My name is Eren. I’m 16, one entitled fellow. I follow my own rules and nobody can tell me what to do. I prefer games anytime of the week over school. One day, when searching for something in the attic, I came across old photos of my mom. In those photos, I saw the weirdest signs. I haven’t seen anything quite like them. I was curious. I hurriedly went downstairs and started calling on my mother. I asked her, “Mother, what are these photos?” She answered, “Oh, those! Those are photos from when we experienced one of the worst pandemics in history.” I handed her the photos and slowly she started browsing them one by one. Then out of the blue, she started to share with me what has transpired during the course of the event. Especially for a particular person she knew. Then she began to utter the words …COVID 19. One guy by the name of Reiner who is a self-centered man and did not believe that Covid 19 really do exist. When the news started to spread around the globe, he would just laugh and say to Stop buying fake news and that COVID is just a myth. He never followed protocols during that time and insisted that He will survive this false and formulated virus as what he believed it was. He never wore mask, maintained social distancing, and kept on partying and attending gatherings making himself vulnerable in acquiring the virus. His parents would tell him to obey and follow the precautionary measures imposed for his own safety, but he kept ignoring them. One day He went home, feeling unwell. His parents were so worried that they insisted him to take a Covid Test to ensure that he has not acquired the virus. He just laughed and waved his hand a gesture that He will not buy the thought. Days passed and his illness became worst until finally He was convinced to be tested. When the doctor came in with a fully equipped suit as protection, as He says, you are Covid positive. He cannot believe it was happening to him. He spent countless days in the hospital with too much anxiety, grief and worry that he might not survive. This poor man who was doubting the situation, was now pleading the Lord to help him get through this illness. Until such time that Reiner was finally recovered, he was then discharged to the hospital and thanking God as He embraces this new gift of life. He hurriedly went back home, ensuring that this time he will follow and obey the rules for his own well- being and his family. As he knocks on the door. He looked for his parents to inform them on the good news. However, No one is home, it’s like it was emptied for a long time. Later, One lady came in and spoke to him with much sadness in her eyes. “They’re gone..” He couldn’t utter any single word and was overwhelmed with the thought that this lady brought him.
The lady explained to him, that they were not able to survive the virus as it was contagious enough to infect his parents aswell. Reiner’s body trembled, crying out in remorse realizing what he has done. He knelt and said, “I am sorry Dad and Mom… forgive me…” “It was heartbreaking to tell him about the news by myself” My mom said with tears in her eyes. The Covid 19 pandemic has taken a lot of lives, livelihood, employment, and it was an event that cannot be forgotten. Listening to my mom’s story have made me realized the value and importance of obeying rules. Being stubborn and self-centered will lead you to nowhere. Hence, following what is right will direct you to the right path and eventually guide you to be the best person you can ever be.
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