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K12 Training Catalog

Published by pinkgallery, 2017-02-14 09:49:51

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K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONSTABLE OF CONTENTS01 About SafePlans .........................................................................................................................................02 Training Division .........................................................................................................................................03 Seminars ...................................................................................................................................................... a. Joint Planning Meetings ......................................................................................................... b. Intruderology Seminar ........................................................................................................... c. Predicting Violent Behavior Seminar ..................................................................................04 Instructor Led Training Training................................................................................................................. a. Intruderology Series .............................................................................................................. i. Security Awareness for Educators ........................................................................ 10 ii. Threat Assessment ................................................................................................. 11 iii. Physical Security .................................................................................................... 12 b. Emergency Plan Development .............................................................................................. 13 c. Pandemic and Bioterrorism ................................................................................................... 14 d. Food and Water Defense Plan ............................................................................................... 15 e. Crisis Team ............................................................................................................................... 16 f. Crisis Communications ........................................................................................................... 17 g. Family Reunification ............................................................................................................... 18 h. Bus Driver All-Hazards ........................................................................................................... 19 i. ERIP Administration ............................................................................................................... 20 j. Public Satefy Navigation ....................................................................................................... 21 k. Tactical Site Mapping ............................................................................................................ 22 l. Incident Command System Based Drills ............................................................................. 2305 ERIP Academy - Training on Demand ...................................................................................................... 24 a. Staff All-Hazards ..................................................................................................................... 25 b. Crisis Team All-Hazards ......................................................................................................... 26 c. Evacuation Planning ............................................................................................................... 27 d. Shelter in Place / Severe Weather ....................................................................................... 28 e. Intruder Response (Intruderology) ....................................................................................... 29 f. Run / Hide / Fight for Educators .......................................................................................... 30 g. Threat Assessment - Basic Awareness & Team Training .................................................. 31 h. Bomb Threat Response .......................................................................................................... 32 i. Bus Driver All-Hazards Training ........................................................................................... 3306 Tabletop Exercises ........................................................................................................................................ 3407 Functional and Full Scale Exercises .......................................................................................................... 3508 Closing ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONSThrough proven strategies, innovative thinking and the latest technologies, SafePlans provides best practices in all-hazards preparedness.MORE THAN A PLANThe Emergency Response Information Portal, or ERIP,offers a specific set of solutions to help organizations betterprevent, mitigate and manage emergencies. ERIP is aHomeland Security Safety Act approved technology thatimproves preparedness through the integration of criticalincident planning, mapping and training.Assessmentsidentify hazards & analyze vulnerabilitiesEmergency PlansPlanning for single sites or multi-level organizationsSite Mappingshare response information with first respondersLearning Management Systemtrain staff with custom e-learningStatus Boardview readiness levels for all sitesPREPAREDNESS STARTS HEREBetter Plans Less TimeERIP is a cloud-based solution that modernizes the emergency planning process.ERIP accommodates single plans or multiple organizational hierarchies for statewide, regional and local entities.Whether you are utilizing existing plans or developing new ones, ERIP’s intuitive process simplifies development andmaintenance. Updates and revisions can be instantly disseminated to all locations and specified users.ERIP is optimized for smart phones and tablets. Running as a native appon smart devices (iPhone or Android),ERIP’s capabilities are as mobile as you. Emergency plans and contact information are available even if Internetconnections are not, due to natural disasters or technical outages. ASSESSMENTS ONLINE TRAINING SITE MAPPINGAssessment modules allow for the The Learning Management Site Mapping facilitates accesscreation, completion and analysis System (LMS), provides staff and to response information for staff andof custom assessments and can faculty with on-demand access to first responders. It organizes sitebe accessed using the mobile app. courses online. information for any type of 3 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS01 ABOUT SAFEPLANSThrough proven strategies, innovative thinking, and the latest technologies, SafePlans helps protect good people from bad things. National client-base Emergency Response Information Portal (ERIP) Nation’s largest educational preparedness initiativePortal (ERIP) Leading Active Shooter Defense/Response Program IBM Advanced Level Business Partner SafePlans, LLC261 Alt. 19 S. Suite A , Palm Harbor, FL 34683 [email protected] 4 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS02 TRAINING DIVISION Knowledge transfer. That is our goal with every training engagement. At SafePlans we under- stand that when our clients experience an emergency, we will not be on-site to assist. It is with that understanding we approach our consulting and training engagements. We want to share our experience to help you succeed.PROGRESSIVE TRAINING OPTIONSEvery client has unique training requirements. We offer a variety of training options and can easily customize apackage to meet your specific needs. A training program should progressively build as part of a continuedeffort to maximize readiness. SafePlans offers training programs in the following groups: DRILLS EXERCISES Page 34 Page 35 INSTRUCTOR ERIP LED ACADEMY ONLINE TRAINING Pages 23-33 Pages 8-22 SEMINARS Pages 6-7 “THE BODY CANNOT GO WHERE THE MIND HAS NOT BEEN“ 5 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS03 SEMINARS SafePlans’ training seminars address specific safety-related topics. They explore the history and present best practices as strategies to enhance readiness. Our goal is to ensure attendees leave with more and better ideas than the ones with which they came.Seminars are a foundation to emergency readiness as they present information based on emergency plans.Seminars help to create the foundation on which more comprehensive training programs are built.OUR MOST POPULAR SEMINARS ARE:3a JOINT PLANNING MEETINGS Page 63b INTRUDEROLOGY Page 73c PREDICTING VIOLENT BEHAVIOR Page 73a JOINT PLANNING MEETINGSThe success of any emergency management program relies upon the integration of coordinated resourcesbetween the school district, local first responder community, volunteer agencies, local government, stateagencies, and others. SafePlans recognizes the need to engage stakeholders in all emergency manage-ment-planning efforts and offers Joint Planning Meetings with the client, local public safety, public health,mental health, and emergency management agencies.During these meetings, SafePlans leads discussions regarding the client facility(s) and local public safetyresponse. This integration helps to ensure full connectivity to the area emergency response community.Typically, these meetings include integration of SafePlans Emergency Response Information Portal (ERIP)system.SAFEPLANS WILL FACILITATE DISCUSSIONS ON THE FOLLOWING KEY AREAS:Emergency Plans Threat Response (Bomb and Violence)Area Hazards Vulnerability Assessment Fire Alarm ResponseResponse Times and Resources Communications Assets, Interoperability & ProceduresIntruder and Heightened Security Procedures Building & Site Labeling Conventions 6 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS3b INTRUDEROLOGY SEMINARIntruderology seminars are an effective way to introduce all-staff to the core components of violent intruderprevention and response. INTRUDER NOUN: A person who intrudes with criminal intent. INTRUDEROLOGY [in-troo-der-ol-uh-jee] NOUN: : The study of active shooters and violent intruders and the process of protecting people from them.TOPICS TYPICALLY COVERED IN THESE ONE TO THREE HOUR SEMINARS INCLUDE:Evolution of Mass Killings Critical Thinking and Tactical Decision MakingPrevention Strategies Prevailing MentalityImplementing the Dept. of HomelandSecurity’s Run-Hide-Fight System3c PREDICTING VIOLENT BEHAVIOR SEMINARA threat assessment is the process of examining potentially violent behavior with the goal of determining thedegree of dangerousness. The focus of a threat assessment is not if a person makes a threat, but if they posea threat. Threat assessment is highly effective at insider attacks like Columbine or Virginia Tech so long aspersons report concerning behavior.THESE 60 TO 90 MINUTE SEMINARS FOCUS ON EDUCATING STAFF ON RECOGNIZING WARNING SIGNS. CONTENT INCLUDES:Pre-Attack Behaviors Case StudiesDefining Dangerousness 7 866-210-SAFE (7233)


K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4a INTRUDEROLOGYThere is no one solution to address active shooters and violent intruders. The Intruderology series offersconnected or stand-alone courses, along with our SAFE (Security Awareness for Educators) Active ShooterDefense course (see Page 10), to address unique aspects of this growing threat.THE INTRUDEROLOGY TRAINING SESSIONS INCLUDE: Security Awareness for Educators NIMS Compliant Drills Threat Assessment Critical Thinking & Tactical Decision Making The Role of Physical Security Practical Application Prevailing Mentality Run / Hide / Fight Options Pre Attack Indicators Situational AwarenessDURATION OF COURSE:2-8 hours Depending on Content.Train the Trainer AvailableIntruderology-related training sessions are offered as packages or stand-alone courses. Train-the-trainer sessions are 9 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4aI SECURITY AWARENESS FOR EDUCATORS (SAFE)SAFE serves as the foundation for the Intruderology intruder response-training program. This unique courseexplains the evolution of mass killings and current best practices for preventing these attacks. When preven-tion fails, this course details how to implement the Department of Homeland Security Run/Hide/Fight system.THE INTRUDEROLOGY TRAINING SESSION- SECURITY AWARENESS INCLUDES:Understand the difference between insider List prevention strategies for outsider threatsand outsider threats Apply the O.O.D.A. Loop (Observe – Orient –Direct vs Indirect Contact Decide – Act) to Run/Hide/Fight to scenariosDetail lockdown deficiencies and inadequacies Survival OptionsList prevention strategies for insider threatsDURATION OF COURSE:60 - 120 minutes “SECURITY IS NEVER CONVENIENT” 10 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4aII THREAT ASSESSMENTThreat assessment is the process of examining potentially violent behavior with the goal of preventing VirginiaTech and Columbine style shootings. The focus of a threat assessment is not if a person makes a threat, but ifthey pose a threat. SafePlans provides threat assessment team training and resources to help ensure warningsigns are not ignored and proactive strategies are enacted.This training in threat identification, threat assessment and case management is based on United StatedSecret Service and FBI resourcesTHE INTRUDEROLOGY TRAINING SESSION- THREAT ASSESSMENT INCLUDES:Explain the difference between making a threat versus posing a threatDefine “Dangerousness” using J.A.C.A.Discuss the 10 Key Findings of the Secret Service Safe School InitiativeDiscuss the Secret Service “Bystander” Report and its implications.Identify potential threat assessment team membersIdentify Information Reporting and Storage ProceduresComplete practical exerciseProcedures TYPES OF THREATSDURATION OF COURSE: DIRECT INDIRECT THREAT1 to 2 hours THREAT4-hour threat assessment team training is available. Indirect threats tend to be vague, unclear, and INDIRECT ambiguous. The plan, victim, motivation, and other THREAT aspects are masked equivocal. Example: If I wanted to, I could kill everyone at this school.PRIMARY AUDIENCE: VEILED THREATThe primary audience includes administratorsat both the school and district levels. CONDITIONAL 11 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4aIII PHYSICAL SECURITYProtecting our schools is incredible complex and tragically imperfect. As school leaders look to enhancesecurity and access control, it is important they understand the overarching goals and abilities of physicalsecurity. In the simplest of terms, the purposes are simply prevention and mitigation. A more secure schoolcan prevent undesired entry by presenting a more positive security image. When prevention fails, the securityshould mitigate an intruder’s ability to enter the school. This should create a delay that provides staff time tocall 911 and implement intruder response plans.THE INTRUDEROLOGY TRAINING SESSION- PHYSICAL SECURITY INCLUDES:SafePlans offers several courses of instructions pertaining to physical security. These courses can be includedin an Intruderology training program or delivered as stand-alone courses. Intruder Vulnerability Assessments Physical Security and Vulnerability Assessments More Secure Schools Introduction to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) DURATION OF COURSE: 2 to 4 hours Works with ERIP Security 12 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4b EMERGENCY PLAN DEVELOPMENTRather than simply providing clients emergency plans, SafePlans’ trains district and school staff on plan devel-opment and maintenance; providing maximum sustainability and effectiveness. This two-hour training is provid-ed immediately after the ERIP Administration Course to help new plan administrators complete their plansusing ERIP.Based on the approved emergency plan content that reflects, local, regional and national best practices, thiscourse will help district and school leaders fully understand emergency plan development and maintenance fortheir schools.THE EMERGENCY PLAN DEVELOPMENT TRAINING INCLUDES:While the final content shall be based on the actual plan, objectives will likely include:Identify emergency planning points of Determine best available severe weather andcontact for local emergency management, hazardous materials release shelter locations.public safety, public health, and mentalhealth and properly account for effective Identify non-securable areas.interaction with local response agencies. Ensure plans are compliant with NIMS, StateComplete and Area Hazards Assessment and and Local guidelines and utilize the Incidentidentify local hazards. Command System.Select school crisis team. Developing a review process to produce final draft plans including quick reference guides.Determine chain of command and line ofsuccession. Validate emergency plan content.Select evacuation rally points and off-siteshelter areas.PRIMARY AUDIENCESchool AdministratorDURATION OF COURSE:2 to 4 hoursWorks with ERIP “FAILING TO PREPARE IS PREPARING TO FAIL” 13 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4c PANDEMIC AND BIOTERRORISMDuring this course, school administrators will gain the knowledge necessary to plan for and implement emer-gency response procedures during a biological or contagious disease incident.The course goal is to promote school safety by improving: • Overall knowledge to develop a biological or contagious disease emergency plan. • Knowledge of steps necessary to respond to a biological or contagious disease incident. • Agency specific responsibilities during an outbreak - School - District - County Agencies - State Agencies - Federal AgenciesPANDEMIC AND BIOTERRORISM TRAINING INCLUDES: Information dissemination to parents Create a District Pandemic Planning TeamSpecify Pandemic Planning Team positions Contagious Disease surveillance andand job functions reportingIdentify teacher responsibilities, resources Additional resources and trainingand training MITIGATION STRATEGY BY PANDEMIC SEVERITYPRIMARY AUDIENCE School Pandemic Flowcharts VIEW VIEW VIEWArea public health agencies, 1 2 and 3 4 and 5safety office, district and school Intervention by Settingadministrators, school nurses, Generally Not Consider: < Recommended:and select crisis response SCHOOL Recommended 4 Weeks < 12 Weeksteam members. Child Social Distancing Recommended Recommended RecommendedDURATION OF COURSE: Child Social Distancing2 hours Generally Not Consider Recommended • Dismissal of students from schools Recommended and school based activities, and closure of child care programs • Reduce out-of-school social contacts and community mixing. HOME VOLUNTARY ISOLATION Of ill at home (adults and children); combine with use of antiviral treatment as available and indicated. VOLUNTARY QUARANTINE Of household members in homes with ill persons (adults and children); consider combining with antiviral prophylaxis if effective, feasible, and quantities 14 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4d FOOD & WATER DEFENSE PLAN TRAININGFood and water defense is not the same as food and water safety. Food and water defense focuses on protect-ing the food supply from intentional contamination, with a variety of chemicals, biological agents or otherharmful substances by people who want to do us harm. Food and water safety addresses the accidentalcontamination of food products during processing or storage by biological, chemical or physical hazards.Food and Water Safety Food and Water Defense Unintentional Acts Intentional Acts Easy to Predict Difficult to PredictFOOD & WATER DEFENSE PLAN TRAINING INCLUDES: Conduct a food and water defense assessment The difference between food and water safety Implement a food and water defense plan and food and water defense Maintain a food and water defense plan Identify who might adulterate food products Why a food and water defense plan is importantPRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and School Cafeteria Personnel.DURATION OF COURSE:2 to 4 hours 15 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4e CRISIS TEAM TRAININGDuring this course School Crisis Response Team personnel will gain knowledge to assist them in better under-standing and preparing for their role in school and district emergency response strategies.The course goal is to promote school safety by improving: • Providing an introduction to emergency management concepts • Improving the overall knowledge of crisis team responsibilities • Outlining responsibilities in an emergency.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; US Department ofHomeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency.CRISIS TEAM TRAINING INCLUDES: Family Reunification School Emergency Plans Mental Health Procedures Teacher Responsibilities Disaster Recovery Tactical Decision Making Crisis Communications Response to EmergenciesPRIMARY AUDIENCE PHASES OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTDistrict and School AdministratorsDURATION OF COURSE: There are four phases that every emergency RESPONSE4 - 8 hours management program goes through. MITIGATION Click on each diagram section to view an FOUR explaination of, and some activites that PHASES occur during each phase. PREPAREDNESS RECOVERY 16 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4f CRISIS COMMUNICATIONSDuring this course, participants will gain the knowledge necessary to quickly prepare and deliver communica-tions to their community and the media during an emergency incident.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by: • Preparing administrators to respond to media requests • Preparing administrators to quickly communicate with parents and the communityThis course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; US Department ofHomeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency.CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING INCLUDES: Managing Rumors Defining a communications crisis Creating Talking Points Crisis communications and social media Active vs. Passive ResponsesPRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and School Administration,Public Information OfficesDURATION OF COURSE:2 17 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4g FAMILY REUNIFICATIONParental reunification is critical element of an incident that disrupts a school’s typical student release process.This can occur when a school is evacuated to an off-site location or when a major event disrupts the school orcommunity as a whole; i.e., a tornado does not damage the school but destroys many homes – making atypical student release unsafe.Parental reunification is addressed in many aspects of SafePlans preparedness process.FAMILY REUNIFICATION TRAINING INCLUDES: Emergency Planning Reunification Roles & Responsibilties Reunification Site Selection Crisis CommunicationAssessments: Identify off-site shelters suitable for parental/family reunification.Emergency Planning: Comprehensive and detailed instructions for implementing reunification at each schoolsite. Plans are written with the assumption that staff from the impacted school are not available to assist in theprocess.PRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and School AdministrationDURATION OF COURSE:2 - 4 18 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4h BUS DRIVER ALL-HAZARDS TRAININGThis course provides all-hazards training to meet the unique responsibilities of bus drivers. Being charged withsafe operation of the bus, student supervision and emergency response could be a daunting task. SafePlanstraining breaks hazards down by their locations – inside the bus - or – outside the bus. This approach allowsthe effective incorporation of safe driving.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by improving the overall knowledge of bus driver responsi-bilities and outlining responsibilities in an emergency.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; US Department ofHomeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency.BUS DRIVER ALL-HAZARDS TRAINING INCLUDES: Response to Emergencies OUTSIDE the bus: Emergency Plans • Severe Weather • Accident Driver Responsibilities • Intruder • Area Disaster Tactical Decision Making • Civil Unrest Response to Emergencies INSIDE the bus: Pre-trip Inspections • Medical • Intruder • Violent Student • Bomb ThreatPRIMARY AUDIENCEBus DriversDURATION OF COURSE:2 - 4 hours 19 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4i ERIP ADMINISTRATION COURSELearn to utilize the ERIP system to manage facility and origination level emergency plans.ERIP ADMINISTRATION COURSE TRAINING INCLUDES: Manage resources Locate the ERIP portal online Logon to the secure portal Access ERIP Academy Navigate the ERIP system Update emergency plans Complete and manage assessments Add and delete site mapping data and informationPARTICIPANT MATERIALSERIP Account – Provided by SafePlans and User ManualPRIMARY AUDIENCEFacility and Organization Level Emergency Planners.DURATION OF COURSE:2 hours 20 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4j PUBLIC SAFETY NAVIGATION COURSELearn to navigate through the ERIP system and view critical response information such as contact information,area mapping data, floor plans, site images, and utility shutoffs.PUBLIC SAFETY NAVIGATION TRAINING INCLUDES: Navigate the ERIP system Locate the ERIP portal online Logon to the secure portalPARTICIPANT MATERIALSERIP Account –Provided by SafePlansPRIMARY AUDIENCEPublic Safety PersonnelDURATION OF COURSE:1 hour 21 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4k TACTICAL SITE MAPPINGA critical component of preparing for an emergency is the collection, and dissemination of site-specific informa-tion to district staff and First Responders. SafePlans’ tactical site mapping course provides training on how to“self-map” facilities.TACTICAL SITE MAPPING COURSES INCLUDES: Identifying gaps in existing site mapping data Validating site-mapping content. Obtaining aerial/satellite imagery and Using the ERIP Site Mapping Module floor plans/blue prints Identifying utility shut off locations Developing standardized site mapping content for all schools within a district Collaborating with local First Responders and district leadership regarding responsePRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict / School Administrator,Public Safety PersonnelDURATION OF COURSE:2 - 4 22 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS4l INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM BASED DRILLSAs districts and schools incorporate the Incident Command System (ICS) in their emergency plans, they mustpractice using ICS in their training drills. SafePlans has developed a specific training program and resourceguide to help schools better train their plan.This course trains district and school leaders how to practice using ICS and sound emergency managementpractices while conducting drills such as fire, weather and intruder drills.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Using the ICS Guide ICS Refresher Practice Drills The Roll of Command Posts Evacuation Drills Identifying Objectives Severe Weather Drills Transfer of Command Intruder / Active Shooter Drills Reverse Evacuation DrillsPRIMARY AUDIENCE PUBLIC INFORMATION I.C.S. CHART SAFETY COORDINATORDistrict and SchoolAdministrators Name INCIDENT COMMANDER Name Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio CallPREREQUISITES NameN/A Cell # / Radio CallDURATION OF COURSE: PLANNING & INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS LOGISTICS FINANCE/ADMIN2 - 3 hour Name Name Name Name Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call DOCUMENTATION TRANSPORTATION Name Name Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call EMERGENCY TEAM FIRST AID/MEDICAL STUDENT TRACKING SECURITY Name Name Name Name Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call PSYCHOLOGICAL FAMILY REUNIFICATION Name Name Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call Name Name Cell # / Radio Call Cell # / Radio Call 23 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS05 ERIP ACADEMY - TRAINING ON DEMAND SafePlans develops fully customizable and interactive E-learning to ensure training is available for all staff – anytime. Our team of subject matter experts can develop a training course to meet your needs to web-enable one if your current training programs.Our online courses utilize ERIP’s built-in learning management system which tracks course completion andautomatically generates usage reports and certificates.ERIP ACADEMY TRAINING ON DEMAND INCLUDES:a CRISIS TEAM TRAINING d SHELTER IN PLACE / SEVERE WEATHER g THREAT ASSESSMENT Page 24 Page 27 Page 30b STAFF ALL-HAZARDS COURSE e INTRUDEROLOGY h BOMB THREAT RESPONSE Page 25 Page 28 Page 31c EVACUATION PLANNING f RUN / HIDE / FIGHT FOR K-12 i BUS DRIVER ALL HAZARDS Page 26 Page 29 Page 32 CONTACT US FOR INFORMATION ON CUSTOM ONLINE COURSES. 24 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5a STAFF ALL-HAZARDS TRAININGThis course gives K-12 Teachers an overview of School Emergency Response and general responseguidelines.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by familiarizing Teachers with their role and responsibilitiesduring an emergency.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; US Department ofHomeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Intruder response procedures Emergency Preparedness (Overview) Bomb threat response Your school’s emergency plans Missing students Evacuation procedures Medical emergency Severe weather proceduresPRIMARY AUDIENCEKindergarten through HighSchool Teachers.PREREQUISITESN/ADURATION OF COURSE: 25 866-210-SAFE (7233)40 minutes

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5b CRISIS TEAM ALL-HAZARDS TRAININGSchools face many possible hazards both natural and manmade. School Safety Team or Crisis Teams assistthe school incident commander or leader in emergency response with the overarching goal of helping teacherssafeguard students. This course gives team members an introduction to the Incident Command System, schoolemergency planning and basic response to core events such as fire, severe weather and intruders.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by familiarizing Emergency Response Team members withtheir role and responsibilities during an emergency.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; US Department ofHomeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Severe Weather Procedures Your Role in an Emergency Intruder Response Procedures Evacuation ProceduresPRIMARY AUDIENCEKindergartenthrough HighSchoolTeachers.PREREQUISITESStaff All-Hazards TrainingDURATION OF COURSE:45 minutes 26 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5c EVACUATION PLANNINGWhen planning for an evacuation, there are several things school planners need to identify such as Rally Pointlocations, off site shelters and specific procedure guidance for School and/or District Incident Management andEmergency Response Teams. This course provides guidance on selecting Rally Points, Secondary Attacks andOff-Site Shelter locations.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by ensuring school personnel have an overview of schoolevacuation procedures.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Rally Point Selection Secondary Attacks Off-site shelter locations Evacuation ProceduresPRIMARY AUDIENCEKindergarten through HighSchool Personnel.PREREQUISITESN/ADURATION OF COURSE:25 minutes 27 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5d SHELTER-IN-PLACE / SEVERE WEATHER PLANNINGSevere weather, exterior hazardous materials release and area disasters all highlight the need for shelterplanning. This course helps school-level planners better understand hazards that create a need to shelter andhow these shelter locations should be selected.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by ensuring school staff is knowledgeable about shelter inplace procedures.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including the US Department ofHomeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Exterior Release Shelter Emergency Preparedness (Overview) Long-Term Shelter Severe Weather ShelterPRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and SchoolAdministratorsPREREQUISITESN/ADURATION OF COURSE:25 minutes 28 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5e INTRUDER RESPONSE PLANNING (INTRUDEROLOGY)SafePlans’ Intruderology program incorporates FEMA’s Four Phases of Emergency Management into the mostcomprehensive workplace and campus violence prevention program available.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by examining the evolution of mass killings and applyingbest practices within four-phases of emergency management to combat this ever-growing threat.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Why lockdowns alone are not enough The evolution of mass killings How to apple the DHS Run / Hide / Fight system in any environment The difference between insider and outsider threats Tactical Decision Making The difference between Direct and Indirect ContactPRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and SchoolStaffPREREQUISITESN/ADURATION OF COURSE:45 minutes 29 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5f S.A.F.E -ACTIVE SHOOTER DEFENSEA component of SafePlans’ Intruderology program, this course focuses on how to apply the Department ofHomeland Security Run/Hide/Fight system in a K-12 environment.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by explaining the option-based Run/Hide/Fight violentintruder response system. This course does NOT advocate the training of K-12 students in the “Fight”response.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES How to apple the DHS Run / Hide / Fight system in any environment The difference between insider and outsider threats Tactical Decision Making The difference between Direct and Indirect ContactPRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and SchoolStaffPREREQUISITESN/ADURATION OF COURSE: 30 866-210-SAFE (7233)20 minutes

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5g THREAT ASSESSMENT –BASIC AWARENESS & TEAM TRAININGThreat assessment is the process of examining potentially violent behavior with the goal of preventing VirginiaTech and Columbine style shootings. The focus of a threat assessment is not if a person makes a threat, but ifthey pose a threat. SafePlans provides threat assessment team training and resources to help ensure warningsigns are not ignored and proactive strategies are enacted.This training in threat identification, threat assessment and case management is based on United StatedSecret Service and FBI resources and is designed to establish a new threat assessment program for a schooldistrict.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Information Reporting and Storage Practical Exercises The difference between making a threat and posing a threat 10 Key Findings of the Secret Service Safe School Initiative The difference between Direct and Indirect ContactPRIMARY AUDIENCEDistrict and SchoolStaffPREREQUISITES 31 866-210-SAFE (7233)N/ADURATION OF COURSE:30 minutes

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5h BOMB THREAT RESPONSEAlthough bomb threats rarely involve an actual device being placed in a school building, they must be takenseriously. These threats can be used to move staff and students outside of the building, making them easiertargets for attackers.During this course, we discuss bomb threats; explain why immediate evacuation is not the response of choiceand conducting proper searches of the building.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by familiarizing School Emergency Response Team mem-bers with their role and responsibilities during a Bomb Threat.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; ATF Bomb ThreatResponse.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES How to conduct a search Overview of ERIP What to do if a suspicious item is found Statistics of bomb threats What to do if there is an explosion How to respond to a bomb threat Prevention measures you can take What a threat assessment isPRIMARY AUDIENCEKindergarten through HighSchool Personnel.PREREQUISITESStaff All-HazardsTraining CourseDURATION OF COURSE:20 minutes 32 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS5i BUS DRIVER ALL-HAZARDS TRAININGThis online course provides all-hazards training to meet the unique responsibilities of bus drivers. Beingcharged with safe operation of the bus, student supervision and emergency response can be daunting tasks.This training breaks hazards down by their locations – inside the bus - or – outside the bus. This approachallows the effective incorporation of safe driving.The overall course goal is to promote school safety by improving the overall knowledge of bus driver responsi-bilities and outlining responsibilities in an emergency.This course is based on best practices of the emergency management industry including; US Department ofHomeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency.ON DEMAND COURSE OBJECTIVES Response to Emergencies OUTSIDE the bus: Emergency Plans • Severe Weather Driver Responsibilities • Accident • Intruder Tactical Decision Making • Area Disaster • Civil Unrest Response to Emergencies INSIDE the bus: Pre-trip Inspections • Medical • Intruder • Violent Student • Bomb ThreatPRIMARY AUDIENCEBus DriversPREREQUISITESN/ADURATION OF COURSE: 33 866-210-SAFE (7233)45 minutes

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS06 TABLETOP EXERCISES Tabletop exercises use vivid scenarios, guided by experienced and certified facilitators, to engage participants in discussions of how they would respond to hypothetical events. Tabletops are designed to be a non-threatening and relatively low cost approach to validating capabilities.Scenarios are coordinated with the district and execution of tabletop exercise support will be carried out asfollows for each exercise:1. Build Exercise Scenario/Develop Training Program:SafePlans will develop sequential, narrative accounts of a hypothetical incident to drive the exercise andintroduce situations that will elicit responses and allow for testing of the exercise objectives. SafePlans facilita-tors will structure each scenario so that it is realistic and challenging to participants, lead them to considercritical issues, as well as their individual and group roles in responding to emergencies.2. Develop Materials and Documentation:SafePlans will develop detailed exercise documentation, including briefing materials. These include SituationManuals, multimedia presentations, and Controller and Evaluator Manuals (as required). All materials will beprovided to the district and school in hard copy and digital formats without copyright restrictions.3. Conduct Exercise/Training:SafePlans will travel to each district for the execution of the exercise and districts will host the exercise for allschools and area public safety. Subject Matter Experts will be used as needed to evaluate the training for theparticipants.4. Assess and Evaluate Exercise/Training:SafePlans will make use of two sources of feedback to evaluate the exercise. The primary source will be fromthe participants themselves. Participants will provide comments on the exercise, and identify which areasperformed well, in addition to areas where further work is required. Facilitators will also contribute supplemen-tal comments, and will take the lead in developing the After Action Report (AAR). The project team willproduce and deliver an HSEEP final AAR after incorporating comments, within six weeks of the exercise.POTENTIAL SCENARIOS:Active Shooter, Severe Weather, Hazardous Material Release, and Pandemic Influenza. 34 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONS07 FUNCTIONAL AND FULL-SCALE EXERCISES The goal of testing an Emergency Response Plan is not to be mistake free, but to identify potential problems areas.An exercise is an activity, which validates the major aspects of crisis and consequence management programsand involves all levels of participating organizations.Functional and full-scale exercises test the basic elements within crisis and consequence management opera-tions, plans, and organizations in a stressful and realistic environment. They greatly expand the scope andvisibility of the training program and include the mobilization of personnel and resources, movement of crisisand consequence management workers, equipment, and resources required to demonstrate coordination andresponse capability. Agencies and participants are actively involved in the exercise. Scenarios often attemptrealistic timelines and will continue to escalate to present operational problems for the stakeholders to test theirplans and capabilities.PARTICIPANTSFunctional and full-scale exercises involve all levels of emergency preparedness stakeholders. At a minimum,they should include: School Officials (School Board, Bomb Squad Administrator’s, and Principals) Public Affairs/Media Role Players Law Enforcement Fire Department Medical ResponseOBJECTIVESActual exercise objectives will be developed to meet your exact needs. Options include: Alert & Notifications Public Information Communications Resource Management Coordination and Control Specific Response Procedures (I.e. Intruder or Severe Weather)POTENTIAL SCENARIOS:Exercises employ realistic scenarios designed to test desired objectives. SafePlans will develop scenariosbased on specific client needs. 35 866-210-SAFE (7233)

K-12 TRAINING SOLUTIONSGETTING BEFORE “X”Think of an emergency. Now place that emergency as an “x” on a timeline. Everything after “x” is response.Everything before “x” is an opportunity to lessen or even prevent the impact of the emergency. SafePlans all-hazard preparedness program helps you get before “x” EMERGENCYPREVENTION TIMELINE RESPONSEFrom natural disasters such as severe weather, to human threats like an activeshooter, organizations must consider all hazards.BETTER PLANS IN LESS TIMEOur Emergency Response Information Portal, or ERIP guides you,step by step through developing your emergency plans. Havequestions or need assistance? SafePlans has helped thousands oforganizations develop their emergency plans. We are here to help!WE HAVE AN APP FOR THATERIP is easy to use and implement. Simply create anaccount for each employee and they have instant accessto your emergency plans and emergency notifications.Need to update or change your plan? Log on and update.It is that simple!NEED PLANS FOR MULTIPLE LOCATIONS?ERIP was designed to support enterprise needs by linkingcore planning information and allowing managers to compart-mentalize information by user role and location. Each of yourfacilities will have their own plan that is connected to yourenterprise preparedness solutions.HIGH TECH TO NO TECHPlans are available via secure internet, mobile app and print. 36 866-210-SAFE (7233)

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