugn), ooh (pooh), ough (through), oup (coup), ous (rendezvous). Words for Instruction balloon goose moon shoo tooth crew flute truth bloom groom moose shoot troop dew June tuna boo hoof noon sloop zoo drew prune boom hoop ooze smooth zoom flew reduce boot hoot pool snoop blue grew rude broom igloo proof soon clue knew rule coo kangaroo roof spook due new tube cool loom room spool glue news tune coop loop root spoon sue screw duty doom loose school stool true shrew July food loot scoop too blew stew junior fool moo scoot tool brew threw numeral gloom mood shampoo toot chew crude solution CLASSROOM SPOTLIGHT Two oos The letters oo can stand for two sounds about the same percentage of time. Therefore, I often advise children to try both sounds when confronted with an unfamiliar word that contains this spelling. If the word is in their speaking or listening vocabularies, then the approximation resulting from trying one of the sounds will help the students figure out the word. On the Word Wall, I write the / o—o/ words on moon shapes and the /o˘o/ words on book shapes as visual reminders of the sound the letters oo stand for in each word listed. 130 PHONICS FROM A TO Z

4 4 THE 44 SOUNDS book/o˘o/ as inOF ENGLISH How formed: The /o˘o/ sound is referred to as the short sound of oo. To make the /o˘o/ sound, the back part of the tongue is high in the mouth. The lips are rounded and the facial muscles are lax. Spellings: The most common spellings of the /o˘o/ sound include oo (book) and u (pull, put, push). Other spellings of the /o˘o/ sound include: oul (could), o (wolf), oui (bouillon). Words for Instruction afoot good rook woof book good-bye rookie wool brook hood shook cook hoof soot cookie hook stood crook look took foot nook wood football notebook wooden TRY IT OUT • Use the word lists to create speed drills or individualized student practice sheets. • Create phonics games and activities for learning centers using the word lists. • Connect the word lists to your phonics instruction. Use the word lists for blending practice prior to reading stories or to create sentences and passages for reading practice. SECTION 3: LEARNING ABOUT SOUNDS AND LETTERS 131


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