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Home Explore UST_Patterns


Published by nddorle, 2020-08-20 11:17:49

Description: UST_Patterns


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Direct back 9.9 reflection from 100% axle end Delayed reflection 9.5 from far end 50% journal outer fillet Delayed reflection 9.4 from far end wheel 30% seat outer fillet Direct back 8.6 reflection from far 50% end wheel seat outer fillet Delayed reflection 4.4 from motor brg. 10% inner seat fillet Stray echoes due 0.5, to reverberation & 1.0, reflection from 1.1, press fit 1.9 components PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 2.5 MHz. LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

FAR END SCANNING GEAR END SIDE PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 2.5 MHz. Direct back 9.9 reflection from 100% axle end 9.5 Delayed 50% reflection from far end journal outer fillet Delayed 9.4 reflection from 30% far end wheel seat outer fillet Direct back 8.6 reflection from 50% far end wheel seat outer fillet Delayed 4.4 reflection from 10% motor bearing inner seat fillet Stray echoes 0.5, due to 1.0, reverberation & 1.1, reflection from 1.9 press fit components LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

NEAR END LOW ANGLE SCANNING Reflection from 7.7 * gear seat inner 25% fillet (GE Probing) Reflection from 5.3 * wheel Boss 25% Upper Corner (FE Probing) 17.5 DEG Probe Direct Reflection 6.6 from Motor 20% Bearing seat inner fillet (FE Probing) 15 DEG Probe (Inconsistent Echo) 5.3 6.6 7.7 100 mm PROBE GEAR END - 15.0 Deg. 17.50 FREE END - 17.5 Deg 150 2.5 MHZ. 30 mm 40 mm 12.50 * CONTROL ECHO LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 2.5 MHz. Direct back 8.5 reflection from 100% axle end 8.1 Delayed 60% reflection from far end journal outer fillet Delayed 8.0 reflection from 25% wheel seat outer fillet Direct reflection 7.6 from journal 20% fillet 7.6 Direct back 7.3 reflection from 80% 0.4 0.8 1.6 2.9 7.3 8.5 300 mm far end wheel 8.1 seat outer fillet 2.9 20% Direct reflection from motor bearing seat inner fillet Stray echoes 0.4, due to 0.8, reverberation & 1.6 reflection from press fit components LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

FAR END SCANNING GEAR END SIDE PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 2.5 MHz. Direct back 8.5 reflection from 100% axle end 8.1 Delayed 60% reflection from far end journal outer fillet Delayed 8.0 reflection from 25% wheel seat outer fillet Direct reflection 7.6 from journal 40% fillet 7.6 Direct back 7.3 reflection from 40% 0.3 0.8 1.5 3.8 7.3 8.5 300 mm far end wheel 8.1 seat outer fillet 3.8 60% Direct reflection from motor bearing seat inner fillet Stray echoes 0.3, due to 0.8, reverberation & 1.5 reflection from press fit components LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

NEAR END LOW ANGLE SCANNING Reflection from 8.2 gear seat inner 40% * fillet (GE Probing) Reflection from 5.0 wheel seat inner 40% * fillet (FE Probing) 12.50 PROBE GEAR END - 12.5 Deg. * CONTROL ECHO FREE END - 15.0 Deg 2.5 MHZ. 8.2 100 mm 150 LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN 30 mm 40 mm

PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 2.5 MHz. Direct back 9.89 reflection from 100% axle end Delayed reflection 9.49 from far end wheel 25% seat outer fillet Delayed reflection 9.48 from far end 25% journal outer fillet Direct back 8.82 reflection from far 10% end journal outer fillet Direct back 8.62 reflection from far 40% end wheel seat outer fillet 3.6 20% Delayed reflection from axle collar seat inner fillet Stray echoes due 0.4, to reverberation & 0.6, reflection from 1.0, press fit 1.6, components 2.0 LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

FAR END SCANNING GEAR END SIDE PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 4.09 2.5 MHz. Direct back 9.89 reflection from 100% axle end Delayed reflection 9.49 from far end wheel 25% seat outer fillet Delayed reflection 9.48 from far end 25% journal outer fillet Direct back 8.82 reflection from far 10% end journal outer fillet Direct back 8.62 reflection from far 40% end wheel seat outer fillet 4.09 10% Delayed reflection from gear seat inner fillet Stray echoes due 0.2, to reverberation & 0.8, reflection from 1.8 press fit components LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

WDG4 PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm 2.5 MHz. Direct back 8.4 reflection from 100% axle end Delayed 8.0 reflection from 50% journal fillet Delayed 7.9 reflection from 20% wheel seat outer fillet Delayed 3.7 reflection from 30% Bearing seat inner fillet Direct reflection 3.0 from Bearing 15% seat inner fillet Direct reflection 1.7 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.7 3.7 7.9 8.4 300 mm Wheel seat inner 20% 2521mm fillet Stray echoes 0.5, due to 0.8, reverberation & 1.2 reflection from press fit components LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

WDG4 PROBE DIA = 15-20 mm FAR END SCANNING GEAR END SIDE 2.5 MHz. Direct back 8.4 reflection from 100% axle end Delayed 8.0 reflection from 50% journal fillet Delayed 7.9 reflection from 20% wheel seat outer fillet Delayed 3.7 reflection from 30% Bearing seat inner fillet Direct reflection 3.0 from Bearing 15% seat inner fillet Direct reflection 1.7 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.7 3.5 7.9 8.4 300 mm Wheel seat inner 20% 2521mm fillet Stray echoes 0.5, due to 0.8, reverberation & 1.2 reflection from press fit components LABORATORY, DIESEL LOCO SHED, C.RLY., KALYAN

WDP3A PATTERNS Coming Soon……