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Published by cordycepsneil, 2017-12-13 09:21:21



Read the Text Version

MAG GUIDE01 - Words from the Editor 03/04 - CUTTLEFISH Mod 06/07/08 - Your Ultimate Normie Defense Guide 09/10 - 2018 New Smoking Regulations (How it effects you) 13/14 - 5 Reasons you should not buy fake juice 15/16 - Vapetiquette & The Editors x3 DIY ADV Blends

THE FORMAL STUFF EDITOR & DESIGNER brad kopping AD-SPACE PEOPLE astrOHM e-Liquid fusedflavours blckvapour VAPERSDIGEST is a 'conceptual' digi-mag and is NOT for sale, or redistribution. This artwork is not to be published or printed without the sole approval of The Editor. Disclaimer: The magazine being a conceptual artwork, still ensures to deliver in the capacity all knoweldge encompassed in the best ability and highest accuracy from The Editor, to deliver an informative and thought provoking read. All vendors are approved and operational juice suppliers. All opinions expressed are those of The Editor, and not that of advertisers or 3rd partypeople(s) unless stated here. All external and conceptual works and other informatives are provided via their corresponding accredited news-source(s) or sites. For business and other enquiries: [email protected]

MAG GUIDE01 - Words from the Editor 03/04 - CUTTLEFISH Mod 06/07/08 - Your Ultimate Normie Defense Guide 09/10 - 2018 New Smoking Regulations (How it effects you) 13/14 - 5 Reasons you should not buy fake juice 15/16 - Vapetiquette & The Editors x3 DIY ADV Blends

ith 2017 being the most successful Arriving at VAPECON was simple enough, year thus far in the SA’n vape world, the event officially started at 9am, however its no suprise that this year we saw there was a snakeline que already starting at an influx of 5000+ people pack the 6am leading up until 8.30am. Hatfield Centre in Pretoria for At such time there was an announcement this years VAPECON. that all ticket holders make their way to the Say what you want about this (relatively) new main gate for scanning. The lines quickly is clearly making its mainstream dissolved into clusters of people instead of prescence felt more than ever as its making an organized que...much like sardines in a smokers and non-smokers move over to the Vape fishing net. Thirty minutes passed and “open Nation; POPULATION: 35 000+ and growing. the gate” slogan began being chanted by I can go on all day about the benefits of vaping and excited vapers, eager to get inside. how the technology is getting better everyday, with A few minutes later the gates were opened new mods and ways to customize your device setup, and I found myself inside the beautiful every other day feels like Christmas. On the contrary was like you had entered the though, this years VAPECON felt like paradise of organized chaos. The Vape Christmas, on steroids. King stalls had next to no crowd control This years VAPECON in Hatfield Pretoria played but offered many Black Friday like sales, host to the largest vaping event of its kind in the so everyone squashed into each other and southern hemisphere, where all things vape related quickly moving like vultures into an empty were on display to the new and the unfamiliar spot or gap in the que to place an order. could endulge their wallets and cards in a spree of Many of the well respected chain stores like relentless spending. Vape Rite, Vape Cartel, Sir Vape... It doesn’t matter who you were on the day, if you all shared the same problems. were at VAPECON 2017, you were treated to Black However, going into an event such as thing Friday like specials as nearly everything was marked like this was expected. With well over 5000+ down to 50-70%. Ask anyone who’s been in this attendants packed into an arena, choas community for a good while (including yours truly) seemed normal. Many of the stalls lacking and he/she will tell one thing; this hobby we all love such crowd control, had little to no security, so not cheap. so anyone could take whatever they pleased and could easily blend into the crowd, then VAPECON is one of those events that hold the move on to the next store. Luckily, no such “you’ve been to one, you’ve been to them all” title, incidents were reported. but that’s besides the point...though ask yourself: If you were also lucky enough to stand in a where else could you get that new mod you’ve been que for 30 minutes to purchase your gear eyeing for the last 3 months at R400 cheaper? and accessories, it was well worth the wait. New 18650s? Slashed down to R70, from Amongst all the hype of getting gear at way R250+ or more...and that’s just for starters. below discounted prices, many local community celebrities such as Rob Fisher I spend atleast R300-00 on cotton every second and Silver from Eciggsa were in attendance. month, and Streaky Cotton, a Not only that, internationally acclaimed new-ish local knock-off from internationally Top-DIY mixer: Wayne Walker was a special respected Cotton Bacon, gave me 6 packets of guest talker on the day where he shared his FREE cotton. Their same same but DIY knowledge to an eager seating of 100+ different as these packs retail at around R120-00... crowd near-by the centre stage. not even 10 seconds in the arena and I’ve already In closing, VAPECON 2017, among its saved myself close to R720-00 on one of the most administrative problems, overcame essential materials to sustain this hobby. something far more important; delivering a One word: DAMN! damn good event to the community. There is no event quite like it and is something HOWEVER, it doesn’t matter if you’re a cloudchaser, you can only really appreciate if you were trickster, flavour chaser or a simple vaper...even if there in person and sucking in the you’re all of these stereotypes combined into one, atmosphere of being inside VAPECON. there is one common denominator: Budget. I left the arena round lunchtime as I bought all the gear I needed, and I was glad I did, as If you aren’t equipped with some sort of budget, I saved close to R1500-00 on the day. knowing how much to spend when and where, you’re not only going to end broke and begging for It’s all good to say “who’d want to stand in free samples, but next you’ll be selling your old and a line for 2 hours, then stand in another line NEW gear just to get by. We’ve all done it. It sucks. for 30 minutes, to get something for 60% off?”...but the answer is: Who wouldn’t? There is however a silver lining to all this budgeting. As mentioned before, this hobby is not If you were at VAPECON, almost every single stall cheap and it’s in your best interest to and vendor were handing out samples of their diarize VAPECON 2018, because if this special juices and blends. These mixes however years event was anything to go by, I can’t aren’t your run of the mill juices either. Many of wait to see what will be on offer at the next these handcrafted and meticulously created blends one. Happy vaping! were just one of the many other samples being - Brad Kopping, Editor/Designer. handed (and thrown to people) throughout the day... small enough to give you a taste of what you could expect from the vendor, and big enough to appreciate the time and effort that went into the sample you were graciously given. But, how was VAPECON 2017 in general?PAGE 1



VAPECORP has been dominating the industry in As you may have noticed, we’ve saved the best forrecent months. The global success of the Triterion last which is the gorgeous dual AMOLED screens.and Fezmer F6 don’t come close to what the guys Never before have we seen a mod that promisesat VapeCorop are pushing out. such a technology in a device before.So trust us when we say: The XM45 allows users to upload 4K images viaThis is next-gen level stuff. the USB port, and what is also great is you don’t need to connect the mod to a computer, so if you400W of pure POWER. have the appropriate USB cable you can transfer images directly from your phone to the mod.That’s right cloudchasers, the Cuttlefish doesn’t The AiDEN chip developed by Vapecorp allowsplay around. With 400W of variable output this users to select up to 10 seperate images to displaycould very well be the last mod you ever purchase. onto the mod, with variation of slideshows or simple fade-outs. Currently, the onboard memoryQUAD-Battery housing with the XM45 gives a gracious 100MB storage supporting 4K images. Very very impressive.The guys at Vapecorp developed the AiDEN chip, You’re probably asking yourself “how are thecapable of running the mod in double, triple or screens protected though?” if you have, that’s aquad mode...very cool if you’re short on chargers. very good question indeed. The screens themselves are protected by a triple-Waterproof IP67-69K Carbon-Manifold Shell layer magnified metallic glass, the strongest palladium glass in production. Essentially, theLife happens. The XM45 can be fully submerged in glass is indestructable. The only way it would everwater up to 2m, plus, the device is anti-scratch break is if you intentionally bent the glass framesresistent and can withstand falls from 40m. Damn! themselves with enough force of 6 people... though, we doubt anyone would ever try that.Ultra-Low Resistance Modes In summary, the XM45 Cuttlefish is truly a vapers dream mod. It looks gorgeous and performs likeThe AiDEN chip allows the Cuttlefish to handle a something out of a sci-fi novel.range of as low as 0.01 Ω in TC & Power mode and It is expected to hit South African storesa fire rate of a record blazing 0.191 seconds. May keep a lookout!Just remember: safety first PAGE 4


ITS FINALLY HERE. The conclusive in-depth guide on what to say to people who donot vape, don’t understand what vaping is and/or believe whatever general mediaor websites tell them...without knowing the real facts. Period.Normally, the first to dealing with normies is to avoid them at all costs.Typically, you should also follow the Troll-Rule: DO NOT FEED THEM.However, if you feel you need to defend your community, why you vape and whyyou know what you’re doing is far might just change their mind forever.That is, if you follow the greatest vape guide ever written: (ON THE NEXT PAGE) PAGE 6

MORE VAPOR EQUALS MORE Just because there is more end-product being exhaled,CANCER COMPARED TO does not neccessarily equate to it being more dangerousSMOKING! than a counterpart. Besides the fact that there are no cancer-causing agents in what I am vaping, I cannot getYOU DON’T KNOW WHAT cancer from a product that inhabits no carcinogens.CHEMICALS ARE PUT INTO THATBOTTLE! Actually I do. Vegetable Glycerin and Propylene Glycol, Flavouring and Nicotine (if any). All liquids are deemed safeTHERE'S CARTOON CHARACTERS/ by the FDA that have been used for decades in the creation ofSWEET RELATED MARKETING ON THE consumables and various applications such as: sweets, fizzyLABEL. IT APPEALS TO KIDS AND GETS drinks, aerosols, medicines, creams and oils.THEM INTO VAPING! Just because children are the primary demographic,YOU’RE GOING TO GET WATER ON THE does not mean ALL children watch cartoons and enjoyLUNGS AND DEVELOPE A BREATHING sweets only. Young adults and many older aged peopleDISORDER OR RELATED DISEASE enjoy cartoons and candy just as much as children do.FROM VAPING, YOU KNOW THAT?! There is also no evidence marketing this way influences kids (from 6 and up) to vape.THERE’S NICOTINE IN THATFLAVOUR, WHICH MEANS YOU’RE Any particles that are not exhaled, do get absorbedGOING TO BECOME ADDICTED AND into the lungs yes...but they do not just form a puddleTRANSITION TO SMOKING OR WEED OR solid mass of liquid. Also, its on a very small scaleAS IT’S A GATEWAY PRODUCT! in which water particles get absorbed, and water gets absorbed into your lungs, even in the shower. Lastly, to this day, no vaper anywhere has contracted or suffered from a condition similar to “Water on the lungs”. The nicotine in e-juice is a much purer form of the substance and does not create an addiction because it is not mixed with 4000+ chemicals as found in a regular cigarette. There’s also nicotine in tomatoes, potatoes, tea-leaves, eggplants and other fruits and if you eat too many vegetables will you become a smoker and pot-head by that same logic?PAGE 7

VAPING IS NO DIFFERENT TO Vaping is the complete opposite of smoking. CigarettesSMOKING AND ITS have 4000+ chemicals (including rat poisen,arsenic, tar,JUST AS BAD! glue, paint thinnerm,formaldehyde etc...) . Vape liquid has only 4 ingredients. Just because vapersA RELATIVE OF MINE WAS A SMOKER ‘look’ like their smoking, it doesn’t mean that it is smokeFOR YEARS, HE/SHE STARTED VAPING or worse than smoke.AND BEGAN COUGHING THEIR LUNGSOUT LIKE THEY WERE DYING! He/she is merely adjusting to the larger inhales than usual, his/her lungs are expanding more than is required from smoking for so long and they are merely adjusting compared to the restricted inhale. It’s not permanent nor a breathing disorder, they will return to regular, if not ‘better’ breathing in a few days time.WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE The better question is, why not? The uniqueness aboutANYWHERE WANT TO VAPE vaping is the near endless variants of juices you get to try.FLAVOURS LIKE CUSTARDS, SWEETS, Sometimes there isn’t a chance to eat or drink what you’dCOOKIES AND COLD-DRINKS?! like...if you’re in the mood for a red velvet cake, we have it!JUST EAT OR DRINK THEM! Peanut butter jelly? We have it! Banana sundae icecream and nuts with strawberry drizzle...we have it! Nearly every kind of treat and sweet you can imagine is availiable and once you try it you wondered why you didn’t start sooner.VAPING CAN’T HELP SMOKERS QUIT Vaping should not be seen as a cessation tool. It may helpBECAUSE THEIR STILL ADDICTED TO a smoker transition to a healthier lifestyle while stillTHE SENSATION OF CIGARETTES, SO enjoying that said social interaction and act of relaxation...VAPING DOESN’T HELP! but it should not be seen as a “Magic-Bullet”. Yes, many vapers have overcome their smoking addictions, but it is atttributed to sticking with vaping and making the change. Though many people still vape and smoke at the same time.VAPING CANNOT POSSIBLY BE That’s where your partially right, however the great thingCHEAPER THAN SMOKING... about vaping is that it appeals to anyone(s) budget, so youCOULD IT? can start with many affordable lower range devices and still get a good experience out of the activity. Vaping is slightly more expensive, but the long term benefits far outweigh that of remaining a smoker. Many more experienced vapers spend far more on their gear’s pertained to what your goal is and what you intend to do with vaping. Want to try this juice I made? It tastes like Oreos! PAGE 8

new smoking regulations, what does this mean for you? I’ve you’re a former smoker who has transitioned to vaping who’s concerned for his/her health and wellbeing, if you’re a non smoker and just enjoy the the hobby because its enjoyable and sociable... you’ll come to understand the hobby we enjoy aswell as cherish so much could become illegal or atleast extremely regulated in 2018. Everyone will be effected. Though there is no official word yet, but looking at the new report layed out by Health Department Minister; Aaron Matsoledi, although giving a bleak future to the trade and consumation of tobacco and cigarettes, it could collectively “snowball” and bring Vaping and fellow vapers down with it as an effective and alternative industry to smoking and smokers. This is serious news as the studies around vaping boast a significant increase in the overall level in the safety surrounding e-cigarettes (up to 95% safer than standard cigarettes). Vaping in South Africa, is not regulated as of yet, though vapers and vendors alike have taken it upon themselves to perform and undertake their own safety standards, such as incorporating Clean Rooms/Labs with ISO-Standard approved ratings for cleaner and safer industry standard juice production...which shows vendors are taking production seriously, so when and IF this community is slapped with a regulation, banning the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes lumped into the same category as smoking, the community is coming prepared. Ontop of this, VPASA (The Vapour Products Association of South Africa (VPA)) which holds the interests and well-being of the community at heart, will also be coming to the aid of vapers in the much likely event the industry becomes regulated. It is very easy to clump vaping and smoking together because they look so similar,but truth is they couldn’t be further apart and this is why government needs to research and investigate this regulation seriously and maturely before enforcing it.PAGE 9

(Exerpt from IOL)“One hundred percent smoke-freepublic spaces.”The removal of smokingareas in restaurants and clubs.Totally uniform packaging forall cigarette and vape brands,adornedwith warnings and pictures of diseasedorgans. The removal of all smokingadvertisements, including for e-cigarettesand vapes. These are the key propositionsby Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi as hisdepartment fights to amend the TobaccoProducts Control Amendment Act in a bidto lower smoking rates countrywide.The plans to change legislation around smoking and vaping have been in the pipeline for months, but this week(Nov 11th) the Department of Health revealed it would be submitting its plans to the cabinet early next year. SaveraKalidan, executive director of the National Council Against Smoking, has been in consultation with the departmentin recent weeks, ironing out the legislation. For her and her organisation, it can’t be enforced soon enough.According to Kalidan, the concept of “plain-packaging” has been implemented in five or six countries so far, andin Australia, it’s been proven to lower the number of smokers countrywide, as well as prevent non-smokers frompicking up the habit.If the amendments are made, all cigarette boxes will be beige, or brown, use one font to determine the brand, andhave pictures of diseased organs suffering from the effects of smoking. “Or even the image of a man in the throwsof erectile dysfunction,” said Kalidan. It would likely apply to non-combustible cigarettes, like vapes, which wouldalso be affected by the new legislation.The same advertising restrictions on cigarettes would apply to vapes and e-cigs, they would no longer be soldto those under the age of 18, and they would not be usable in public spaces. However, in March, when plain-packaging legislation was suggested to the company, it threatened to shut down operations in South Africa.At the time, Joe Heshu, BAT’s head of external affairs in Southern Africa, told Business Report the new rulesthreatened the South African branch’s financial viability. The Health Department has also called for 100% smoke-free public spaces, meaning the removal of smoking areas, and insists that smokers be at least 10m from anentrance or exit. It’s a significant change, but Kalidan said it’s fundamental to both the health and economy ofSouth Africa. The department agrees, and national spokesperson Popo Maja said on Friday the plan was to reducelung cancer and other smoking-related diseases.After the legislation has been presented to Parliament,opportunities for public commentary on the amendmentswill be opened, and one organisation likely to fight againstit is the Free Market Foundation. Director Leon Louw hasspent years fighting against tobacco legislation, claiming itis an attack on the personal freedom of citizens, an affrontto the dignity of smokers, and an infringement ofconsumer rights.On Friday he described the attempts to demonise smokingand smokers as an infringement on the right to human dignity and the right to bodily integrity.“I have the right to treat my body in an unhealthy way. It is my choice. There are many other bigger killers in thecountry. Obesity, Aids, alcohol. But you don’t see legislation forcing people to eat better, use condoms or prohibitfast foods.“Why not enforce compulsory exercise, condoms, eating healthily? Because that infringes on personal freedom.”The government had every right to encourage people to live healthier, but this was not persuasion, but rathercoercion, he said.Regarding the plain-packaging approach and ban on advertising, Louw said this infringed on a consumer’s right toinformation.Attempts to contact British American Tobacco (BAT) about the proposed legislation yesterday were unsuccessful. PAGE 10



E-juice. Liquid. Blends. The insatiable substance vapers desire and require to experience new combinations of flavor is what not only keeps the community fresh and constantly itching to try something new, but leaves a certain niche or taboo market open for everyone willing to put their palet to the test in search of the next “trending” juice or ADV. No matter how you look at it, when you build your coil, own the gear, prime your cotton and hit the fire button, if you’re juice doesn’t match’re wasting your time and missing out. However, it’s not always so easy and fun to keep things safe. With the rise of “Fake” or “Fong Kong” juices being imported from China and sold in local markets, the syndicate of these juices is an unstoppable force in the immovable object that is the vape industry. That being said, its up to you what juices or blends you purchase at the end of the day, but it doesn’t mean you should just buy juice that is 60% the discounted price of the original without second thought, there are other things to consider like: - What kind of chemicals are in the blend? - Was the juice made in an ISO-Approved lab? - Where was the juice made? - Why is it so cheap to begin with? Granted, people who are bold enough to vape these juices do report back to say they were fine and experienced no sickness after ingesting. However, just because we CAN buy fake juice, doesn’t mean we should. With that said, here’s a few reasons why you should support the originals. 1) original vendors lose out Many talented mixers in the community spend weeks and sometimes months at a time perfecting their blends to please their loyal and new customers with something distinctive and original. Combining variants of industry approved ingredients that no casual vaper would or even could take the time to make themselves. The knowledge and effort that went into creating the blend, only for it to be ripped-off and sold for next to nothing while the original vendor doesn’t see a dime is wrong. Although there’s a big difference between cloning and selling, if a vendor makes a great juice, pay your mutual respect and purchase the blend that was crafted with the vendors hard work and DIY knowledge it took to create the juice. If you’re cloning a juice for your own personal use, that’s where it should stay. In this regard, chances are an expensive juice, is priced the way it is, is because it has the L’OREAL slogan aptly attached: Because its worth it. Anyone can price out a juice and slap a “Premium Blend” on the label, but with that price point comes the assurance from the vendor the liquid was produced in a safe and clean environment, with quality ingredients...something not promised when you purchase fake-juice, as you have no idea where it was made or what chemicals went into its production...and thats the problem.PAGE 13

2) Unknown substancesThe packaging may look near identical to the original and may cause younot to second guess or question your purchase...but for the fong-kong label tomention the usual ingredients; VG,PG and Nicotine...what else is inside? If the personbehind the counter can’t tell you or refuses to divulge what is being sold to you,that should be a first red-flag and a clear indication they are only interested in thesale and not even the safety of the customer at heart and there is a real riskof getting sick, developing an allergy or some other health related affliction.Varying ingredients of acetoin, diketones and diacytl may cause certain vapersto raise their eyebrows and question why these buttery compounds are used infake juices, even if the juice itself may not require these chemicals, is dodgy.In contrast to this, ingesting Diactyl is not lethal to vapers unless used in EXTREMEexcess, however there is a general stigma to steer clear of Diactyl based liquids.3) DAMAGE TO an INDUSTrY With mention of fake juice syndicates effecting the sales of vendors, the illegal production and sale of these juices hurt an entire local industry that provides and support local mixers a certain income made from selling and marketing their craft. Because the knock-off variants are significantly cheaper than their original counterparts, sometimes as close to a 50-70% reduction in price, the influx of chinese produced blends increase in demand to whoever is willing to take a gamble on these blends.4) YOU'RE PROMOTING the tradeIt sounds far-fetched, but by purchasing knock offjuices, you’re endorsing the syndicate that operatesin secrecy and tactile precision. With the numerousstores being targeted and broken into for vape gearand other goods, juices especially can be rebottled,relabled and resold while for a massive discounton production costs without having to produce orattempt at cloning blends themselves.Adjacent to this, syndicates can simply add theirown flavours or chemicals to the juice to change itscomposition as to avoid it being labelled as “stolen”.5) the double-standard is set You can’t say its socially OK to endorse cloning of one knock-off product and not the other. Granted, one product is an ingested consumable and another is a consumer product which should leave the window for argument open saying “the one is much safer than the other, and you won’t get sick from vaping on a knock-off mod/tank.” Fair point, as both products have their uses to the target market. But it’s very common for vapers to defend cloned mods and etc...but not for juice and even batteries as both (more so batteries) can be prone to harm given the wrong person using them. The double-standard in the community of vapers is that “its ok to clone some things, but not other things”. If we want to encourage a clean sale community for others to be part of, all things clone and knock-off from mods, to RDA/RTDA etc... all need to come from one place and one place only: The original vendor. PAGE 14

-Developement Corner-Not everyone gets vapingand thats ok. But please for the love of G*d,don’t be a douche.There are 2 certainties in this life: Rule 4) Ditch stealth-vapingTaxes and people who get offended by Eg: You’re in the theatre, and movies about toalmost everything...literally. start and you’re somehow compelled to take aIt doesn’t have to be this way, you too puff or two before the movie starts...(thinkingcan be part of an elite unspoken and no one will notice). Do you lack THAT mucheasily accessible club with a FREE self-control you can’t not vape in a place wherelifetime membership which is easy to be people goto to relax for 2 hours? Don’t kill thepart of. Follow these 6 rules and you’re vibe, if you do, refer to rule 1.gonna have a guarenteed good time. In other words: Don’t vape where you know shouldn’t just because you think you can getRule 1) Don’t be a doos, be lekker. away with it.The foundation to vaping, and anything in Rule 5) Ask and you shall receivegeneral: If you want respect, you have to earn For good measure it’s always a respect to askit...and the only way you can get it is by being first before using anything that is not youran all round cool guy/girl to people and respect property. Accidents can happen at anytime...their rights. This means abiding by set rules even if you want to test out a mod resting on aand public laws we all abide by, in short; table or surface, you reach for it, you clumsilyDon’t go out of your way to do something you knock it over and falls to the ground...f*ck.know in the back of your mind might “trigger” This shouldn’t need to be explained.people into saying something to you or wouldget them angry in the process. DBADBL!Rule 2) Be respectful.We have a unique opportunity to show thepeople who are not part of this community thatit welcomes new members 24/7, 365. Vape withpride, but be mindful of the unfortunate stigmawe share with the smokers; Vaping = Smoking.The goal is to shift away from that, so don’t benasty or obnoxious to ignorant people whodon’t quite see this sub-culture the way we do.Rule 3) Educate and advocate Rule 6) Pay it forward.If you’ve been in the community for long enough A common default amongst vapers out thereor have reached a point in your knowledgebase is to share share share! If you so happen towhere you can converse about subjects on a come into good fortune where you have extratangible and accurate level, it is your civic duty to juice, wire, tanks/rda’s, mods what youpass the good word on to others. can and help him/her out in their time of need.Many times will come when you’ll meet someone This doesn’t only apply to giving things away.who will have the complete wrong idea of vaping Share you knowledge and expertise whereverand what its all about (either from peer opinions required. If someone’s having trouble re-wickingor the media), but that is part of the journey... or even mixing their own juice...whatever it is up to you to share what you know to make Kindness costs nothing.them a believer! Make the circle bigger.PAGE 15

EDITORS DIY BLENDS Thank you for reading the December VAPERSDIGEST digi-mag. As a token of gratitude, enjoy these 3 delicious DIY recipes sponsored by the editor. Prior to writing the DIY blend section of the mag, I was a little worried of what I was going to include. Everyone nowadays seems to have a bubblegum, fruity or milkshake blend in their pocket or some variant stored in their archive of recipes at their disposal. Nearing my own personal deadline for the digi-mag (as a 1 week project had turned 4 week, because life...and games) I was fortunate enough to be part of a small mixing session thru my DIY whatsapp group, with members bringing more than enough to share and screw around with for hours...I finally made some very decent ADV’s and I think you’re going to like them too. Here are my own brand new submissions from that mix session. Enjoy!BAODODSNTIECDFFOLRAVOUR Malva Cinny Custard Pudding (30ml) Malva Pudding (CLY): 1.2ml Meringue (FA): 1.6ml Custard (CAP): 1.7ml Cinnamon (FA): 0.5ml ---------------------------------- Steep for 3-7 days, breathing period 4hrs.* (*approx) GrawBerry Waffle Icecream (30ml) FPAEVROSUORNITAEL Grape (CLY): 1.8ml Blueberry Breakfast Cereal (30ml) Maeshino Cherry (BLK): 0.8ml Strawberry (CLY): 0.7ml Blueberries (CLY): 1.8ml Vanilla Bean Icecream (CAP): 0.7ml Cotton Candy (CLY): 1ml Marshmellow (CAP): 0.6ml Marshmellow (CLY): 0.8ml Cinnamon Danish Swirl (CAP): 0.5ml Cereal 27 (CAP):0.7ml Waffle (CAP): 0.4ml Nut Mix (CAP): 0.6ml Black Ice (BLK): 0.2ml Milk (CLY): 0.5ml ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Shake & Vape (though 3 day steep Steep for 3-7 days, is recommended). breathing period 4hrs.* (*approx) breathing period 4hrs.* (*approx)SAVE FORA RAINY DAY PAGE 16

SEE YOU IN 2018!

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