Final Project: 2-D Linear Transformations This project will be done in pairs. You will need to draw a creative pre-image of a picture/drawing that has 10 or more points. Please label the points alphabetically (A, B, C, …). List these points on the data sheet below. Your pre-image should be completely inside any one quadrants on the coordinate plane. Then accurately translate, reflect, rotate and dilate your image in any order. Make sure that the pre-image and any of the transformation images don’t overlap. Give at least 2 sample calculations using matrices for all 4 transformations. You may use one matrix for all transformations if you show how you calculated it. Each image on the graph should be titled with arrows showing the direction that the image is moving. Please color code the images and ordered pairs for clarity. Rubric: Category 10 8 64 Mathematical - All transformations - There are 2 or fewer - There are 5 or fewer - There are more Accuracy are calculated errors in errors in than 5 errors in accurately transformations or transformations or transformations or -If one matrix is used, drawing drawing drawing the work to find that matrix is shown - All points are drawn accurately on the graph Meeting - More than 10 points - At least 10 points are - At least 8 points are - Less than 8 points Expectations are used used used are used - Additional detail is - No images overlap - One of the drawings - The drawings provided to help others each other is partially overlaps overlap understand the - Transformations are - Some labels are - Most labels are missing transformations labeled and arrows are missing - Color coding is not - Color coding system used is very clear drawn - Color coding is - Color coding is used used, but not clearly Craftsmanship - Drawings are very - Drawings are neat - Drawings are - Drawings are very neat - Drawings are somewhat sloppy sloppy - Drawings are congruent - Drawings are not - Drawings are not congruent - Subject of drawing is completely congruent congruent - Subject of drawing is creative - Subject of drawing - Subject of drawing very creative and is not creative is very basic beautiful -Transformations chosen are not “typical” **This project grade will count as your “Quarter 4 Exam” and the score will be in the “Common Exam” category of your grade with the Q3 Exam.
Names: _______________________ Transformation Data Sheet: Label Preimage Transformed Transformed Transformed Transformed Coordinate image 1 image 2 image 3 image 4 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ A B C D E F G H I J Sample Calculations
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