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Health Science flipbook

Published by Akarsh Yerraguntla, 2020-09-22 00:45:43

Description: Health Science flipbook


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Health Science Flipbook By: Akarsh Yerraguntla

Table of Contents Integumentary System - Page 1 Muscular System - Page 2 Nervous System - Page 3 Special Senses - Pages 4 Cardiovascular System - Page 5 Respiratory System - Page 6 Digestive System - Page 7 Urinary System - Page 8 Reproductive System - Page 9

Integumentary system ● The skin is the largest oragn of the body. It protects the body against infections and extreme tempratures, maintains balanc eof fluids and synthesizes vitamin D. ● The hair, nails, sweat, oil glands, and skin make yp the integumentary system. ● The three layers of the skin are: The Epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. ● Parts of the epidermis are made up of keratinocytes which are hard durable cells that regrow. Also has melanocy. ● dermat/o - Skin, Kerat/o - horny tissue , xer/o - dryness , xanth/o - yellow , erythr/o - red , pedicul/o - fingernail , onych/o - pertaining to nails , myc/o - fungus , lip/o - fat , pil/o - hair , rytid/o - sebum , albin/o - white. ● 2 careers in dermatology are dermatopathology-treats skin diseases and dermatologist-specialist in terms of the skin. ● 4 diseades on the skin are Acne-pimples on skin, Ichthyosis-dry skin, Alopecia Areata-sudden loss of hair, Scleroderma-random hardening of skin. ● The skin of the body is part of the integumentary system.

Muscular system ● my/o- muscle, myel/o- bone marrow, oste/o- bone, cost/o- ribs, crani/o- skull, pexy- surgical fixation, chondr/o- cartilage, arthr/o- joint, plegia- paralysis, kinesi/o- movement ● The musclular system aids movement of the body, The shrink and elongate allowing streaching there are 2 types of muscles involuntary and voluntary. ● The skeletal system gives our bodies their shape, it is made up of bones and cartillage and also aids movement. ● Two career paths related to the musculoskeletal system are physical therapist-Help injured people in developing better movement, and orthopedist-Fixes abnormalities of bone structure. ● 4 diseases of the system are osteoarthritis-inflammation of bone, tendonitis-inflammation of tendons, carpal tunnel syndrome-ocassional numbness of hand, and fibromyalgia-muscle pain on tender points in the body.

Nervous system ● Sensory Input: The sensation of objects and the communication with other organs that something has happened. ● Integration: This is the process of deciding what to do about the information sent by sensory input organs. ● Motor Output: This the reaction to what the sensory input organ fells in the integration, for example a scream when something freaks you out. ● CNS: Includes the brain and spine; where most decisions of the nervous system occur. ● PNS: It helps communicate with the CNS about what is happening this includes Sensory input organs. ● The types of cells here are nerve cells and glial cells: Nerve cells are what perform function of the system and carry input and what help human function. The glial cells provide support nutrition and insulation and aid signal transmission. CNS- Astrocytes, Microglial cells, Epyndemal cells, and the Myelin sheath. PNS- Satallite and Schwann cells. ● Neur/o-Nerve , encephal/o-Head , myel/o-spinal cord , ambul/o-Walking , esthesia-sensation , mening/o-meningies , psych/o-mental, physiological , concuss/o-aggitation ● Alzheimer’s disease- memory loss, Bell’s palsy- paralysis of one side of face, Multiple sclerosis- mylin sheath is eaten away by immune system, Epilepsy- nerve cell damage and cuses seizures ● Neuroligist- specialist of the nervous system, Neurosurgeon- specialist in the surgery of the nervous system

Special senses ● irid/o-iris, cusis-hearing problem, opia-vision problem, ot/o-ear, tympan/o-eardrum, opthalm/o-eye, metry-measurement ● Otitis-inflammation of the year, Myopia-nearsightedness, Hyperopia-Farsightedness, Anosmia-loss of sense of smell ● Optitian- Designs and gives eyewear to correct patient vision, Otolaryngologist- Specialist who treats the ear, nose, and throat. ● Taste: It uses chemical receptors which means they use chemoreceptors ○ Taste buds exist all over the tongue but usually they are are present beeper in the tongue. ○ The receptor epithelial cells register and respond to taste. ● Smell: This also uses chemoreceptors to function, To smell an object, it needs to be volatile, ○ It contains olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium which is a major part of smell. ○ Each olfactory neuron has receptors for one cell only. ● Hearing: Sound waves hit the eardrums which then hit the eardrum and then move auditory ossicles and then send impulses to the brain about the action taking place. The ear helps maintain equilibrium. ● Vision: Vision is the interpretation of light, The eyes interpret light and send signals to the brain to store information. More than 70 percent of receptore exist in the eyes because they are the most complex part of the body.

Cardiovascular system ● Organs are Heart, Blood vessels, and blood ● Pulmonary: Right side, oxygenated blood, pumps them to lungs ● Systemic: left side, Pumps blood throughout the body ● The heart is an involuntary muscle that functions separately from the nervous system ● Heart: Muscular organ with 4 hollow chambers ○ 2 atria and 2 ventricles ○ Left and right side which are divided by septum ○ 3 tissue layers Endocardium, Myocardium, Pericardium ○ Blood vessels: ■ Arteries- From heart to body - drops oxygen ■ Veins- From body to heart - Picks up metabolic waste ■ Pathway stations: SA node, AV node, Bundle of HIS, Prujinke fibers ● Cardi/o-heart, angi/o-blood, hemat/o-blood, brady-slow, tachy-fast, thromb/o-thrombocyte, emia-sensation, leuk/o-WBC, erythr/o-RBC, Arteri/o-arteries ● Arrythmia-Abnormal heart beat rate, Coronary Artery disease- Damage in hearts major blood vessel, Heart Attack-blockage of blood flow to the heart, Cardiac arrest- Heart suddenly stops functioning ● Cardiac surgeon- Performs surgery on the heart, Cardiologist-Specialist of the heart

Respiratory system ● Bronch/o-bronchi, cyan/o-blue, laryng/o-larynx, oxia-pertaining to oxygen, oxy-oxygen, pleur/o-rib, pneum/o-breathing, pulnon/o-veins, thorac/o-lung, trache/o-thrachea ● Asthma-conditions that causes difficulty breathing, lung cancer-developmnt of cancerous cells in the lungs, Chronic bronchitis-chough by inflammation of the bronchi, Pneumonia-Infection in the alveoli of lungs ● Pulmonologist-specialist who treats conditions in the chest area, respiratory therapist- Treats people who have breathing disorders. ● The function of the respiratory system is to aid breating and allow oxygen to flow through other parts of the body in blood. ● First air goes in through the nose, then into the trachea, then into bronchi, eventually smaller bronchi called bronchioles, and lastly in alveoli which is where the enter the blood stream and disperse to the rest of the body ● Plura- This is a thin membrane that protects the lungs and helps themslide back and forth during breathing. ● Diaphragm- Thin muscle below the lungs that contracts and expands when we breathe. ● Lymph nodes are present near the lungs, below the collar bone, and behind the breast bones ○ They carry harmful materials away from the lungs in lymph vessels in the form of lymph which is a clear fluid.

Digestive system ● Cholecyst/o-gall bladder , enter/o- intestine, col/o-large intestine, hepat/o-liver , gastr/o-stomach , or/o-mouth , pepsia-digestion , chol/e-bile , proct/o-rectum ● Esophag/o-Esophagus, itis-inflammation, an/o-anus, antr/o-antrum, cec/o-cecum, duoden/o-duodenum, enter/o-small intestine, cec/o-cecum, ile/o-ileum, jujun/o-jujunum ● The digestive system breaks down food into smaller molecule and then absorbs those nutrients to use as energy for the rest of the body. ● Gastritis-inflammation of the stomach , Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease- digestive juices in the esophagus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease-inflammation of the digestive tract , Irritable Bowel Syndrome-intestinal disorder causing pain. ● Gastroenterologist- treats diseases of the stomach and intestines, proctologist-treast diseases of the rectum.

Urinary system ● Cele-swelling, lysis-breakdown, cyst/o-urinary bladder, nephr/o-kidney, ren/o-pertaining to kidney, uria-urine, pexy-surgical fixation, ectasis-dialation, pyel/o-pelvis ● ur/o-urine, ureter/o-ureter, urether/o-urethra, natr/o-sodium, kal/o-potassium, poietin-substance that forms, erythr/o-red, cortic/o-cortex, medull/o-medulla, glomerul/o-glomerulus ● The urinary system's function is to filter blood and create urine as a waste by-product. The body takes nutrients from food and converts them to energy. ● Nephrosis-noninflammatory kidney disease, nephrolith-kidney stones, nocturia-waking up to urinate during the night, Urethritis-inflammation of the urethra ● urologist- specialist of the urinary system, Nephrologist- specialist of the kidney

Reproductive system ● Cervic/o-cervix, salping/o-tube, ov/o-oocyte, orchid/o-testis, oophor/o-ovary, men/o-mensuration, mamm/o-breast, gynec/o-reproduction, colp/o-vagina, prostat/o-prostate gland ● arche/o- First beginning, culd/o-cul-de-sac, episi/o-vulva, gynec/o-woman, hymen/o-hymen, mert/o-uterus, perine/o-perineum, peri-surrounding, salpinx-uterine tube, rrhagia- abnormal discharge ● One major function of the system to continue human life, that is to make new people. The system also releases hormones, sex hormones, that are released in accordance with gender. ● Endometriosis-tissue grows outside the uterus, Uterine fibroids-prolonged menstrual cycles, interstitial cystitis-chronic bladder condition, HIV/AIDS-reduces body’s ability to fight diseases. ● Gynecologists-Help women give birth, obsetritian-Specialist caring for women during pregnancy.

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