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Home Explore TCS_BaNCS_Brand Identity and Guidelines_Jan2016

TCS_BaNCS_Brand Identity and Guidelines_Jan2016

Published by Mallappa, 2016-03-02 04:38:52

Description: TCS_BaNCS_Brand Identity and Guidelines_Jan2016


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Brand Book 1

Preface This brand book contains important guidelines that illustrate how to use the various components of our brand across all kinds of communication. They include directions on how to use our visual identity marks, templates, graphic patterns, corporate colors, typefaces, among others. These guidelines are based on the recommendations of our brand consultants, and adhere to the Tata Group and Tata Consultancy Services Identity Guidelines. For further information, please write to: [email protected] 2

Contents 01 Our Brand 15 Imagery Mission Values Graphic Patterns Photographic Patterns People Places 05 Our Logos & Identity 17 Artwork Tata Group Mark Templates TCS Mark Stationery TCS BaNCS Mark Portfolio Usage of logos TCS BaNCS Dialogues logos 13 Visual Language Color Palette Typography 3

The TCS BaNCS BrandOur Mission To design Innovative, Interactive and intuitive solutions through collaborative research and co-innovation. To Win!TATA Values Leading change Integrity Respect for the individual Excellence Learning and sharing 4

Our logos (Logo with tagline)TATA Group Mark 5 For more information on our group logo please refer to the TCS Corporate Identity Guidelines: https://know- TCSFS -sgb/Marketing%20 and%20Communications/ Templates%20and%20Guide- lines/Forms/AllItems.aspxTCS Mark For more information on Our company logo please refer to the TCS Corporate Identity Guidelines: https:// TCSFS-sgb/Marketing%20 and%20Communications/ Templates%20and%20Guide- lines/Forms/AllItems.aspxTCS BaNCS Mark The Greek alpha is used only in the TCS BaNCS logo as an image. When writing the logo in body copy or any other text, the alpha is replaced by an “a”.

TCS BaNCS Logo - UsageOur Logo Identity Clearspace - X X X Safe/ Exclusion Zone X X XWe have embedded an Alpha The dotted line around the mark X X(“a“), representing superior indicates the minimum exclusion zone Xreturns delivered to our into which nothing should intrude.customers, consciously and This zone which measures as much as Xprominently within our brand. the height of the letter T, on all sides,The “a“ signifies: has been designed to ensure that the mark never appears cluttered by Transformation other graphics. A co-innovation network Superior performance AccountabilityIncorrect Application Do not embed the mark in the text Do not use \"a” symbol in the body of the contentNote: The “a“ symbol is exclu- Bh eugait num dolobore X TCS BaNCS solutions are based on Xsive to our logo alone, and is mingvel utem incing elit ad modern technologies. TCS BaNCSnot meant to be used as part modolobore dit core banking solution is a...of written text. Faccum num d Use lower case “a” in the body of the contentThe logo is available as an TCS BaNCS solutions are based onimage in jpeg, eps, AI, cdr modern technologies. TCS BaNCSformats. core banking solution is a... 6

TCS BaNCS Logo - UsageLogo Color Rationale Positive logo formats: These logos are meant to be usedThe preferred color for the against white backgrounds.visual identity is “Tata orTCS BaNCS blue” on a white Reverse logo formats:background. Where Tata These logos are used against darkeror TCS BaNCS blue is not background colors.available, for example, on (When placed against a blue or blacklaser printed documents and background, for instance, the logoblack & white advertisements, showcased on the right will mergeit may appear in black with the said background (without theonly. Where appropriate, it appearance of sitting in a box).may appear in white on abackground of Tata blue.Also refer the color palette forcolor principles. 7

TCS BaNCS Logo - UsageLogo UsageDo not place the Tata grouplogo below the companylogo or TCS BaNCS logo or atthe bottom of the page. It ispreferred to place TCS logoabove However,in some cases it is acceptableto use it otherwise. XX Black & white ads X 8

TCS BaNCS Dialogues Logo - UsageLogo Color Rationale Positive logo formats: DIAL GUES These logos are meant to be usedThe preferred color for the against white backgrounds. DIAL GUESvisual identity is “Tata or DIAL GUESTCS BaNCS blue” on a white Reverse logo formats:background. Where Tata These logos are used against darkeror TCS BaNCS blue is not background colors.available, for example, on (When placed against a blue or blacklaser printed documents and background, for instance, the logoblack & white advertisements, showcased on the right will mergeit may appear in black with the said background (without theonly. Where appropriate, it appearance of sitting in a box).may appear in white on abackground of Tata blue.Also refer the color palette forcolor principles. 9

any place is a banking place TMBrand Identity X X Xany place is a banking place™ Anyplace is a Banking Anyplace is a Banking Place™ Any Place is Banking Placeis the DNA of the TCS BaNCS Place™brand identity. any place is X any place is a banking place™ a banking place™Note: The entire text has toappear in a single line and in the anyplace is a banking placelower case – even when used asa title or in the beginning of asentence. 10

any place is a banking place TM any place is a banking place™Brand Identityany place is a banking place™ any place is a banking place™is the DNA of the TCS BaNCSbrand identity. 11Note: The entire text has toappear in a single line and in thelower case – even when used asa title or in the beginning of asentence.

ComponentsTCS BaNCS We use the TCS BaNCS brand as a standalone entity and do not add suffixes such as:A universal financialservices platform X TCS BaNCS Core Banking X TCS BaNCS Corporate ActionsTCS BaNCS components form a partof this integrated product suite. Correct usage TCS BaNCS for Core Banking TCS BaNCS for Corporate Actions TCS BaNCS for Insurance The Core Banking solution from the TCS BaNCS universal financial services platform or the Core Banking solution from the TCS BaNCS product suite The Corporate Actions module from the TCS BaNCS product suite or the Insurance component of our TCS BaNCS solution 12

Visual IdentityColor palette Primary Colors Pantone Warm Gray 6C C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 80The TCS BaNCS color palette Blue R 187 G 177 B 165uses vibrant colors to a Pantone 2727C Web BBB1A5create a dynamic feel to the C 75 M 40 Y 0 K 0brand. The purpose of the color R 78 G 132 B 196 Blue Yellowpalette is to give a consistent Web 4E84C4 Pantone 297C Pantone 115 Clook and feel to the wide range C 50 M 0 Y 0 K 0 C 0 M 10 Y 100 K 0of applications in use by TCS Secondary Colors R 108 G 207 B 246 R 255 G 221 B 0BaNCS, along with the other Web 6CCFF6 Web FFDD00elements of the visual identity. Pantone Black TCS Green C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 100 Pantone 397C 13Our core and primary color R0G0B0 C 30 M 0 Y 100 K 0palette comprises four colors Web 000000 R 213 G 209 B 14– Tata or TCS BaNCS blue, TCS Web D5D10Eblue, TCS gray, and black. Green YellowThe secondary palette comprises Pantone 361C Pantone 137 Cfive colors -- Tata green, TCS C 70 M 0 Y 100 K 0 C 0 M 35 Y 90 K 0green, Tata red, Tata yellow, and R 84 G 185 B 72 R 251 G 176 B 52TCS yellow. Web 54B948 Web FBB034Note: Any two colors can work Redwell together. However, for all Pantone 032 Cpresentations and technical C 0 M 90 Y 85 K 0documentation, please use R 239 G 65 B 53primary colors. The secondary Web EF4135palette can be used sparingly.

Visual IdentityOur primary typeface Primary fonts - Calibri Secondary fonts - Myriad ProThe primary font for all TCS BaNCS AaBbCcDdEeFf AaBbCcDdEeFfcommunication is Calibri.Myriad Pro and Verdana are the A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T U VWX Y Zsecondary fonts. a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890&$%@?! 1234567890&$%@?! Italic Italic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890&$%@?! 1234567890&$%@?! Bold Bold A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & $%@ ? ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & $%@ ? ! Bold Italic Bold Italic A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K LMN O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k lmn o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & $%@ ? ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & $%@ ? ! 14

ImageryGraphic patternsThe use of our four graphicpatterns plays a major partin building our visual system.Layering the patterns on top ofeach other and placing them indifferent sizes and colors createslimitless graphic possibilities forour marketing communicationand collateral while maintaining aconstant visual identity.Photographic patternsChoose photography that hasinherent visual patterns.Images can be from close-rangephotography shot with a macrolens, as well as images shot fromafar with wideangle lenses, butas long as there is a clear visualpattern. 15

ImageryPeopleWhen images of people arenecessary and appropriate,choose images that convey asense of certainty, confidenceand intelligence. Use of imageswith multicultural identities willreinforce our global status in ourcommunications.PlacesChoose environmental imageswith patterns created by arepetition of similar objects.Environmental images should becropped with ample “quiet” spaceto allow for a pattern overlay,keeping the layers simple andclean. 16

Artwork EPS These files have the extension .eps. They are the most commonly used file formats by visualReproduction and communication professionals.Formats CDR These files have the extension .cdr and are native to CorelDRAW software.Reproduction artworks for thevisual identity are available in the AIMarketing and Communications These files have the extension .ai and are native to Adobe Illustrator software.section of TCS Financial Solutionsin Knowmax. https://knowmax. (All these files are vector graphics – they are capable of effective reproduction at sizes greater than file dimensions. When placed in desktop publishing packages, they have a transparent background.)sgb/Marketing%20and%20Communications/Templates%20and%20Guidelines/Forms/AllItems.aspx They are availablein different file types and formats,depending on the intended use.If the branding is to bereproduced in colors other thanthe Tata blue, the master artworkin black may be used to print.Included are various versionsof the Tata, TCS and TCS BaNCSmarks in spot (pantone) color, inprocess (cmyk) color, and in black. 17

Artwork GIF These files have the extension .gif. They are most commonly used for on-screen work (internet, slide presentation, etc.). JPEG These files have the extension .jpg. They are most commonly used for on-screen work (internet, slide presentation, etc.) or for in-house word processing. TIFF These files have the extension .tif. They are most commonly used for desktop publishing. (The above three files are bitmap graphics – they cannot be used larger than their file dimensions without loss of quality (pixelation). 18

Stationery and Templates Name of Person The core elements of the TCS Company Position BaNCS stationery system include TCS Financial Solutions Business Unit PowerPoint Template, Proposal Address Address Address Address Address Address Document Templates, letterheads, Telephone number Mobile number Fax number business cards, and envelopes. e-mail address These templates are available on the Marketing and TCS Financial Solutions Business Unit Communications section of Address Address Address Address Address Address Knowmax (Templates). 19 sites/TCSFS-sgb/Marketing%20 and%20Communications/Tem- plates%20and%20Guidelines/ Forms/AllItems.aspx TCS Financial Solutions Business Unit Address Address Address Address Address Address Telephone number Fax number e-mail address

Stationery and Templates These templates are available on the Marketing and Communications section of Knowmax (Templates). sites/TCSFS-sgb/Marketing%20 and%20Communications/Tem- plates%20and%20Guidelines/ Forms/AllItems.aspx Please note: The guidelines mentioned in this document have to be followed with care and not deviated from. 20

How it allcomes together 21

Experience certainty Ads These Experience certainty ads are available on the Marketing and Communications section of Knowmax. sites/TCSFS-sgb/Marketing%20 and%20Communications/Low%20 Resolution/Forms/AllItems. aspx?RootFolder =%2fsites%2fTCSFS-sgb%2f Marketing%20and%20 Communications%2fLow%20 Resolution%2fNew%20EC%20 ads&FolderCTID=&View=%7 b28B8F8B0-9C4D-4F63-BA98- CA5BC452F4D1%7d 22

Uncomplicate Ads These Uncomplicate ads are available on the Marketing and Communications section of Knowmax. sites/TCSFS-sgb/Marketing%20 and%20Communications/ TCS%20BaNCS%20Uncompli- cate%20Ads/Forms/AllItems. aspx?View=%7b2FFE924D-6611- 40B6-9615-33770C868046%7d 23

TCS BaNCS Case StudiesThese Case Studies areavailable on the Marketing andCommunications section ofKnowmax. 24

TCS BaNCS NewslettersThese Newsletters areavailable on the Marketing andCommunications section ofKnowmax.Customer Newsletters: 25

TCS BaNCS Reseach JournalThese Research Journals areavailable on the Marketing andCommunications section ofKnowmax.Research Journal: 26

Video TestimonialsThese videos are available on theMarketing and Communicationssection of Knowmax.Customer Testimonial: 27

finterest group logoThese logos are available on the (Preferred)Marketing and Communicationssection of Knowmax. We use the plural form of finterest groups when referring to multiple communities in descriptive text, so also the capitalized form, Finterest Group(s) 28

finterest groupfinterest group website: 29

TCS BaNCS User GroupsThe TCS BaNCS User Groupsare conducted twice a year forCorporate Actions/SecuritiesProcessing Customers and providea platform to:• Share best practices, issues, and industry challenges, relevant to the Corporate Actions space, for the benefit of customers and TCS• To discuss current industry trends and other topics of common interest within the context of corporate actions and the TCS BaNCS product - Collaborate with customers and shape product direction TCS BaNCS Working Groups are held to discuss key enhancements, issues and tips for resolution for the Corporate Actions product. 30

finterest group quarterly e-mailersThese mailers are available on theMarketing and Communicationssection of Knowmax.Finterest Quarterly Mailers: 31

TCS BaNCS Good News Program (GNP) e-mailersThese mailers are available on theMarketing and Communicationssection of Knowmax.TCS BaNCS Good News Program: 32

TCS BaNCS Corporate PresentationTCS BaNCS Corporate presentationis available on the Marketingand Communications section ofKnowmax. 33

TCS BaNCS Press ReleasesThese Press Releases areavailable on the Marketing andCommunications section ofKnowmax. 34

TCS BaNCS Fact SheetThis Fact Sheet is available on theMarketing and Communicationssection of Knowmax. 35

Event - Booth Branding and Communication (SIBOS 2014)This Fact Sheet is available on theMarketing and Communicationssection of Knowmax. 36

All rights reserved.All guidelines and designs created for these documents are the exclusive property of Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) and may not be duplicated, reproduced,republished, uploaded, transmitted, or distributed in any form or means, electronic or mechanical, without prior written permission from TCS. Unauthorized use ofthe content/ information appearing here may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws, and could resultin criminal or civil penalties.© 2016 Tata Consultancy Services Limited. All Rights Reserved 37

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