Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program & Exercises All you need to know about Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program and the Back Pain Relief 4 Life exercises, the solution that relieves years of upper and lower back pain, forcing your body to naturally “rebalance” itself. Click here to download Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program & Exercises Back Pain Relief 4 Life is an alternative approach to treating pain that is immensely more successful (and cheaper) than the radical conventional procedures. From lawyers, doctors and dentists to busy executives to people in the trades and service industries to the military, people from all walks of life have benefited from this groundbreaking program. 1
As you can read in many reviews of the Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program and the Back Pain Relief 4 Life exercises, Ian Hart's method can… ● Relieve Your Pain ● Restore Muscle Balance and Flexibility ● Increase Blood Flow, Oxygen and Nutrients to the Spine ● All In Less Than 20 Minutes What is the Secret That Makes The Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF + Video Program So Effective? The secret is the unique combination of 8 x 2-minute movements, which you’ve probably never seen before. This isn’t yoga. This isn’t Pilates. This isn’t even “exercise.” These 8 simple movements systematically address specific muscle imbalances — the real cause of your back pain. 2
And all you need is a place to lie down, a firm pillow or towel to put under your head, and a chair. That’s it. So that means you can do this just about anywhere. At home, in the office or even in a hotel room when you travel. And the best part is a complete session takes no more than 20 minutes. It easily fits into your schedule. In the time it takes to drive to your chiropractor, massage therapist or doctor’s office, you can be experiencing true pain relief–healing your back from perhaps decades of injury. As you can read in many reviews, with the Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF + Video program, you won’t need a PhD in anatomy to get results. You don’t have to read a huge book, take a class, do a self-assessment or take any kind of muscular imbalance test before you get started. All you need is the desire to end your pain, 8 simple movements, 16 minutes and the ability to follow easy directions… ● Movement #1: Begins activating imbalanced muscles, preparing them for relief… ● Movement #2: “Wakes up” dormant hip muscles and continues activating imbalanced muscles… ● Movement #3: Now that your body is prepared, you feel an initial wave of relief wash over you as Movement #3 starts releasing your pain… ● Movement #4: Continues flooding your lower back with newfound blood, oxygen and nutrients–you feel oddly energized… ● Movement #5: Decompresses the lower back–clients often visibly exhale as years of pent up tension is released… 3
● Movement #6: Aligns the whole body, restoring muscle balance along the entire spine in addition to your lower back… ● Movement #7: Finishes stabilizing your spine, back, and hips in their natural, pain-free positions… ● Movement #8: Gently compresses the spine to flush old blood out of your discs, then pull in new blood for even more healing, pain relief and recovery. (Clients faces soften and a smile crosses their lips as Movement #8 “locks in” healing)… Click here to download Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program & Exercises \"It feels like someone got in there and oiled my joints… I have absolutely no pain now.\" Dee After using the Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF + Video program, you notice more flexibility, relaxed yet strong muscles and a distinct absence of pain. But that’s not all… Beneficial “Side Effects” You Must Be Aware Of… As you can read in any Back Pain Relief 4 Life review, when putting Ian Hart's program to work to relieve your back pain, you’ll also experience… ● Stronger abs and a stronger core enhancing your balance and stability ● Improved posture completely transforming how you’re received by others ● Walking taller, say goodbye to walking around hunched over like most people do ● Increased blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to all areas of your body. You’re less sore and experience fewer aches and pains. (Many people 4
in pain are suffering from restricted blood and nutrient flow, impairing the body’s ability to repair itself)… The Complete Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF + Video Program Includes: Component #1: The Back Pain Relief 4 Life CORE TRAINING VIDEO In this 28-minute online video, you’ll discover the unique sequence of 8 movements that are the foundation of your back pain relief. The movements are simple and can be done anywhere and at any time. All you need is a place to lie down, a small pillow or towel to put under your head, and a chair. You’ll also get the complete sequence, with easy to follow diagrams. So you can print them and take them wherever you go. 5
Remember, you don’t have to become a back expert or do any studying of any kind to benefit from this program. All you need to do is watch the short video and follow along. Prepare to be excited. It’s common for customers to experience complete relief (like I did) during the very first session. Component #2: 9 Targeted Coaching Video Sessions For Back Pain Relief Some people want more data, more information. They’re intrigued this method changed their life and is so effective. Click here to download Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program & Exercises That’s why we’ve we’ve developed 9 short coaching videos to give you even more insight into how the program works as well as give you additional tips for getting the most out of each session of the Back Pain Relief 4 Life Program. You’ll quickly appreciate why your back magically starts to respond and feel better as you ease into the first movement. Component #3: One-On-One Coaching I want to do one more thing for you that could make all the difference. Download your copy of the Back Pain Relief 4 Life Program and you’ll also receive unlimited email access to me and my support team. If we can’t help you that way, we’ll pick up the phone, give you a call, and you can speak to myself or one of my back pain coaches. 6
During your private consult, we’ll answer any questions you have, address any major issues with your back pain and help you tailor the movements to your unique situation. Please contact us. I sincerely encourage it. It’s not an imposition at all. Throughout our growth, we’ve remained accessible to customers. In my experience, customers are thrilled to be able to speak to someone real. Someone who, more likely than not, has gone through an experience similar to yours. We’re happy to do it as part of our mission to end the suffering of so many people living in pain. As you can read in any Back Pain Relief 4 Life review, Ian Hart's program is not focused on just temporary relief. The Complete Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF + Video Program is focused on addressing the true cause of your back pain so you don’t have to spend the rest of your life treating it. By following the simple online videos that walk you through the unique sequence of 8 body movements, you will finally be on the path to ending your back pain forever. \"... I want to get this program into the hands of as many people who are suffering with debilitating back pain as possible. I want to make this program super-affordable. From my perspective, putting a price on your pain isn’t something you should be forced to do…\" That said, when you consider the price of… Over-the-counter and dangerous prescription medications… 7
● Doctor, massage, chiropractic and acupuncture visits… ● Belts, patches and other devices designed to relieve pain ● Invasive surgery… ● Corticosteroid injections… ● Time off work… ● … over time the costs add up. But then there’s the most important price factor of all to consider… Your peace of mind: ● Being able to sleep comfortably through the night. ● Being able to tend to your garden. ● Being able to do your job and function at work. ● Being able to pick up your grandkids. ● Being active in sports again. Download the Back Pain Relief 4 Life program and get instant access... Click here to download Back Pain Relief 4 Life PDF Program & Exercises 8
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