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Home Explore Alert Liability Management - Brochure for Brokers

Alert Liability Management - Brochure for Brokers

Published by adrienne, 2017-02-10 06:03:02

Description: Personal Injury Risk Consultancy & Claim Management Services

Keywords: personal injury,claim management,risk assessment


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TERMS OF BUSINESSAlert Liability Management Ltd has its registered office at The Green, Killaloe, Co.Clare V94 RD42.We offer Personal Injury Risk Consultancy and Claim Management Services.It is the policy of Alert Liability Management to avoid any conflict of interest whenproviding services to our clients. However, where an unavoidable conflict mayarise, we will advise you of this before proceeding to provide any service. If youhave not been advised of any such conflict, you are entitled to assume that nonearises. Alert Liability Management Ltd shall ensure that we: Act honestly and fairly in conducting our business activities in the best interests of our clients and the integrity of the market Act with due skill, care and diligence in the best interests of our clients and the integrity of the market Have and employ effectively the resources that are necessary for the proper performance of our business activities Make adequate disclosure of relevant material information in our dealings with our clients Make a reasonable effort to avoid conflicts of interest and when they cannot be avoided, ensure that our customers are treated fairly Comply with the letter and spirit of all regulatory requirements applicable to the conduct of our business activities so as to promote the best interests of our clients and the integrity of the marketAlert Liability Management Ltd is remunerated by a professional fee for the work,activity and time spent in providing the best terms, advice and service for yourspecific needs. Our charges are based on an hourly & mileage rate and our feestructure is provided at our initial consultation. We do not charge for initialconsultation. We reserve the right to amend fees should the complexity of theservice require a higher fee. We will confirm and agree this fee with you prior toany increased charge being applied.Under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003, Alert LiabilityManagement Ltd may collect personal details in order to provide the higheststandard of service. We take great care with the information provided; takingsteps to keep it secure and to ensure it is only used for legitimate purposes. Tofulfil these objectives, we may share information with other affiliatedprofessionals. Any individual has the right at any time to request a copy of any\"personal data\" within the meaning of the Data Protection Act that our office holdsand to have any inaccuracies in that information corrected.

TERMS OF BUSINESS (CONTINUED)It is the policy of Alert Liability Management Ltd to ensure that our customer'scomplaints are dealt with fairly and timely and the problems are resolved asquickly as possible with minimum fuss. Our objective in dealing with complaints isto respond fully to the issues raised and at the same time endeavour to bring thecase to a conclusion efficiently and promptly. The following process applies: A complaints log will be set up in the office Any written or oral complaints will be recorded in the above log and cross referenced as necessary to the client file. All written complaints will be acknowledged in writing to the complainant within 14 days of receipt. A copy of this will be kept on file. All complaints will be actively investigated. The Complainant will be supplied with regular written updates on the progress of the investigation at intervals of no greater than two months. When the complaint has been fully investigated a final response will be issued within 7 days of completion of the investigation. The outcome of the investigation will be noted in the complaints log. All correspondence in relation to customer complaints will be retained for a minimum of 6 years from the date of the last correspondence on the matter. The complaints log will be retained permanently and will be available for inspection.Alert Liability Management Ltd holds the required Insurance cover for theprovision of our services.For your protection, we are obliged to inform you that telephone conversationsmay be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.Our terms of business shall be governed by and construed in all respectsaccording to the laws of the Republic of Ireland.These Terms of Business are valid from January 2017 until further notice.

RANGE OF SERVICES Audit & Review  Identify appropriate corrective measures  Claim, cover & policy review Risk Management  Hazard identification & Risk Assessment  Practical management systems implementation Incident Investigation  In-depth incident investigation  Evidence & statement capture Claim Management  Indemnity compliance & liability assessment  Third party communication & correspondence Mediation & Negotiation  Dispute resolution  Claim settlement** We maintain a business partnership with a Chartered Health & Safety Practitioner to provideadditional Health & Safety Consultancy and Training services to our clients as required. Furtherinformation available on request.


BROKER BENEFITS Client Service Additional referral service to assist affected clients Client Satisfaction Client appreciation for assistance with costly inconvenience Business Retention Satisfied client more likely to remain loyal Point of contact Focussed communication Inclusion Involvement in every step of the claim process TIME Reduced workload

CLIENT BENEFITS FINANCIAL Reduced settlements & policy excess volume Mitigate insurance policy renewal increases TIME Reduced workload Focussed communication STRESS On-hand expertise to relieve concerns Representative assurance TRAINING Increased education through collaboration Natural up-skilling of staff

FEE STRUCTUREOur charges are based on an hourly and mileage rate and are agreed with you atan early stage of our involvement. Our current fees are as follows:  €45 per hour or part thereof  €0.50 per mile after initial 30 milesOur initial consultation is free.Our fees are applied and charged on a rolling monthly basis thereafter and arepayable within 28 days from the date on the Invoice.An itemised Invoice will be provided with a detailed breakdown of how our feesare calculated and applied.In certain circumstances we may agree on a flat fee with you, usually in caseswhere our standard fee structure is not suitable.We reserve the right to amend fees in the unlikely event that the complexity ofthe service requires a higher fee. We will confirm and agree this fee with you priorto any increased charge being applied.Our services are not subject to VAT.

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