Bhavan’s Pearl The Monthly Newsletter BHAVANS PEARL WISDOM SCHOOL MANAGED BY BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN MIDDLE EAST It’s time to make way for the new, to reaffirm and dream afresh. It’s time to close the old chapters & Begin the New one. Here’s Bhavans Pearl Family Wishing each of you A Blessed and Prosperous New Year. ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 1
Comfort comes in the form of Pyjama Day The day invites every one of all ages to wear their favourite pyjamas for a party. Whether we snuggle in for extra sleep or binge watch our favourite television series, the day was filled with highlights. Board games in warm flannels or pillow fights while wearing the best footie PJs created lasting memories. We at BPWS, were excited to celebrate this day with our tiny tots on 13th January 2022. The students were dressed in their favourite Pjs and carried their favourite soft toy to snuggle in while they enjoyed movie and story time with their friends. They were excited to see their friends in their sleep attire and were very enthusiastic to celebrate this day with their peers. It was a day that was filled with lot of memora- ble moments. Report by Kayenat Ansari ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 3
Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti is one of the major festivals in India, it is a celebration of the harvest festival. Makar Sankranti always falls in January and it is a sign for farmers that the sun is back and the harvest season is approaching. It is also known as the kite festival in India. Students of kindergarten celebrated Makar Sankranti on 14th January 2022. KG1 students decorated their kites and made them colorful. KG2 students made their own kites with colorful papers. They enjoyed their day by watching videos and stories related to Makar Sankranti to know the values and traditions of the festival. Report by Swapna Kota ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 4
Kinder fest solo dance competition “Dance is the hidden language of the soul”. Creative movements can positively impact a child’s physical, emotional, and mental health. Dancing is a fun way to release your energy and excitement! Dance increases a child’s dexterity and physical fitness. It can help a child’s social and emotional wellbeing as well. BPWS organized Kinder fest solo dance competition for kindergarten students on 11th January 2022 to showcase their dancing talent. The students were dressed up in some amazing costumes and gave scintillating dance perfor- mances for the songs of various language. It was a fun-filled and refreshing experience for not just the participants but the judges and audience as well. Report by Sangeetha Anbu Creating your own story - Kinder fest Everybody has a story. When we don’t take the time to know someone’s story, create your own version of it. The students of kindergarten participated in creating your own story competition on 28th January 2022. Students created some amazing stories by adding their experience and imagination. They were dressed up according to their stories. This inspired many students to be creative and imaginative. Report by Litty Jose ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 5
“Art is as natural as sunshine & as vital as nourishment” (KG- Art Exhibition) The KG art exhibition was conducted on the 24th of January 2022. The main objective of leading this event was to allow our little ones to display their talents in different art & craft activities. The students created some beautiful artwork and they showed all their activities through a video presentation. There was a compilation of all the vid- eos together & students enjoyed the art exhibition video while looking at their & their friends’ artwork. It was a fruitful event for our KG students. Report By Jyoti Thapa ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 6
Indian Republic Day-2022 “A nations culture Resides in the Hearts and in the soul of its people” Republic Day honors the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26th January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act (1953) as the governing document of India and thus, turning the nation into a newly formed Republic. On 26th January 2022 the kindergarten students and teachers of BPWS celebrated republic day. Teachers explained about republic day and its importance. During the activity time a badge making activity was conducted and the students wore the badge with their tri color dress. Report by Litty Jose ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 7
3rd Annual Sports Day KG ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 8
News from Primary & Secondary Section ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 9
CELEBRATING OURSELVES- The Pravasi’s Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is a celebratory day observed on 9th January by the Republic of India to mark the contribu- tion of the overseas Indian community towards the development of India. The day commemorates the return of Ma- hatma Gandhi from South Africa to Mumbai on 9 January 1915. The Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Al Ain celebrated the PRAVASI BHARATIYA DIWAS on Tuesday, 11th January 2022. Mr. EASSA K V, Senior Pravasi, Vice President - Indian Social Center- Al Ain and Marketing Manager – Or- thoplus Bone and Joint Medical Center – Al Ain was the Chief Guest. A special program was organised at 8.20am, in Bhavans Pearl’s Virtual Auditorium in which all the students, parents, staff members and Principal Dr. K T Nandakumar joined. The meeting started with the verses from holy Quran, fol- lowed by the UAE National Anthem, school prayer and Bhavans Anthem. Then the welcome address was delivered in which the Chief Guest was also introduced. The Principal addressed the gathering highlighting the importance of the Day. Ms. Divya Ramachandran, Director, Bhavans Middle East also addressed the gathering with special emphasis on the contributions of the NRIs. Then the Chief Guest was honoured online with a digital memento. Then the Chief Guest addressed the gathering and encouraged the students with his valuable words. The session which lasted for half an hour was concluded with the Vote of Thanks by the Head Boy of the school, followed by the Indian National Anthem. Report by Haneefa.K ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 10
Arise! Awake! And Stop not, until the goal is reached- Swami Vivekananda National Youth Day Swami Vivekananda was born as Narendranath Dutta on 12th January 1863. He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world and was credited with raising interfaith awareness. He was a chief disciple of 19th-century saint Ramakrishna and founder of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna mis- sion. The 159th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is celebrated all over the country giving a message to the youth about the way of life and ideals that will make India a better country in the future. BPWS observed the National Youth Day with the primary aim of sensitizing the students about the philosophies, prin- ciples, and ideals of Swami Vivekananda. The students were motivated to be good citizens of India, thus contributing to the development of the country. A special assembly was conducted by the students in our school. The inspiring stories of Swami Vivekananda’s life were briefed to the students by the class teachers during the class. Report by Divya.P.Mathew ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 11
The Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22nd Dec. 1887. It was in recognition of his contri- bution to mathematics, the Government of India decided to celebrate his birthday as the National Mathematics Day. His contribution to mathematical analysis, infinite series, continued fractions and number theory was immense. Ra- manujan is most popular for his contribution in analytical theory of numbers, elliptic function, continued fraction and infinite series. Sreenivasa Ramanuja was born in a Tamil Brahmin Iyengar family in this day in 1887 at Erode, Tamil Nadu. He died on April 26, 1920 in Kumbakonam. In his remembrance, BPWS celebrated National Math day, a model assembly was presented in which the students of class VI Master Darsh Rajesh and Master Akshit conducted a Mathematics Riddle, it was an awesome experience, and all the students participated in the Riddle. Master Sai Krishna presented the Biography of Ramanuja and Master Adwaith Vimal presented the speech on the ‘Importance of Mathematics in Our Daily Life” During the mathematics period students enjoyed various activities like Mathematical song writing, Model making, Quiz etc. At the end of the assembly Principal Dr. K T Nandakumar delivered a speech and motivated the students and an- nounced a Young Ramanuja Award will be presented to the students of BPWS from next year to the child who excels in Mathematics. Report by Sooraj.K ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 12
Freedom is not given, it is Taken Birth anniversary of Subhash Chandra Bose Subhash Chandra Bose was an Indian nationalist whose defiant patriotism made him a hero in India. He was an Indian freedom fighter and one of the causes to Indian freedom. He was known as Netaji. He was the President of Indian National Congress (INC) from 1938 to 1939. He attempted to get rid of British rule in India during World War II with the help of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. He was born on 23th January 1897 in Cuttack, Odisha. The Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Al Ain celebrated the 125th birth anniver- sary of Subhash Chandra Bose. The students were shown a video first, about the leader popularly known as Netaji and then another video which contained his famous quotes. The students presented the quotes in the class after watch- ing the video. They could gather lot of information about this famous freedom fighter and patriot through this activity. The activity helped the students a lot to inculcate patriotism in their minds and to realise the dedication of such leaders towards their nation. Report by Haneefa.K ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 13
Remembering the Golden Heritage Republic Day Republic Day marks the adoption of the constitution of India and the transition of the country to a republic on Jan- uary 26th, 1950. Every year, the celebrations marking the day feature spectacular military and cultural pageantry. In New Delhi, armed forces personnel march along the Rajpath, in an elaborate display of military might. The epic show on Rajpath eclipses everything else happening across the country on this auspicious day. A special assembly was conducted by our students on 26th January to celebrate Republic Day with great patriotic zeal and fervor. The assembly was led by Grade 4 &5 students. The assembly started with Quran Recitation followed by School prayer. Magnificent dance performances were presented by the students. The students were dressed up in tricolor attire to mark the occasion. They exuded energy and rhythm which motivated all to clap and enjoy these patriotic moments. Some students dressed like freedom fighters and delivered messages in the assembly. All the students participated in the program with passion and enthusiasm. Our beloved Principal applauded and praised the efforts of students and teachers and congratulated the students on this occasion. The program came to an end with the singing of National Anthem. Report by Divya.P.Mathew ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 14
IT is the CAUSE! Not the DEATH! That makes a MARTYR Martyrs’ Day is an annual day observed by nations to salute the martyrdom of soldiers who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation. Martyr’s Day is observed in India, on January 30th every year to mark the anniversary of the assassination of Mohan- das Karamchand Gandhi, the Father of the Nation who was assassinated on 30th January 1948. On Martyr’s Day the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, the Defence Minister, and the three Service Chiefs gather at the sa- madhi at Raj Ghat memorial and lay wreaths decorated with multi-colour flowers. The armed forces personnel blow bugles sounding the Last Post. The inter-services contingent reverse arms as a mark of respect. A two-minute silence in memory of Indian martyrs is observed throughout the country at 11 AM. The Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Al Ain observed the MARTYR’S DAY by conducting a special assembly on 02 Feb. 2022. Students of grade 1C led the assembly in which various special programs were included. Besides the nor- mal School Assembly procedures, there was a PowerPoint Presentation about the importance of Martyrs’ Day. The Subject Co-ordinator of Social Science Dept. delivered a speech on this occasion. The students gathered lot of information about this day and connected the same with the UAE’s Commemoration Day which falls on 30th November. The programmes helped the students to inculcate patriotism in their minds and to real- ise the dedication of those martyrs towards their nation. Report by Haneefa.K ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 15
विश्व हिन्दी हदिस प्रति िर्ष 10 जनिरी को मनाया जािा िै। इसका उद्देश्य विश्व विश्व हिंिदी हदिस - उत्सि में हििंदी के प्रचार-प्रसार के तिये जागरूकिा पैदा करना िथा हिन्दी को अन्िरराष्ट्रीय भार्ा के रूप में पेश करना ि।ै विश्व में हिन्दी का विकास करने और इसे स्कू िों, कॉिेजों और कायाषियों में मनाया जाने िािा हििंदी हदिस राष्ट्रीय स्िर पर प्रचाररि-प्रसाररि करने के उद्देश्य से विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेिनों की शरु ुआि की गई भी मनाया जािा िै जजसमंे देश के राष्ट्रपति उन िोगों को परु स्कार देिे िंै जजन्िोंने और प्रथम विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेिन 10 जनिरी 1975 को नागपरु मंे आयोजजि िुआ हिंिदी भार्ा से संबि तिं िि हकसी भी क्षते ्र मंे उत्कृ ष्टिा िातसि की ि।ै िब से िी इस हदन को 'विश्व हिन्दी हदिस' के रूप मंे मनाया जािा िै। भिन्स तमहिि ईस्ट द्वारा आयोजजि प्रतियोतगिाओंि मंे बारि विद्यािय के हििंदी हिंिदी हदिस उस हदन को याद करने के तिए मनाया जािा िै जजस हदन हििंदी िमारे विभाग हक ओर से वितभन्न प्रतियोतगएँ आयोजजि की गई l िर एक विद्यािय ने देश की आतिकाररक भार्ा बन गई। यि िर साि हििंदी के मित्ि पर जोर देने इस उत्सि में अपना – अपना उत्तरदातयत्ि तनभाया l िमारे स्कू ि ने प्रमाण पत्र और िर पीढी के बीच इसको बढािा देने के तिए मनाया जािा ि।ै यि यिु ाओिं को ियै ार करके इस कायकष ्रम के हिस्सा तिया l हिंिदी दोिा िाचन, विज्ञापन प्रस्िुति अपनी जडों के बारे में याद हदिाने का एक िरीका ि।ै िथा िास्य कवििा िाचन प्रतियोतगिाएँ आयोजजि हक गई । िमारे विद्यािय से चनु े िुए िीन प्रभाि शािी छात्रों ने विविि प्रतियोतगिाएँ मंे भाग तिया l यि हदन िर साि िमें िमारी असिी पिचान की याद हदिािा िै और देश के िोगों को एकजुट करिा ि।ै जिािं भी िम जाएँ िमारी भार्ा, संिस्कृ ति और मलू ्य िमारे िन्यिाद साथ बरक़रार रिने चाहिए और ये एक अनुस्मारक के रूप मंे कायष करिे ि।ै हििंदी हदिस एक ऐसा हदन िै जो िमें देशभवि भािना के तिए प्ररे रि करिा ि।ै सयू ाष एम.के ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 16
Interschool Word Buster Finale “To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark” Spellings are important because it aids in reading. It helps cement the connection that is shared between sounds and letters. Learning high-frequency sight words also has been shown to help with both reading and writing. This is why students learn sight words during their early years. Spelling and reading also have a common factor, proficiency with language. Interschool Word Buster Finale was conducted on 22nd January 2022 on the online platform. From our school, four students were selected for the finale. The students underwent various rounds. Our pearls competed with 7 schools across Bhavans and won the competition. Report by Divya.P.Mathew We are proud of our Pearls who achieved the FIRST POSITION in the Interschool Word Buster Finale Organized by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan-Middle East ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 17
Designer:Nayana Sasidharan Editor:Priya Paul Photographer:Ashok Kumar ISSUE : 07 January 2022 PAGE 18
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