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360 Degree PIAL

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Protecting your Surroundings with Innovative Solutions Spring 2018 360

35 Years designing and implementing ICT solutions means SchoolCare are well positioned to offer a complete 360 Safety solution for today’s evolving educational and social landscapeToday’s evolving social landscape means that schools have to be even more vigilant to potential threats.

360 Safety SchoolCare have always been at the forefront of new technology for the education market. Over 35 years SchoolCare’s experienced staff have been helping schools realise their potential through the use of technology.TECHNOLOGY has always been a passion of mine. From an early age I was always interested inanything electronic and generally more interested in taking it apart.Since joining the SchoolCare team in 2004, I have always been amazed by the company’smotivation to embrace new technologies and explore how they can be used in the classroom.Since taking on the role of Managing Director my drive has been to exploit my passion fortechnology further and working with a team of like-minded individuals propel the companyforward by exploring new technologies.SchoolCare have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience from working in theeducation sector for 35 years and has worked hard to build a team who have amassed an equallylarge amount of knowledge and experience in a number of industry verticals before joining ourteam.From the design and deployment of CCTV and Access Control Solutions to the in-house software andhardware design of our new SchoolSafe product, you can be sure SchoolCare is a trusted School Safety Partner.Steve JonesManaging Director - PSD Group

CONTENTProtecting Schools 6Safety Solutions 7360 Safety 9Principle 1 - Observe 10Principle 2 - Control 12Principle 3 - Communicate 13Principle 4 - Register 14

PROTECTING SCHOOLSIn recent Ofsted inspections, schools are implemented in the event of a threat to pupilbeing assessed not only on their values, and staff safety; location integrity within theabilities and results from the pupils, but site to secure sensitive areas; and protocolsalso on their premises security and physical in the event of extenuating circumstancessafeguarding measures. beyond “normal” control.This is becoming more prevalent with Budgetary constraints will affect the abilitynumerous online media reports being for schools to fulfil many of the forthcomingpublished. So it is therefore a matter of time requirements using typical legacy solutions.before Ofsted mandate physical security, All Safety Solutions from SchoolCare haveclosed circuit television and emergency been designed to leverage existing networkscontingency systems as formally assessable to minimise costs and ensure flexibility.criteria.Inspectors will be looking at a regime for theentire site, with protocols for pupils, staffand visitors; emergency procedures to beSafety Solutions from SchoolCare have been designed to use an existing network infrastructure to minimise costs.

SAFETY SOLUTIONSCCTV Access ControlIP Based CCTV Solutions from SchoolCare IP Based Access Control Solutions integrateintegrate seamlessly with a school’s existing with other on-site systems such as CCTVwired network infrastructure, providing full and leverage the existing on premisesHigh Definition Video Streaming. infrastructure. Central management ensures complete peace of mind.Public Address Visitor ManagementIP Based Public Address removes the cost IP Based Visitor Management, replaces thebarriers to the deployment of PA Systems. traditional signing in book, ensuring that youPA Systems allow schools to effectively know who is on-site at all times and remaincommunicate messages and alerts across a completely compliant with safeguardingschool campus. policies.

THE 360 SAFETY PRINCIPLEThe need for vigilance and increased physical security without impeding access for appropriate individuals is hugely important in a modern school environment. The principle of 360 Safety to categorise any area more risky than has been developed by another, therefore it is widely expected that SchoolCare and focusses on a minimum level of security will be mandated how key safety technologies by Ofsted. can be deployed cost effectively and integrated Currently, on a primary level, Ofsted together to ensure the inspectors need your school to demonstrate safety of staff and students it has taken reasonable steps to make sure pupils are safe on the school site. This360 Safety is based on 4 key safety principles. will include the monitoring of visitors orObserve, Control, Communicate and Register volunteers, as well as having satisfactoryall of which have been developed directly security arrangements for the school towith schools to compliment and enhance protect and monitor teachers and studentstheir emergency procedures and protocols. alike from a safeguarding perspective.Schools are now having to consider theircurrent security and safety policies and Making provision for a terror attack or otherensure provisions cater for the ever changing major incident is no longer a paper landscape. Schools are having to actively practice lock- down drills and ensure their procedures areGiven the current social concerns surrounding robust and reliable.extremism and terrorism it is not possible

In order to implement an effective security of coaxial and multi core cables makingpolicy, schools need to have a number of deployment a complex and expensivetools at their disposal, all of which are based task as well as similar considerations foron the 4 key principles of 360 Safety. maintenance. Over the last 5 years schools have investedObserve - Know who and what is around you, heavily in structured cabling infrastructures,by recording and monitoring the environment. mainly to deliver a wealth of ICT Services, such as WiFi and Desktop Connectivity.Control - Ensure the environment is secure, SchoolCare has been at the forefront of thewithout impeding access for appropriate deployment of such infrastructures overindividuals. the years and are now pioneering a “360 ”. approach to safety by providing solutionsCommunicate - Ensure systems are in place which can be deployed over a school’s pre-to quickly and effectively communicate existing infrastructure, therefore drasticallymessages to groups of people as a whole. reducing cost.Register - Know who is in the building at all The added value of IP Basedtimes and ensure they remain visible to staff security solutions comesand pupils whilst onsite. with integration. Systems work together to form reallyHow can useful solutions.SchoolCare Help?SCHOOLCARE’S long history designing andimplementing ICT Solutions for the educationsector, combined with a wealth of in housesecurity sector knowledge and experience,ensures we are well placed to deliver bestvalue security and safety solutions.Security and Safety solutions are nothingnew, CCTV and Access Control Solutionshave been on the market for years, alltypically functioning on their own separateinfrastructures. Sites employing suchsolutions are criss-crossed with a web

with a number of benefits over traditional SchoolCare specialise in Network (IP) basedseparate infrastructures. CCTV solutions, which integrate seamlessly with the school’s existing structured cablingSchoolCare offer a complete consultancy, infrastructure meaning that the cost ofdesign and implementation service using deployment is drastically reduced. Thisour in-house team of experts. Drawing reduction in capital outlay is very importantfrom a huge pool of in house experience and in times where school’s budgets are limited.resource SchoolCare are able to design and SchoolCare offers a huge range of CCTVimplement a fully converged IP based safety cameras, which can be installed inside orand security solution. outside a school premises, with models which range from unobtrusive “covert” stylePrinciple 1 - cameras to Pan, Tilt, Zoom cameras with 30xObserve Optical Zoom.KNOWING what is going on around you The heart of any CCTV solution is the Networkis the first stop on the journey of 360 Video Recorder (NVR), these are designed tosafety. Even today, very few schools have be securely installed in either a coms roomCCTV solutions in place. Those that do are or a store cupboard, ensuring that recordedtraditional analogue systems which operate footage remains secure, SchoolCare canat a low resolution. They do offer a good also offer cloud storage options for ourdeterrent to an opportunist, however the Broadband4 customers, with footage beinglow resolution of the cameras makes them securely stored off-site.largely ineffective in identifying individualsshould the need arise. Access to live and recorded footage can be from any suitable desktop PC, or mobileIn recent years HD CCTV systems have device, both on and off the school network.come to the market, with newer solutions Remote access is particularly useful forsupporting Ultra HD (4K). The benefit of these site managers who need to keep an eye onhigh resolution systems is that the level of premises over the school holidays, or fordetail is massively increased, meaning that those who monitor multi sites in an academyzooming in on an image to identify even the trust.minutest detail is now possible.Legacy CCTV solutions typically operate ateither CIF or D1 resolution, so the jump to1080p represents a huge increase in thelevel of captured detail.

Knowing what is going on around you helps you be vigilant.Principle 2 - to be made on each door the user shouldControl have access to.BEING ABLE to secure the school building, The problem of complexity extends furtherwhilst allowing easy freedom of movement in today’s Multi Academy Trust model. Stafffor staff and students is very important. often require access through multiple doorsLocking doors with traditional lock and key, on multiple sites making the deploymentjust isn’t feasible, both from a logistical of standalone solutions impractical. Multiand safety perspective. These challenges Academy trusts typically have a single sitetypically mean that doors to high traffic team responsible for multiple sites, beingareas are typically left unlocked or propped able to manage multiple sites from a singleopen for convenience. location is hugely important.Access control solutions are nothing new Partnered withand have been around for a long while. Most the Bestsolutions deployed today are standalonesystems which function on their own SCHOOLCARE are Paxton Accreditedinfrastructures. This vastly increases the and have full access to Paxton’s completecost and complexity of installation as well as portfolio of Access Control Solutions. Paxtonongoing maintenance. Standalone systems are widely acknowledged as being the markettypically have to be programmed individually, leader in IP Based Access Control solutions,meaning that a new badge or tag needs to be meaning they can be integrated with a“coded in” or “coded out”, these changes have school’s existing network infrastructure

An effective communication solution is key to an effective safety policy.massively simplifying the deployment and solutions, as well as magnetic lock andreducing costs. automatic door triggering. Our experienced designers and installers will visit your siteA Paxton Access Control Solution can and work with you to design a solution tobe centrally administered ensuring that meet your needs. All our solutions are alsoindividuals or groups of individuals can be expandable, meaning that a simple front doorquickly granted access to single doors or solution can be easily expanded to relevantgroups of doors on a single site, conversely internal doors to fully extend the system.access can be instantly revoked as required,all from a single location, by an appropriatelyauthorised individual.Being network based opens up the worldof cross platform integration, meaning thatAccess Control Systems can be integratedwith CCTV systems (e.g. CCTV footage of afront door camera can be stamped for easeof recall) and visitor management solutions.Cards and fobs used with access controlplatforms can also be used to recall print jobsfrom Multi Function Devices etc.SchoolCare can design and install both singlesite and multi site Access Control Solutions,which include intercom and door phone

Principle 3 - the need for schools to implement andCommunicate practice a lock-down procedure. A partial or full lock-down can be triggered for externalPUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS are nothing disturbances or pollution alerts as well asnew, however they do not tend to feature a disturbance within the building such as aheavily in UK schools. The term public address potential incursion by an armed generally assumed to be a 1-way pagingsystem to allow announcements to be made, SchoolSafe is a uniqueas this isn’t typically found in UK schools, the IP Based public addressability to page across the site, isn’t generally system which has beenappreciated. designed from the ground up by SchoolCare to address SchoolCare’s SchoolSafe solution is an challenges in today’sIP based Multi-Function Public Address challenging social landscapesystem, which includes some key features,over and above the ability to page messages Principle 4 -across the site. Register Lesson Change Notification with full web THE VISITOR SIGN IN book has long been a configuration and manual mode staple part of the front reception desk, where visitors dutifully sign in when they arrive Verbal Alarms and Audio Alerts - Clear on site using intelligible handwriting and spoken audio instructions for alarm generally forget to sign out when they leave. conditions such as partial or full lock- This signing in book has typically been the down only way for schools to account for visitors on-site, something which is especially Fire Alarm Integration to overlay spoken important when it comes to the need for a instructions alongside the traditional fire fire evacuation. bells SchoolCare are strategically partnered with InVentry who offer a complete visitor Multi-Zone Paging allows for real time management system. Visitor management messages to be conveyed across an entire forms an important quadrant of the 360 site or to part of the site as required Safety solution as it ensures that schools can easily account for visitors which are on-site.Ofsted’s requirements for emergency InVentry is a completely IP based solutioncontingency planning is starting to mandate which interfaces directly with both Access

Knowing who is on-site is vitally important. Both from a security and fire safety perspective.Control Systems such as Paxton as well as Integration with Access Control allowsa attendance data. The time and attendance existing cards and tags to be used with thedata can be passed in real time to the school’s InVentry system for recording time and ToMIS platform (e.g. SIMS). This is a particularly sign out the visitor just scans the bar code ongood way of tracking and logging both staff their label before disposing of it.and student’s attendance data. InVentry KeyFor visitor management InVentry allows Featuresimportant information about all visitors tobe recorded, including personal information KEY FEATURES of the InVentry platformsuch as name and company, as well as include:allowing visitors to be attributed to aninternal “sponsor” to ensure accountability InVentry Evac - a real time record offor the visitor is maintained. The sign in visitors and pupils onsite using unlimitedprocess is simple and captures a user mobile devices.configurable dataset including a photograph.Visitors can also be asked to read and agree Late Pupil Sign in - Record times andto safeguarding and other relevant policies reasons direct to your ensure full compliance.Once signed in the visitor is supplied with a Authorised Sign Out - Manage “in hours”self-adhesive sticker, negating the need for pupil sign out, along with collecting dataexpensive pre-printed Visitor badges which on relevant parents of guardians.are often not returned at the end of the visit.Schools MIS Solution such as SIMS.

DBS Management - Manage a centralregister of DBS Checks and permit oneclick sign in for DBS Registered Visitors.

Over 35 Years experience working in the education sector ensures SchoolCare can be your Trusted ICT PartnerSuite 5 Hillfields HouseCastleman WayRingwoodHampshireBH24 [email protected]+44(0)333 240 2626k

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