0 Our team i made up of avid rug plaer, and a an apiring portpeople ould, e anted to improve our performance - no one like loing! Rug i a high intenit, impact-filled port. It require endurance, focu, poer, reilience and everthing ineteen. It i a unique port, ith unique requirement. Gameda Nutrition a founded on the idea that ever port hould have a pecific, tailored range of upplement. A rug plaer ha different need than a cricketer or a immer, right? We thought o too, ut e couldn’t find anthing made jut for rug plaer. ure, there are generic upplement motl aimed at gm-goer or eightlifter or ‘port’, ut that a the prolem, the eren’t uilt for rug. The often had aic ingredient, mall doe, ith no cience ehind them or too man timulant in them. We a our teamate having energ drink, port drink, pre-orkout and ho kno hat ele efore a game and kne omething had to e done. o, after 2 ear of reearch, graft and hard ork, e have TRY TIM. Deigned to e the firt and ultimate go-to pre match upplement made for rug plaer, rug plaer. We kno hat it take to pla rug, o everthing in TRY TIM i there for a purpoe, acked cience, and in a clinical doage. No filler or nat ingredient. Thi i jut the eginning. We have ig, exciting idea for future product, event, colla and more. We ill have an impact. o, if ou ant to upport Gameda Nutrition, Rug and e our et on gameda, go and get ourelf ome TRY TIM. Trut u. - Gameda Nutrition Team Our Promie acked cience - Ala We have done countle hour of reearch and e ill never ue an ingredient that e don’t think i good enough. verthing in TRY TIM i acked cience, and e ill ala ue onl the mot effective ingredient at the
clinical doage, no matter the cot.
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