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Published by Catherine Jade Salimo, 2022-03-28 12:19:56

Description: LEARNING PORTFOLIO_html-Salimo


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DEVC 436- Communication in the ASEAN Setting Prepared by: Catherine Jade B. Salimo Block: 4202 Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus College of Arts and Sciences Developmental Communication Department

ABOUT ME My name is Catherine Jade Blancada Salimo. Most people call me Catherine, but my close friends call me in different names like Cath, Cathy, Cath-Cath, Jade, Jady, and many more. However, if someone calls me by my nickname, Kate, automatically they are relatives. How wonderful my name is that it can categorize people based on just how they call me. I also realized why my name starts with the letter C, for the reason that I am a creative person and everyone can agree that I am artistic and that I like aesthetics. Born in the year of the dragon and has the zodiac sign of Pisces. Pisces has the common traits of being emotionally sensitive, courteous, and emotionally aware. And personally, I think that it is accurate from my character. Since junior high school, I dreamed to be a filmmaker which is why I wanted to pursue communication and take a major in multimedia arts. Funny thing is, I didn’t wish to be a development communication student. My only goal before is to be in a field/program that caters to creative individuals to have confidence in their crafts, not until I apply to the Testing Admission Office of BatState-U and unfortunately, they don’t have the specific program I like. The TAO suggested DevComm as they say that it is the same with Multimedia Arts and that’s the story of how I started becoming part of these creative people in our program. Even though it is kind of far from what I expected, I did not regret my choices. Fortunately, the experiences I got explained how great my college life comes. As soon as I meet new people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I got surrounded by people who have the same interest as me which helped me to gain more confidence in doing such things. I and my college friends often join in filmmaking competitions. We also like participating in various organizations based on our interests inside the campus. I used to be an officer of different organizations affiliated with our programs and university.I truly enjoy college, not until the pandemic comes. I am once over passionate about goals and dreams, but now, it is getting hard to acknowledge them every day. Months from now, I am hoping to be with the graduates. If someone asks if I still want to be a filmmaker, I’d maybe consider working in production but I am hesitant to absolutely say ‘yes’ due to my view that it is not practical in this situation and considering the financials. In the future, I often imagine myself as a successful woman. Having a permanent nice job with my bank account over fully loaded money; wearing nice clothes that accords to my likes and style; still eating street foods and try eating to different restaurants with family and friends; having nice trips in locals and different countries in Asia every year; and settling in my hard-earned house and land. Absolutely, this is an ideal life for all. I may not be unique in terms of having a dream to have a successful life like this but maybe, it may vary in terms of how will I handle it in the future. But, one thing for sure, I’ll still enjoy my success with the people I love the most.

What do you believe would have happened if ASEAN had not been founded up to this point? ASEAN promotes and protects the interests of its member countries, but it is also a leading international organization working to promote peace and security in Southeast Asia. It is an institution in charge of our region's political, economic, and military concerns. This has boosted diplomatic relations between neighboring countries while also improving relations with all other foreign companies. With ASEAN membership now at ten countries and more aspiring to join, there are numerous reasons to believe that this organization is beneficial to the region's economies. Analyzing the reasons for the formation of ASEAN would help us understand why they were formed. It is a great move for governments and economies to have this common organization regardless of political tendencies and economic changes, but what if it was never established? Without ASEAN, I believe that South East Asia would have seen less development because there would be no organization for them to collaborate on common goals or share resources. If it did not exist, Southeast Asian countries would have to negotiate their own trade deals with one another. Many Asian countries may not have cultural exposure to other countries though if ASEAN does not exist. We also wouldn’t experience greater tolerance and understanding. There would have been no forum for Southeast Asian nations to come together and discuss issues of mutual interest, such as trade, security, or economic development, if ASEAN did not exist. There would also have been an increased risk of conflict between Southeast Asian nations. If this organization did not exist, the Philippines would be an independent country with a significant lack of protection from countries desiring to colonize our country. I believe that the allies we now have benefit our country by increasing the power of our government. ASEAN has helped shape Southeast Asia into what it is today: a place where people from different countries can travel easily, engage economically and culturally with one another, and share a sense of regional identity. Aside from economic benefits, ASEAN provides a platform for social, cultural, and other activities that foster friendship and understanding among Southeast Asians. It's difficult to say what would have happened if ASEAN had not been formed, but I imagine Southeast Asia would look very different today.

FUTURE OF ASEAN? How do you think the ASEAN Way would cultivate the future of ASEAN? The Association of Southeast Asian Nations was founded in 1967 by five countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The organization's objectives were to boost regional economic growth, social progress, and cultural development, as well as promote regional peace and stability and maintain close coordination with other international organizations with similar purposes. According to the ASEAN Declaration, the organization's mission is to \"advance regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership, therefore contributing to regional peace, growth, and prosperity.\" Nonetheless, the ASEAN Way is well-known among the general population. To achieve a lot in terms of building a community and bringing people together, ASEAN Way must play a role in prioritizing balance across the entire region to benefit its members, which is essential for ASEAN's future. So far, ASEAN has done an excellent job of developing the region's future. They have advocated for strong community ties and trade, both of which are vital to success. To achieve mutually beneficial outcomes, this cooperation necessitates consensus, flexibility, and the ability to accommodate each other's interests. It's a means for all of ASEAN's countries to collaborate in order to benefit themselves and each other. This strategy has also fostered a sense of trust among member nations, implying that there is always room for compromise when we differ. For example, when Malaysia experienced economic hardship due to low oil prices in 2015, they sought assistance from other members for example, Singapore and Indonesia. Singapore provided them with low-interest loans while Indonesia provided financial assistance through its budget surplus funds. This allowed them to not only recover quickly but also increased trade activity between members by contributing to the strengthening of our economies. I think, building more infrastructure projects together, such as trains or motorways connecting ASEAN countries, is one way we can enhance our ties even more. This would inspire greater cooperation between them.

The main advantage of ASEAN Communication is its growing culture. It gives the region a sense of common purpose and identity. But it is the ASEAN Communication Culture's ability to be flexible, to adjust and adapt without losing sight of its essential values which is its greatest advantage. ASEAN Communication Culture has several positive characteristics, such as its emphasis on collaboration. ASEAN Communication Culture is dedicated to promoting a good, respectful, and open-minded environment. It promotes being courteous and understanding when speaking without ever compromising the quality of values in the work. ASEAN Communication Culture, in my opinion, is a critical component of our communication. It conveys the idea that by better knowing each other's cultures, people from other countries may communicate effectively with one another. However, one cultural value or aspect that I would like to change is the idea of overly 'politeness,' or even the unwillingness to disagree or express other perspectives on specific matters for fear of having their character or reputation compromised. While this can aid in the avoidance of conflict and the sustainability of several interpersonal connections, it can also result in ineffective communication with people outside the organization who may not be aware of the cultural context. It would benefit both the community and people like me who are trying to get ahead if we could change this aspect in our civilized society. We would be able to communicate more openly and clearly. In the same way that we must present ourselves positively in job interviews and other settings, we must present ourselves positively in this situation. Furthermore, we must recognize that not all regions will approach challenges in the same way or respond in the same way. We will all be able to appreciate the importance of communication in each of our lives as a result of this. ASEAN COMMUNICATION CULTURE'S FINEST ASSET The ASEAN Communication Culture is having a significant impact on worldwide communication.

How a development communicator can help a community realize its full potential? What role does English play in your efforts to attain personal and organizational goals? A development communicator's role is to If someone has to interact with assist a community reach its maximum a community that does not speak potential by fostering constructive English fluently, they could utilize signs connections, encouraging positive or graphics instead, so that everyone communication, and serving as a link can understand what is being between community members and their discussed. surroundings. Communication, in its most basic form, is the process of Meanwhile, English has provided passing information from one person or me with a valuable instrument to assist group to another. It is my responsibility in achieving my personal and as a development communicator to organizational objectives. Since ensure that the communication process English is one of the most frequently is efficient and effective so that everyone spoken and understood languages in may reach their goals. In the process of the world, it plays a significant role in transmitting information, though, you communication. It's a language that can't just focus on one side of the everyone can learn, regardless of equation. It takes to consider how the where they are in the world. As a result, people on the other side are going to it's a common language to engage with react and make sure they're ready to people, whether they're from another receive what you're saying. If they aren't country or just down the street. prepared for what you're sending them or Through scrolling on social media, the aren't able to understand what you're medium employed on various saying, then your message won't sink in— platforms is frequently in English. Our and nothing will be achieved. thesis is written in English. When I need to send an email, I should do so in As a development communicator, I must English. Everywhere I go has signs and examine all of the numerous ways symbols that are translated into individuals communicate and use those English. From there, I would say that approaches to communicate with them English is the backbone of both my in a way that they will comprehend. personal and professional life.

How can good intercultural skills help you in your future? Intercultural skills are crucial in today's global world. Going anywhere will be needed to deal with people from very different cultures. It is critical that we understand how to deal with them in a courteous and aware manner. When it comes to connecting with other groups or even different nations throughout the world, those with high intercultural abilities have an edge. As communication majors, we have an advantage in dealing with people who have less experience dealing with other cultures because we have ways and practices to grasp them. The disadvantage is when the person or community with whom you are communicating is not interested in understanding your points and views. As a student of Development Communication, I spend pretty much time communicating with other people, whether that's two-way communication in the form of discussions or just reading and writing. In the real world, we do all this too, but it's much harder because it's mostly the case that we're either adjusting to speak in a different language or sharing a different culture. Communicating with others is an essential part of life and especially important in our professional lives. Good intercultural skills allow us to communicate with people. If I can communicate well with people with different cultures and beliefs, I may be able to understand and respect them more easily and be more comfortable around them. I will be able to make more friends and enjoy the diversity more freely. Even though we have no interest in general culture, we should consider it as the key to understand people. Although the goal of intercultural communication may appear simple, we are all aware of how challenging it may be. It is much easier stated than done. But the most essential thing to remember is that it is something you should provide to the rest of the world. In this way, talking with individuals from other cultures is universal—and well worth the effort.

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