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Home Explore Digial Catalog 2023 OPS

Digial Catalog 2023 OPS

Published by sarah.giles, 2023-03-24 13:34:28

Description: Digial Catalog 2023 OPS


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["PLUMBING Description 492 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number PVC Unions Replacement O-ring MPOCSU678 CSU678 11\/2\\\" slip x 11\/2\\\" slip or 2\\\" SPG O-49 #1 Best Seller PRA150903 150-903 (C&S Plastics) CSU678 CMP21049150003 11-3440 11\/2\\\" SKT x MIP w\/O-ring O-26 & O-287 #2 Best Seller PRA150906 150-906 (Praher) 150-903 PRA200906 200-906 11\/2\\\" slip x 11\/2\\\" slip or 2\\\" SPG O-64 FLO160015 1600-15 (Hydro-Air) #3 Best Seller AQPAF52272000 52272000 High Temperature Union O-26 & O-287 11-3440 PRA200903 200-903 11\/2\\\" SKT x MIP w\/O-ring (Praher) O-370 150-906 High Temperature Union O-64 200-906 2\\\" SKT x MIP O-43 11\/2\\\" slip x 11\/2\\\" slip or 2\\\" SPG O-370(2) 1600-15 (Flo Control) 52272000 2\\\" Half (Aqua-Flo) 2\\\" SKT x MIP with O-ring MPOCSU199 CSU199 2\\\" Slip \t 200-903 (C&S Plastics) Waterway Unions Replacement O-ring WWP4005570 400-5570 2\\\" Pump Union 805-0229 WWP4005050 805-0229 400-5570 400-5050 2\\\" Union, Complete WWP4006000 400-6000 21\/2\\\" Union, Complete 805-0232 400-5050 WWP4005990 400-5990 400-6000 WWP4002160 400-2160 21\/2\\\" x 2\\\" Pump Union 805-0232 WWP4004230 400-4230 400-5990 11\/2\\\" S or 2\\\" SPG Self-aligning 805-0228 400-2160 Union (Jacuzzi)\t 805-0226 11\/2\\\" FPT Pump Union WWP4004300 400-4300 2\\\" Pump Union, 45\u00b0 ell 805-0229 400-4230 WWP4004060 400-4060 11\/2\\\" Pump Union 805-0226 400-4300 400-4060 All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 4932022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description Replacement SP1500UNPAK2 O-ring HPPSP1500UNPAK2 PVC Unions\t Hayward pump unions, O-41 HPPSP1500UNPAK2C 11\/2\\\" Slip \/ 11\/2\\\" MBT HPPSP1480BLK SP1500UNPAK2 Hayward pump unions, O-41 HPPSP1493 SP1500UNPAK2C 11\/2\\\" Slip \/ 2\\\" SPG S4PUN007 SP1480BLK Hayward Self-Aligning, Double SP1500UNPAK2C SP1493 Male, End Union 11\/2\\\" 457-007 Hayward Econo-Union - O-222 11\/2\\\" MIP x 11\/2\\\" Hose Barb Spears 3\/4\\\" Slip Union SP1480BLK S4PUN010 457-010 Spears 1\\\" Slip Union SP1493 Union Parts WWP3193121 319-3121 Hayward union adapters, 11\/2\\\" FBT x 2\\\" Male THD (add O-49 O-ring\\\") AQPAF50100120 50100120 WWP4006060 400-6060 Aqua-Flo union adapters, mate 11\/2\\\" wet ends to 2\\\" unions WWP4005491 400-5491 (add O-49 O-ring\\\") WWP4174090 417-4090 (WinactleurdweasyOu-nriinogn)adapter, mates 2\\\" wet ends to 21\/2\\\" unions WWP4175160 417-5160 11\/2\\\" Split union nut, used with flow thru heater tubes WWP4005161 400-5161 WWP4175050 417-5050 1 1\/2\\\" Tail piece, used with 400-5491 (add either O-125 O-ring or MPL0121109015 MP0121109015 711-4050 gasket) MPL0121109020 MP0121109020 1 1\/2\\\" Tail piece X 2\\\" Spg Buttress (replaces 417-5070) MPL0121109025 MP0121109025 k HOS893711017 89-371-1017 2\\\" Split union nut, used with flow thru heater tubes k HOS893711055 89-371-1055 k HOS893711047 89-371-1047 2\\\" Tail piece, used with 400-5161 (add either 805-0229 O-ring or 711-4030 gasket) 1 1\/2\\\" Split nut, replaces broken nuts on most 11\/2\\\" unions 2\\\" Split nut, replaces broken nut on most 2\\\" unions 21\/2\\\" Split nut, replaces broken nut on most 21\/2\\\" unions 3\\\" UniNut replacement nut for low flow \\\"canister\\\" heaters 3\\\" UniNut retainer 2\\\" UniNut retainer All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 494 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description PVC Diverter Valves PEN263037 263037 11\/2\\\" inside or 2\\\" outside 3-way PVC PEN263038 263038 (Pentair) 11\/2\\\" inside or 2\\\" outside 2-way PVC PEN263027 263027 Some locations may stock an equivalent model valve by Praher. (Pentair) 2 Way Valve 2\\\" (21\u20442\\\" Slip Outside) CPVC (Pentair) PEN263028 263028 3 Way Valve 2\\\" (21\u20442\\\" Slip Outside) PVC (Pentair) PEN263029 263029 2-way PVC JND1157 1157 2\\\" inside or 21\/2\\\" outside PRAVF22010 VF2-2010 (Pentair) PRAOV31500 OV3-1500 2-Port CPVC Valve 11\/2\\\" or 2\\\" Positive Seal (Grey) JND4715 4715 (Jandy) CALL JND4716 2-Port Valve 2\\\" Slip \/2.5\\\" spg. 4716 (Praher) JND4717 4717 PRAOV32010 OV3-2010 3-Port CPVC Valve 11\/2\\\" or 2\\\" Perma-Seal (Grey) Praher (replaces Jandy 1154) (Praher) 3-Port Valve 11\/2\\\" or 2\\\" Never-Lube\u2122 Perma-Seal (Black) (Jandy) 2\\\"-2.5\\\" Positive Seal, 2 Port Never-Lube\u2122 (Jandy) 3-Port Valve 2\\\" Never-Lube\u2122 (Jandy) 3-Port CPVC Valve 2\\\" or 2 1\/2\\\" Perma-seal Praher (Replaces Jandy 4717) (Praher) Valve Acutators HPPGVA24 GVA-24 Valve Actuator - 24V (Hayward) ITMPE24VA PE24VA Valve Actuator - 24V (Intermatic) ITMPE24RSVA PE24RSVA Ready Set 24V Electronic Valve Acuator (Intermatic) *Stocked in Clio Only All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 4952022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description Diverter Valve Parts ZOD1132 1132 Cover O-ring - 1154, 1157, 4715-4717 JND2133 2133 Grease Cup - 1154 & 1157 JNDR0487000 R0487000 Handle Knob Kit - 1154 & 1157 JNDR0444500 R0444500 Handle - 6954 through 6957 JNDR0487200 R0487200 Handle - 4715 through 4724 JNDR0486900 R0486900 Knob - 4715 through 4724 JND1301 1301J Handle - 1154 & 1157 PRASU1501B SU-150-1B Handle - 6955, 150-010, & 150-015 - Blue PRASU2001B SU-200-1B Handle - 200-010 - Blue PRAOV32001 OV3-200-1 Knob - OV3-1500 & OV3-2010 PRAOV32002 OV3-200-2 Handle - OV3-1500 & OV3-2010 AEQ651 #651 Magic Lube II Silicone 5 oz. JND3045 3045 Diverter with gasket and knob - 1154 & 1157 JND4720 4720 (non-positive seal) Never-Lube\u2122 Kit 4720 Never-Lube Diverter Kit Converts any Jandy Valve to a Never Lube\u2122 (positive seal) All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 496 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description CALL S8PFGV025 Flange - Slip\u2003 (Schedule 80 PVC) 854-025 2.5\\\" CALL S8PFGV030 854-030 3\\\" CALL S8PFGV040 854-040 4\\\" CALL S8PFGV060 854-060 6\\\" CALL S8PFGV080 854-080 8\\\" Flange Gaskets CALL GKRGRR025 FG025 2.5\\\"\t Flange gasket\t (Red Rubber) CALL GKRGRR040 FG040 4\\\"\t Flange gasket\t (Red Rubber) Bolts & Nuts\u2003 (For PVC Flanges) BN024 5\/8\\\" x 2.25\\\" Bolt MPO62C300HCS5Z BN030 5\/8\\\" x 3\\\"\t Bolt MPO62C450HCS5Z BN045 5\/8\\\" x 4.5\\\"\tBolt\t For 2.5 & 3\\\" butterfly\t (4 Required) MPO62C500HCS5Z BN050 5\/8\\\" x 5\\\"\t Bolt\t For 4\\\" butterfly\t (8 Required) BN060 5\/8\\\" x 6\\\"\t Bolt\t For 6\\\" butterfly\t (8 Required) MPO75C450HCS5Z BN034 3\/4\\\" x 4.5\\\"\tBolt MPO62CNFH0Z NUT58 5\/8\\\"\tNut MPO75CNFHOZ NUT34 3\/4\\\"\tNut All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 4972022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description Pipe Cutters (For PVC or Polypipe) WHM182 PS-1000 13\\\" Plumber's Saw WHM17 VC63 Tube Cutter cuts up to 2\\\" WHM18 VCE63 schedule 40 pipe Replacement Blade WHM92 S92 Replacement spring set for VC63 Miscellaneous Fittings INPSPI015 460-015 11\/2\\\" Insert x Spigot PVC adapter S4PIA015 CALL INGMA015 474-015 11\/2\\\" Insert Adapter X SOC\t STZ112X34 STZ2X34 512-015 11\/2\\\" Insert x Male Adaptor (galvanized steel) BT-015 11\/2\\\" x 3\/4\\\" Brass Saddle Tee BT-020 2\\\" x 3\/4\\\" Brass Saddle Tee All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING Description 498 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number BLUE-WHITE Flowmeters for PVC Pipe GPM is for SCH40 PVC Pipe BWHF30150P F-30150P 1.5\\\"\t 10-70\t\t GPM BWHF30200P F-30200P 2\\\"\t 20-120\t\t GPM BWHF30250P F-30250P 2.5\\\"\t 29-150\t\t GPM BWHF30300P F-30300P 3\\\"\t 45-240\t\t GPM BWHF30400P F-30400P 4\\\"\t 75-420\t\t GPM BWHF30600P F-30600P 6\\\"\t 170-1100\tGPM k BWHF30150PR F-30150PR 1.5\\\"\t 10-30\t\t GPM\t Low Flow BWHD30150P D-30150P 1.5\\\"\t 20-100\t\t GPM\t Vertical Downstream Flow BWHF3003 F-3003 Replacement Gasket for Flowmeters All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 4992022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description WHMPL4 PVC Cement\u2003(Medium Body Clear) WHMPL16 For Pipe Through 6\\\" Diameter WHMPL32 Working Temperature 40\u00b0 - 100\u00b0F P4 1\/4 pt.\t 24 \/ case P16 1 pt.\t 12 \/ case P32 1 qt.\t 12 \/ case PVC Cleaner WHMC4 C4 1\/4 pt.\t 24 \/ case WHMC16 C16P WHMC32 C32Q 1 pt.\t 12 \/ case WHMPPL16 PP16 1 qt.\t 12 \/ case Purple Primer - Pint (Dye meets ASTM-F656) (A primer is more aggressive on PVC than a cleaner) Pipe joint compound and most Teflon pastes are not recommended for use with plastic pipe PVC Threaded Connectionsfittings. They may contain substances that could cause stress cracking to plastics. Use only Teflon Tape. 1 to 11\/2 turns beyond finger tight is Teflon Tape offered on page 487 generally all that is required to make a sound threaded connection. Shark-Bite PVC Cement (Medium Bodied Fast Set) PIPE SIZE: Up to 3\\\" (7.62 cm) diameter for PVC pressure pipe (except Sch. 80) and 6\\\" (15.24 cm) diameter for non-pressure PVC pipe. \u2022\t One Step Cement \u2022\t Low VOC Formula \u2022\t No Primer Required (unless required by local code) \u2022\t Works Well on Wet Pipe \u2022\t Great for Flexible PVC \u2022\t Allows for Immediate Pressure Testing WHMSB16 SB16 Shark Bite - 1 pt. WHMSB32 SB32 Shark Bite - 1 qt. Oatey Stocked in Waterford Only OTY31008 31008 Heavy Duty PVC Cement 32 oz. OTY30834 30834 All Purpose PVC Cement 16 oz. OTY30879 30879 Flex PVC Cement 32 oz. OTY30782 30782 All Purpose Clear Cleaner 8 oz. k IPS747QT Weld-ON 747 PVC POOL \\\"R\\\" SPA BLUE 32 oz. k IPS740QT k IPS744PT Stocked In Dublin Only 740 Pool Regular Clear 32 oz. k IPS13571 k IPS13575 WELD10852 744 POOL MEDIUM GRAY 32 oz. WELD13551 WELD13559 Pool Primer Purple 32 oz. WELD13571 WELD13575 Pool Primer Clear 32 oz. All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 500 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description Schedule 40 PVC Fittings Tee - Slip S4PT005 401-005 \u00bd\\\"\t 50 \/ box 401-010 S4PT007 401-007 \u00be\\\"\t 50 \/ box 401-248 S4PT010 401-010 1\\\"\t 50 \/ box 402-005 S4PT012 401-012 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT015 401-015 1\u00bd\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT020 401-020 2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT025 401-025 2\u00bd\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT030 401-030 3\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT040 401-040 4\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PT060 401-060 6\\\"\t 4 \/ box Reducing Tees - Slip 50 \/ box 25 \/ box S4PT131 401-131 1\\\" x 1\\\" x \u00be\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT168 401-168 11\/4\\\" x 11\/4\\\" x 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT210 401-210 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x \u00be\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT211 401-211 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PT212 401-212 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x 11\/4\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT213 401-213 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x 2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT248 401-248 2\\\" x 2\\\" x \u00be\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT249 401-249 2\\\" x 2\\\" x 1\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT251 401-251 2\\\" x 2\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT334 401-334 3\\\" x 3\\\" x \u00be\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PT337 401-337 3\\\" x 3\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PT338 401-338 3\\\" x 3\\\" x 2\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PT420 401-420 4\\\" x 4\\\" x 2\\\"\t 2 \/ box S4PT422 401-422 4\\\" x 4\\\" x 3\\\"\t S4PT532 401-532 6\\\" x 6\\\" x 4\\\"\t 50 \/ box 25 \/ box Female Tees 25 \/ box 25 \/ box S4PTSSF005 402-005 1\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PTSSF015 402-015 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PTSSF210 402-210 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x \u00be\\\"\t S4PTSSF211 402-211 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\\\"\t S4PTSSF248 402-248 2\\\" x 2\\\" x \u00be\\\"\t S4PTSSF251 402-251 2\\\" x 2\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\"\t All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 5012022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description 90 \u00b0 Ell - Slip S4P90S005 406-005 \u00bd\\\"\t 50 \/ box 406-010 S4P90S007 406-007 \u00be\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4P90S010 406-010 1\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4P90S012 406-012 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4P90S015 406-015 1\u00bd\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4P90S020 406-020 2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4P90S025 406-025 2\u00bd\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4P90S030 406-030 3\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4P90S040 406-040 4\\\"\t 8 \/ box S4P90S060 406-060 6\\\"\t 5 \/ box S4P90S251 Miscellaneous Ells S4P90SF005 S4P90SF007 406-251 2x 1\u00bd\\\"\t Reducing 10 \/ box S4P90SF010 407-005 S4P90SF015 407-007 1\/2\\\"\t Female x Slip 50 \/ box 406-251 S4P90SF020 407-010 3\/4\\\"\t Female x Slip 50 \/ box S4P90F007 407-015 S4P90F015 407-020 1\\\"\t Female x Slip 50 \/ box S4P90ST007 408-007 S4P90ST010 408-015 1\u00bd\\\"\t Female x Slip 25 \/ box S4P90ST015 409-007 S4P90ST020 409-010 2\\\"\t Female x Slip 10 \/ box 407-010 S4P90MS010 409-015 3\/4\\\"\t All Threaded 50 \/ box S4P90MS015 409-020 S4P90MS020 410-010 1\u00bd\\\"\t Female x Female 25 \/ box S4P90MF007 410-015 S4P90MF015 410-020 \u00be\\\"\t Slip x Spigot 25 \/ box 408-007 S4P22S015 412-007 1\\\"\t Slip x Spigot 25 \/ box S4P22S020 412-015 S4P22SPXS015 416-015 1\u00bd\\\"\t Slip x Spigot 25 \/ box 409-010 S4P22SPXS020 416-020 S4P45ST015 442-015 2\\\"\t Slip x Spigot 10 \/ box S4P45ST020 442-020 427-015 1\\\"\t Male x Slip 50\/ box 427-020 1\u00bd\\\"\t Male x Slip 25 \/ box 410-010 2\\\"\t Male x Slip 10 \/ box 3\/4\\\"\t Male x Female 50 \/ box 1\u00bd\\\"\t Male x Female 25 \/ box 412-015 1\u00bd\\\"\t 22\u00bd\u00b0 Slip x Slip 20 \/ box 2\\\"\t 22\u00bd\u00b0 Slip x Slip 20 \/ box 416-015 1\u00bd\\\"\t 22\u00bd\u00b0 Slip x Spigot 25 \/ box 2\\\"\t 22\u00bd\u00b0 Slip x Spigot 20 \/ box 442-020 1\u00bd\\\"\t Slip x Spigot 45\u00b0\t 2\\\"\t Slip X Spigot 45\u00b0\t 427-020 All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING Description 502 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number 45 \u00b0 Ell S4P45S005 417-005 \u00bd\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4P45S007 417-007 \u00be\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4P45S010 417-010 1\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4P45S012 417-012 1\u00bc\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4P45S015 417-015 11\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4P45S020 417-020 2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4P45S025 417-025 2\u00bd\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4P45S030 417-030 3\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4P45S040 417-040 4\\\"\t 5 \/ box S4P45S060 417-060 6\\\"\t 8 \/ box S4PCP005 Couplings 50 \/ box S4PCP007 50 \/ box S4PCP010 429-005 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PCP012 429-007 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PCP015 429-010 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PCP020 429-012 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PCP025 429-015 11\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PCP030 429-020 2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PCP040 429-025 21\/2\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PCP060 429-030 3\\\"\t 4 \/ box 429-040 4\\\"\t 429-060 6\\\"\t 50 \/ box 50 \/ box Female Adaptor 50 \/ box 25 \/ box S4PFA005 435-005 \u00bd\\\"\t 25 \/ box \u00be\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PFA007 435-007 1\\\"\t 10 \/ box 11\/4\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PFA010 435-010 11\/2\\\"\t 6 \/ box 2\\\"\t S4PFA012 435-012 21\/2\\\"\t 3\\\"\t S4PFA015 435-015 4\\\"\t S4PFA020 435-020 S4PFA025 435-025 S4PFA030 435-030 S4PFA040 435-040 All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 5032022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description Male Adaptor S4PMA005 436-005 \u00bd\\\"\t 50 \/ box 25 \/ box S4PMA007 436-007 \u00be\\\"\t 50 \/ box 25 \/ box S4PMA010 436-010 1\\\"\t 50 \/ box 10 \/ box S4PMA012 436-012 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PMA015 436-015 11\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PMA020 436-020 2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PMA025 436-025 21\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PMA030 436-030 3\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PMA040 436-040 4\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PMA060 436-060 6\\\"\t 5 \/ box S4PMA169 436-169 11\/4\\\" \u00d7 11\/2\\\"\t Male x Slip\t S4PMA213 436-213 11\/2\\\" \u00d7 2\\\"\t Male x Slip\t S4PMA251 436-251 2\\\" \u00d7 11\/2\\\"\t Male x Slip\t Reducer Bushings - Slip S4PBH101 437-101 3\/4 \u00d7 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBH130 437-130 1\\\" \u00d7 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBH131 437-131 1\\\" \u00d7 3\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBH167 437-167 11\/4\\\" \u00d7 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBH168 437-168 11\/4\\\" \u00d7 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBH210 437-210 11\/2\\\" \u00d7 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBH211 437-211 11\/2\\\" \u00d7 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBH212 437-212 11\/2\\\" \u00d7 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBH248 437-248 2\\\" \u00d7 3\/4\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH249 437-249 2\\\" \u00d7 1\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH251 437-251 2\\\" \u00d7 11\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBH291 437-291 21\/2\\\" \u00d7 11\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH292 437-292 21\/2\\\" \u00d7 2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH337 437-337 3\\\" \u00d7 11\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH338 437-338 3\\\" \u00d7 2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH339 437-339 3\\\" \u00d7 21\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBH420 437-420 4\\\" \u00d7 2\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PBH421 437-421 4\\\" \u00d7 21\/2\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PBH422 437-422 4\\\" \u00d7 3\\\"\t 6 \/ box S4PBH532 437-532 6\\\" \u00d7 4\\\"\t 5 \/ box All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING Description 504 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Threaded Reducer Bushings S4PBHSF098 Slip x Female 3\/4\\\" x 1\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBHSF101 S4PBHSF131 438-098 3\/4\\\" x 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBHSF209 438-101 S4PBHSF210 438-131 1\\\" x 3\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBHSF211 438-209 S4PBHSF212 438-210 11\/2\\\" x 1\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBHSF247 438-211 S4PBHSF251 438-212 11\/2\\\" x 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box 438-247 438-251 11\/2\\\" x 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box 11\/2\\\" x 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box 2\\\" x 1\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box 2\\\" x 11\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PBHMF098 Male x Female 3\/4\\\" x 1\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box 439-098 S4PBHMF101 439-101 3\/4\\\" x 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBHMF131 439-131 1\\\" x 3\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PBHMF167 439-167 11\/4\\\" x 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBHMF209 439-209 11\/2\\\" x 1\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBHMF210 439-210 11\/2\\\" x 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBHMF211 439-211 11\/2\\\" x 1\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBHMF212 439-212 11\/2\\\" x 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PBHMF251 439-251 2\\\" x 11\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description PLUMBING S4PC005 Cap - Slip 5052022 S4PC007 S4PC010 447-005 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PC012 447-007 3\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PC015 447-010 1\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PC020 447-012 11\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box 447-015 11\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PCF003 447-020 2\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PCF005 S4PCF007 Cap - Threaded 50 \/ box S4PCF010 50 \/ box S4PCF015 448-003 3\/8\\\"\t 50 \/ box 448-005 1\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PP005 448-007 3\/4\\\"\t 25 \/ box S4PP007 448-010 1\\\"\t S4PP010 448-015 11\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PP015 50 \/ box S4PP020 Plug - Slip 50 \/ box 25 \/ box S8PPM002 449-005 1\/2\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PPM005 449-007 3\/4\\\"\t S4PPM007 449-010 1\\\"\t 100 \/ box S4PPM010 449-015 11\/2\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PPM015 449-020 2\\\"\t 50 \/ box HPPSPX1051Z1 50 \/ box S4PPM020 Plug - Threaded 25 \/ box 10 \/ box (ABS plastic) S4PFFA007 850-002 1\/4\\\"\t 10 \/ box S4PFFA010 450-005 1\/2\\\"\t S4PFFA012 450-007 3\/4\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PFFA015 450-010 1\\\"\t 50 \/ box S4PFFA020 450-015 11\/2\\\"\t 25 \/ box SPX1051Z1 11\/2\\\"\t 20 \/ box 450-020 2\\\"\t 20 \/ box Fitting Adaptor All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last 478-007 3\/4\\\"\t 478-010 1\\\"\t 478-012 11\/4\\\"\t 478-015 11\/2\\\"\t 478-020 2\\\"","PLUMBING Description 506 2022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number PVC Insert Fittings Coupling WWP4191000 419-1000 3\/8\\\" 1429-010 INPCP007 1429-007 \u00be\\\" 1429-131 INPCP010 1429-010 1\\\" 1435-010 INPCP012 1429-012 1\u00bc\\\" 1436-010 INPCP015 1429-015 1\u00bd\\\" 1436-131 INPCP020 1429-020 2\\\" Reducing Coupling INPCP131 1429-131 1\\\"\tx\t \u00be\\\" INPCP210 1429-210 1\u00bd\\\"\tx\t \u00be\\\" INPCP211 1429-211 1\u00bd\\\"\tx\t 1\\\" INPCP212 1429-212 1\u00bd\\\"\tx\t 1\u00bc\\\" INPCP251 1429-251 2\\\"\tx\t 1\u00bd\\\" Female Adaptor INPFA007 1435-007 \u00be\\\" INPFA010 1435-010 1\\\" INPFA012 1435-012 1\u00bc\\\" INPFA015 1435-015 1\u00bd\\\" INPFA020 1435-020 2\\\" Male Adaptor WWP7151261 715-1261 \u00bc\\\" INPMA007 1436-007 \u00be\\\" INPMA010 1436-010 1\\\" INPMA012 1436-012 1\u00bc\\\" INPMA015 1436-015 1\u00bd\\\" INPMA020 1436-020 2\\\" Reducing Male Adaptor WWP6724350 672-4350 \u00bc\\\" MPT x 3\/8\\\" barb INPMA131 1436-131 1\\\"\t x\t \u00be\\\" INPMA169 1436-169 1\u00bc\\\"\t x\t 1\u00bd\\\" INPMA211 1436-211 1\u00bd\\\"\t x\t 1\\\" INPMA212 1436-212 1\u00bd\\\"\t x\t 1\u00bc\\\" INPMA251 1436-251 2\\\"\t x\t 1\u00bd\\\" INPSPI015 460-015 1\u00bd\\\" Insert x Spigot Adapter All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PLUMBING 5072022 Code New Product Number Old Product Number Description PVC Insert Fittings Tee INPT007 1401-007 \u00be\\\" 1401-010 INPT010 1401-010 1\\\" INPT012 1401-012 1\u00bc\\\" INPT015 1401-015 1\u00bd\\\" INPT020 1401-020 2\\\" INPT210 Reducing Tee INPT241 INPT251 1401-210 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x \u00be\\\" 1401-210 1401-241 1\u00bd\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" x 2\\\" INPTIIF015 1401-251 2\\\" x 2\\\" x 1\u00bd\\\" INPTIIM015 Threaded Tees INP90I007 INP90I010 1402-015 1\u00bd\\\" Female Tee 1402-015 1403-015 INP90I012 1403-015 1\u00bd\\\" Male Tee INP90I015 INP90I020 90 \u00b0 Ell INP90IF007 1406-007 \u00be\\\" 1406-010 INP90IF015 1406-010 1\\\" 1407-015 INP90IF020 1406-012 1\u00bc\\\" 1406-015 1\u00bd\\\" INP90IM007 1406-020 2\\\" INP90IM010 INP90IM012 Female Combination Ell INP90IM015H INP90IM020 1407-007 \u00be\\\" 1407-015 1\u00bd\\\" 1407-020 2\\\" Male Combination Ell 1413-007 \u00be\\\" 1413-010 1413-010 1\\\" 1413-012 1\u00bc\\\" All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. 1413-015HEX 1\u00bd\\\" u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last 1413-020 2\\\"","PLUMBING Description 508 2022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Nipples\u2003 Schedule 80 PVC NPP002XCL 880-005 \u00bc\\\" x close Threaded both ends NPP002X03 880-030 \u00bc\\\" x 3\\\" NPP005X045 882-045 \u00bd\\\" x 4\u00bd\\\" Threaded one end NPP007XCL 883-005 \u00be\\\" x close (Threaded one end) NPP007X04 883-040 \u00be\\\" x 4\\\" NPP007X06 883-060 \u00be\\\" x 6\\\" NPP010XCL 884-005 1\\\" x close NPP010X04 884-040 1\\\" x 4\\\" NPP010X06 884-060 1\\\" x 6\\\" NPP012XCL 885-005 11\/4\\\" x close NPP012X04 885-040 11\/4\\\" x 4\\\" NPP012X08 885-080 11\/4\\\" x 8\\\" NPP015XCL 886-005 11\/2\\\" x close NPP015X03 886-030 11\/2\\\" x 3\\\" NPPT015X03 1886-030 11\/2\\\" x 3\\\"\t NPP015X04 886-040 11\/2\\\" x 4\\\" NPP015X06 886-060 11\/2\\\" x 6\\\" NPP015X08 886-080 11\/2\\\" x 8\\\" NPP020XCL 887-005 2\\\" x close NPP020X03 887-030 2\\\" x 3\\\" NPP020X04 887-040 2\\\" x 4\\\" NPP020X06 887-060 2\\\" x 6\\\" NPP020X08 887-080 2\\\" x 8\\\" NPP025XCL 888-005 21\/2\\\" x close NPP025X08 888-080 21\/2\\\" x 8\\\" NPP030XCL 889-005 3\\\" x close NPP030X08 889-080 3\\\" x 8\\\" NPP040X10 890-100 4\\\" x 10\\\" All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 5092022 INDEX Basketball Hoops............................................................514 Ledge Lounger................................................................517 Pool Fountains.................................................................513 Swimline Floats & Accessories...................................510 Thermacell........................................................................518 Volleyball Sets .................................................................514 All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 510 2022 SWL90587 SWL9195 SWL90645 SWL9058 SWL10000 SWL90621 All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 5112022 SWL9050 SWL9181 SWL16151SF SWL9002 SWL90755 SWL9260 SWL9470 SWL94731 SWL9471 SWL9306 All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS Description 512 2022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number SWL9002 SWL9002 Panel Beach Ball SWL9035 SWL9035 18 Pocket Inflatable Mattress SWL9050 SWL9050 Island Lounger SWL9053 SWL9053 Smiley Face Island SWL9055 SWL9055 Super Graphic Ring SWL9058 SWL9058 Sea-Saw Rocker SWL9110 SWL9110 Squirtles SWL9135 SWL9135 Dive Rings SWL9181 SWL9181 Jammin Poolside Basketball Game SWL9195 SWL9195 Cool Jam Pro Poolside Basketball SWL9260 SWL9260 Wall Clock & Thermometer Combo Set \u2013 12\u201d SWL9306 SWL9306 Buccaneer Swim Goggle \u2013 Kid's Size SWL9318 SWL9318 Recreational Swim Goggle SWL9467 SWL9467 Recreational Swim Mask SWL9470 SWL9470 Kauai Kid Size Teardrop Style Snorkeling Mask SWL9471 SWL9471 Stingray Youth Size Aviator Style Snorkeling Mask SWL10000 SWL10000 Sun Chaser Sling Style Floating Lounge Chair SWL90176 SWL90176 Americana Mattress SWL90587 SWL90587 Unicorn Rocker SWL90621 SWL90621 Giant Swan Ride-On SWL90645 SWL90645 Pool Pizza Slice SWL90755 SWL90755 Power Blaster Dual Squirter Set SWL94731 SWL94731 Antigua Youth\/Adult Size Aviator Style Snorkeling Mask SWL94781 SWL94781 Thermotech Triview Mask SWL98065 SWL98065 Animal Fun Bands SWL94680 SWL94680 Newport Kid Size Recreational Swim Mask SWL94690 SWL94690 Monaco Youth\/Adult Size Aviator Style Swim Mask SWL16151SF SWL16151SF Aqua Window Duo Floating Mattress All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 5132022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Description Pool Fountains OBP180010 OB180010 Grecian Water Fountain \u2022\t 3 Tier Grecian Fountain Head \u2022\t Adjustable Height -Up to 16 ft. \u2022\t For Inground or Above Ground Pools \u2022\t Easily attaches to pool inlet BCIB8804 BD8401 Grecian Water Fountain - Bulk \u2022\t 3 Tier Grecian Fountain Head \u2022\t Adjustable Height -Up to 16 ft. \u2022\t For Inground or Above Ground Pools \u2022\t Easily attaches to pool inlet BCIB8805 BD8402 Rock Water Fountain - Bulk \u2022\t Decorative Rock Formation \u2022\t 3 Tier Grecian Fountain Head \u2022\t Adjustable Height -Up to 16 ft. \u2022\t For Inground or Above Ground Pools \u2022\t Easily attaches to pool inlet All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 514 2022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Description LIFETIME 1301 Portable Basketball Hoop \u2022\t Unbreakable 44\u201d Backboard \u2022\t 3\u201d Pole with Telescoping Mechanism \u2022\t Base holds Sand or Water \u2022\t Easily adjusts without tools \u2022\t Moves easily on its own wheels SSRSPSBBALL2 SPS-BASKETBALL2 Salt Pool Friendly Backboard (includes: rim, net, ball, pump, & SSRSPSBBALLG SPS-BBALLG needle) *Select one support leg option below SSRSPSBANCPLAS SPS-BANC-PLAS In-Deck Support Legs 12\u201d Offset w\/Flanges and Hardware. (No Anchor) Plastic Anchor Jig for Basketball - 6\u201d SSRVOLY1A VOLY1 16\u2019 Swim-N-Spike Complete - No Anchors SSRVBK100 VOLY1 16\u2019 Swim-N-Spike Complete - No Anchors Can also use two Plastic SR Smith AS-100P 6\u201d deck anchors (sold separately). See page 414 in the \u201cDeck & Paint\u201d section. All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 5152022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Description u GPPOTEVBS16SV Volleyball 16' Set Silver Vein Poles w\/Net & Ball u GPPOTEVBS16C 16' Set Copper Vein Poles w\/Net & Ball u GPPOTEVBS20SV OTE-VBS16-SV 20' Set Silver Vein Poles w\/Net & Ball u GPPOTEVBS20C OTE-VBS16-CV 20' Set Copper Vein Poles w\/Net & Ball OTE-VBS20-SV u GPPOTEHDBBSSV OTE-VBS20-CV Silver Vein Frame 12\\\" Offset w\/Net & Ball (no anchor) u GPPOTEHDBBSC Copper Vein Frame 12\\\" Offset w\/Net & Ball (no anchor) Basketball All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. OTE-HDBBS-SV u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last OTE-HDBBS-CV","PATIO AND FLOATS Description 516 2022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number 3 Seat Swim-Up Bar u GPPOTE3STSV OTE-3ST-SV Silver Vein Frame - Granite grey top u GPPOTE3STC OTE-3ST-CV Copper Vein Frame - Granite sand top u GPPOTE3STSVS OTE-3ST-SV-S Silver Vein Frame - Gray top u GPPOTE3STCS OTE-3ST-CV-S Copper Vein Frame - Sand top 5 Seat Swim-Up Bar u GPPOTE5STSV OTE-5ST-SV Silver Vein Frame - Granite gray top u GPPOTE5STC OTE-5ST-CV Copper Vein Frame - Granite sand top u GPPOTE5STSVS OTE-5ST-SV-S Silver Vein Frame - Gray top u GPPOTE5STCS OTE-5ST-CV-S Copper Vein Frame - Sand top 2 Seat High Top Table u GPPOTE2STHTSV OTE-2STHT-SV Silver Vein Frame - Granite gray top Copper Vein Frame - Granite sand top u GPPOTE2STHTC OTE-2STHT-CV Silver Vein Frame - Gray top Copper Vein Frame - Sand top u GPPOTE2STHTSVS OTE-2STHT-SV-S Silver Vein Frame - Granite gray top w\/matching umbrella Copper Vein Frame - Granite sand top w\/matching umbrella u GPPOTE2STHTCS OTE-2STHT-CV-S Silver Vein Frame - Gray top w\/matching umbrella Copper Vein Frame - Sand top w\/matching umbrella u GPPOTE2STHTSVU OTE-2STHT-SV-U u GPPOTE2STHTCU OTE-2STHT-CV-U u GPPOTE2STHTSVSU OTE-2STHT-SV-S-U u GPPOTE2STHTCSU OTE-2STHT-CV-S-U All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 5172022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Description LEDLLSGCWH LLCW Chaise Signature Lounger - White LEDLLSGCRW LL-SG-CRW Signature Chair - White LEDLLSGBS42 LL-SG-BS-42 Signature Barstool - White Designed for in-Pool or On-Deck Use 17.8\u201d L x 18\u201dW x 33\u201d H u LEDLLSGST22NLWH LLST22NL Signature Side Table 22\\\" No Lid - White u LEDLLST22LH LLST22LH u LEDLLST22LNH LLST22LNH Signature Side Table 22\\\" with Lid u LEDLLST14HWH LLST14NH with Umbrella Hole - White u LEDLLST14H LLST14H Signature Side Table 22\\\" with Solid Lid - White Signature Side Table 14\\\" Solid Top - White Signature Side Table 14\\\" with Umbrella Hole - White Pricing for accessories listed below is starting price. Custom options are available for an additional charge. u Shade for Chaise Lounger (Custom Options Available) u Cushion for Chaise Lounger (Custom Options Available) u Headrest Pillow for Chaise Lounger (Custom Options Available) All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 518 2022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Description Repels mosquitoes by creating a 15-foot zone of protection. Lantern and repellent operate independently or together. Scent-free, DEET-free, no open flame, and no smoky candles. TMCMR9W812 MR9W8 Thermacell Patio Shield Cambridge Lantern Display box of 8 lanterns and twelve 48-hour refill packs (THERMR4) Each Lantern carton includes 1 Lantern and one 12-hour refill pack. *Requires 4 AA-batteries (not included) TMCMRPSRGB1812 MRPS18 MR9W8 Thermacell Patio Shield Repeller Display of 18 repellers (6 Fiesta Red, 6 Glacial Blue, and 6 Greenery), and twelve 48-hour refill packs (THERMR4) Each Repeller carton includes 1 Repeller and one 12 hour refill pack. MRPS18 See next page for refills. All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 5192022 Code New Product Number# Old Product Number Description Universal Refill Kits (Prices are for individual items) MRPSB MRPSL MR9W MRPSP TMCMR9W MR9W Patio Shield Cambridge Lantern - 3\/Case TMCMRPSB MRPSB Patio Shield Repeller - Glacial Blue - 6\/Case TMCMRPSP MRPSP Patio Shield Repeller - Magenta - 6\/Case TMCMRPSL MRPSL Patio Shield Repeller - Graphite - 6\/Case TMCR1 THERMR1 12-Hour Refill Kit - 1 Fuel Cartridge and 3 Repellent Mats TMCR4 THERMR4 - 12\/Case TMCR10 THERMR10 48-Hour Refill Kit - 4 Fuel Cartridges and 12 Repellent Mats - 12\/Case 120-Hour Refill Kit - 10 Fuel Cartridges and 30 Repellent Mats - 6\/Case All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last","PATIO AND FLOATS 520 2022 NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All items cataloged are normally stocked unless noted. u Not Stocked \u274bk While Supplies Last"]

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