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Home Explore Bath Accessories- Marketing Report

Bath Accessories- Marketing Report

Published by Ritwik R, 2021-08-21 08:00:57

Description: Bath Accessories- Marketing Report


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BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 Jun Last Week July 1st Week July 2nd Week July 3rd Week July 4th Week Aug 1st Week Aug 2nd Week Aug 3rd Week In this period, the Leads have successfully regain its peak in July 2nd Week after the lowest leads achieved in August 3rd week. Total we received 33 Leads 15 10 5 0 Sources of leads are as follows Call Whatsapp Social Landing Page Reference

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 Whatsapp Stories Insta/Bio 0.9% 4.1% 18.7% Email 6.5% Paid Ad 67.5% In this period, We received traffic from different sources. % view 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 FB Stories Insta/Bio Email Paid Ad Whatsapp Traffic we received from the sources as follows, Whatsapp 25,FB 70, Stories 119, Email 191, Insta/Bio 548, Paid Ad 1977.

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 3.03% Deal Closed (1) from the given leads. 36% 36% of the leads (12) still marked interested and in follow-up, rest they have marked Not interested after multiple followups.

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 3 25M MUMBAI 8 DELHI- NCR 5 8M BANGAL ORE TOP Lead Location Lead from Delhi-NCR is 8, Bangalore is 5, Mumbai 3, Chennai & Coimbatore 1-1, Pune 2, Gujarat 2, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Udaipur, Indore, Kurukshetra, Jammu,Kannur each has 1 lead.

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 Email Marketing- Mailchimp Campaign #1- 6th July Total opens 1.2% Successful Deliveries Recipients 49.2% 49.3% Campaign #2- 13th July Total opens 1.2% Successful Deliveries Recipients 49.1% 49.3%

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 Paid Ads- Social 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500 0 Amount CPR Website Visit Result Campaign Starts from 30th June- 2nd August, Where we spent 9,865.65 INR and get 5,045 Clicks on the link. Reach was 185857 & Cost per result was 1.96. Result 2.6% Reach 97.4%

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 54% 27% of leads came through of leads came through Landing page. Social/Insta 6% of leads come through Call 6% 6% of leads come through of leads come through Whatsapp Reference

BATH ACCESSORIES AUG'21 Summery: No. of posting on Social Media- 2 No. of Paid Campaign Social- 1 No. of Email Marketing Campaign-2 Total Website visit- 2930 Total Leads received- 33 Deal Closed- 1 Still Interested- 12 Amount Spent- 9865INR Thank You

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