BSB50215DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS 1 0404 040 123 [email protected] Novus Education, 5-1-100, Second Floor, Maheshwar Complex Between Kukatpally Bus stop and Metro station, Beside Ramalayam Arch, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072, IndiaRTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1
AT NovusNovus, Greek work for New Era/Beginning, at NovusEducation we want to give people the skills andknowledge to embark on a new journey of success andenlightment.Since the start of our journey, our main focus hasalways been Emotional Intelligence and Leadershipskills, we ensure that our at our core level, the successof our students derives from the emotional intelligenceand the leadership skills which they have attainedaccess to via Novus Education’s unique approach tolearning.CEO message Novus Education Pty. Ltd. BSc (Computer Science) UNSWThank you for your interest in Macquarie Education Grad Diploma Migration Law (UTS)Group Australia (MEGA). We are committed toproviding quality education and learning to students DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS - COURSE OVERVIEWfrom all over the world. About this CourseStudents at MEGA benefit from our qualified team ofteaching professionals with real-world, best-practice This qualification would apply to individuals withexperience in industry and the global business arena, various job titles including executive officers, programoffering world-class standards in English language, consultants and program coordinators.Accounting, Business, Marketing and Communication, Individuals in these roles may possess substantialInformation Technology, Travel and Tourism experience in a range of settings, but seek to furtherManagement, Leadership and Management and Social develop their skills across a wide range of businessMedia Marketing education. functions. Conversely, it may also apply to those with little orA MEGA education equips students with English no vocational experience, but who possess soundlanguage and vocational skills, knowledge and theoretical business skills and knowledge thatexposure to current business practices and work they would like to develop in order to create furtherexperience needed to succeed in our competitive educational and employment RTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1Programs at MEGA are state-of-the-art, comprehensiveand of high quality and standard, giving students asolid foundation in business techniques, preparingthem for their chosen discipline.Whatever age and ambitions, I am confident andconvinced that MEGA can help our students achievebeyond their goals or dreams.Your personal development and welfare are importantto us. We look forward to meeting with each student,to discuss how we can complement your backgroundand help you achieve your goals.SignVipin DhingraCEO 2
Our VisionTraining future leaders and to give them the skills totackle wide range of business and life challenges.Our MissionProvide Quality trainingCourse Information Beginning of every month except April, August, December (Vacation).National Code: BSB50215 Awarded by RTO Code 41138RTO CODE 088255ENationally Recognised: Packaging Rules: Yes Total number of units = 8Duration : 0 Core Units 8 elective unitsEach enrolled student has up to 12 months tocomplete their training course. Delivery mode :Delivery mode : Prospective students have the option of selecting the online or distance learning option. You areProspective students have the option of selecting required to indicate your selection on the Enrolmentthe online or distance learning option. You are Form.required to indicate your selection on the EnrolmentForm. Online learning option – the student will receive log in details to access the online learning materials.Online learning option – the student will receive log No classroom training or attendance is details to access the online learning materials.No classroom training or attendance is required. Distance-based learning option - the student will receive the printed version of the course via post.Distance-based learning option - the student will No classroom training or attendance is required.receive the printed version of the course via post.No classroom training or attendance is required. Related Occupations :Assessment : Executive Officer Project ConsultantA variety of assessment methods form part Administratorof this course including written assignments, Corporate Services Managepresentations, portfolios of work, role plays and Legal Practice Managerprojects. Business Development Manager Project CoordinatorStart dates : Business Sales Team LeaderRTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1 3
DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS - COURSE OVERVIEWENTRY REQUIREMENTS • Current version of a web browser, Chrome or Mozilla FirefoxAfter enroling in the course, each student must • An email account – this can be created throughcomplete the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Yahoo, Hotmail and GmailIndicator Tool. This LLN evaluation will assist NovusEducation Pty. Ltd. in identifying each learner’s needs • The latest version of Adobe Readerand appropriate support to be offered by NovusEducation Pty. Ltd.. Each student must also provide • The latest version of Windows Media Player ortheir USI (Unique Student Identifier) before they will QuickTimegain access to their materials. If you do not have aUSI, you can create one at • Microsoft Office (version 2013 or later) that includesstudents/create-your-usi Word, Excel, PowerPoint and AccessThis LLN Indicator Tool must be returned to the • Printer and scannerTraining Department within 10 business days to [email protected] so that it can be assessed by a • Adobe Flash Player 11 or highertrainer. Please note that Novus Education Pty. Ltd. hasup to 10 business days to finalise your LLN Indicator RTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1Tool from the date of receipt. Novus Education Pty.Ltd. offers a range of reasonable adjustment optionsand support services if a learning need is identifiedthrough the LLN Indicator Tool.Resourse RequirementsEach Learner must have access to and be competentin the application of the following resources in orderto complete the course. These requirements apply toeach unit within the course. These resources are asfollows:• A reliable desktop computer or laptop• One of the following operating systems on the computer or laptop: • Windows 8 or higher • MAC operating system (Apple Mac computers may need additional software to recognise the functionality settings of the learning materials)• Stable internet connection with a minimum download speed of 3mbps. Prospective students can go to to perform a speed test of their internet connection 4
Course structureBSB50215 DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS BSB50215 Unite Name( cricos course code: 09526id ) DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS Manage meetings Course structure Plan and implement administrative systems 8 units must be completed BSBADM502 BSBADM504 Manage meeting 1 Week Break BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service 1 Week Break Manage meeting BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainabilty BSBWOR502 Manage personal work priorities and professional development 1 Week Break Manage meeting BSBHRM501 Manage human resource sevices BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planing Total HoursBSBADM502 Manage Meetings : BSBADM502 Manage Meetings :This unit describes the skills and knowledge required This unit describes the skills and knowledge requiredto manage a range of meetings including overseeing to manage a range of meetings including overseeingthe meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings,organising the minutes and reporting meeting organising the minutes and reporting meetingoutcomes.. outcomes..BSBADM502 Manage Meetings : BSBADM502 Manage Meetings :This unit describes the skills and knowledge required This unit describes the skills and knowledge requiredto manage a range of meetings including overseeing to manage a range of meetings including overseeingthe meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings,organising the minutes and reporting meeting organising the minutes and reporting meetingoutcomes. outcomes.BSBADM502 Manage Meetings : BSBADM502 Manage Meetings :This unit describes the skills and knowledge required This unit describes the skills and knowledge requiredto manage a range of meetings including overseeing to manage a range of meetings including overseeingthe meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings,organising the minutes and reporting meeting organising the minutes and reporting meetingoutcomes. outcomes.RTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1 5
Assessment Overview • VALID • AUTHENTICEach unit comprises of assessment tasks such • RELIABLEas written questions, case studies and practical • SUFFICENCTassessments which must be completed in full before • Accuratebeing submitted for marking. Assessments forqualifications are competency based, which meansstudents are assessed against the unit of competency(unit) requirements.Assessment marking system:Satisfactory (S) result: the student’s submitted worksatisfies the learning requirements and all competencystandards for the unit (in accordance with the NationalRegister marking system:Satisfactory (S) result: the student’s submitted worksatisfies the learning requirementNot Yet Satisfactory (NYS) result: the student’ssubmitted work does not demonstrate theirunderstanding of all competency standards in the unit.If a student receives a ‘not yet satisfactory’ outcome,he or she will receive written feedback from a trainer/assessor, clearly outlining where the gaps are. Thestudent will then be required to rectify these gaps andre-submit their assessment for marking.Once a student receives a satisfactory result for allrequired assessment tasks a competent (C) outcomewill be awarded for the entire unit. The student mustdemonstrate their understanding of all competencystandards in each unit before receiving a competentoutcome.Students have three (3) attempts to demonstratecompetency, otherwise a unit re-enrolment fee applies(please see fee schedule contained in the StudentHandbook).Assessor need to make sure that your assessmenttasks are6 RTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) sources, is appropriately referenced to prevent any issues regarding plagiarism. For more information onNovus Education Pty. Ltd. offers all candidates the plagiarism, refer to the Student Handbook.opportunity to be assessed through an assessmentonly pathway also known as recognition of prior Verified Documentslearning. Prospective students are encouraged to applyfor RPL immediately after enrolment if they believe All the evidence provided must be certified by athey may be eligible. An RPL Application Kit can be Justice of the Peace, to ensure these are reliable andrequested from the Student Services Department by accurate. This will also allow us to apply direct creditsemail [email protected] where previously completed units of competency are applicable to your RPL application and have exactlyRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a method the same unit code and title.of assessing your current knowledge, skills andexperiences that may have been acquired through 7informal training such as work history or formaltraining. RPL applications will be reviewed after youhave enrolled and paid for the course.Evidence GatheringDocumented evidence needs to be provided to supportyour RPL claims. it is important to link your evidence tothe outcomes of the units you have selected Withoutdocumented evidence, your RPL application will not besuccessful.Currency of your documentsWhen we assess your RPL application, it is importantto show currency. This meaning your evidenceshould preferably be from the last two (2) years andin most cases should not go back more than five (5)years. Training and qualifications go back to ten (10)years (but no further than this) to demonstrate yourknowledge of vocational education and training.Authenticity and validity of yourdocumentsIt is vital that all evidence you supply is authentic andvalid. This simply means it must be what you say itis and be verifiable as such. Work samples must bea product of your own work output either whollyor collaboratively. Ensure any evidence suppliedthat includes other people’s work product or otherRTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1
Student Support FEE InformationTo Help you thrive and achieve your study The course fee is inclusive of the following items;goals, expert teacher support is availableto you. • The learning resources Phone Support • Trainer and assessor support by phone, email and SkypeYou can get one on-one help from experttutors via phone, You can get one on-one • Up to 12 months to complete the coursehelp from expert tutors via Skype, Pleasesend email to your trainer to request a call • Support services listed in Educational and Supportback. Make sure you include at least two Servicesdifferent available times slots. • Certificate and Record of Results issuance (does notTimes: include replacement certificates)Mon to Friday9am – 5pm (AEST) • RPL applications (three attempts only) and credit transfers Email Support Payment MethodsYou can get one on-one help from experttutors via email and you are encouraged to Payment for the course can be made by;share your work to receive feedback. • MasterCard and Visa Card (on the website)Response within two business days • PayPal (on the website) • Pay per unit (on the website) Skype Support • Telephone payment for credit card payments • Bank deposit – see details belowYou can get one on-one help from • Amex (3% surcharge)expert tutors via Skype, Please send • Purchase Orderemail to your trainer to requesta Skype call back. Make sure TOTAL FEES :you include at least two differentavailable times slots. FACE TO FACE : $5000 (Only one Intake per year, FEBURARY)Times:Mon to Friday DISTANT : $2500 (ENROL ANYTIME)9am – 5pm (AEST) ONLINE : $2500 (ENROL ANYTIME)8 RTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1
MiscellaneousVET-FEE HELP Currency of your documentsNovus Education Pty. Ltd. does not offer VET-FEE HELP When we assess your RPL application, it is important to show currency. This meaning your evidenceConsumer rights should preferably be from the last two (2) years and in most cases should not go back more than five (5)Once a prospective student has enrolled and paid years. Training and qualifications go back to ten (10)for a course offered by Novus Education Pty. Ltd., years (but no further than this) to demonstrate youreach individual is entitle to exercise their right as a knowledge of vocational education and training.consumer in accordance with the Australian ConsumerLaw and the Australian Competition and Consumer Refund Policy and FormCommission (ACCC). Websites are provided below: You can access our refund Policy by visiting following link:• Australian Consumer Law -• Australian Competition and Consumer Commission - You can access our refund Policy by visiting following link: CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1 9
0404 040 123 [email protected] Novus Education, 5-1-100, Second Floor, Maheshwar Complex Between Kukatpally Bus stop and Metro station, Beside Ramalayam Arch, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072, India10 RTO CODE: XXXXX Version Number: 1.1
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