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Home Explore LOOK IT UP Company Portfolio

LOOK IT UP Company Portfolio

Published by pial.comilla, 2018-10-31 14:55:51

Description: LOOK IT UP Company Portfolio


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Lookup IT SolutionsLookup IT Solutions is led by an experienced  Success of customers offshore outsourcingmanaging team of internet marketing veterans that initiatives.founded the company on the principle of providingoutstanding online marketing services that deliver  Ability to ramp up/ down resources quicklyreal results for our clients. Since our founding in  Contemporary product engineering skills2010, we are consistently recognized as a leader in  Customer focused deliveryour industry by multiple 3rd party review sites . We  Understanding our customers business andare also very proud to be included for our expertisein numerous publications . Lookup IT Solutions does technology needsnot believe in a one size fits all approach. We tailor  Customize Web Developmenteach clients campaigns to their specific needs to give  Converting Traditional Windows-based Applicationtheir campaign the best chance for success. We workdirectly with our clients to ensure we have clear and to more robust Web Based Solutionsunified business objectives. Our mission is to provide  Integration existing and new solutions with otherclients with the most professional and highest qualityInternet marketing services and customer service Web Solutions or Servicesavailable. We welcome the opportunity to work with  CMS Development & Integrationyour team or as your team. Contact us today to see  Ecommerce Websiteshow we can help your business grow.  Blogs, Forums, Discussion Board  Community SitesWe brings solutions that not only improve customers  Online Video/Audio Streamingtime to market, but also keep costs down to the lowest  Intranet Applicationspossible, and contribute to customer profitability. We  Coverage two applications using XMLmeasure our success in terms of the value we provide  Flash and Flex based Dynamic Websitesto our customers and the extent to which we contributein helping them achieve their return on investmentgoals and competitive advantage. Lookupitsolutionsbecomes the natural choice with assured benefits:

1. Mobile app works Page 32. PHP works Page 53. API integration works Page 74. Chatbot works Page 85. Blockchain works Page 10

03 COMPANY PORTFOLIOBlockchainWhat is Blockchain?Helping You Transform Your Business.The blockchain is undeniably an ingenious invention,a decentralized database hosted by millions ofcomputers simultaneously, and as its data is accessibleto anyone on the internet there is no single version thatexists for a hacker to corrupt. Blockchain developmentwill undoubtedly be an important part of the future, asit has the possibility to completely change the way wetreat our interactions online.Features of BlockchainTechnology Block: Each individual ‘block’ in the blockchain is made up of computer code that contains data and can be programmed to represent anything, the most popular usage at the moment is cryptocurrency. Chain:The ‘chain’ is the encryption that securely connects all of the blocks. This blockchain is then stored on a distributed ledger which is stored on thousands of computers throughout the world simultaneously.

04 COMPANY PORTFOLIO Types of Blockchain Public Blockchain  No access restrictions  Works on Consensus Protocol  Open participants & validators Private Blockchain  Permissioned  Access based on invitations  Participants & validators access restricted Consortium Blockchain  Semi-decentralized  Permissioned  Limited node execute consensus protocol Why Trivialworks Solutions for Blockchain Development?  Decentralized Ledger: It is an open and decentralized ledger system which is transparent and can be verified. Here, an unchangeable record with a write once, read many types of database holds every transaction made.  Cryptographically Secure: Blockchain applies the concept of cryptography and digital signature resulting in a secured and more accountable transactions.