“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl Sagan
Anything isPOSSIBLEIt’s been said that to make something real, put it on paper.Your biggest ideas; your broadest ambitions…all seem tobecome possible when you see them in print. Shouldn’tyour paper shine as brightly as your aspirations andreflect your best efforts?We think paper can be that important. That’s why we’vedeveloped Boise POLARIS® premium multi-purposepaper—an exceptionally bright and highly versatile officepaper that gives documents a high-quality look and feel.There’s no limit to your imagination when you reach for Easily identifiable, the Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33 in bright nebula IC 434) is a dark nebula in the constellationThe Bright Star in Paper™. Orion. It is located to the south of Alnitak, the star farthest left on Orion’s belt. Roughly 1,500 light-years from Earth and about 3.5 light-years wide, the swirling cloud of dark dust and gases form a shape similar to a horse’s head. The red glow is created by hydrogen gas mostly behind the nebula, ionized by the nearby bright star Sigma Orionis. Thick dust causes the horsehead’s darkness and the lower point of the horsehead’s neck casts a shadow to the left.
I L L U M I N AT Ethe quality and valueOF YOUR WORKBoise POLARIS® paper is a 97 bright sheet capable ofproviding consistent performance and producing high-quality outputs on all types of imaging equipment andhigh-speed production devices. Boise POLARIS® paperis ideal for all general business documents, reports,and proposals where presentation is important.• High brightness to improve contrast of color graphics and printed text• Smooth texture for excellent image reproduction• Robust thickness for a substantial and confident feel• Solidly opaque to improve readability, with minimal show-throughYour work is valuable—make it shine withBoise POLARIS® paper.
NEW FRONTIERSwaiting to beDISCOVEREDWhether you’re preparing presentations for an importantbusiness meeting, detailed reports full of charts and graphsfor an executive review, or critical pamphlets for a keycustomer—whatever your work environment, Boise POLARIS®paper performs with a 99.99% jam-free guarantee.*Available in 20 lb., 24 lb., and 28 lb. basis weights andmultiple size configurations, Boise POLARIS® paper offersa range of options designed to meet the individual printingneeds of corporate offices, data centers, and commercialprint settings.• 20 lb. sheet is ideal for general business documents, reports, and proposals where quality look and feel are important• 24 lb. sheet is optimized for two-sided printing and copying with minimal show-through• 28 lb. sheet is great for proposals and presentations with charts and graphs, reports, and external communicationsWherever your work takes you, brighten your journeywith Boise POLARIS® paper.
Smoothness IMPRESSIVE Opacity Caliper display of superior97 20 170/175 91 4.2 POL-8511 1⁄2 500 10 PERFORMANCE 500 1097 20 170/175 91 4.2 POL-8511-P 1⁄2 500 10 The advanced features of Boise POLARIS® paper ensure 500 5 precise document imaging for professional-quality results.97 20 170/175 91 4.2 POL-8514 1⁄2 • Highly versatile paper designed for all types of office97 20 170/175 91 4.2 POL-1117 and high-speed production equipment97 24 100/110 94 4.45 POL-2411 1⁄2 500 10 • Excellent runnability for jam-free printing and copying97 24 100/110 94 4.45 POL-2417 500 5 • Radiant brightness with a blue-white shade for crisp97 24 100/110 94 4.45 POL-2418 12” x 18” 500 4 text and sharp images97 28 105/110 96 5.15 POL-2811 500 6 1⁄2 • Optimized for two-sided printing and copying, with minimal show-through97 28 105/110 96 5.15 POL-2817 500 4 • Boise POLARIS® 20 lb. is Performance Certified by97 28 105/110 96 5.15 POL-2818 12” x 18” 500 3 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Specifications subject to change • Laser guaranteed The face-on spiral Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101 or NGC 5457) was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781. It is 23 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation and its diameter of 170,000 light-years makes it nearly twice the size of the Milky Way. Discover the glowing performance of Boise POLARIS® paper, light-years ahead of standard multi-purpose copy paper.
I N S P I R AT I O N A L Polaris, a yellow supergiant star roughly 430 light-years from Earth, is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. Better known as the North Star, Polaris can be found by following a line through the two stars that form the end of thefrom a distance, \"bowl\" of the Big Dipper. Also called the Steering Star, Lodestar, and Stella Mars, Polaris has been used throughout the ages to determine latitude and locating the direction of north. The name “North Star” is passed from one star to the nextS U S TA I N A B L E due to the slow but continuous change of the direction of Earth's axis. In 3000 A.D., Gamma Cephei, a star 45 light-years away, is scheduled to become the next North Star as it gets closer to Earth’s northern celestial pole. Polaris will againclose to home reclaim the title of North Star in 26,000 years. Boise POLARIS® paper produces documents that are truly extraordinary, yet it’s grounded in what matters most—environmental sustainability. All Boise POLARIS® products carry a Chain of Custody certification fromthe Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®), ensuring thatthis premium paper is manufactured with fiber fromresponsibly managed forests.Each of our white paper manufacturing facilities has anenvironmental management system that is certified tomeet the ISO 14001 standard by an independent thirdparty. Currently, more than 60% of the energy used inBoise’s paper mills is from renewable biomass sources,and Boise is a member of the EPA Energy Star Program,EPA Climate Leaders and Chicago Climate Exchange.Shining a bright light on sustainability from 430 lightyears away.
Sheets/Carton A BRIGHT IDEA Color in paper handling92 20 SP-9720 1⁄2 2,500 White Imagine the speed and ease of preparing your professional- Specifications subject to change looking documents using the most advanced paper delivery system available. Boise POLARIS® paper is available in SPLOX®, the SPEED LOADING BOX™. Well-suited for high-volume print environments such as commercial printers and corporate in-plant print/data centers, Boise POLARIS® SPLOX® is unique in its ability to efficiently and safely help you manage large production run print jobs. • Excellent runnability—99.99% jam-free* printing and copying for maximum up-time. • SPLOX is easy to open in two quick steps. The paper is accessible from all four sides, with no straps or ream wrap, allowing you to move on to more important tasks. • Paper flows as fast as your digital print jobs with SPLOX. Load 2,500 sheets of Boise POLARIS® paper into a high-capacity printer or copier 3 times faster than traditional ream-wrapped papers. • To reduce waste and increase efficiency, the reclosable SPLOX box is compact and easy to store, reship, or recycle. A clear view of efficiency with the Boise POLARIS® SPLOX paper delivery system.
POWERFULperformance andP R E S E N TAT I O NExciting discoveries await when you believe that anythingis possible. Where will you let Boise POLARIS® paper take you?To begin the journey, call 800.864.2450.For product information, visit www.BoisePOLARIS.com.* Boise POLARIS® will perform jam-free in your high-speed digital equipment at least99.99% of the time. If our paper causes more than one jam in 10,000 sheets in yourhigh-speed digital equipment, Boise will offer you a refund up to the total purchaseprice of the paper involved or replace that paper.Made in USA from U.S. and imported raw materials.Beyond What’s Expected., Boise POLARIS, SPEED LOADING BOX, SPLOX, and X-9 are trademarks of BoisePaper Holdings, L.L.C., or its affiliates. BOISE is a trademark of Boise Cascade Company, or its affiliates.© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. \"The Mark of Responsible Forest Management\" SW-COC-002622 FSCcertification ensures responsible use of forest resources. POLBROCHURE13
POLARIS Ursa Minor Ursa Major To begin the journey, contact your Boise® Sales Representative or call 800.864.2450For product information, visit www.BoisePOLARIS.com • For samples, visit www. BoiseInc.com/polaris4
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