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Published by syahirah1011, 2021-03-24 15:26:26



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TABLE OF MM A M A S A B CONTENT CC OO MM PP AA NN YY DEFINITION OF PROJECT....................................................................1 PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS............................................................2 SWOT ANALYSIS......................................................................................3 MY LOGO.....................................................................................................4 LOGO MOOD BOARD..............................................................................5 MOODBOARD PACKAGING..................................................................6 INTRODUCTION :- MAMASAB CONCEPT..............................................................................7 FOUNDER MAMASAB.............................................................................8 COMPANY BACKGROUND....................................................................9 CORPORATE IDENTITY.........................................................................10 ADVERTISING DESIGN..........................................................................11 PACKAGING DESIGN..............................................................................12 PACKAGING DESIGN.............................................................................13 PRODUCT MAMASAB............................................................................14

DEFINITION OF A PROJECT Project in any organization is collaboration across departments to achieve a single well defined objective. The process of planning, organizing and managing resources to achieve the organizational objective is called project management. Project management is very important in production of goods and services. Idea generation to final production of product or service, each step can be categorized as individual projects. Any project requires a project manager, who leads the project to its logical conclusion. Project manager is responsible for appointing team members with different background but essential in completion of the project. 01

Project Characteristics 1 A project is not normal day to day activity undertaken by organization rather it is specific, non-routine activity of varying time frame and impact viability of the business in the long run. A typical project has following characteristics: Timeline: A project has a definite timeline with measurable starting and end point. Resources: A project has limited resource of capital and manpower. Tools: Special type of tools and techniques are used for project management (Gantt Ch2arts, etc.) 3 Team: Project management requires diverse team stretching across departments and functions. Project Life Cycle 02

SWO T STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Mamasab has strength The weakness in the The chances they have The threat they go in the business because Mamasab Company are enormous to correct through is product business is the way imitation. there are a of her products be advertised, logo and their weaknesses in number of people who produces are very good terms of those deceive customers by quality and attractive in their packaging aspects. selling mamasab the eyes of the public. because the material he products when they only use its name. therefore uses is very the mamasab company 03 incompatible with the must innovate so that product. in addition, he outsiders cannot imitate uses a lot of very bright colors in his advertising. its products,

MM A M A S A B MM A M A S A B CC OO MM PP AA NN YY CC OO MM PP AA NN YY an example of a Logo I updated MY LOGO 04




MY CONCEPT Minimalist design has been described as design at its most basic, stripped of superfluous elements, colors, shapes and textures. Its purpose is to make the content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist design is meant to be calming and to bring the mind down to the basics. 07

FOUNDER MAMASAB ● Mamasab was founded by Pn. Siti Sabrina bt Sobri or better known as Mama Sabrina @ MamaSab. He is a former radiographer at a government hospital located in the Klang Valley. ● Mama Sabrina started a cake and bakery business from her home in Klang, in 2015. At that time, Mama Sabrina learned a lot of cake recipes through classes and youtube videos. ● In order to grow the mamasab business, Pn Sabrina is willing to learn from various business expert teachers in Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, the first Mamasab branch was opened in 2018 in Petaling Jaya, and in just 3 years, Mamasab now has 12 branches throughout Malaysia. 08

COMPANY BACKGROUND 1. Mamasab International Sdn Bhd our mission is to spread love through our products and services, which are quality, guaranteed and a necessity to the community. 2. At the same time, we also help those who are interested in running a business to learn step by step the proven scars and able to make an impact in their lives in all aspects through the Mamasab platform. 09

CORPORATE IDENTITY The logo is too bright and it uses unattractive colors 10

ADVERTISING the advertising is too bright and the color is too the same as the DESIGN background. There are no cons in the advertising. Next the color does not attract and people not interesting 11

PACKAGING DESIGN The packaging is too old and childish. Besides that, the product is more beautiful than the box, so it is not suitable and can be folded further. 12

PACKAGING DESIGN despite being cobularation with neelofa but the packaging still seems unattractive to the public 13



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