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Home Explore Spooky2 guide part1

Spooky2 guide part1

Published by beefree, 2016-10-26 06:41:47

Description: Spooky2 guide part1


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Presets tabLet’s take a closer look at all the individual elements that go to make up this screen (left to right, top to bottom): Advanced: shows/hides the Settings, Global, and Internet tabs. Also hides/ shows Biofeedback in the Control tab. Delete/Clear: clears the presently-selected preset, its Notes and programs, deselects the selected collection, and brings you back Home.Preset Collections (Home): displays a list of factory Presets: selecting a collection displays its presets in thecollections that come with Spooky2, as well as your own Presets Column. Selecting a preset in this column loads itsUser collection. These are all folders which reside in settings and programs (if any).Spooky2’s Preset Collections directory. This will also display the preset’s Notes (which are alwaysBack to contents editable). You can click the Save button to save the selected preset into your User collection for editing later if you wish. 96

Programs: when a preset contains programs, it will display Notes: in factory collections, preset Notes normally containthem in this central Programs Column. important information of one kind or another. The Spooky hardware required and the transmission mode is almostYou cannot delete programs in this column – only in the always specified here.Programs tab. If any preset contains programs, as this one does, theProgram names are in text format – this means you can Estimated Total Run Time will be displayed at the top of theselect, copy, and paste them from here into any text editor. column (highlighted red above).Back to contents If the preset is a Shell Preset, you’ll see this designation here instead of a run time. Shell Presets contain no programs – they are collections of settings into which you will load your own choice of programs. When you start to build your own presets, you’ll be able to freely add your own information to Notes, or edit any existing information. Don’t forget to save your edited preset when you’re done by clicking the Save button. 97

Programs tabThis where you search for and select your programs, rearrange their order if you wish, and make various important settings:Programs pane: this lists all 5,200-plus programs in the factory database (or 13,500 if you install the MW Database), plus thosein your custom file. Use the Search field to find what you’re looking for quickly. Search results will replace the field’s contents.The Clear Button removes your Search term and its results, and restores the Conditions List. You can also scroll through this fieldat leisure (click inside it to use your mouse’s scroll-wheel).Spooky2’s main program database is made up of 10 sub-databases. To include them all in your searches, click the + Button. Youcan also tick only those you want. To deselect all at once so you can quickly select just a few to search, click the – Button.‣‣‣‣‣ PROV has produced consistent results in virtually all subjects it was used with. MW is a collection of more than 8,000 programs for drugs, supplements, and molecules important to health. BIO and VEGA are based on excellent Russian frequency research. CAFL is the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List, amassed from the experience of Rife experimenters over years. XTRA is a collection of programs from various sources, all chosen for their reputation for effectiveness.Back to contents 98

‣‣‣‣‣ CUST consists of programs individually added by Spooky team members, plus those in your own personal database. RIFE is a collection of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife’s original frequencies. HC is Dr. Hulda Clark’s database. Use with HC or KHZ (R) – JK preset. KHZ is a collection of higher frequencies from Dr. Hulda Clark. Use with HC or KHZ (R) – JK preset. ALT consists of programs based on Ayurvedic knowledge and practise, solfeggios, and planetary frequencies. For a non-stop Remote Mode treatment, always aim to keep your run time as close to four hours as possible. What you load here will be mirrored in the Programs column in the Presets tab. The Delete button clears all programs. To delete a single program, double click it. You can change the order of your programs easily. Select a program to want to move, then click either the Up or Down Arrow to move it one step up or down. You can do this repeatedly with all loaded programs until you’re happy with your running order.Loaded Programs: when you double click a program to load Program Description: unless its name clearly signifies itsit, it’s added here, and the Estimated Total Run Time is purpose, every program in the database has notes with usefuldisplayed beneath the Program Count (highlighted red). information attached. When you build your own programs, you will be able to add information to them. SelectingBack to contents programs in the Conditions List will display this here. 99

Options pane: this offers options for changing delivery of different aspects of your program: Repeat Each Frequency: if your program contains the frequencies 123, 456, 789, enter 2 to get 123, 123, 456, 456, 789, 789. Repeat Each Program: if one program contains 123, 456, 789, and another has 321, 654, 987, a value of 2 transmits 123, 456,789, 123, 456, 789, 321, 654, 987, 321, 654, 987.Repeat Sequence: using the last example, a value of 2 would result in 123, 456, 789, 321, 654, 987, 123, 456, 789, 321, 654, 987.Dwell Multiplier: allows you to override the default dwells for frequencies (normally 180 seconds). For a dwell of six minutes,enter 2. Shorten dwells with decimal values – .5 will halve dwells to 90 seconds, and .33 will give dwells of about a minute.Frequency Multiplier: transpose frequencies up so they’re closer to a pathogen’s fundamental Mortal Oscillatory Rate. Octaves ordecades are best – octaves are 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. Decades are 10, 20, 30, etc. This is only for killing, not healing, which requires theunchanged frequency since healing works by entrainment (for organs and systems) and “the jackhammer effect” for detox.Remove Duplicate Frequencies: if you load multiple programs for a condition, it’s likely they’ll have frequencies in common.Sort Order Menu: you can elect to reorder the frequencies in each individual program from unsorted to ascending or descendingorder. However, many programs contain unsorted frequencies for a good reason, so we recommend choosing Do NOT sortfrequencies unless you’re an experienced rifer.Back to contents 100

Settings tabThis where you can configure signal settings for both outputs of your generator, create and save your own custom waveforms,schedule the generator’s run times, and make other settings affecting the delivery and application of your program. Offset: this, too, has its own explanatory section later. Values of 0% and 0% create alternating current (AC). This oscillates between equal positive and negative phases – this is Spooky2‘s normal mode. Values of 100% and –100% force the signal to shift more positive or negative respectively. Dr. Hulda Clark specified this setting for all her programs.Signal Settings: this is where various important electrical Values of –100% and –100% are used for Spooky Coldaspects of the signal are configured. Laser, while Spooky Central requires 100% and 100%.Duty Cycle: this has its own explanatory section later. Only Phase Angle: this requires both Outs. For now, it’s usefulone waveform can have a duty cycle – the plain square wave. when driving an external device that can mix both signals –So if you choose any wave but this, the value field will be the difference between two out-of-phase waves can creategreyed out and unavailable. For a square wave, it’s best left harmonics that hit Mortal Oscillatory 50 until you know more about the subject. It can also be used to simulate Inverse+Sync when running aAmplitude: also known as voltage, or “electrical potential.” generator in standalone mode. A complex subject, best left toThis is the force with which electricity will move. Values of techies (for now at least).14-20 are needed for Contact Mode, while Remote Mode willwork with almost any value, but most people use 4-10. A Apply [x] Hz Gate: gating abruptly turns a signal off and onvalue of 5 is absolutely required for Spooky Central. repeatedly. Each time this happens, it generates many additional related harmonics, making the signal moreBack to contents 101

powerful. The Hz value specifies the rate at which it happens slave also has an Out 2, these can then be programmed in– Hz is the number of cycles per second. So a value of 4 will various creative ways. A section on this kind of Generatorapply gating four times a second. Tick the Out boxes as Shadowing is planned for the next edition of this Guide.desired to apply the gate to the signal on each output. The rest of these controls apply to the Outs of this unit.Output Shadowing pane: this multi-purpose pane allowsyou to slave Out 2 to Out 1, create a dynamic carrier, specify Out 2 =: in the graphic left, this line is greyed out anddifferent voltages for each Out, swap waveform, frequencies, unavailable because Inverse+Sync is selected. To allow itsand amplitudes between outputs – and to slave this generator use, select Follow Out 1 another one. The first field here is the Factor. Enter the value by whichYou can then use this second unit as the slave for a third, and you want to multiply Out 1’s frequencies. Use this forso on. You can even use the virtual PC generator as the programming dynamic carriers, very high frequencies, andoverall master for multiple slaves. by entering a value of 0, to transmit a constant audio-band frequency on Out 2 in addition to Out 1’s frequencies.Out 1 =: in the top line, the first field specifies the number ofthe generator you wish to slave to this one. The second field The second field is the Constant. Enter the number of Hz youis the Factor – the value by which you want to multiply this wish to add to Out 1’s frequencies (as in the Scoon Effect).generator’s frequencies for transmission by the slave. Enter 0 in the Factor field and you can program any audio- band frequency as the Constant.The third field is the Constant – this can be used to offset theslave frequencies by a constant amount, or, with a Factor of Out 2 =: the single field here allows you to specify the0, send a single fixed frequency to the slave. Because each voltage for Out 2’s signal. This process was shown earlier in the Contact & Remote section headed Dual Voltage ControlBack to contents (Contact/Remote). Swap Waveform Every [x] Seconds: used for Contact Mode to prevent acid burns on sensitive skin, and for making colloidal silver. A value of 60 seconds is used for contact treatment, and 300 seconds for silver. 102

Swap Frequencies + Amplitudes for Out 1 and Out 2: tick to Amplitude Wobble is useful for keeping pathogens off-run plasma programs that need a fixed carrier and low input balance by changing the power constantly, and it alsofrequencies. provides a “hammering” effect. Frequency Wobble varies the frequency constantly to cover pathogen mutations, and Restore Defaults: return to the prevents them from becoming adapted to steady frequencies. Spooky2 default settings. These waveforms appear Audio in the Amplitude and Options: Frequency Wobble menus. tick if They dictate the shape or you’re trajectory of how the using a variation will be appliedlong Preset from one of our protocols with built-in 0Hz over time.notifications that tell you when a set ends and it’s safe topause. Disable this to treat while sleeping. [x]%: this prescribes the intensity with which the wobble is applied – 1% is good for frequency, while larger values areWobble pane: this is a controlled, random, or harmonic- more useful for amplitude.based variation in a value (amplitude has no harmonics, sothis one applies to frequency only). Wobbles set here will run A good way to see what your settings are doing is to load thethroughout the treatment. Speed is set by the Gate Hz rate. virtual PC generator with your Preset or program, start it up, then observe the Frequency and/or Amplitude readouts in theAmplitude & Frequency Wobble: both offer controlled two grey Out panes in the Generator Output pane.variation in the values of signal amplitude and/or frequency. Steps: wobbles are not applied in a smooth continuous way.Back to contents The value changes “jump” from one single discrete value to the next, and Steps tells Spooky2 how many jumps should be inserted along the trajectory. A good general Steps value for either or both wobbles is 16, which is the default. 103

Harmonic Wobble: these apply to frequencies only, since Schedule pane: this is where you can set the times for whenvoltages can have no harmonics. you want each generator to run.This offers three types of variation – true random within Run Between [x] and [x]: use the first menu to set the startpercentage-specified limits, fixed percentage-based time for this generator, and the second menu to schedule avariations with different numbers of stages, or many different halt. Settings remain in force until you change them again.types of harmonic jumps, also with different numbers ofstages. To disable scheduling, set both menus to the same time. Run For [x] Hours: here, you can set this generator to run for the number of hours you desire. This setting will override any Repeat Sequence settings you’ve made.The first two here are true random, and the rest are staged, Contact Mode Options: these controls allow you to makeeither by percentage or by harmonic systems. Contact Mode a more comfortable experience.Wobble is so big a subject that it has its own section later. Amplitude Ramp [x] seconds: set the number of seconds itBack to contents will take Spooky2 starting from 0 volts to reach the voltage you’ve specified in the Signal Settings pane – 5 is a reasonable value. Tick Up to apply the ramp to the start of every frequency, and Down to ramp down at the end. Reduce Amplitude < [x] kHz: because low frequencies can 104

sting and tingle uncomfortably, this control allows you to As a result, the MORs had to be transposed down so theylower the voltage for all frequencies lower than the kHz could be used – making them less effective. Spooky2 canvalue you specify – 10kHz is the default. transmit up to 25,000,000Hz, so there’s no longer any need to be bound by the old restrictions – we can simply transposeHowever, the threshold at which discomfort sets in is the low sub-harmonics back up so that they become moredifferent for everyone – my own is about 1kHz. Experiment effective. You can do that by defining your desiredto find your own threshold by lowering the value about 1kHz bandwidth – upper and lower frequency limits – in this a time until you find it’s “biting.” > [x]: enter the upper delimiter in Hz here. Spooky2 will not Startup Options: Choose create a frequency higher than this. whether to start programs automatically on launch. Manual < [x]: enter the lower delimiter in Hz here. Spooky2 will not Start leaves control in your hands. create a frequency lower than this. Auto Start starts all programs anew. Auto Resume starts all Use Harmonic Menu: choose the harmonic system you wish programs from where you halted. to use for the transposition. Spooky2 will create the lowest harmonic inside the bandwidth.Frequency Limits (Hz): Dr. Rife and Dr. Clark found thatfrequencies that killed pathogens lay between 76,000Hz and 8x: an Octave880,000Hz. So 76,000-880,000Hz is their mortal bandwidth. and a Fibonacci number. Try thisWhen programs were being developed for relatively one first.affordable Rife machines, these units were unable to transmitfrequencies that high – most had a top limit of 100,000Hz. Octave: repeated doubling orBack to contents halving – 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. This is based on music theory, and music is essentially applied mathematics. It has been proven to work superbly. 105

Decade: multiplication by 10 – 10 is a product of the Choosing 8x transmits 518 and 265216. Octave creates 518Fibonacci numbers 2 and 5. This system has also proven to and 132608. Decade yields 518 and 518000. Fibonacci giveswork very well indeed. me 518 and 120694. Experiment – and use what works best.Fibonacci: the number system that defines universal growth Waveform Setup: unsurprisingly, this is where you come topatterns. This is a powerful method, too. configure your waveform(s) for Out 1 and Out 2. The pane is divided into six vertical columns – 1, 2, Waveform, X, Spike,Golden Ratio: also called “phi,” this is related to Fibonacci, and Spectrum. Waveform and Spike are further subdividedand used in classical architecture, art, and the pyramids. into two columns each. 1/2: the round buttons in columns 1 and 2 select the waves inNatural Log*: based on the formula 1 + 1/(1x2) + 1/(1x2x3) the Waveform column. One in each column can be selected.+ 1/(1x2x3x4) + 1/(1x2x3x4x5), etc. 106Scalar*: number system based on the mathematical constantsexp(3), exp(6), and exp(9).In our tests, neither of these were proven to our satisfaction.So while they are provided, they’re marked as experimental.The “–” entry is a placeholder for future development.Out 1/Out 2: these controls allow you to specify which Outthe transposition will apply to, so I can transmit the originallow frequency on Out 1, and its transposed higher harmonicon Out 2.Example:The Botulinum VEGA program has one low frequency –518Hz. I enter 880000 in the > field, and 76000 in the < field(the pathogenic bandwidth), then tick Out 2.Back to contents

Note that Follow Out 1, Spike+Sync, and Inverse+Sync are sine damped, square damped, sine H-Bomb, and square H-also technically waveforms because they create the wave for Bomb.Out 2 based on the selection for Out 1. You can choose twoidentical waves if you prefer, or two different ones. Each one, plus the Spike+Sync waveform when selected, can be inverted by ticking the checkbox to its right beneath theIn all cases, you will see the results in the Waveform Display. small upward arrow. Unlike radio buttons, you can selectTry choosing different options to see what the effect will be. multiple checkboxes. Here, I’ve selected a plain Inverting a wave flips it upside down, reversing its polarity – square wave for Out 1, try it and see what it does in the Waveform Display. and a H-Bomb square for Out 2. Waveform Menus: these house all the waves shown The lower pane shows the in the graphical list, plus new composite waveform an additional 14 others. that Spooky2 will create. If you look at the graphical You will see changes like list, you’ll see that there this, too, when you select are Spectrum % fields for Follow Out 1, Spike sine and square only. But +Sync, or choosing any wave from Inverse+Sync. either of these two menus will allow you to enter a Spectrum % value for it which you couldn’t otherwise do. The horizontal axis is time, the vertical voltage. Follow Out1: internally decouples The top is positive, the the Outs, then copies Out 1’s wave to bottom negative. Out 2 – but not the frequencies. This allows you to use different Waveform: from the top, frequencies on both Outs.these are: sine, square, sawtooth, inverted sawtooth, triangle, 107Back to contents

Spike+Sync: this uses Out 2 to create a high-voltage spike, When you’re creating spikes, their number is controlled bythen injects it into Out 1’s wave. How long the spike lasts is the value you enter for X.controlled by the Length field in the Spike column, and itsvoltage by the Ratio field. Spike: select Spike+Sync or Inverse+Sync to use this, and ensure that an appropriate value is entered in the X column.Inverse+Sync: this copies the wave and frequencies on Out1, flips the wave upside down, then sends the signal to Out 2. Length: this determines how long the spike will be appliedIn Contact Mode, this effectively quadruples the power. In for. A value of 2 is good for frequencies higher than aboutRemote Mode, it doubles the power by adding harmonics. 10,000Hz, and 1 for frequencies that are lower. Higher values may be useful in Remote Mode, but could be tingly inX Column: the “X” stands for a very special kind of Contact Mode.multiplier – Spooky2’s unique Wave Cycle Multiplier. Ratio: this determines the voltage of the spikes in relation toThis is what enables Spooky2 to transcend the Spooky2-5M’s the overall voltage of the underlying waveform.hard limit of 5MHz so it can transmit up to 25MHz. It’s alsoused to create the complex damped and H-Bomb waves. If your amplitude is 20v, and you enter 4 in this field, the spike’s voltage will be 20 volts, and the remainder of theYou can see that the damped waves have a value of 8 in this wave will be 5 volts (20/4). If you enter 2, the spike will becolumn, and the H-Bomb waves have a value of 16. 20 volts, but the rest of the wave will be 10 volts (20/2).What this means is that Spooky2 creates eight copies of a + Spike/– Spike: allow you to specify whether you wantsine wave, then “infolds” them into a single wave cycle using positive spikes only, negative spikes only, or both.a complex algorithm to create the damped waves, and doesthe same for the H-Bomb waves 16 times. If you count these – Edge: positive and negative spikes are normally producedwaves’ peaks and troughs, you’ll see that this is so. on the leading edge of a waveform. This control allows you to produce negative spikes on the trailing edge as well.Entering an X value higher than 1 for any of the plain waves Research has shown that this has a pronounced biologicaldoes the same thing. This allows you to use any wave you effect, and it may even be more powerful than a leading-edgewish with a very high frequency. A good value is 5. spike.Back to contents 108

Count: specify the number of spikes you want here. A value automatically add a high frequency dynamic carrier to eachof 0 will create the maximum number possible. frequency in your program.For more information and examples, please see the section on F2 = F1 X [x] Hz: enter your harmonic multiplier here. WeInverse+Sync later in this Guide. recommend using octave or decade multipliers, although integers like 3, 7, 11, etc. have had interesting results, too.Spectrum %: this is another unique Spooky2 technologywhich allows multiple frequencies to be produced at the same [x] degrees: this allows you to specify a phase angle. This istime. A value higher than 1 for X must be used. a very technical subject, of interest mainly to engineers and experienced Rife users.Depending on the value you enter for Spectrum %, the new“child” frequencies will cluster above and below your Checkbox: ticking this activates the F2 Control.program frequencies. F2 Menu: theThere’s more on Spectrum technology later in this Guide. first choice adds the two Write Waveforms frequencies to Button: allows you to create the new save any waveform you waveform. Thedesign to a CSV file you can open in a spreadsheet and view second adds extra higher and a graph for fine-tuning. The third adds powerful higher harmonics only and removes F2 the negative phase of the waveform. Control: yet another To view images of the effects of each of these choices on unique various waveforms, please see the section entitled “Making Spooky2 Waves” later in this which allows you to build a second frequencyinto your waveform. Its advantage is that you can use it to 109Back to contents

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