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Home Explore Tidy Tots Educare Handbook

Tidy Tots Educare Handbook

Published by kerrytatham, 2018-07-20 18:50:38

Description: Tidy Tots Educare Handbook


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Parent/Guardian Handbook Those of us who are in this world to educate--- to care for--- young children have a special calling: acalling that has very little to do withthe collection of expensive possessions, but has a lot to do with the worth inside the hearts and heads. In fact, that is our domain: the heads and hearts of the next generation, the thoughts and feelings of the future. Fred RogersEdition 2 July 2018 0

Parent/Guardian HandbookTable of Contents Personal Touch ...........................................3 History.........................................................4 Curriculum ...................................................5 Activities/Events ......................................5 Achievements .............................................6 School Policies ......................................................7 - School closure ..........................................................7 - Arrival & Dismissal ..................................................7 - Absences ...................................................................8 - Removal ......................................................................8 Registration/ School Fees ......................9 Uniform / Appearance .............................10 - 11 Students Evaluation..................................12 School Visits/phone calls to teachers..12 – 13 Illness ..........................................................14 Emergency contact numbers...................14-15 Home Work.................................................15Edition 2 July 2018 1

Parent/Guardian Handbook Students’ Belonging ..................................15 Parties..........................................................16 Students’ Parents’ / Guardian Disciplinary code ..............................................................16-17 Agreement ..................................................18Edition 2 July 2018 2

Parent/Guardian HandbookA Personal TouchMy name is Janet Clarke, your Director. Iwould like to welcome you to Tidy TotsEducare.As a Trained Nurse and a certified EarlyChildhood Practitioner, I feel strongly aboutproviding children with a safe and nurturingenvironment, which will help them to learn andencourage their full potential.I am a person with high moral standards andethics in my business dealings and I’mcommitted to the holistic development of OURchildren.Edition 2 July 2018 3

Parent/Guardian HandbookHistoryTidy Tots started in 2003 as a 24 hour ChildCare Centre at 49 High Street in Black River.In response to the need for a high qualityEarly Childhood Institution in the community,the Kindergarten started with 8 students inSeptember 2006.Tidy Tots has consistently maintained its highstandards and has blossomed into the programyou see today, a full service Day Care, 4kindergarten classes (Pre-k, K1, K2, and K3)with a capacity for over 60 students.We also offer a Before and After Careservice with extended hours to accommodateour working parents.Edition 2 July 2018 4

Parent/Guardian HandbookCurriculumWith emphasis on literacy we utilize the stateof the art Jolly Phonics, Morderm CurriculumPress and Scholastics. Students are alsointroduced to Computers and Spanish. Thismultisensory, interactive curricula covers allsubject areas and makes for a well-roundedstudent at the end of this four year solidfoundation.Activities/EventsAnnual events include Jamaica Day, Sportsday, parenting seminar, Christmas concert,Graduation and Prize Giving.Cake sales and jeans day are held throughoutthe year.Edition 2 July 2018 5

Parent/Guardian HandbookAchievementsThis year Tidy Tots celebrates its Fifteenth(15th) Anniversary, we are now considered astaple in our community.The kindergarten has a history of academicachievements and a strong appreciation forliteracy. Tidy Tots was the first institution tointroduce Jolly Phonics in St. Elizabeth and isstill the only institution to use the program inits entirety.On graduating from Tidy Tots students areable to read at the grade 2 level and beyond.Students who have graduated or have movedon to other institutions are highly recognizedfor the standard of their work, their level ofliteracy, self-discipline and excellence inacademics.Edition 2 July 2018 6

Parent/Guardian HandbookSchool Policies1. School ClosureIn the event that the school is closed due toadverse weather or other natural disasters,each parent will receive a text message or aphone call. (A little rain stops nothing at TidyTots).1.1 Arrival/DismissalOur doors are opened at 7am. Devotion beginsat 8:30am. Parents/Guardians are asked to:  Ensure that a teacher or caregiver accepts the child before leaving in the mornings.  Arrange to drop off your child in goodtime for the commencement of classes at 9:00 a.m., as late arrivals are disruptive to class activities.School dismisses at 2 p.m. After Care beginsat 3pm and attracts a fee that must be paidat the end of the week.Edition 2 July 2018 7

Parent/Guardian Handbook1.2 AbsenceIf a child is absent, a parent is required tocome in, call or send a note of explanation tothe Director. Failure to do so will result inyour child being excluded from classactivities.Students are not to be taken out of theclassrooms without the parent or guardianfirst obtaining permission from the Director.1.3 Removal A parent or guardian who wishes to terminatetheir child’s enrollment should give one termnotice in writing. A parent or guardian who terminatesenrollment without the requisite prior notice,will forfeit any return of school fees for thatterm.Edition 2 July 2018 8

Parent/Guardian Handbook 2. Registration/School FeesRegistration for new students is held in Julyeach year and parents or guardians will beinvited to a meeting in August of that year.School fees for new students must be paidbefore this meeting or the child’s name will beremoved from the list.All other school fees must be paid before thebeginning of each term.Edition 2 July 2018 9

Parent/Guardian Handbook3. Uniform/AppearanceParents should make every effort to acquire the correctuniform and students should wear them to schooleveryday. GIRLS  Bandana uniform with rounded collar  Navy blue socks (ankle socks are not allowed)  Black shoes  Blue, red and white hair ornaments (no beads) A Sample can be requestedEdition 2 July 2018 10

Parent/Guardian HandbookBOYS  Bandana shirt (bush jacket) dark blue buttons  Navy blue shorts with elastic waist (no belt)  Navy blue sock (ankle socks are not allowed)  Black shoes A Sample can be requestedP.E.  Red shorts  White jersey top  White sneakers with red or white socksP.E uniforms are available at the school.Edition 2 July 2018 11

Parent/Guardian Handbook4. Students’ EvaluationAssessments are done with each studenttowards the end of every term and a reportcard is issued to each parent. The reportcards are developmentally appropriateaccording to the age of the child andexpectations according to the school’scurriculum. The grades are based only on theteacher’s observations.A Parent Consultation Day is held at the endof every term to discuss the students’progress to date. Group messages will be sentout with term dates and on this day, parentsare expected to meet individually with classteachers and the Director.5. Visits to the school/phone callsto teachersParents or guardians shall dress appropriatelywhen visiting the school. The following areEdition 2 July 2018 12

Parent/Guardian Handbookdeemed inappropriate; short shorts, revealingor tight clothes.Unauthorized persons are not allowed to seestudents and teachers before dismissal. Ifanything is to be delivered to your child, it isto be taken to the office.Parents are not allowed to call teachersduring class time. Parents should call theoffice and a message will be delivered to theteacher who will return the call at anappropriate time.Parents or guardians must treat teachers,other parents or guardians and students withrespect at all times and must not be abusive.Offenders will be asked to remove theirchildren from the school.Edition 2 July 2018 13

Parent/Guardian Handbook6. IllnessStudent with contagious diseases such as pinkeye, ring worm, chicken pox etc. MUST notattend school. Illness must be reported to theDirector and upon returning to the school aletter from the doctor should be presented.Parents can make arrangements with theDirector or class teacher to administer anymedication which needs to be taken duringschool hoursIn the case of illness during the day theDirector will notify parents if the conditionwarrants it.7. Emergency Contact NumbersIt is critical for protection and safetyreasons that the school has current contactinformation for each student. This includesparent or guardian’s telephone numbers (home,Edition 2 July 2018 14

Parent/Guardian Handbookoffice, cellular) and home address. Pleasemake sure that the information card iscompleted and any changes thereafter beupdated.8. Home WorkParental involvement results in a positiveimpact on children’s learning. Your involvementis invited, expected and valued. It’s a way ofletting the parents know what the child islearning. Home work is given each day in afolder parents provide and is expected to bedone and returned each morning.9. Students’ BelongingsEnsure that students’ personal belongings areclearly marked with their names. Caregiversare busy throughout the day and will try theirbest to return belongings, however; if lost,check lost and found box in the office or thekitchen.Edition 2 July 2018 15

Parent/Guardian Handbook10. PartiesBirthdays and other Parties areaccommodated only on Fridays; permissionmust be sought from the class teacher. 11. Students’, Parents/GuardiansDisciplinary Code1. Parents or guardians will be notified ofdisciplinary concerns.2. Parents or guardians will be invited to theschool for consultation with the relevantteacher or the Director to curb deviantbehavior3. Abusive or disruptive behavior by parent orguardian or other family members may lead tostudents’ suspension4. Any student who is suspended on more thantwo occasions is subject to expulsion from theschool.Edition 2 July 2018 16

Parent/Guardian HandbookOffences Disciplinary ActionFoul language, use 1st-Verbal reprimand & timeof expletives out, 2nd -parent called in, 3rd - suspension.Indecent behavior 1st – Parent called in, 2nd – suspension.Possession of toys Confiscation and return at theand games without end of the term.permissionEdition 2 July 2018 17

Parent/Guardian Handbook Agreement Now that you have read the Parent/Guardian, handbook if you are in agreement, please fill out this form and return to the Director.I have read this handbook and I am willing to help my childand other relatives to understand, cooperate and abide by theRules and Policies of Tidy Tots Educare.Name of Student _________________________________Name of Parent/Guardian_______________________________________________Signature of Parent/Guardian_______________________________________________Date: _______________________Edition 2 July 2018 18