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Home Explore Networks Handbook v1

Networks Handbook v1

Published by jon.barratt, 2015-10-21 10:11:52

Description: Networks Handbook v1


Read the Text Version

Event plannerThis event planner shows the typical tasks and deadlines involved in a one-day event and with full involvement from theNetworks team. There’s an alternative version for committees and working parties to use in the Networks Event Guide. Task/activity Ideal planning Not to be started Who is responsible? Complete time later than (tick) Planning – theme, topics, speakers, 4 months Working party (WP) target audience, location of event etc Networks Officer (NO) (take into account other events1 happening, for example another event 12 months on same topic or in some local area. Does it fit within the IOSH Strategy? Complete notification form Branch/group makes initial contact to2 proposed speakers to confirm 12 months 4 months WP availability and willingness to speak at 4 months WP/NO/Networks 4 months Events Organiser (NEO) event WP/NEO 4 months Branch/group to complete draft budget 3 months WP/NEO3 form and submit with notification form 12 months 3 months 10 weeks WP/NEO to NO. Check for IOSH date clashes. 10 weeks WP 6 weeks NEO WP and NEO agree delegate rate based NEO4 on budget supplied, previous delegate 12 months WP/NEO numbers, topics, economic factors etc. Source suitable venue and confirm availability/suitability/capacity of the5 venue and make provisional booking 12 months (take into account terms and conditions, for example minimum numbers)6 Draft programme completed 6 months7 Speaker contacts submitted to NEO 6 months8. Speakers formally invited and speaker 6 months kits sent out Draft copy of programme sent to9 Publishing team with instructions as to 4 months whether it is to be printed or in electronic format Identify appropriate mailing list and 5 months10 send out promotional material (mail, Connect etc)

Event planner11 Chase all speakers for their 3 months 2 weeks NEO presentations NEO Check all presentations for quality 3 months 2 weeks12 control, send to Technical team if help NEO NEO required Networks13 Order catering and AV/display 3 months 2 weeks Administrator (NA) equipment from suppliers NEO/NA NEO/NA14 Cut-off date for receipts of bookings 2 weeks 5 working days NEO/NO and payments from delegates15 Issue booking confirmation and joining 2 working 5 working days instructions days after booking received16 Collate and print delegate pack 2 weeks 3 working days17 Produce badges for delegates 5 working 2 working days and speakers days18 Deliver all equipment, delegate packs, Day before the Day of event badges etc to the venue event19 Event registration Day of event Day of event WP/NEO/NO20 Send thank you letters to speakers After event 2 weeks WP or NEO21 Feedback forms analysed and After event 2 weeks NEO sent to WP22 Actual overall profit/loss notified to WP Post event 2 months NEONB The working party will ideally consist of branch/group committee representatives and an IOSH HQ representative.

Sponsorship policy“Sponsorship is a business The benefits of sponsorship include: Sponsorship in kind In this case, no money actually changesrelationship between a - better service provision to delegates hands but a product or service is - income generation provided free of charge in return forprovider of funds, resources - establishing a relationship with a benefits. This could entail hosting an event (eg providing a facility, room,or services and an individual, particular organisation catering or speaker for an event) or perhaps providing samples, equipmentevent or organisation which - access to a pool of potential new or goods which are an integral part of the event.offers in return rights and members and promotion opportunities You should bear in mind that all formsassociation that may be used of sponsorship could be seen as an - networking. endorsement of the sponsor by IOSH.for commercial advantage in You may need to use a suitable The disadvantages include: disclaimer; we suggest the followingreturn for the sponsorship wording: - the possibility that by acceptinginvestment.” “The Institution of Occupational Safety sponsorship we’re seen to be and Health (IOSH) acknowledges the– BDS Sponsorship endorsing a third-party product or support provided to this event by service name(s) of sponsor(s). It is IOSH policySelling sponsorship and exhibition that no specific goods or services, orspace is a way of increasing revenue - reputational issues the companies offering such goods andand offering delegates more for their - increased pressure on staff services, can by endorsed in any way bymoney. For the companies involved, we IOSH.”can offer them a cost-effective way of organising the event.accessing our members and the chance Sponsorship proposalsto associate themselves with the world’s Sponsoring IOSH Networks and and packagesbiggest health and safety organisation. corporate conferences Many sponsorships come about fromThis revenue should be seen as personal or business contacts. As keyadditional income and should not be Financial sponsorship players in their industry, committeerelied on to ensure that the event In this scenario, an organisation pays members will often have these contactsbreaks even. The aims and programme IOSH a sum of money in return for – this is an ideal start to securing acontent of the event and its financial association and benefit from IOSH and sponsor. By working in partnership withviability must be decided before you our members. Where money is offered, IOSH’s Events and Networks teams, wemake any approaches to sponsors. it can only be accepted if there’s a clear can put together a winning proposal understanding of the arrangement – ie for a successful relationship. BespokeThe aims of the policy are to make sure what the money is going to be used for packages can be produced with IOSH’sthat: (hosting a free event, delegate bags, guidance for any prospective sponsor drinks reception and so on, or on with a range of packages that can be- all IOSH events are of a consistently specific ad hoc projects, either in chosen and tailored to create the right addition to funding from the overall package for any event – like a high quality and project a positive Development Fund or by itself). The pick ‘n’ mix. The specific deliverables image of the organisation quality, relevance and value to members must be realistic and achievable; it’s of the sponsorship agreement should always best to under-promise and over-- sponsorship of/by IOSH is be a deciding factor in reaching decisions. It’s vital that a representative appropriate and manageable to from the Events team or Networks ensure a successful partnership team is involved in all stages of the process to help with proposals,- all sponsorship arrangements are negotiations and agreements. Please note that as you’re providing a service dealt with and agreed using the in return for payment, sponsorship is same criteria liable to VAT (for UK events).- the responsibilities are set out appropriately.

Sponsorship policydeliver. Any proposals you put together - Sponsor’s logo and accreditation on Sponsorship agreementsshould be approved by your Events or Before entering into an agreement, beNetworks representative before you project resources, delegate pack, confident that you can answer Yes tosend them out. programme, CD and so on the following questions about the potential sponsor organisation:For IOSH corporate events, the Events - Sponsor banner in a number ofteam will work with the working party - Do they complement IOSH’sto introduce potential sponsors to the locations at the eventEvents Manager and help to implement corporate aims?sponsorship packages. Corporate - Two free event placesevents are those which: - Exhibition space - Are they someone we want to be- last for a full day or multiple days Silver package associated with?- have multiple speakers and sessions- have multiple ticket and charging - Sponsor credited on IOSH website - Are they reputable and in good - Sponsor’s logo and accreditation on options standing? project resources, delegate pack,- include a gala dinner and/or drinks programme, CD and so on - Is their service or product relevant to reception - Sponsor banner in a number of the theme, programme, or a speaker’s topic?- involve a working party to help with locations at the event Remember, good impressions last and a detailed research for programme. - Two free event places good sponsor will make your event - Exhibition space even more attractive.Putting a value on things is never easybut it’s important not to under-sell the Bronze package To re-iterate, you’ll produce theevent. If an item (delegate packs, places agreement in conjunction with theand so on) has a specific cost for you to - Sponsor’s logo and accreditation on IOSH Events or Networks teams.deliver it or include it as a benefit, Correctly laid out agreements are thecharge it at the same rate – don’t let project resources, delegate pack, key to any partnership as they’ll avoidthe sponsorship cost you money. Typical programme, CD and so on any misunderstandings orsponsorship benefits include: disappointments. An agreement should - Sponsor banner in a number of contain:- naming rights- branding opportunities locations at the event - full details of the parties to the- inserts in the delegate pack- a number of free delegate places - One free event place agreement- providing a speaker - One further place at the IOSH- giving a welcome or closing address - clauses detailing the arrangement,- free exhibition space. members’ rate including:Sponsorship policy packages – - Exhibition spacegeneral guidance - what is agreedOffering a tiered level of packages is a As general guidance, £2,000 is the - the sponsorship amountgood idea for both networks events maximum level of sponsorship forand conferences, as it gives companies Networks events. It would be difficult (including payment information,a range of options and shows a clear to offer a suitable return on the and VAT for UK events) –guide of what they will receive in return investment for the sponsor on amounts alternatively this can be detailedfor their investment. Examples for over this. in a separate schedulenetworks events include: For conferences the same tiered - any breakdown of moneyGold package approach will be used, but more packages are available because the provided- Sponsor branded speaker at event – events are larger. The packages can include: - any additional costs presentation subject to approval - continuation and/or termination - Lead sponsor- Sponsor reference in PR for the - Delegate pack sponsor arrangements - Delegate bag sponsor project or event – sponsor - Gala dinner drinks reception sponsor - caveats recognition in all printed and online - Gala dinner sponsor - legal arrangements (entire communication - Session or track sponsor - Named sponsor agreement, nature of- Sponsor credited on the IOSH - Exhibition sponsor. relationship, assignment, confidentiality, jurisdiction and website law and terms) - timescales - any potential conflicts, eg with other sponsors - schedules, which can include the amount, invoicing terms and so on, and a full list of benefits - space for signing by both parties.

Sponsorship policyThere should be two copies – one for If the proposal seems a good - delegate passes – how many andIOSH and one for the sponsor – and opportunity, contact the Eventsthey should both be originals. You Manager for guidance and support in what’s included (eg catering)must have agreement from your Events delivering the sponsorship. Ideally, theor Networks representative before event should have been recommended - stand passes – how many andformally entering into any agreement (and attended) by a reliable source, or itand any agreement should have the should be organised by a partner what’s includedsignature of an IOSH Networks organisation, such as the HSE.Manager or IOSH Events Manager. - accommodationYou’ll need to get the company’s VAT If IOSH’s sponsorship of the event is - delegate dataregistration number for invoicing for seen as appropriate in principle, the - specific sponsored items – eg menu,events held in the UK. exact package should be discussed, agreed and confirmed in writing. delegate bags, catering area,IOSH sponsorship of external events lanyards, event catalogueIf you are approached by an external Consider the following points:organisation seeking to get IOSH to - deadlinessupport or co-sponsor an event, you Exhibition - package costs.should consider the following points: - stand dimensions Speaker sponsor- When and where is it? (Check for - stand type (shell scheme, fascia, - speaker expenses and fee diary clashes) space only) - accommodation and travel - length of talk- Who is it organised by and do we - furniture - topic and guidelines - electricity - detailed briefing and rehearsal want to be associated with them? - (secure) internet access - logo usage - stand passes (how many) and what’s - dress code- Is it an exhibition or sponsorship - deadlines included (eg catering) - delegate data. opportunity? - advertising, logo usage, copy for IOSH won’t normally sponsor- Who are the delegates, speakers, an event if: website and event brochure exhibitors and other sponsors? (Ask - it’s organised by a commercial for a list) - guidelines for setting up and taking organisation- Who is the target audience? down- How many visitors or delegates has - it’s in direct competition with an - accommodation the event attracted in the past? - visitor data IOSH service, product or event - insurance- What is the programme? - package cost. - it’s of no benefit to IOSH or its- How long has the event been Sponsorship or support members running? - sponsorship text details (eg number - there’s insufficient money or other- What are the aims of the event?- How will it benefit IOSH? (eg brand of words) resources awareness, membership recruitment, - logo usage - the lead time is unrealistic media coverage, thought leadership) - kinds of promotion (brochure, - IOSH could be seen to be endorsing- What are the costs involved and website, event catalogue) a particular company or product. how do they affect the budget? International events seeking sponsorship from IOSH may have very different criteria or conditions associated with them. These will be considered on their merits by the Events Manager in conjunction with the International Manager.

Exhibition policySelling exhibition space Exhibition space at corporate events costs more because of the additionalalongside an event creates an marketing and promotion involved in this type of high-profile conference.income opportunity but can The precise cost will depend on the event and industry. Corporate eventsalso add benefit to the event are managed by the Corporate Events team and:in terms of networking. - last for a full day or multiple daysWhen approaching potential exhibitors, - have multiple speakers and sessionsIOSH has to make sure that the - have multiple ticket and chargingexhibiting organisation is relevant tothe topic or theme of the event, the optionsaudience, IOSH and/or health andsafety, and isn’t there solely to sell a - include a gala dinner and/or drinkscommercial product. receptionYou need to tell potential exhibitorshow many delegates you’re expecting - involve a working party to help withat the event and send them anexhibitor form to complete and return detailed research for programme.with payment. You can offer free exhibition spaceAll paying exhibitors will be charged a where appropriate, eg to speakers,flat rate per day for Networks events. other charitable bodies or to IOSH’sThis fee includes two free places strategic partners, such as the HSE.(including catering and a delegate This can be decided on an ad hoc basispack). This is a reasonable fee which – check with your manager if you’rewon’t put off potential exhibitors, unsure.whose presence may enhance theevent and the delegates’ experience. Always use exhibition space bookingThe fee should be increased if the cost forms to gather information fromof a delegate daily rate, catering and exhibitors, including those receivingdelegate pack exceeds £100 – this free space. Add all exhibitors attendingneeds to be agreed on a case by case the event to the booking system andbasis. raise an invoice for their total exhibition space.

Related eventsRelated events can be spiltinto three types.1. Events run by external This page will list all events the branch Who will manage this processorganisations or group feels are of interest to their The Networks and InternationalThese are events that are run members. If there aren’t any events, department will be responsible for anycompletely independently from IOSH this page will be hidden. The plug-in events of interest to a branch or group.and we promote them because we feel on the right of the page (circled above) All other related events will be put onthey would add benefit to the whole of will be added to the branch/group by the Events team in theIOSH or a particular network. We homepage, advertising the ‘Other Communications department. Thenormally ask that the external events of interest’ page. Events Manager will review all relatedorganisers promote one or more of our events that would benefit their The ‘Other events of interest’ page cancustomers or members in return. also be linked to in Connect.How the event will be promoted Examples of this type of eventThis type of event will be added to ourevents list as a related event and will - Other association events, eg CBIappear on the calendar of events as a - Other key stakeholders’ events, egdiary listing only. For more information,the user needs to click on the event RoSPA or HSEname in the search results, which willtake them to the external webpage. - Other charities, eg BRAKEThe web link to the event and fullevent details, including venue address,must be provided.If a branch or group would like tohighlight these events to their membersmore directly, they can add a page likethe example above to their microsite.

Related events2. Events supported by an IOSHbranch or groupIf a branch or group is associated withan event in a tangible way (eg byproviding a speaker or chair for theevent), we should promote IOSH assupporting the event.How the event will be promoted Examples of this type of event Who will manage this process?Again, this type of event will be added The Hazardous Industries Group The Networks and International team:to our events list as a related event and supports the ABB technical lunchtime the Networks e-Communicationswill appear on the calendar of events as sessions throughout the year, and these Assistant will be responsible for addinga diary listing only. For more are promoted as above. If each event them to the website. To be able to getinformation, the user needs to click on wasn’t hyperlinked and a generic link the event promoted, the Networksa link which will take them to the was included, this would take the user Officer will need to complete a formexternal webpage. The web link to the to ABB’s main events/courses page, with the Chair or Web Champion ofevent and full event details, including which also promotes all of their the branch or group, to make sure it’svenue address, must be provided. commercial training. the right type of event and to obtainHowever, the particular branch or the necessary information to promotegroup that is supporting the event in the event.some capacity can promote it further bycreating a news story on theirwebpages and adding it to their list ofevents of interest.To promote this in Connect andConnect diary, the branch or group willneed to publicise the event through amember news story on their microsite.Have a look at the example opposite.If the branch or group is promoting aseries of events, each event should behyperlinked to the external webpagecovering that event and not just to thehomepage of the external provider.

Related events3. Partnership eventsPartnership events are run by IOSH inpartnership with an externalorganisation.How the event will be promotedThis type of event can be promoted asa branch or group event. However, allmarketing copy needs to make it clearthat it’s a partnership event. If bookingsare being managed by the partner, thenthe event information needs to make itclear that IOSH isn’t managing thisprocess and that the terms andconditions for booking are decided bythe partner organisation.Who will manage this process?The Networks and International team:the Networks e-CommunicationsAssistant is responsible for adding themto the website. To be able to get theevent promoted, the Networks Officerwill need to complete a form with theChair or Web Champion of the branchor group, to make sure it’s the righttype of event and to obtain thenecessary information to promote theevent.

Promoting your eventto IOSH membersYour branch or group website - Event type – select one from the For events we’re involved in, we’llYour event will need to have a page change the wording to read ‘Laston your branch or group microsite. drop-down box chance to book’ on the final editionOur e-Comms team can help if your before your event, to stimulate last-web champion isn’t familiar with the - Event start – select your date using minute bookings.process. the calendar function and provide a Also think about cross-promoting yourThere are event template pages set up start time (24-hour) event to other branches or relevantfor each branch/group so you only groups – you’ll need permission fromneed to fill in the blanks – or you can - Event end – select your date using the Chairman though!put up as much information as youneed. The sections include: the calendar function and provide SHP an end time (24-hour). SHP is IOSH’s official monthly- Overview – what the event is all magazine, going out to all our You don’t need to fill in the remaining members. Alongside the printed about, timings, content and general three boxes. magazine, there’s the SHP website, information, and an It’s also a good idea to attach the event e-bulletin, SHPlus.- What's in it for me – why people flyer in PDF format for download so delegates can apply – make it as easy As long as the information is available should come to the event, what as possible for them! three months in advance of your event, they’ll learn, any qualification or it will be advertised on the calendar networking opportunities Once you’ve filled out the details, the page of the ‘Interface’ section of the event will be included in the main IOSH magazine.- Who should attend – what type of event listing to make it searchable by any visitor to the IOSH website. It will If your event will interest a wide range people the event is aimed at also pull through to your branch of IOSH members, why not submit a landing page and the IOSH home page proposal for an article about it too?- Speakers – list and provide name, when it reaches ‘top five’ status. And if the event is newsworthy, you position, company, biography Connect and Connect Diary could flag it up for a report. The Connect and Connect Diary are deadline is about the 25th of the- What you need to know – the e-bulletins which go out each Monday month, two months in advance – so 25 to members with an email address. October for the December issue. But it’s essential information for the event: They’re individually tailored to each important to get your ideas in as soon who to contact, where to get member so it’s the best way to as possible for planning. further information, venue regularly reach your prime audience. information. Our e-Comms team submit the links for Your Networks Officer will be glad to publication on the Tuesday before help you engage with SHP.In the ‘metadata’ section, some basic publication.information is required: Essentially, Connect includes a short,- Event title catchy sentence to draw attention to- Organised by – your branch or your event, which links through to the event page on the website. Your NEO group; there’s a drop-down list to can help to keep changing the message select from. You can’t choose a in the build-up to the event to district from this list – if you’re generate interest. Once an event is organising a district event, please included in Connect, it will appear make this clear in the main text every week until the event runs.- Postcode – of the venue. Make sure it’s accurate as this will form a clickable link to Google Maps- Location – enter the full postal address, but don’t include any room names here as it disables the Google link. Include room names in the ‘What you need to know’ section on the main page

Promoting your event to IOSH membersE-shots Social media We want to make more of the picturesWe can offer these in two forms – past The IOSH Networks department now we take at IOSH events, so we’ve setdelegate emails and a reminder email has an in-house e-Communications up a Flickr channel to give a moreto fit in with the Connect schedule. We team to help you make the most of the interesting view of what goes on atuse a programme called Campaign available outlets. events – go toCommander which enables us to opening and click-through We use Twitter to direct people to the If you have any pictures from a previousrates, helping to show their IOSH website, highlight events and event, we can upload them and useeffectiveness. news releases, promote new videos on them to promote the new event. YouTube and generally take part in anyWe only use a reminder email if conversation we think is relevant tobookings aren’t at the expected level, IOSH. Get the latest fromnot as a matter of course. mailing Visit can have your flyer professionally to see our interviews with speakers atprinted and IOSH can mail it direct to events, comments from stakeholdersyour members. We can target this on our campaigns and wider healthapproach to the venue – something like and safety issues, and discussions withall members within one hour’s drive or people who can offer a different pointmaybe group members within a of view.branch. Remember that there will be acost associated for printing, processing Take a look at our profile on LinkedIn,and postage which should be included the budget – your NEO can help. (you’ll need to register to get the full version).

Promoting your eventoutside IOSHPromoting your event outside IOSH If you want to include PR and media AdvertisingWorking or advertising with another relations in your activities, please contact You could take out some paidorganisation is an excellent way to your Networks Officer, who will arrange advertising (remember your budget) inopen up your event to people outside for the Media team to work with you. the local press, but make sure it’s costyour network – this could include effective before committing.commercial companies or Your local radio stations will loveregulatory/government bodies. They anything quirky or topical – you could Helpmay help promote your event to their put forward a panel member or start a IOSH’s Media department will help withmembers or employees by including news campaign and advertise the event the distribution of press releases or anythe details in their newsletter or off the back of it. media contacts, and your NEO can alsohanding out flyers. Remember: you assist with writing any promotionalmay need to have more flyers printed, Media partnerships material. Approaching the media canwhich will effect the budget. Your local The trade press often have ‘What’s on’ be quite intimidating, so we’re moreChamber of Commerce and councils sections which are free to appear in – than happy to take the worry away.are good places to start. or it may be a good idea to approach them about a media partnership, which For more information about what theUsing the IOSH Media team is like an in-kind sponsorship. You Media team can do for you, look at theThe media offer several excellent ways could give them access to the delegates Communicating with your membersto get your message across. However, to promote themselves and section.we need to manage contact with the subscriptions, and they give you a setmedia across the spectrum of IOSH’s amount of coverage in return. Also,activities to make sure that we’re trade press will be interested inpresenting a coherent, professional anything newsworthy from your eventmessage. – maybe your speaker is announcing new data or statistics, or launching aTo make this happen, the IOSH Media new will work with you every step ofthe way to make your event asuccess – make sure you contact thembefore approaching the media yourself.

Adding toIOSH networks Quick linksIOSH’s branch and group If there are already branches close by, - Branch or district check whether those branches have application formnetworks provide member districts which reach out further than the branch name suggests. If you’re running - Stage 1 Groupsbenefits throughout the UK a district and wish to apply to become a application form branch, you should analyse yourand have an international membership carefully and consider what - Stage 2 Groups additional benefit the new branch would application formpresence in five other give be to members, above what’s currently provided. For more information regarding the role,countries. Branches give purpose and regulation of groups, read For more information regarding the role, our guidance on the purpose of IOSHmembers local and regional purpose and regulation of branches, read Networks, Regulation 16 (Groups), our guidance on the purpose of IOSH Constitutional governance andaccess to IOSH activity, while Networks, Regulation 15 (Branches) guidance for group committees and and the Managing branch and group the Managing branch and groupgroups support members who finances section of this handbook. finances section of this handbook.have a sector-specific interest. If you want to apply to establish a new Applying to establish a new group is a branch, you’ll need the backing of 25 two-stage process. Stage one requiresIOSH members belong to both a branch members who are willing to provide their the commitment of five sponsorsand one or more groups, and these support, together with four members (members) who support the applicationnetworks are encouraged to work who are willing to act as committee together with information about thetogether. If you feel there’s a need for an members until the first election takes purpose of the new group and evidenceadditional branch or group within IOSH place. You should submit your that there’s enough demand for it. TheNetworks, please contact the Networks application form to the Networks Networks and International Committeeteam to discuss your ideas. Manager, who will forward it to the will consider the application and decide Networks and International Committee whether it should proceed to stage two.If you’d like to know more about for consideration. Here, you need to provide furtherestablishing a new branch or group, information about the intendedplease read the guidance below. You’ll Establishing a new group operation of the group. Groups work tofind details of how to go about applying Before embarking on setting up a new a Performance Management Systemto set up a new branch or group, what’s group, please have a look at the current (PMS) and must be able to demonstraterequired and what will be expected of list of sector-specific groups at that they’ll be able to meet thesethe new addition to IOSH Networks., which cover a requirements. Contact your Networks wide range of industry and public sector Officer or [email protected] for anRemember, if you have identified a gap, environments. Any new group proposal up-to-date copy of the IOSH Groupsyou may be able to address this by must identify a clear need and be able to PMS, and to discuss your ideas.becoming more involved in existing demonstrate that its aims are specialistnetworks and helping them to develop and beyond those of any existing group. If you’d like to talk to members who’vein other directions. You’ll need to show how you intend to successfully set up new branches and serve the membership and whether groups, we can put you in touch – justEstablishing a new branch or district there’ll be sufficient support to form and contact the Networks and InternationalBefore embarking on setting up a new maintain a full committee to run the team on [email protected] orbranch or district, you’ll need to consider group. [email protected] there will be enough demandfor member activity in that geographicalarea, how you intend to serve themembership, and whether there will besufficient support to form and maintain afull committee to run the branch.

Establishing a newbranch or districtApplication form1 What is the name of the proposed branch or district?2 What geographical area will it cover?3 Which existing branches and/or districts do members currently belong to?4 Where, when and how often do you expect the branch or district to meet?5 Why do you think there’s a need for a new branch or district?6 How many members do you in one year? in five years?expect to have:Normally the minimum sustainable size of a new branch is around 300 members, but in some areasthis figure may be lower. If you expect membership to be less than 300 after one year, please explainthe circumstances and how the branch can be sustained:

Stage one applicationform – Groups1 Sponsors of the application 5 Need for the proposed Group 9 Resources[Name at least 5 sponsors indicating [Indicate why you believe the Group is How likely is it that the proposedwhether they are IOSH members and if needed] Group will meet the Institution’s broadso their membership number and grade aim that SGs will become self sufficientin the first form below] 6 Specialist Group aims after 2 years? (put X in relevant box at [Indicate how the proposed Group the bottom of this page)2 Preferred name matches up to this list of the aims and[State the name by which the proposed objectives of SGs] [support this answer with a list plannedGroup would like to be known] activities which should make major 7 Other aims and benefits contribution to inflow of funds and3 Specialist area(s) [List any additional aims that the major areas of anticipated support[List the specialist areas which the proposed Group would set itself and requirements]proposed Group aims to cover] any additional ways in which it could benefit the Institution and its members] The Group intends to4 Nominee for interim Chairman[State the proposed Group’s nominee. 8 Membership 10 Other commentsIf listed amongst sponsors, name is [Estimate the potential membership in [State any other information, notsufficient, otherwise give the same 1 year and 5 years time and, if possible, covered elsewhere, that you wish toinformation as requested in 1 above] give a rough indication of break down offer in support of your case] into IOSH members and non members]No Name Membership grade Membership number123456very unlikely -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- very likely123456789

Stage two applicationform – Groups1 Background 1.1 1.2 How would industry benefit from the formation of an IOSH Health & Safety 1.3 Group for …? 1.3.1 How could IOSH benefit from the formation of a Health & Safety Group for …?2 How can this proposal assist IOSH with the corporate strategy?34 Interim success against IOSH Corporate strategy:5 Theme6 Objectives table7 Summary Plan8 Impact Budget If this application is agreed and the group will be formalised mid way through the financial year this will be supported by existing Group Development budget. Resources Progress The progress will be matched against detailed objectives agreed by the committee and Group members in line with the PMS. A formal progress meeting will be part of the agenda for each Group committee meeting.

Communicating withyour membersAs a Networks volunteer, you’ll If you need any help, the IOSH Connect diary is an events-only Communications and Networks teams are supplement sent out every second, fourthalready be aware of how ready and waiting. and occasional fifth Monday of the month.important it is to communicate. Your network microsite Every branch and group has its own Items can be pulled from your networkMembers really value the microsite on the IOSH website. Use this to microsite pages to appear in Connect and keep members up to date by: Connect diary.benefits of belonging to a - publishing the latest news relating to You can use Connect to promote:branch and group, and your your branch or group - events organised by your branch orrelationship with them and - conducting online polls groupwhat they get out of their - publicising branch or group events - networking with members on your - an initiative you’re leading in yourmembership depends on the own forums local area or sectorquality of your communication. - celebrating and showcasing events - a call for more volunteers to help yourWhether you’re publicising an event,working to raise your branch or group’s and activity branch or group, or to work on aprofile or trying to increase awareness specific project, or to join yourabout a key health and safety issue, there - publicising articles on key health and committeeare several simple and effective ways toget your message across. safety issues. - a quick single-question poll to find outStronger together Every Networks committee should have a members’ viewsYou’re part of a strong family. The close Web Champion, who’ll get full trainingworking relationship of IOSH staff and and support in making the best use of - a ‘letter from the chair’ style articlevolunteers gives you ample resources for your network microsite, including araising awareness, with the backing of dedicated website of resources, raising a significant issue for yourthe robust IOSH brand. sector.Our logo and brand are important parts Remember that your network microsite Your Web Champion should identify theof our corporate identity and it’s essential provides the face of your branch or group content that your branch or group wouldthat we effectively manage how they’re and is often the first, or only port of call like to link to and send it to yourused. If you’d like to use the IOSH logo when a member is looking for Networks Officer.on publicity for an event or for other information about what you do and thepurposes, please contact the Campaigns benefits they can get. It’s the main vehicleand Publishing team for help in for your communication with yourproducing attractive branded literature members.that meets your needs. Connect and Connect diaryContact your Networks officer or the Connect ( is aIOSH Campaigns and Publishing team at fortnightly e-bulletin tailored to [email protected] for information about branch or group. It’s delivered into yourhow to make sure your materials are on members’ inboxes on the first and thirdbrand. Monday of every month, with news and events relating directly to your branch or group, as well as feature articles and legal tips.

Communicating with your membersIn the mix - invite journalists to your event Campaigns and lobbyingNo form of communication achieves 100 - provide information for reports about Campaigns and lobbying are a great wayper cent awareness or response. Most of to get our voice heard.our successful events, for example, use the project or event.more than one of the following: We support a number of international All media communication should be run initiatives and raise awareness by working- website by the IOSH Media team in the first with the media and stakeholders,- email/Connect/Connect diary instance. Your Networks Officer can help presenting at conferences, exhibitions and- SHP with this. other events, and sharing information- advertising through professional networks- partnership marketing agreements News releases worldwide. The IOSH Media team can write news with other non-commercial releases for you and send them out on We also take part in lobbying activities. organisations your behalf to several publications. You Our lobbying team targets politicians of need to give us plenty of notice so we all parties on key issues. We engage them- e-shots – such as ‘last chance to can get the release out in good time. through one-to-one meetings, hosting events, activities at party conferences and book’ promotions If you’d like us to send out a news specialist briefings. release, please contact your Networks- direct mailing Officer, who’ll put you in touch with the If you want to engage with politicians- social media – Twitter, YouTube and Media team. and legislators where you are, please contact your Networks Officer, who will Facebook. Working with the media put you in touch with the IOSH Policy and The IOSH Media team is here to support Technical team.Your Web champion will organise you if you’re interested in working withcontent for your network microsite and the media.Connect. If you speak to the media as an IOSHIf you’d like to use any of the other member, you represent the Institution aschannels listed here, please contact your a whole. This means that if you’reNetworks Officer, who’ll help with the considering speaking to the media at anyprocess and make sure it adheres to point, you must:brand guidelines and data protectionrules. - take part in our media training first.Communicating with the public The IOSH Media team will organise aLetting people outside IOSH know about training sessionyour branch or group’s activities helps toraise awareness of health and safety - get the approval of the IOSH Mediaissues and build IOSH’s profile as athought leader. team each time you want to act as a spokesperson.The IOSH Media team will providesupport and guidance for all your media If you want to include PR and mediaactivities. For example, you might want relations in your activities, please contactto: your Networks Officer, who will arrange for the Media team to work with you.- provide information for news releases or features to promote your project or event

Same directionnew focusStrategy 2008–2012: headlines

Our vision and mission“A world of work which is safe, healthy and As a leading international health and safety body,sustainable” IOSH is working to: - make sure that people are at the heart of safety and health - be the definitive voice for health and safety at work - advance high professional standards - champion pragmatic risk management, based on professional advice - sponsor research and share knowledge - support its members as leaders in safety and health in their communities and workplaces - promote the benefits of good workplace health and safety

Our strategy: how are we doing?In October 2005, we established six strategic programme that’s already showing results – we’re currently focusing on health issues, including our call topriorities for 2006 to 2010: change the ‘benefits in kind’ tax rules on services such as- Increase membership physiotherapy to help people return to work more quickly- Raise IOSH’s profile and influence after an illness or accident.- Become a truly international organisation- Become the occupational safety and health Highlights thought leader - The Work and Pensions Select Committee has- Grow commercial activities recommended that the UK government should work- Improve efficiency with IOSH to introduce “recognised accreditation for health and safety consultants and advisers” – regulationSo, how have we measured up against the targets we set? of the profession is one of the key targets of our Get the Best campaignIncrease membershipWhen we developed our strategy in 2005, we had 28,000 - Over 2,000 teachers and trainers have registered to usemembers. Today, we have 33,000. the free training we developed to help prepare studentsHighlights for work – the pack was developed as part of Putting Young Workers First- We now have 13,000 Chartered Safety and Health - National Director for Health and Work, Professor Dame Practitioners Carol Black, has called for health and safety professionals- 11 per cent of our members are based outside the UK to have a stronger role in health at work issues – getting- We’ve developed a comprehensive Initial Professional members more involved is a significant component of Back to Health, Back to Work Development scheme for our Graduate members to help them achieve Chartered status - Our sponsorship of the World Conker Championships in- 19,000 members have now committed to our revised 2007 gave us the opportunity to practise what we preach – our Stop Taking the Myth! campaign is all Continuing Professional Development programme, to about tackling real risks, not stopping things in the name keep their knowledge and skills up to date of ‘elf ‘n’ safety’Raise IOSH’s profile and influence - We were pleased to see important changes we’d lobbiedThis area of activity has seen exponential growth. We’recurrently running four major campaigns: Get the Best, on for included in the Corporate Manslaughter andraising health and safety standards, Putting Young Corporate Homicide Act, introduced in 2008Workers First, on safety for working teenagers, Back toHealth, Back to Work, on rehabilitation, and Stop Taking - Media coverage in the last two years has more thanthe Myth!, which challenges bans blamed on ‘health andsafety’. Our lobbying work has gone from strength to doubled. National media coverage has been a significantstrength too, with an active UK political engagement achievement – our sponsorship of the Conker Championships generated 16 national print and 27 broadcast pieces, and this emphasis has continued with high profile positioning including the BBC Chris Evans show and national press 01

Become a truly international organisation Become the occupational safety and healthSuccess has been on a number of different thought leaderlevels on the This is a critical building block for our strategy,Highlights and feeds into our work across the board.- We gained international NGO status from the ILO Highlights- We’ve been pivotal in the development of the new - We’ve set up a £3 million Research and Development European Occupational Safety and Health Manager certification standard, due to be launched later in 2008 Fund to lead debate and inspire innovation – 10 projects have been commissioned so far. We’ve already published- We’ve added the Middle East and Isle of Man to our two research reports on the impact of expert health and safety advice and management international branch network, and appointed a development manager in Ireland - A series of new initiatives have benefited from our- We’ve developed greater regional influence in the Middle development funding, including the Occupational Health Toolkit, Workplace Hazard Awareness Course and the East through the new branch and Intersec event in Dubai Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre- Our initiative to build relationships with and offer - We’re leading the way in sharing research with the support to new EU accession countries has resulted in unique online OSH Research Database meetings with the governments in Romania and Latvia, a seminar in Malta, a study visit to the UK by Czech labour - In our contribution to the new Institute of officials, and meetings with key officials from Slovenia and Croatia Directors/Health and Safety Commission guidance for directors, we set out our position on getting the best- We were invited to comment on the EU strategy on health and safety performance, founded on strong leadership, involvement of the whole workforce and occupational safety and health 2007–12, to help expert advice from health and safety professionals - We’ve given our views to the Work and Pensions Select Committee, the Better Regulation Executive, the ICL Inquiry, the Sentencing Advisory Panel and the review by the Department of Health and the Department for Work and Pensions of the health of Britain’s working age population - We’ve published guidance outlining our case for jargon-free ‘real world’ safety for members of the UK, Scottish and Irish parliaments - IOSH is currently represented on nearly 40 external committees focusing on health and safety and allied areas02

Grow commercial activitiesThis is a win-win for IOSH. Developing our training business notonly means that good health and safety management messagesreach ever bigger audiences, but also delivers Improve efficiencythe income we need to underpin member As a charity and membership body it’s goodservices and support our campaign work. practice to make sure that we’re making theHighlights best use of our time and resources.- Income from our IOSH Services subsidiary has increased We’ve restructured our group network, and are now working on a review of our branch network – we want to from £3 million to £4.4 million in the past two years make sure that the significant time and effort put in by our volunteer members is used to best effect. Another- We’ve launched a market-leading new Managing Safely significant way we’ve achieved greater efficiency in the last couple of years is to introduce a new information system to training pack help us manage our operations.- Corporate clients including Compass and Accenture now Highlights work with us to train their teams - Members’ records are now held securely online, so- Around 100,000 people are trained by our accredited contact information can be updated quickly and easily trainers each year - this not only means that members can look at and- In 2008, IOSH Services will transfer the equivalent of change their records whenever it suits them, it also frees up staff to carry out more support work more than £96 per member to IOSH - We’ve rolled out the online CPD system to all members who need to keep their professional development up to date - New members can join IOSH direct via our website - Members can now pay their subscriptions online - We’ve launched ‘Find a consultant’, an online consultant matching service for clients looking for accredited consultants 03

Our strategy: how are we doing?We have seen some remarkable successes over both in and outside the UK. We also believe that there is substantial benefit in developing links with directors andthe past couple of years, which is why our business bosses through our Affiliate category – these people need to understand and buy in to health andrevised strategy is all about refining and safety, and we can offer them the information and support they need to help make that happen.refocusing the goals we set just over two years Developing internationallyago, not starting with a blank sheet of paper. We will work hard to develop our international profile and membership, building on recent successes. TheIn October 2007 we selected seven priorities, broadly appointment of a development manager in Ireland shouldbased on the 2005 strategy, but with fresh definition: not only enable us to increase our activities there, but also gives us the opportunity to strengthen support for- Raising the profile of health and safety and the members in the country. We’re considering creating a further international ‘focal point’ in Hong Kong, where influence of IOSH we have more than 700 members. We’ll continue with our programme to encourage more universities across the- Increasing membership world to get their degree and diploma courses accredited- Developing internationally for IOSH membership – this spreads good practice and- Leading occupational safety and health thought drives up standards, as well as helping to attract more- Growing financial security in an ethical and international graduates. sustainable way Leading occupational safety and health thought Being recognised as an authoritative and independent- Developing people voice for health and safety is still critical for our work,- Managing the Institution efficiently and effectively which is why we’ll be commissioning a benchmarking survey to test our current status. We have a huge range ofRaising the profile of health and safety expertise to call on from our membership, and are makingand the influence of IOSH the most of this by setting up advisory panels in our 17This priority has become more and more important, and it’s sector groups to provide a pool of members able tovital that we maintain the momentum developed in the last comment on specialist areas. We’ve recently securedfew years. Already UK government ministers look to us for match funding from the Department for Work andadvice and views, and our campaign and media targets have Pensions for a pilot scheme to train health and safetybeen met and, in some cases, exceeded. We’re now getting professionals to tackle specific return-to-work challenges.heavily involved in health issues, seen not just in our work We will continue to commission and publish research on awith the Department for Work and Pensions on range of different issues, both strategic and operational,occupational health and rehabilitation, but in support for as well as backing new initiatives via our R&D Fund.campaigns such as Men’s Health Week. This work has anatural link to heightened status and profile for members.Increasing membershipWe believe that we will continue to attract new membersin the coming years. Chartered status – unique for theoccupational safety and health profession – is attractive04

Growing financial security in an ethical and Working towards IOSH 2012sustainable way Our corporate priorities represent a challenging wayWe can only achieve our goals if we have reliable income forward for IOSH. Our professional body is thriving, butstreams to support our work. This refined priority underlines we need to work hard to make sure that it remains so.the high standards that we work to in our trading activities. Health and safety, and the profession, don’t stand still. WeIt also covers income from subscriptions and investments, will review this strategy every two months, and undertakeand plans to contain costs as far as possible. a more formal revision in 2009–10.Developing people If you have any comments on our strategy, please emailThis new priority reflects the importance of people in all [email protected] we do. ‘Developing people’ spans the staff who workfor IOSH, our members and the people they work with. In contextActivities under this priority will include rolling out the Work to develop our revised strategy took on board:mentoring schemes we’ve already set up, offering more, - New workforce trends, including changingand more varied, opportunities for members to maintaintheir professional development, and extending our links patterns of work and rising numbers ofwith Young Enterprise, the charity that works with schools vulnerable workers in both small and largeto develop business skills for pupils. scale operations - Current UK government policies, including onManaging the Institution efficiently and effectively welfare and the health of the working ageA key component of this priority is the expanding range populationof services delivered online. With the development of a - The emergence of corporate socialnew website, to be launched in 2009, this range will grow responsibility as a focus for larger organisationsfurther. We’re part way through a series of reviews of our - The range of health and safety regulations andbranch and group networks, and will focus next on standards with an international scopereviewing our committee structure. - Increasing uncertainty in the economic climate - Negative attitudes in the UK media and resistance in some sectors to good health and safety, including using ‘health and safety’ as a reason to justify unpopular or badly thought through decisions - Emerging risks, including nanotechnology - The growing expectation that policy and practice in occupational safety and health will be evidence-based 05

IOSH IOSH is the Chartered body for health and safety This document is printed on chlorine-free paper produced from managed, sustained forests.The Grange professionals. With more than 37,000 membersHighfield Drive in 85 countries, we’re the world’s largestWigston professional health and safety organisation.LeicestershireLE18 1NN We set standards, and support, develop andUK connect our members with resources, guidance, events and training. We’re the voice of thet +44 (0)116 257 3100 profession, and campaign on issues that affectf +44 (0)116 257 3101 millions of working IOSH was founded in 1945 and is a registered charity with international NGO status.IOSH Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary NHTS/250610/of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health.Registered in England and Wales (01816826).Registered office: as above.Institution of Occupational Safety and HealthFounded 1945Incorporated by Royal Charter 2003Registered charity 1096790

Code of Conduct

ContentsCode of Conduct 02Additional guidance 08Disciplinary procedure 10Royal Charter 19Byelaws 22 01

Code of ConductGuidance on: IOSH is the world’s biggest body for paragraph 3. If you’re considering health and safety professionals. We making a complaint about an IOSH- ethical issues aim to secure and justify public trust member, you should refer to this- professional conduct and confidence in the work of our definition, as well as paragraph 8.- upholding our reputation members by ensuring high levels of technical competence and professional The status of the Additional guidance conduct. is that a member will be expected to show good reason for departing from Under Byelaw 8, all members are it if a complaint is received about them. required to comply with the Code of Conduct. The document is freely available at The Regulations prescribing how allegations of misconduct can be made and will be handled are contained in the Disciplinary procedure (see pages 10–15). ‘Misconduct’ is defined in02

Code points Guidance on Code points1 Members of the Institution, wherever employed, owe a 1 The term ‘professional independence’ relates to your primary loyalty to the workforce, the community they function within the organisation you advise on health and serve and the environment they affect. Their practice safety. You may have either an advisory or an executive should be performed according to the highest standards role. You may also have other responsibilities not related and ethical principles, maintaining respect for human to health and safety. As a professional, you should be able dignity. Members shall seek to ensure professional to exercise your health and safety function according to independence in the execution of their functions. your independent professional judgment.2 Members must abide by the legal requirements relating to 2 Be aware of the appropriate legal requirements for thetheir practice or operation. territory in which you practise or operate.3 Members called on to give an opinion in their professional 3 An objective and reliable opinion is one based on the best capacity shall be honest and, to the best of their ability, currently available knowledge and data or, if there are no objective and reliable. such data, reference to appropriate health and safety principles. 03

Code points Guidance on Code points4 Members shall take all reasonable steps to obtain, 4 Competence is a combination of knowledge, skills, maintain and develop their professional competence by experience and a recognition of the limits of your attention to new developments in occupational safety and capabilities. Knowledge can be gained or developed by health and shall encourage others working under their studying for qualifications, but a qualification by itself is supervision to do so. They must comply with the not evidence of competence. It must be enhanced by skills Institution’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and knowledge that you develop through experience. We scheme, if required to do so. assess competence during Initial Professional Development for Chartered Members, and Technician Members can provide evidence to demonstrate experience in a health and safety role. However, this assessment only reflects your competence at one specific moment. You should maintain and improve your competence by doing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities throughout your professional career. You should document your CPD through our system. If you believe you’re being asked for advice that’s outside your expertise, you must make this clear and suggest other sources of advice.5 Members shall not undertake responsibilities in relation to health and safety which they do not believe themselves competent to discharge. Members shall acknowledge any limitations in their own competence, and shall not undertake any activities for which they are not appropriately prepared or, where applicable, qualified.04

Code points Guidance on Code points6 Members shall accept professional responsibility for all their work and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons working under their authority or supervision are competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them; are treated with fairness and equal opportunity; and accept responsibility for work done under the authority delegated by them.7 Members having good reason to believe that their professional advice is not followed shall take reasonable steps to ensure that persons overruling or neglecting their advice are formally made aware of potential adverse consequences which may result.8 Members shall have regard to the reputation and good 8 ‘Disrepute’ amounts to the loss of a previously good standing of the Institution, other members, and reputation. It may occur if your conduct – through action professional practice and standards, and shall not either or inaction – lowers the professional reputation of us and directly or indirectly bring them into disrepute. A member our members. may be required to provide the Institution with such information as is reasonably required by it in order to regulate the professional conduct and discipline of its members.9 Members shall not recklessly or maliciously injure, or attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business of another.10 Members shall not behave in a way which may be 10 Inappropriate behaviour includes the use of foul language considered inappropriate to other members or staff of the or acting in an intimidating or threatening way. Institution. 05

Code points Guidance on Code points11 Members shall not improperly use their membership or position within the organisation of the Institution for commercial or personal gain or use or attempt to use qualifications, titles and/or designations to which they are not entitled.12 Members shall seek to avoid their professional judgment 12 Conflict of interest refers to occasions where using being influenced by any conflict of interest and shall professional judgment may lead to problems in securing inform their employer, client, or the Institution of any future or continuing employment or contracts. A simple conflict between the member’s personal interest and example of this type of conflict would be if you recognised service to the relevant party. a dangerous procedure but didn’t recommend a shutdown in case it ultimately led to the closure of the company and13 Members shall not improperly disclose any information your redundancy. Similarly, as a consultant you may be which may reasonably be considered to be prejudicial to aware that your recommendations aren’t being the business of any present or past employer, client or the implemented, but you continue to advise the organisation Institution. so that you don’t lose the income from the contract. A third example is a situation in which you’re invited to be the adviser to both parties in a contract.14 Members shall ensure that information they hold 14 It’s your duty to disclose in an appropriate way any necessary to safeguard the health and safety of those information you have which will influence decisions persons for whom they have a legal and moral relating to people’s health or safety. You must respect the responsibility is made available as required. implications of information technology and data protection requirements.15 Members shall ensure, in holding or handling any information relating to living individuals, that they comply with the data protection principles and notification requirements set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 or equivalent legislation for the country or jurisdiction in which they undertake their duties.06

Code points Guidance on Code points16 Members shall maintain financial propriety in all their 16 You shouldn’t accept or encourage any inducements professional dealings with employers and clients and shall which may be seen as prejudicial to professional ensure that they are covered by professional indemnity independence or being in breach of your contractual or insurance where appropriate. moral obligations. If you work as an independent consultant, you may need to buy professional indemnity insurance. If you’re in full-time employment, you’ll generally be covered by your organisation’s policy. If you’re unsure whether you’re covered, you should find out.17 Members shall not unfairly discriminate in the course of their professional business on the grounds of race, colour, religion or belief, disability, sex, marital status, age, sexual orientation, nationality and ethnic or national origins.18 Members must act within the law and are required to 18 Relevant convictions include those: notify the Institution if they are convicted of any criminal a for which a penalty may be imposed, or offence. A relevant conviction may lead to disciplinary b which constitute an offence of dishonesty, or proceedings against that member. c which call into question your integrity in some other way – for example child abuse, sexual or criminal assault, paedophilia or supply of illegal drugs (this is not an exhaustive list).19 Members must comply with the Institution’s Charter, 19 Byelaw 7 (c) relates to bankruptcy restrictions and Byelaws and Regulations and must notify the Institution if becoming a patient within the provisions of a mental they come within the provisions of Byelaw 7 (c). health act. 07

Additional guidanceAs well as the Code, members with particular Employers As an employer, you must:responsibilities should be guided by the - recognise the right of your professional subordinates tofollowing: exercise their independenceConsultantsIf you’re a consultant, you must maintain a confidential - resolve conflicts through clear, fair proceduresrelationship with your clients that upholds and enhances the - support the professional development of your employeespublic perception of the profession. In particular, you should: - demonstrate impartiality and provide equal opportunities- agree with your client a clear brief, preferably written, for for all employees. consultancy work Researchers If you’re engaged in research, you may have specific ethical- agree working and charging arrangements concerns in the conduct of your work. You should:- agree the scope and manner of reporting, including any - recognise the nature and limits of your research copyright or patent issues that arise from your work, where appropriate competence and not propose or undertake any work you’re not equipped to carry out- not work for more than one client simultaneously on the - recognise and tell sponsors about any relevant personal same case without the express consent of all clients prejudices which may influence your work- not solicit improperly for work by making exaggerated - make sure that any ethical implications identified in your claims or by attacking the reputation of other consultants work are recorded in your written plan for the proposed- in the case of expert witness services, confine your research evidence to matters on which you can speak with authority - where your work affects employees or others, ensure from personal knowledge and experience safeguards exist against physical, mental, emotional and- protect the ‘intellectual rights’ and confidentiality of your social harm to subjects client, and not disclose information to any third party - be responsible for obtaining freely given and informed without the full and explicit written authorisation of the client concerned. consent from individuals who are the subject of any proposed researchIf you’re acting in private practice or independently of salariedemployment, you have the right to stop providing your - be aware that personal health information is confidential,services in the face of a dilemma involving professionalstandards or conscience. and that it requires permission and consent before it can be used in research. This doesn’t apply to anonymised data. You must be aware that the promise of confidentiality and restrictions on data use must be made clear to anyone contracting research and to the subjects of the work.08

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