ARTEDUCATIONUpdated March 6, 2017
The District is proud to host this year's Hispanic HeritageMonth Exhibition. Over Fifty 2-D and low relief artworkscelebrating Hispanic culture and tradition are selectedfor installation in the auditorium gallery of the SchoolBoard Administration Building. School Board M ember s,community dignitaries, and thousands of visitors viewthis high-profile exhibition.Open to grades K-12. 2D Artwork ONLY. Artwork shouldbe no larger than 18\" x 24\" matted. Use Artwork LabelFormat provided by the Division of Academic Support,Visual Arts Education Program. All artwork labels mustbe TYPED. Artwork should be submitted electronicallyas a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32 MB) through theM-DCPS Authentic Assessment On-line SubmissionPlatform.SCHOOL BOARD AUDITORIUM GALLERYElectronic Entries Due:Thursday, September 1, 2016Accepted Entries Due:Wednesday, September 21, 2016All entries sent to:9607/Art Education/316/\"Hispanic Heritage\"Exhibition Dates:Friday, September 21, 2016-Wednesday, October 19, 2016No opening reception or award ceremony will be heldfor this exhibition.*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930 orlmangual @
Youth Art Month Exhibition YAMThe District in collaboration with Florida Art EducationAssociation is proud to host the fourth annual Youth ArtMonth State Flag design exhibition. Youth Art Month isan annual observance each March to emphasize the valueof art education for all children and to encourage supportfor quality school art programs. The selected M-DCPSdesigns will be submitted to the state competition. Flagdesigns celebrating the importance of Youth Art Month areselected for installation in the auditorium gallery of theSchool Board Administration Building. Board Members,community dignitaries, and thousands of visitors view thishigh-profile exhibition. *Only artwork submitted by artteachers holding current Florida Art Educators Association(FAEA) membership in good standing shall be consideredfor this exhibition. For more information on,visit the FAEAwebsite at: to grades K-12. 2-D Artwork ONLY. Artwork shouldbe submitted electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than3.32 MB) through the M-DCPS Authentic Assessment On-line Submission. Use Artwork Label Format provided bythe Division of Academic Support, Visual Arts EducationProgram. All artwork labels must be TYPED.SCHOOL BOARD AUDITORIUM GALLERYElectronic Entries Due:Thursday, October 6, 2016Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, October 27, 2016All entries sent to:9607/Art Education/316/\"YAM\"Exhibition Dates:Wednesday, February 22, 2017 -Tuesday, March 28, 2017No opening reception or award ceremony will be held forthis exhibition.*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930or [email protected]
Small Works These designs depict students' creativity and imagination of the holidays. A select District committee for reproduction and\"Small Works\" is a District 's student exhibition hosted distribution by the Superintendent will choose Miami International University of Art & Design. The Special merit designs will be on display at the School Boardexhibit allows students to explore various genre, styles and Administration Building. All designs should be generic inmovements through an impressive array of techniques, as nature and should \"NOT\" include any thematic, religious, orwell as subject matter. By limiting the artwork to no larger symbolic imagery representational of Christmas, Hanukkah,than 9 x 9 x 9 inches. The students, through the study of Kwanzaa, etc.various artists are challenged to maintain the integrityof the size constraints through their creations of original Open to grades K-12. 20 Artworks ONLY. Artwork should beworks of art. Artworks will include both 2-D and 3-D submitted electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32creations and this show sill proves to be both inspiring and MB) through the M-DCPS Authentic Assessment On- lineexciting in its size limitations and open-ended themes. Submission. Accepted artwork should be matted on white mats ONLY. Use Artwork Label Format provided by the Division ofOpen to grades K-12. Artwork should be submitted Academic Support, Visual and Performing Arts.electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32 MB) All artwork labels must be TYPED.through the M-DCPS Authentic Assessment On-lineSubmission Platform. Use Artwork Label Format provided by SCHOOL BOARD ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGthe Division of Academic Support, Visual Arts EducationProgram. All artwork labels must be TYPED. Electronic Entries Due: Thursday, October 6, 2016MIAMI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ART & DESIGNMiami Design District Accepted Entries Due:1501 Biscayne Blvd,Suite 100, Thursday, October 20, 2016Miami, Florida 33132 All Accepted entries sent to:Electronic Entries Due: 9607/ ArtEducation/316/\"Superintendent's Holiday Card\"Thursday, September 15, 2016 Exhibition Dates:Accepted Entries Due: Friday, November 4, 2016 - Tuesday, January 10, 2017Thursday, September 22, 2016 No opening reception or award ceremony will be held for thisEntries Sent to: exhibition.9607/Art Education/316/\"Small Works\" *For fur ther informa t ion regarding this exhibition pleaseExhibition Dates: con t act: Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930 or lmangual@Thursday, September 29, 2016 -Monday, October 31,2016Opening Reception Awards:Saturday, October 14, 2016 - 12 - 3 pm*For further information regarding this exhibitionplease con tact: Alina Rodriguez at 305 -300 -6887 oralinarodriguez@dadeschools .net
Since the earliest times, man has always been Babylonian cartography:fascinated with charting his existence to specific Ancient wall paintings like those of Catal htm#prehistoricHuyuk, rock carvings of Mount Bega and Valcamonicadate back to the 4th and 7th millennium. The oldest Guillermo Kuitca:surviving world maps are the Babylonian world maps date back to the 9th century BCE. The Greeks, guillermokuitcaatsperonewestwaterRomans, Chinese, Spaniards and Indians createdcartographic images. The advent of the printing press Kathy Prendergrast:made maps accessible to all. Today’s cartographic http://www.Quodlibetica.Com/tag/kathy-prendergast/imagery not only clearly delineates globalcoordinates using satellite imagery, but visual artists Joyce Kozloff: incorporate them into many conceptual artworks kozloff -16as well. Guillermo Kuitca uses maps as metaphorsfor human relationships. Lardy Rodriguez redraws MIA COURSE GALLERYexisting maps that create imaginary compositions.Kathy Prendergast transforms maps into images Electronic Entries due:dealing with issues of identity, political power, and Thursday, September 22, 2016individual experiences. Alighiero Boetti, MarleneCreates, and Joyce Kozloff use maps to interpret the Accepted Entries Due:absurdity of human imposition with its impact on the Thursday, October 6, 2016natural well as grappling with issues of landoccupation, and finally, “mapping\" cultural identity All entries sent to:of diverse cultures. This 2-D exhibition explores the 9607/ArtEducation/316/\"Cartographies:Mapping themany facets and interpretations of cartographic Contemporary\"imagery and is open to all students in grades K-12.2D Artwork ONLY. Artwork should be submitted Exhibition Dates:electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32 Thursday, October 13, 2016 -Thursday, February 9, 2017MB) through the M-DCPS Authentic AssessmentOn-line Submission. Artwork should be no larger *No opening reception or award ceremony will be held forthan 18\" x 24\" matted. Use Artwork Label Format this exhibition.provided by the Division of Academic Support, VisualArts Education Program. *For further information regarding this exhibition please contact: Peter Demercado at 305-904-3811 or pdemercado@
This exhibition marks the 31st year of the enduring partnershipbetween the Miami-Dade County Public Schools and theMiami Watercolor Society. The annual exhibition preservesand promotes the unique character of watercolor as amedium among our young artist’s. The Miami WatercolorSociety as well as the Dade Art Educators Association, Inc. -Renay Rossi Awards of Excellence, will presentapproximately $3,000 in gift certificates.Open to grades K-12 . 2D and 3D artwork should be nolarger than 18 \" x 24\" matt ed. Use Label Format provided bythe Division of Academic Support, Visual Arts EducationProgram. All artwork labels must be TYPED.Alper JCC/Children's Discovery MuseumEntries Due:Thursday, October 27, 2016All entries sent to :9607/Art Education/316/\"3 1 s t I m p r e s s i o n s i n W a t e r c o l o rExhibition Dates:Monday, November 7, 2016 - Friday, December 2, 2016Opening Reception / Awards Ceremony:Thursday, November 17, 2016, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.*For further information regarding this exhibitionplease contact: Alina Rodriguez at 305-300-6887 oralinarodriguez@dad eschools .net
Middle and senior high students are showcased in the The prestigious juried Miami-Dade County regional exhibition,University of Miami's Lowe Art Museum during the Beaux installed at the Rubell Family Collection, precedes a nationalArts Festival of Art. Detailed entry requirements apply; please competition conducted by The Alliance for Young Artists andrefer to Beaux Arts-Artwork Guidelines. Artwork Guidelines Writers, lnc. Top award-winning entries compete for nationalwill be sent via email and posted on the Division of Academic recognition from among 93 U.S. Affiliates. Students in gradesSupport, Visual Arts Education Program website at: 7-12 are Artwork should be submittedelectronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32 MB) directly RUBELL FAMILY COLLECTIONto Beaux Arts and NOT the Division of Academic Support,Visual Arts Education Program website. Accepted Entries Due: All EntriesSubmitted Electronically via the Alliance forLOWE ART MUSEUM Art & Writing website: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.*(These dates are subject to change) Exhibition Dates:Entries Due: Sunday, January 29, 2017 - Sunday, February 12, 2017Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Opening Reception/ Awards Ceremony:All entries sent to: Sunday, January 29, 2017, Noon -4:00 p.m.Beaux Arts Electronically Exhibition Closes:Exhibition Dates: Sunday, February 12, 2017Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - Sunday, January 15, 2017 *For further information regarding this exhibition pleaseOpening Reception: contact: Mabel Morales at 305-995-1930 orTuesday, January 10, 2017, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. mmorales14@*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Mabel Morales at 305-995-1930 [email protected]
Fifty 2-D and low-relief artworks celebrating Black HistoryMonth are selected for installation in the auditorium galleryof the School Board Administration Building, 2017:\"The Crisisin Black Education” Board Members, communitydignitaries, and thousands of visitors view this high-profileexhibition.Open to grades K-12. 2D Artwork ONLY. Artwork should besubmitted electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32MB) submitted through the M-DCPS Authentic AssessmentOn-line Submission. Accepted 2D artwork should be nolarger than 18\" x 24\" matted on white mats ONLY. UseArtwork Label Format provided by the Division of AcademicSupport,Visual Arts Education Program.All artwork labels must be TYPED.SCHOOL BOARD AUDITORIUM GALLERYElectronic Entries Due:Thursday, December 8, 2016Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, January 12, 2017All entries sent to:9607/Art Education/316/\"8lack History Month\"Scheduled Exhibition Dates:Friday, January 20, 2017 - Wednesday, February 22, 2017No opening reception or award ceremony will be held forthis exhibition.*For further information regarding t his exhibition pleasecontact: Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930 orlmangual@
The artwork by German illustrator and naturalist Maria Sib - yllaMerian, her daughters Johanna Helena and Dorothea Maria, aswell as the beloved children's books writer, Bea-trix Potter,raised the artistic standards of natural history illustration tohelp transform the field of entomology and the study ofinsects. The natural observations of butterflies and theirmetamorphic transformation, movement in the wild, flight,and scientific observations of habitats and behaviors havetransformed the way we view these beautiful and delicatecreatures .This 2-D STEAM related exhibition explores thelasting impact on the biodiversity and eco- systems of theworld that these creatures have had on the environment aswell as artist 's creations through history from drawings topaintings, sculptures, engravings, textile arts, illustrators, aswell as cabinetmakers, and is open to all students in gradesK-12. 2D Artwork ONLY. Art work should be submittedelectronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32 MB)submitted through the M-DCPS Authentic AssessmentOn-line Submission. Artwork should be no larger than18\" x 24\"matted. Use Artwork Label Format provided by theDivision of Academic Support, Visual Arts EducationProgram. All artwork labels must be TYPED.Maria Sibylla Merian: MIA CONCOURSE E science/archive/ 2016/01 / the-wom -an -who-made-science-beautiful/ 424620/ Electronic Entries Due: Thursday, January 12, biography/Maria -Sib ylla-Merian Accepted Entries Due:Beatrix Potter: Thursday, January 26, t/ articles/ b/b eatrixpotter-natures-lessons/ All entries sent to: 9607/Art Education/316/\"Butterflies: STEAM-ing Flights of Fancy\" Exhibition Dates: Thursday, February 9, 2017 -Thursday, May 11,2017 No opening reception or award ceremony will be held for this exhibition. *For further information regarding this exhibition please contact: Peter Demercado at 305-904-3811 or [email protected]
The 65th Annual Miami-Dade CountyYouth Fair – Fine Arts DepartmentOver one hundred selected artworks are professionallyframed for display during The Fair.The Fine Arts Departmentaccepts individual entries through the school art teacher.Teachers may submit ONE ARTWORK PER GRADE LEVEL fromeach assigned school. Framed artworks become the property ofthe student upon pickup at the close of The Fair. Detailed entryrequirements and forms can be accessed in The Fair ExhibitsStudent Handbook online at Fair Expo . Resources: The Fair Exhibits Student HandbookWebsite: http://w -sHandbook.aspMIAMI-DADE COUNTY YOUTH FAIREntries Due:Tuesday, January 24, 2017All entries delivered to:Arnold Hall from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.Check-out Date:Thursday, April 20, 2017 - Arnold Hall from 4:00 p.m. -8:00p.m.Exhibition Dates:Thursday, March 23, 2017 - Sunday, April 16, 2017Awards Ceremony:Saturday, April 8, 2017 - 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact : Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930 [email protected]
Talented senior high school art students are offered the The District is proud to host this year's Women's History Monthopportunity to show/market their work during the annual Exhibition, (TO BE ANNOUNCED). Fifty 2-D and low reliefCoconut Grove Arts Festival by members of the Woman 's artworks celebrating Women 's History Month are selected forClub of Coconut Grove. Students learn firsthand about installation in the auditorium gallery of the School Board Ad-careers in the visual arts, exhibit their work to thousands of ministration Building. Board Members, community dignitaries,art patrons, and successfully market finished artwork. and thousands of visitors view this high -profile exhibition .Detailed en- try guidelines apply and will be distributed .Open to grades Middle and High School only. Artwork Open to grades K-12. 2D Artwork ONLY. Artwork should beshould be submitted electronically as a JPEG image (no submitted electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32larger than 3.32 MB) submitted through the M-DCPS MB) submitted through t he M-DCPS Authentic Assessment On-Authentic Assessment On-line Submission. Use Artwork line Submission. Use Artwork Label Format provided by theLabel Format provided by the Division of Academic Support, Division of Academic Support, Visual Arts Education Pro -Visual Arts Education Program . gram. All artwork labels must be TYPED.All artwork labels must be TYPED. All Release Forms mustbe affixed to the backside of the artwork. SCHOOL BOARD AUDITORIUM GALLERYWOMEN’S CLUB OF COCONUT GROVE Electronic Entries Due: Thursday, February 2, 2017Electronic entries Due:Wednesday, February 8, 2017 Accepted Entries Due: Thursday, February 16, 2017Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, February 23, 2017 All entries sent to: 9607 /Art Education/316 /\"Women 's History Month\"All entries sent to:9607/Art Education/316/\"15th Young Artists'Gallery\" Exhibition Dates: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - Tuesday, March 28 , 2017Scheduled Exhibition Dates:Friday, March 11, 2017 - Sunday, March 12, 2017 No opening reception or award ceremony will be held for this12:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. exhibition.Opening Reception/ Awards Ceremony: *For further information regarding this exhibition pleaseSaturday, March 11, 2017, 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. contact: Linda Mangual at 305-995 -1930 or [email protected]*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Mabel Morales at 305 -995-1930 ormmorales14@
This thematic exhibition allows students to examine Miami'stropical splendor while viewing it like a true native, as theyobserve their own relationship to rich environments of naturethrough portrait studies. Students will explore this conceptthrough the use of various media such as, but not limited to:drawing, painting, printmaking, etc. Miami's natural water -ways, mangroves palm trees,small islands, seagulls, sultry seabreezes, the sounds of Biscayne Bay lapping at the shore, flora,fauna and sunsets that paint the sky a thousand shades of tan-gerine and lavender are but a few of those tropical wondersto be explored and considered through the integration andapplication of portraiture. Great masters such as GiuseppeArchimboldo and contemporary artists such as Antonio Morahave used these naturalistic themes while creating portraitsthat are at the same time surreal and yet beautiful in theirconsideration of subject mat ter.Open to grades K-12.2D Artwork ONLY. Artwork should besubmitted electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than 3.32MB) submitted through the M-DCPS Authentic AssessmentOn-line Submission. Use Artwork Label Format provided bythe Division of Academic Support, Visual Arts Education Pro -gram . All artwork labels must be TYPED.PINECREST GARDENSElectronic Entries Due:Thursday, February 2, 2017Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, February 16, 2017Exhibition Dates:Monday, Feb. 27, 2017 -Tuesday, March 28, 2017Opening / Awards Reception:Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Alina Rodriguez at 305-300-6887 [email protected]
-Tentative information-Recognized by the National School Boards Association as oneof the outstanding curriculum ideas in the United States, theMuseum Education Program generates amazing artwork asan outcome of studies within the galleries. An annual high-light, this concluding exhibition emphasizes the critical role ofunderstanding both traditional and contemporary visual arts inthe creation of new work. Open to grades K-12. 2D and 3Dartwork should be submitted electronically as a JPEG image(no larger than 3 MB) submitted through the M-DCPSAuthentic Assessment On-line Submission. Use Artwork LabelFormat provided by the Division of Academic Support, VisualArts Education Program specifically designed for the MuseumEducation Program Exhibition. All artwork labels must beTYPED.TBAElectronic Entries Due:Thursday, March 9, 2017Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, March 30, 2017All entries sent to:9607/Art Education/316/Attention: Linda Mangual\"35th Annual Museum Education Program Exhibition\"Exhibition DatesSaturday, May 6, 2017 - Tuesday, May 23, 2017Opening Reception:Saturday, May 6, 2017, 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930 [email protected]
ArtAbilities is a district-wide student art exhibition held to This exhibition explores the idea that acquiring or owning goodscelebrate the talents of students with intellectual disabilities. is a reflection of status and self-identity.In a global society whereArtAbilities is presented annually as an innovative, advertising can reach across continents in the blink of an eyeexpressive exhibition for children and families with through the advent of multi media and the internet, artists havedisabilities, and features live performances and community explored this idea of consumer choices and mass production orresources for parents. This design competition is open to all (re)production. Pop Art saw Andy Warhol and his now famousMiami- Dade County Public School students grade K-12 soup cans,Richard Hamilton and his satirical collages,Roy Lich-through the school art teacher. Each art teacher may submit tenstein and his comic book imagery,Barbara Kruger 's tongue-designs for final consideration by the ArtAbilities Committee in-cheek graphic design billboards, Banksy's stencil and screenof the Mailman Center. Parent or guardian participant print images in public places, Ron English's\"POPadanda\" art worksmust complete the Artwork Authorization Form,which and Steve Cutt s' s social media zombies perspective all addressshould be submitted with the artwork. This form transfers the consumer mentality . Photographers Cindy Sherman and Brianall rights in and to the art\work,including ownership and Ulrich have explored the ideas of identity and consumerism. Allcopyright to the University of Miami. The artwork shall of these artists have managed to create platforms to examine thebecome the property of the University of Miami upon self and the idea of choices we all make daily. This 2-D exhibitionsubmission to be used in such manner and for such is open to all students in grades K-12. 2D and low relief Artworkpurpose as the University deems appropriate. Once the ONLY.Artwork should besubmitted electronically asaJPEGimag eartwork has been submitted to the Department of (no larger than 3.32 MB) submitted through the M-DCPSPediatrics, it belongs to the University of Miami and will not Authentic Assessment On-line Submission. Artwork should be nobe returned. 2D and low relief Artwork ONLY. All artwork larger than 18\" x 24\"matt ed. Use Artwork Label Format providedshould be submitted electronically as a JPEGimage (no by the Division of Academic Support,Visual Arts Educationlarger than 3.32 MB).Art Awards willbe presented:Each Program. All artwork labels must be TYPED.recipient of the award will receive a $30.00gift certificateaward and additional prizes. Open to grades K-12. Use Steve Cutts: www.stevecutts.comArtwork Label Format provided by the Mailman Center forChild Development. All artwork labels must be TYPED. Banksy: www.smithsonian mag. com*For further information regarding this exhibition please MIA CONCOURSE E GALLERYcontact: Roselyn Antao: Project Coordinator for theMailmanCenter for Child Development at the University of Miami Miller Electronic Entries Due:SchoolofMedicineat305-243-6135- [email protected] Thursday, March 30, 2017Electronic Entries Due: Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, March 9, 2017 Thursday, April 20, 2017Accepted Entries Due: AlI entries sent to:Friday, March 24, 2017 9607/Art Education/316/\"The Age of Consumerism: Sign of the Times\"All entries sent to:9607/ArtEducation/316/#ArtAbilities\" Exhibition Dates: Thursday, May 11,2017-Thursday, October 12,2017Exhibition Dates:TBA No opening reception or award ceremony will be held for this exhibition. *For further information regarding this exhibition please contact: Peter Demercado at (305) 904-3811 or [email protected]
Fifty 2-D and low-relief artworks celebrating Haitianculture and tradition are selected for installation in theauditorium gallery of the School Board AdministrationBuilding. Board Members, community dignitaries, andthousands of visitors view this high-profile exhibition.Open to grades K-12. 2D Artwork ONLY. Artwork should besubmitted electronically as a JPEG image (no larger than3.32 MB) submitted through the M-DCPS AuthenticAssessment On-line Sub mission. Artwork should be nolarger than 18 \"x 24\" matted. Use Artwork Label Formatprovided by the Division of Academic Support, Visual ArtsEducation Program. All artwork labels must be TYPED.SCHOOL BOARD AUDITORIUM GALLERYElectronic Entries Due:Thursday, March 30, 2017(by Closing of Business Day at 4:30 p.m.)Accepted Entries Due:Thursday, April 20, 2017All entries sent to:9607/Art Education/316/\"Celebrating Haitian Culture\"Exhibition Dates:Friday, April 21, 2017-Thursday, September 14, 2017No opening reception or award ceremony will be heldfor this exhibition.*For further information regarding this exhibition pleasecontact: Linda Mangual at 305-995-1930 [email protected]
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