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Home Explore ClickStar-Magazine


Published by mahamakram55, 2021-05-13 02:59:17

Description: ClickStar-Magazine


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Organized By Best clicks of our ClickSTARs Season II

You all are gifted, and you found a way to capture important moments of your life. After observing all the pictures, each one took us back to the moment - they’re all so good! Each photo tells a story that even millions of words wouldn’t be able to express. We are so proud and thankful to you all for taking such amazing shots. Keep Clicking!

Amaya Tanisha Huq Love for language My cat brings me illumination Reckless fun with forever friends

Inaya Areesha Huq somNeothminagttcearnhgoewt,bthadere is always light Thehmaovsetthhaepdpayrtkheisntgpsausstusally

Zehra Ali Mix of colors Odd between the same

The tiny beauty

Arshi Binte Arif Drink and read Half full or half empty The bottle dillema

Tanzib Osman (Shayan) Looking for breakfast in the morning Sunset through the fence Random Having brunch at midday

Leaves in jar Story of the cargo train

Zayna Mahmud Hrida Engaged with knowledge Enlighten Yourself Texture

Siara Juwairiyah Kabir Paper blue Sunshine makes me happy Tassels above my bed

Ritesh Kumar Barua A birds nest My beautiful mom Time is like a train with no My beautiful cousin brakes

Tasmeem Hasan Sohana Beauty of nature Shell Let love grow

Aliza Sahar huq Celebration A sweet mess Evening delight

Memories Sunrise in her face

Musa Ahmed Chowdhury I love to eat My friend

Ahiyan Maleek Lockdown days

Aijaz Maleek Happy face MAA

Anindita Paul Cha time Granny’s flower

Fahmida Choudhury A light within his light Oboshorer anondo Pain and laugh Astonished

Shahina Akhter Evening walk in the park Tea break Precious moments of my life Blessings

Ruksana Siddique Line of sight Optimism Let education be the crown of your life

Class Memories

Samira Rashid Course Instructor, ClickSTAR Misha Mahjabeen Organizer, Healthy Bengal

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