How To Hire The RIGHT People For The Right Job
Hiring the “Right” People for the Right Job Identify 4 Personality Types that are foreign to many managers. Many dealerships hire the High “C” High “D” profile for sales & management and usually these are the lowest producers in SALES along with the highest turnover rates. A dealership can increase their closure ratio (and sales) by hiring sales & management people who have the capacity to sell, work with and manage others. Hiring “C” & “D” profiles are usually best for jobs requiring non sales related jobs such as service mechanic, I.T., office, accounting, analysis, technical, etc.- any job with less public interaction and more focus on repetitive work, numbers, factual data, accuracy, etc., is required.• Type “A” or “Driver” Personality Type• Type “B” or “Expressive” Personality Type• Type “C” or “Amiable” Personality Type• Type “D” or “Analytical” Personality Type The “Key” to Hiring NOTHING is 100%. These are guidelines that have proven to be effective over the last 50 yearsB & C People are typically A & D People are typicallyRIGHT Brain People LEFT Brain People© 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 2
Hiring the “Right” People for the Right Job Directions: There are 24 blocks each containing 4 words & 4 columns across. Read the 4 words per block and under “M” (Most), at the top of each column, select the 1 word that MOST or best describes YOU. IE Block #1 MOST “B” (Persuasive) Under “L” (Least), select the 1 word that LEAST describes YOU. IE Block #1 LEAST “C” (Gentle) ONLY 1 MOST and 1 LEAST AnswerNotes: Gentle ML Persuasive CC Example, Block #1 Humble BN Original DD NA © 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 3
Hiring the “Right” People for the Right Job Directions: Count all the A's, B's, C's, D's, and N's in the MOST Column. Transfer the totals to the bottom of this page Using only A-D, circle your answer in each corresponding columnAbove & Below The Line Connect the dots and make a graph. IE 9 A's, 10 B's, 0 C, 3 D's, 2 N's = 24 Depending on the graph, select the 1 or 2 highest POINTS on the graph = Your Dominate Personality Type (IE. A&B are DOMINATE-above the line, and C&D are9 10 0 3 LOW- below the line)2 24© 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 4
Personality Profile, (copy & handout this & next page) ML ML ML MLGentle C C Fussy N B Aggressive A N Respectful DNPersuasiveHumble B N Obedient C N Extroverted B B Pioneering AAOriginal D D Unconquerable A A Amiable C C Optimistic BB N A Playful B B Fearful N D Accommodating C C1234Attractive BB Brave A N Cautious D D Argumentative A AIntrospective DD InspiringStubborn AA Submissive B N Determined A N Adaptable DNSweet NC Timid N C Convincing B B Nonchalant NC N D Good Natured C N Light hearted B B5678Easily led ND Sociable B B Willing C N Trusting BBBold AA Patient NCLoyal CN Self reliant C C Eager A A Contented AACharming BB Soft Spoken DD A A Agreeable D D Positive D N High Spirited N B Peaceful9 10 11 12Open Minded BN Adventurous A A Confident B N Good Mixer BBObliging DD N C Cultured ND Receptive D N SympatheticWill Power NA N D Vigorous AACheerful CC Cordial N B Tolerant A A Lenient CC Moderate C C Assertive13 14 15 16Jovial N B Talkative B B Disciplined D N Companionable B BPrecise D D Controlled C C Generous C C Accurate DNNervy N A Conventional N D Animated N B Outspoken AAEven Tempered C C Decisive A A Persistent A A Restrained NC17 18 19 20Competitive AA Polished N B Admirable B N Restless AAConsiderate CC Daring A A Kind C N Neighborly CCJoyful NB Diplomatic D N Resigned N D Popular BBHarmonious ND Satisfied C C Force of A A Devout DD Character21 22 23 24Instructions:In each block, read the 4 words within. Then circle the letter under “M” (Most)that corresponds to the word you are MOST like. The circle the letter under “L” (Least) thatyou are least like. Example: If you’re more Persuasive, circle “B”, Least Gentle, circle “C” MLGentle CC ONLY 1 MOST and 1 LEAST Answer Per Block. 24Persuasive BNHumble DD Most Answers, 24 Least AnswersOriginal NA © 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 5
A B C D Dominance Sociable Steadiness Cautious ”Driver” “Expressive” “Amiable” “Analytic”Dominance Persuasive Patience Accurate20 17 19 1517 15 17 1315 13 15 1113 11 13 911 9 10 7 7Risk Taker Relaxed Restrained Sociable10 9 6 6 8 59 7Self Assured Generous Deliberate Sensitive8 5 6 4 57Unassuming Convincing Mobile Own Person6 4 4 35 3 3Realistic Factual Critical Independent4 2 2 23 1 12Mild / Dependent Withdrawn Spontaneous Rebellious1 1 0 00Low A prefers to Low B prefers to Low C prefers Low D prefersbe a team player be alone variety and change spontaneity#A’s:_______ #B’s:_______ #C’s:_______ #D’s:______#N’s:_______ Grand Total = __________ (should be 24) © 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 6
Hiring the “Right” People for the Right JobHow to determine if the person has the “Right Profile” to excel in their job.It all STARTS, and ENDS with the RIGHT PEOPLE. When complete, your graph will resemble one of these: 2 columns (or profiles) will usually be Higher, 2 columns will usually be Lower.High “B”/”A” High “C”/”D”High “B”/”C” High “A”/”D” High “A’/”C” The BEST sales profile (over 50 years of history) is a HIGH “B” & High “A” pattern- in that order, AND a LOW “C” and a LOW “D”. See recaps for an over view. Sales Management & GSM profile is HIGH “A”, LOWER “B” but above the line, LOW “C”, and below the line “D” (G.M. “D” recommendation would be slightly ABOVE the center line-more analysis required)© 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 7
How to determine if employees have the “Right Profile” for their jobHigh “A”50% Above The Center Line, This Person Usually Is:Assertive & Aggressive, Highly Competitive, Money Motivated Decisive, Knows What They Want, Rarely Listens to OthersDemanding, Dominate, Results Oriented, No Fear, High Ego Direct To The Point, Bottom-Line Results Thinker “Big Picture”Focus is on getting results, being in control, getting results They act on their environment rather than reacting to itSelf Confident, High Driving, Can be Very Confrontational They are very candid, makes decisions fastVery confident in their ability to get the job done Always RIGHT (Their way or the highway)Hates mediocrity More interested in results than peopleVery serious (or wants other to think) most of time Autocratic/Authoritative/TellerLikes people who “net it out” Must be (or appear to be) in controlAttacks “things” aggressively, Results Oriented Never appears “weak” in front of othersDelegates details but not authority easily Gets involved and takes action quicklyPrimary concern is “get it done” Hates anyone “telling them what to do” or looking over shoulderCan take the ball and run with it Thrives on solving problems themselvesThey demand respect Good trouble shooterBest selling “tangible” products They ask “WHO” and “WHAT”Possible Pitfalls High Temper, Wants Things on “Their” TermsNo Patience, Always Right, Knows Everything Rude, Blunt, Sarcastic, Fault Finding in OthersInflexible, Resists Change, Unwilling to Learn/Change Short Tempered, Stimulates Anxiety in OthersWants to do everything themselves, hard to delegate Oversteps prerogativesResists Participation as part of team50% Below The Center Line Often Modest, More Indecisive, Less Assertive/AggressiveNon-Threatening & Non-Intimidating, Non-ConfrontationalTotal opposite of the above© 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 8
How to determine if employees have the “Right Profile” for their jobHigh “B”50% Above The Center Line, This Person Usually Is:Emotional, Impulsive, Outgoing, Friendly Sociable, Competitive, Good HumoredGood Talker, Story Teller, Focus is on People Money & Recognition MotivatedThey like people and want people to like them Usually enthusiastic & cheerful, good with wordsTeam oriented, good in groups Will usually build people & organizationPersuasive, can influence others Gets things done through othersLaughs, Jokester, Prankster, Interactive Usually always positive regardless of situationNatural Delegator Animated when they speakOptimistic Thinker- will find a way to make it work Intuitive, will take risks, goes after what they wantGood mixer- natural chameleon, life of the party Emotional vs Logical decision makerHigh Ego, Aggressive, but may Exaggerate Likes to be noticed- high status, likes the “best”Decisive, makes decisions quickly- mostly emotionally Very High EnergyPossible Pitfalls Has a tendency to oversell, talks too much about themselvesMore concerned with popularity than tangible results May be unorganized, less detail orientedActs impulsively vs logically Tends to be the “buddy”, not the bossInconsistent conclusions, may make decisions on gutfeelings May over-trust people indiscriminatelyIs unrealistic when appraising people Hard to practice time managementHave difficulty planning and executing the plan May not recognize expected task behaviorsMay create superficial analysis50% Below The LineTotally opposite of the above The “ideal” sales profile is a High “B”/”A” with a very low “C” and a small “D”. This person is friendly, sociable, assertive, aggressive, competitive, and organized. NOTE:© 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 9
How to determine if employees have the “Right Profile” for their jobHigh “C”50% Above The Center Line, This Person Usually Is:More Laid-Back, NOT Dominating, NOT Demanding Hates Confrontation, Non-Aggressive/AssertiveFocus is on Timing, Harmony, Peace, and Cooperation More a follower vs leaderMost effective in a Stable Environment (Desk vs Sales) More Emotional vs Logical thinking but good plannerHas a long fuse, but when fuse runs out, they explode Dependable & ReliableDo not like being rushed or pressured- pace themselves Not a quick decision maker but has to Think about itGood memory and good listener Are “Even-Paced”, Slower to act and moveOrganize their time to get work done on a schedule Usually just “Work their Schedule”-start at 9am, leave at 5pmMust work around a structured environment- few or no Warm & Friendly... but takes time to trust peoplesurprises (adhere to policies & procedures)Team Player- can get along with most people except Type “A” Steady, easy-going, relaxed, predictableHas to “Think”, “Mull it Over”, “Sleep on it”, “Talk to Buddy” Tendency to “Hold things within” & not make wavesbefore making major decisionsNot a risk takerPossible Pitfalls Take a long time to adjust – everything by the bookStrive to maintain the Status Quo They may need help getting started on new unstructuredThey plan but often have trouble meeting deadlines assignments They are usually content with things as they areThey may have difficulty with innovation & get frustrated They have a tendency to hold onto past experiences andThey may continue to do things the way they know or the way don't trust people for a very long timethings were always done in the past (comfort level)They usually wait for orders (follower vs leader) before takingany action on their own50% Below The LineTotally opposite of the above (Want Sales & Mgmt Low “C” orbelow the line)© 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 10
How to determine if employees have the “Right Profile” for their jobHigh “D”50% Above The Center Line, This Person Usually Is:Very Structured Analytical, PreciseVery Decisive- Decisions based on Facts Focus is doing things “Right” and being Right “By the Book”Hates to make mistakes Hates confrontation, untrustingExtremely good organizer & VERY organized themselves Will double & triple check themselves & othersThorough, skilled with facts & figures Strong sense of duty & obligationFollows the “Playbook” of the company precisely Very LoyalHates constant Change within a company/structure There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way of doing “things”. The Right Way is their Only WayThey don't make many mistakes Hates pressure, cautious, introvertedIf in sales, they MUST know EVERYTHING about the product Often rely on traditionbefore they will sell itGood at developing Systems & Processes Meticulous, fussy/complains at times, perfectionistItemizers- they make lists and check off the lists so they They gather and ANALYZE facts before making decisionswon't make any mistakes#1 Researcher Will actively resist change. The reasons must be explained, understood, and valid.Hates criticism as it proves them or their facts wrong May be self criticalOften displays very conservative behavior Usually does not like permissive leadershipDoes not delegate easily as they are the only perfect people They like knowing the rules, expectations, instructionsto get the job done- and will double check workVery conscientious, quality oriented, formal, reserved They may have their “own” playbook as they resist changeJob Security is important to them Communication IN WRITING is important to themPossible Pitfalls They seek direction from SupervisorsNo Patience, Always Right, Knows Everything, By the Book They are bound by key procedures, processes, methodsThey hesitate to act without precedent They want full explanations before changes are madeThey get bogged down in the “process” of things by overanalyzing They usually focus on their own task accomplishments, oftenThey avoid involvement when threatened, yield their position not paying attention to the tasks of others that are notto avoid controversy congruent with their own50% Below The Line In Sales & Management, you need some structure, Type “D”Totally opposite of the above qualities but not excessive. Accounting, I.T., Service Mgr, Mechanics, Auditors, etc. are more HIGH “D” people. © 1992-2015, Steps To Selling Success by Bob Carmack 11
Hiring the “Right” People for the Right Job Motivating Each Personality TypeHigh “A” High “B”● Control, Challenge, Money ● Opportunity, Recognition● Results, Accomplishments, Directness ● Status, Money● Responsibility & Authority ● People Contacts, Group Activities● Chance to Make Decisions & Solve ● Freedom to Express ThemselvesProblems ● Teamwork & Involvement● Positions of Leadership & Power ● Identification with Organization & PeopleHigh “C” High “D”● Harmony, Cooperation, Timing ● Established Policy & Procedures● Time to make Decisions ● Strong conservative leadership● Appreciation of Job/Organization ● Organization with little change● Stability ● Organization with consistency● Environment free from Chaos & ● Organization with stabilityInterruptions ● Organization managed by facts● Association with efficient, smooth flowing ● Accuracy, structure, and qualityorganization 12
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